Windows NT & Sqlserver Hangs

Jul 17, 2001

Hi everybody,
I have a problem with windows NT & sqlserver..
Before stating the problem i will decribe the configuration of our system. We have windows NT4.0 sp6 with 4gb of ram and 800gb of hard drive space with 4 processor. we have installed sqlserver 2000 on it. Our production database occpuies 32gb of data.Production db has lot of filegroups and file .

we are having a table which has 12million of rows , 40 columns and 6 indexes.

The problem we facing is when we try to alter the table(i.e) trying to change from char to int NT and sqlserver hangs...we have to reboot the system everytime.
When we try to delete the indexes we found out that,it even hangs for deleting the indexes.
So we thought it would be better to run a Dbcc checkdb on that database...shockingly it even hangs for the dbcc commands..
Anyone knows wht would cause this problem


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Help!! SQL Server 2000 Extended Stored Procedure Hangs In Windows 98

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to run xp_cmdshell from the Query Analyzer using SQLServer 2000 running on Windows 98.It seems like it should be simple - I'm typingxp_cmdshell 'dir *.exe'in the Query Analyzer in the Master db. I'm logged in as sa.The timer starts running and never stops. No error message.Can anyone PLEASE help me with this? Any suggestions would beappreciated. Are SQL Server 2000 extended stored procedures notsupported in Windows 98? I've tried searching the Knowledge Base butcan't find anything.Thanks!

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Connect To Sqlserver By Sqlconnection From Windows CE 5.0

Feb 6, 2007

Currently I cannot connect to a database, I got the system.exception €œPlatformNotSupportedExcoption€?. This database is Polish (COLLATE Polish_CI_AS), when I collate this database to latin general it works fine. I connect by using the, as far as I can see I cannot set the locale identifier here€¦ What can I do???
Thanks for your help!
regards, Jan

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Is Sqlserver 2000 Compatible With Windows 2003 ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi !when installing sqlserver 2000 on a Windows 2003 server it explicitlytells "server not compatible with Windows 2003" during install, but itcan carry on.After we applied serfice pack 3a then the db server seems to runnormally, but does it risk to behave randomly afterwards ???Is sqlserver 2000 standard edition compatible with Windows 2003 server?Or does it exist a specific sqlserver edition for Win2003 ?thanks !Patrice

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How To Make SqlServer Agent Execute Windows Service

Mar 24, 2004

To run a remainder service that shoots a mail once everyday to all users of a subscribed service satisfying a pre-determined criteria, I'm planning to use a Sql Server Agent Job. In the first step of the Job, I'll have a stored procedure that gets all the records matching that criteria & store it in a table.

In the next step, I want a Windows Service (as there need not be any interface & my project requires easy deployment & minimal manual intervention) to fetch the records from the above table & shoot mails to users of the subscribed service. Several thousand mails may have to be sent this way. In order not to strain Sql server & also avoid extended stored procedures due to safety reasons, I'm considering using this windows service.

I want to know

1) how to make the Sql Server Agent execute the Windows service?

2) abt code or resources on how to write a Windows service that will work through a recordset & send mails.

3) from a perfomance point of view, if this method is feasible? If not, what are the other efficient alternatives.

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Problem With Connecting Sqlserver 2000 Of Windows Xp Machine

Feb 5, 2008

I have a database of Sql server 2000 in one of my windows XP machine. when iam trying to connect that database from other machine i am getting sql server does n't exist message. I can able to connect the sqlserver through the Enterprise manager but i can not connect the sqlserver through code.

I already used the same code to connect the sql server in windows 2000 machine and i connected to the database without any problem. but iam facing the problem with windows XP machine.

can any body help me to solve this problem.

thanks in advance.Mahesh

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Export Data From Postgresql On Linux To Ms-sqlserver 2000 On Windows

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I have been trying to find some information about exporting data frompostgresql on linux to ms-sqlserver 2000 on windows but have not beenable to get hold of any information. I would really appreciate ifsomeone can point me to some source of information.Thanks in advance,Nishy

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Problems Installing SQLServer 2000 Developer Edition On Windows XP Pro

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!When trying to install SqlServer 2000 Developer (as Administrator) on myWindows XP Professional I get the following message at the point wherethe system asks Local Account or Domain account:The logon account cannot be validated for the SQL server service. Verifythat the user name and password entered are correct. The logon attemptfailed.Anyone an idea what goes wrong here?Thanks for your info.Daniel*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Installting Sqlserver 2005 On The Client Machine For Windows Application

Oct 24, 2006

I developed a windows application in Visual studio 2005 and the database is sqlexpress.
I wanted my application to run on another system.For that i have installed sqlexpress 2005 on that machine.But that machine doesn't show me any enterprise manager or query manager for sqlserver.
Is there any solution for this.


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SQLServer 2005 JDBC Driver - Date Rendered Correctly On Local Environment(windows), But Not On Websphere Server (unix)

Dec 6, 2006


We are trying to move our application from SQL2005 to SQL2005, we are using 2005 jdbc driver 1.1.

The problem we have is, when a date is retrieved from the database, only the year part got correctly, but the date is automatically set to January 1 of that year. The interesting thing is this problem doesn't occur on local development environment (developer's windows platform), it only happens when we deploy the application to production server (unix).

Does anyone know what is going on, how to fix it?



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Class Method Is Smoking Fast When Executed Outside Of SQLServer, Dog Slow As A CLR Function Is SQLServer - Anyone?

May 10, 2007

We have a static class that makes an HTTPWebRequest to get XML data from one of our vendors. We use this as input to a stored proc in SQLServer2005. When I compile this class and call it from a console application in visual studio it executes in milliseconds, everytime. When I compile it, create the assembly and clr function and execute it in SQLServer, it takes around 14 seconds to execute the first time, then on subsequent requests it is again really fast, until I wait for 10 seconds and re-execute, once again it is slow the first time and then fast on subsequent requests. We do not see this behavior when executing outside SQLServer. Makes me think that some sort of authentication is perhaps taking place the first time the function is run in SQLServer? I have no idea how to debug this further. Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?

Here is the class:

Code Snippet

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace Predict.Services
public static class Foo
public static string GetIntradayQuote(string symbol)
string returnQuote = "";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create("" + symbol + "&fields=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,30"));

request.Timeout = 1000;

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)(request.GetResponse());

StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

returnQuote = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


return returnQuote;

When I run call it from a console app it is fine.

I compile it into a dll and then create the assembly and function as follows:

Code Snippet

drop function fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS


drop assembly TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS


create ASSEMBLY TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS from 'c:DataBackupsCLRLibrariesTestGetIntradayQuote_SJS.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS


CREATE FUNCTION fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS(@SymbolList nvarchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS EXTERNAL NAME TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS.[Predict.Services.Foo].GetIntraDayQuote


declare @testing nvarchar(max)

set @testing = dbo.fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS('goog')

print @testing

When I execute the function as above, again, really slow the first time, then fast on subsequent calls. Could there be something wrong with the code, or some headers that need to be set differently to operate from the CLR in SQLServer?



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Problem Unicode Data 0x2300 In SQLServer 2000 SQLServer 2005 Express

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))

Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„¢')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„¢ = 0x2122

Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see

„¢ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f

When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„¢')

and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?


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Trying To 'load' A Copy Of A SQLServer 2000 Database To SQLServer 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.

I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?

The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.


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MIcrosft SQLServer Best Practices Document On Securing SQLServer

Jul 29, 2005

I'm chasing after a documetn that was available on one of the Microsoftwebsites that was titled somethign like "MS SQL Server Best Practices"and detailed a nyumber of best practices about securing the server.Included in this was revoking public access to the system tableobjects.Can someone post the URL where I can pick this up, or drop me a note oncontacting them for a copy of the document?

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Replacing Sqlserver 2000 With Sqlserver 2005 Express

Jun 14, 2006

I have an app that uses a sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to connect to a sqlserver 2000.

Is it possible to do a direct replacement of sqlserver 2000 with sqlserver 2005 express just by reconfiguring the app to point to the express? The app would still be using the sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to try and make the connection.

If that is a possibility, what can be some differences in the configuration? Previously with 2000 the config information I entered is:

server name: "machinename"( or ip). I've also tried "machiname/SQLEXPRESS"

DB name: name of db instance

port: 1433(default)

user and pass.

My attempts so far results in

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket."


"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL."

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Upgrade SQLServer Mobile (.sdf) Database To SQLServer 2005

Feb 9, 2006


I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database

Thanks in advance,


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SQLSERVER 2005 X64 Linked Server To SQLSERVER 7.0

Jun 20, 2007

Hello people.

I am in the process of planning a server upgrade to sql2005 x64.

I created 2 linked servers: one to a SQL2000 sp4 server and one to a SQL7.0 SP3.

I have the following error when I query the linked servers.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

I am aware of KB 906954.;en-us;906954

I applied the instcat.sql on the SQL2000SP4 server and my linked server issues for that one are gone.

However, I ran the instcat.sql script on the SQL7.0 sp3 server and the linked server is still giving me an issue.

Can someone help me find a solution to this?

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Post Update For SQLServer SP2--is There One For SQLServer Express?

Apr 18, 2007

Regarding KB935356, is there a "post" service pack 2 update for SQLServer Express?


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How To Import Access To SQLServer With Parameter From SQLServer, Help Pls!

Jul 8, 2006

Hello Expert!

I have 2 Database €“ Access & SQLServer(ver 7)

I need to Import Data TblShift from Access to SQLServer €“ using DTS I€™ve done this successfully!

Now I want to use parameter so I only importing record within range (e.g. ShiftDate BETWEEN 05-24-2006 AND 06-23-2006)

In SQLServer, I have created table to store the date range as following:

DateFrom: 04/24/2006
DateTo: 05/23/2006

How do I use the date range from TblParameter(SQLServer) to import record from TblShift(Access) using DTS?

Is this possible or any better solution for this?



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Is It Possible Adding Windows (activi Directry Users) From SQL Server Which Is Running Windows Authotication.

Dec 12, 2007

Is it Possible adding Windows (activi directry users) from SQL Server which is running Windows authotication.?

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Package Execution Fails In Windows Service But Runs Fine As A Windows Application.

Jun 23, 2006

I am attempting to write a Windows service that watches a database for uploaded files to import. When a new file is found, the corresponding SSIS package is run from the file system with variables passed through. I started development as a Windows app and copied the functionality to a service.

The app runs fine. The service does not. I get a "Failure" each time a package is executed. Everything is identical behind the scenes with the obvious exceptions that OnStart and OnStop handlers are buttons in the app. I added a script task at the beginning of one of the SSIS packages to notify me that it is even running at all. It doesn't even hit that initial task.

Again, the app will run all packages just fine. The data is imported and the results return as "Success."

The following is the code executing the package. Any help is appreciated. I've been banging my head on this one for a few days now. (Is there a tag to format a code sample?)

Dim pkgLocation As String
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult

pkgLocation = sPackageFolder & PackageName & ".dtsx"

pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, Nothing)

Dim vars As Variables = pkg.Variables

vars("ImportId").Value = ImportId
vars("ProductionServer").Value = ProductionServer
vars("ProductionDatabase").Value = ProductionDatabase
vars("SourceFileName").Value = FileName
vars("SourceFilePath").Value = FilePath

pkgResults = pkg.Execute()

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How To Open SDF File Stored On Windows Mobile Device From A Windows Desktop App?

Apr 14, 2008

Long story short -

Have two C# applications - one WinForms desktop app, the other a WinForms smart device app. Both use SQL Server Compact CE 3.5 to store data locally. Both work just fine.

Now the desktop app needs to open and update the .SDF file that is stored on the Windows Mobile device. (Device will be docked via USB.)

What format would the path to the .SDF look like that the WinForms application would need to specify in order to open it?

Thanks for reading.

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Connection Problem To Sql 2000 On Windows 2003 From Windows 95

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a Windows 2003 server, which is also a terminal server forapplication, with sql 2000 installed. My company has developed anapplication that uses SQL 2000 as its database. The application is aclient/server one. In each client computer there's a link to theapplication on the server. There is no problem with Windows 98,Windows 2000 pro, Windows xp pro clients, but the windows 95 onescannot log in to the database. The log of the application shows thefollowing error:connection error -2147467259. Cannot open database requested in login'database name'. Login fails.Till a week ago the application was running on a Windows 2000 serverwith SQL 2000 install and the W95 clients had no problem connecting tothe database, so my guess is the error has something to do withWindows 2003 server, but what'causing the error?I tried to install a newer version of MDAC (MDAC 2.5, the last versionof MDAC you can install on W95)but with no success. By the way W95clients have no problem accessing shared folder on the Windows 2003server.Any idea?ThanksMarino

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Moving SQL Servr 2000 From Windows 2K Server To Windows 2K3

Apr 17, 2008

Does any one come across any difficulty in the following migration?
OS: Wondows Server 2K
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Migrating to
OS: Wondows Server 2K3
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Thank you,

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Differences Between Sqlserver 2000 And Sqlserver 7.0

Dec 29, 2005

Hi Friends,
Can some please let me know the differences between sqlserver 2000 and sqlserver 7.0

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Difference In SQLSERVER/sqlExpress And SQLSERVER

Jun 6, 2007

I am new to SQL Server 2005. I tried connecting to my local machine by using my machine name as Server name and then tried running the following query:
SELECT * FROM SYS.Objects. It gives me following error:
Invalid object name 'sys.objects'.

Whereas, if I connect to my local machine using mahcinenameSQLEXPRESS, then the above mentioned query runs fine.

Why is this difference? What is the difference when I login in these 2 different ways.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Any help

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How Can I Port Driver And OAL Code Of Windows CE 5.0 To Windows CE 4.2

Jul 12, 2006

How can I Port Driver and OAL code of Windows CE 5.0 to Windows CE 4.2?

If anybody have idea about this, kindly give me suggestions.

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Plz Help - EM Hangs

Jun 26, 2001

I posted a message about this yesterday but I have more info..

I have a server (SQL 7.0, sp2) that anywhere I connect to it through EM the EM hangs. I can drill down into the server and even get into the Security drop down but if I hit Databases to drill down or Management etc. It hangs.

I did profiler on this and another server. When I click the + by the Database folder I hang and get
"TSQL:Batch Starting: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'"
but never get a "TSQL:BatchCompleted" for that statement. (Where other working servers I do get the set of both start and completed)

Drilling into the Security tab runs the query: exec sp_MSDBUserpriv... etc.) and this one works..

Anyone have any info on: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'

I can't find anything in BOL, Microsoft KB, Technet etc.. Please Help as there are certain things I can't do without EM... THANKS!!!

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Sql 7.0 Install Hangs

Jun 5, 2001

I have been trying all day to install SQL 7.0 on an NT 4.0 SP6a server. It gets to the point where it wants to load MDAC and just goes out to lunch. No errors are generated and the rest of the system does not appear to be affected. However, the only way to end the install is to end task it. Has anyone run into this?

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How To Know Automatically If The Job Hangs?

Sep 28, 2001

Some of my jobs hang at FTP step for several hours until some one kills the FTP (it's a perl process) on the box. Is there a way to find how much time a particular step of the job is executing? and know it by somehow if it's hanging at that step?? If we know this,I want to kill the perl process(FTP) on the box in an automated way whenever the job hangs! Any ideas welcome!! Thanks. :-)


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Oct 25, 2000

Hi all - I'm having a problem with a dts job that I haven't run across before. The function of the job itself is pretty basic just moving data into a sql table using a few lookups and mappings. The job starts fine and gets to a status of 5000 records processed and just sits there. It's doesn't go into a 'not responding state' nor does it produce any error information in the error file I set up. Anyone have any thoughts on what might be happening? How to identify the specific record it may be hanging on? Help!! - this one is driving me nuts.

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Dec 4, 2000

I'm running a pretty simply DTS just to pump some data into a table. Nothing fancy just a couple lookups and a couple columns being copied over. I get to 5000 records processed and the DTS just spins its wheels. It does not go into a 'not responding' state. There are no indexes on the table and the db size is plenty big so it is not reindexing or resizing the db at this point. Any ideas on how I can debug this one would be greatly appreciated.


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