Workarounds For Lack Of Interoperability Between Framework And Sql Encryption

Mar 2, 2008

1) if our .net app (oltp) is changed to ask sql for encryption (rather than thru .net) on server A, can server B where our wh resides, thru a linked server run an sp remotely on A and get A to provide decryption thru the keys defined there?
2)can the encryption keys etc defined on one server be imported to another server and still behave exactly the same way on the 2nd server as they do on the first? ie decrypt data originally encrypted by the first successfully.

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Gripe: Interoperability

Jul 23, 2005

Today I got the latest propaganda email from MSFT talking about XML andinteroperability. It's been bothering me all day and while the notionof interoperability is good -- the ability to interact with disparateheterogeneous platforms and protocols -- what really bugs me is thechoice of words.Interoperability has 8 syllables, only 6 syllables shy of"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". Plus Inter implies movementbetween objects. When you fly between countries, it's goinginternational. When we're sending something within the companyfirewall, we're working inside the intranet. However, we're not movingbetween "operabilities".What is operability? To operate; to use. The operator; the user.Operable; usable or state of usefulness. Operability; WTF? If onemoment I was driving in my car and the next, I wreck my car -- then mycar has changed its state of usefulness. So my car experiencedinteroperability?Anyways...

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SQL 2005 32-bit && 64-bit Interoperability

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all.

In my current infrastructure I have a SQL 2005 32-bit server and want to integrate a SQL 2005 64-bit in to it. So my question is can 32-bit agent communicate with 64-bit agent and vice versa. And are there any known interoperability issues with these two versions? Pls advice.

Thank you.

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Interoperability Bw SQL Mobile And J2me Application

May 9, 2007



Is it possible to interoperate between SQL mobile and applications developed in j2me?

I need my application in j2me to perorm the basic database operations in sql mobile db.

Please advise


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Framework 3.0 In OS, Need Framework 2.0 For SQL Server 2005

Sep 22, 2007


Can anybody help me with the following problem:

I have Vista Ultimate installed and within Vista .NET Framework 3.0 is installed as a part of the operating system so I can't remove 3.0
Now for MS SQL Server 2005 Express I need .NET Framework 2.0 and the SQL Server 2005 doesn't work with .NET Framework 3.0
Can't install 2.0, get the message that 3.0 is already installed.
Please help me!!


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Lack Of Information In Profiler

Oct 9, 2006

Is there any way of getting the queue, service, message being processed by service broker whilst monitoring with profiler?

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Lack Of Enterprise Features Support.

Oct 2, 2006

Hi,I've read that SQL Server 2005 ED lacks 'enterprise feature support'. What does this mean?

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Complete Lack Of Database Connectivity

May 9, 2008

 A couple of days ago I installed SQL Server 2005 developer. To pave the way for this I removed SQL Server 2000 and 2005 Express. Since then I've been unable to connect from any of my applications or websites in Visual Studio 2005 to either:- my new 2005 Developer database engine- my colleagues 2005 developer database engine. My colleague can connect to my databases from his visual studio on his machine. I am receiving unspecified OleDb errors.Anyone else had this happen? Anyone know where I should start looking? I've uninstalled all .Net frameworks and re-installed 1.1 and 2.0.Many thanks, Sam 

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SQLMail Problems - Anyone Come Up With Any Workarounds?

Nov 26, 2002

All our SQL 7 and 2000 servers here run SQLMail for alerting and notifications (via jobs and DTS packages) and we are increasingly having the issue where MAPI32 goes to 100% CPU utilisation and the server needs rebooting.

We are getting the response from Microsoft that "this happens" - hmmm

Anyone else having this problem come up with a solution or workaround at all?


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Column Width Workarounds

Jul 3, 2007

I have been looking over the forums looking for answers to the question that nails us all: how do you dynamically resize column widths? MS says: you don't. However, I have heard many people say they have found ways around it. I wonder if anyone might share those with me (and everyone else). Share the wisdom you have gained with those less experienced!

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Query Problem (lack Of Knowledge On My Part)

Jan 17, 2006

I've been trying for a couple of days now with the following problem in SQL
Ive a table called tblRresults that has the following
Date - just a regular date
OfficeLocation - just a unique id such as a zip code
SampleType - contains things like wall, floor, beam
SampleResult - "Detected" or "NotDetected"
When populated the table can look like
12/12/05   99505   Wall   Detected
12/12/05   99505   Wall   NotDetected
10/04/05   99211   Beam   Detected
10/04/05   99211   Beam   Detected
10/04/05   99111   Floor   NotDetected
10/04/05   99111   Floor    NotDetected
What I want is (I guess) a crosstab query that produces the following
Date         Location   SampleType CountDetected   CountNotDetected   
12/12/05   99505      Wall                  1                        1
10/04/05   99211      Beam                2                        0 (or null would be ok)
10/04/05   99111      Floor                0                        2
Any help gratefully accepted, this has been driving me mental!

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Moving A Database From One Machine To Another And The Lack Of Speed

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,We have a procedure that takes12 minutes to run on the first server butthat same procedure now takes 3 hours to run on the second server using thesame data. Does anyone have any suggestions why this is happening and howto make the procedure faster on the second serverThanks in advance.Jeff Magouirk

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Report Manager Performance (or Lack Thereof ??)

Apr 18, 2007

i am in the process of creating some new reports on a new Reporting Services site

reports developed in VisualStudio2005 pointing an an AnalysisServices Cube on a (development) SQL2005 database

when i Preview the reports in Visual Studio 2005 on my development box, the reports take about 12-15 seconds to run (about 4-5 seconds before the "Report is being generated" logo appears, then another 8-10 seconds before the report appears (report is a series (1-8) of charts))

when i run the same report (with the same report criteria) via the Report Manager (pointing at the same AnalysisServices Cube), it now takes about 45 seconds to run (about 15 -16 seconds before the "Report is being generated" logo appears, then another 30 seconds before the report appears)

(n.b. this is not due to initial Report Manager start-up delays, the timings are for the second and third run of the report)

can anyone out there point me in the direction of where to look ??

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Any Good Workarounds For Renaming Columns?

Sep 23, 2005

I have copied a long dataflow from one package to another (I wish I could reuse it without copying & pasting it, and thereupon being required to maintain two copies).

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Reporting Services Footer Issue And Workarounds

Jun 13, 2007

I had to create an invoice report, where there is a stub on the buttom of the last page.

I need a report footer and RS does not have it.

I talked to Microsoft about it, here is the full emails between me and Microsoft.

hope this helps

Read from buttom to top

Hi Ronnie
Sorry I was late in getting back to you as I was out of the office in the last couple of days
I made some checks and it seems the problem that you have is a genuine one.
The workarounds that you specified are the only solutions available now.

I checked with the development team and even though they are aware of the problem, they told me that there won€™t be changes to fix it in SQL 2008
So you have to decide on one of the workarounds that you specified

Best Regards,

Hi Tamer,
I wonder if you had any updates on our issue with RS2005.


Thanks for your help on this issue, I am going to more research on your solution (moving the footer to the body).
Meanwhile, I be looking forward for your sample as well.

Thanks again for all your efforts.

Ronnie Peretz

Hi neil
I think there is a way to implement your need in Reporting Services
Reporting Services has a free form designer which means that whatever you put on the report will appear in the same order in the final view. This is why we don€™t have a report footer.

Instead of putting the stub in the footer, just put it after the last item.
You can use a list dataregion to make sure that the stub will always appear at the bottom of the page in the expected location

Ronnie, I hope that solves your problem
Contact me directly if you need more info on how to implement this

Best Regards,
Tamer Farag

Here are all the facts I learned about Reporting Services "Report Footer" limitations and workaround I have tried.

Objective: On the last page of an invoice at the bottom of the last page have a stub of the invoice:

Issue: Reporting Services does not support Report Footer only Page Footer. (

Work around that I have tried:

Work around 1:

I have created a page footer with a rectangle and set the Visibility expression to =Globals.PageNumber < Globals.TotalPages

Results: The page footer did show up only in the last page, but created a block of space in the first pages.

I was trying to see if there is a way to suppress the spaces from the first pages, and found out it's not supported in Reporting Services

This behavior where the report body would consume the space of the empty page header & footer is currently not supported.

-- Robert (

Work around 2:

I tried to fit all the footer objects in the rectangle in a very small height range, hoping it will auto grow at run time. That did not work as well.

The textboxes did auto grow, but the Rectangle object or the Page Footer itself does not auto grow, cause to cut the footer information.

Work around 3:

Set the property on the page footer PrintOnFirstPage to False, and PrintOnLastPage = True, Reporting services does print the footer in pages in between.

works great for reports that have only 2 pages, but not not more then 2 pages

Best workaround:

Instead of having a space block at the bottom of each page, have a marketing text on every page except the last page

I had overlap a textbox on top of the rectangle (in the page footer) and having this expression on the Visibility =Globals.PageNumber = Globals.TotalPages.

For most of the invoices which are one page, that text will not show up and the Invoice stub will show up

For Invoices which are two pages or more, the marketing text will show up in the first pages only and in the last page the Invoice stub will show.

note: this workaround cause a warning saying "Overlapping report items are not supported in all renderers."

but it is supported for PDF.

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SSIS Package Development Standards/Workarounds

Apr 25, 2008

Having a difficult time setting up a development environment and a set of standards for SSIS package development.

First of all, you can't run the dataflow object "SQL Server Destination" in BIDS because BULKCOPY can only be run from the actual server. So how do you test/debug a package with this object in it?

Second of all, if you create an SSIS package on a developer computer in BIDS, and then import it into the SSIS package store on your development SQL server, you can't run the package from Management Studio on the developer PC. You get the error "DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW" when it tries to run any of the SSIS. Do I have to have SSIS installed on the developer client machine? How do I do that without installing a full server instance on each client machine (not to mention the licsense issues)?

Lastly, what protection level would you suggest using for production? We are having issues with ODBC connection passwords being decrypted and thus package steps failing in using "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey". What exactly does this protection level do? Our network is physically very locked down, so we arent worried about SSIS package security too much, just looking for a way for them to work reliably without having to setup complicated security scenarios.

thanks for your time.

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Determining Runtime Or Design Time During Validate - Workarounds?

Sep 4, 2007

I've seen a couple of posts in this forum on this subject. If anyone knows of a workaround it would be great to hear.

The problem is this. I'm writing a component that looks a bit like an OLE DB destination: it writes to something that looks like a table. During design time I want the component to update the list of available destination columns if they change - so I want Validate to return VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA if it detects a change. However during runtime I only want to validate that the component will run ok. So I still want to check what the destination looks like but if, say, someone has just added a column then my determination is it is ok to procede with the execution.

ValidateExternalMetadata doesn't help in this case because I still want to validate against the destination. I just don't want to raise VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA during runtime because it aborts execution and I can determine that although there is a change to the destination it is not one that will cause the component to fail.

Any thoughts and experience on this would be great to hear!


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Defining An Event Inside Of An Assembly =&&> UNSAFE (no Workarounds?)

Oct 20, 2006

Can someone verify that an assembly containing an interface with an event definition, such as...

public interface A {
event EventHandler Foo;

... can never be loaded under SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS ?

It appears that the compiler-generated add_xxx and remove_xxx have the MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized) attribute defined by default, and "Explicit synchronization is not allowed". The same limitation also applies to classes by default, although technically one is able to define the implementation directly (clearly not ideal).

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SQL Security :: Encryption 2005 - User Defined Function For Encryption And Decryption

Oct 7, 2015

I have created two user defined functions for encryption and decryption using passphrase mechanism. When I call encryption function, each time I am getting the different values for the same input. While I searching a particular value, it takes long time to retrieve due to calling decryption function for each row.

best way to encrypt and decrypt using user defined functions.Below is the query which is taking long time.

                     WHERE dbo.DecodeFunction(column) = 'value'

When I try to use symetric or asymetric encryption, I am not able to put "OPEN SYMETRIC KEY" code in a function. So, I am using PassPhrase mechanism.

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CLR .Net Framework 3.0

Jan 11, 2007


Is there any way to get the Sql 2005 to load the .Net 3.0 Framework instead of 2.0, when running a Stored Proc?


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Framework 2.0

Sep 18, 2007

I have tried this at least 3 times now. I have done what other posts recommend. I have reinstalled the framework 2.0 from the SQL CD. I still get the prompt to install the framework when I click report builder. What's the solution ??

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SQL Server And .Net Framework

Apr 4, 2007

We have SQL Server 2000 on a machine that also runs our BlackBerry server. The machine has the .Net framework v. 1.1 upgraded to 2.0. BlackBerry tells us it must have all versions of the framework uninstalled and only v. 1.1 reinstalled for certain elements to function properly.

Will this affect SQL Server at all? If so, how can we accomplish the reinstall safely?


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Difference Between Net Framework 2.0 And 3.5

Feb 13, 2008

I am downloading SQL Server Express, and I have been told that I must download Net Framework 2.0, yet when I go to that site, I am told to download Net Framework 3.5. Is 3.5 just the more update version of 2.0, or do I have to download 2.0 before I download 3.5.

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.net Framework And Sql2000

Mar 9, 2006

I'm having a problem regeistering a downloaded program. All firewalls were disabled before downloading. When the CD Key is input the following message occurs:

"An error has occurred attempting to register your copy of Encompass, The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to remote server."

The desktop engine (MDSE) was checked and running. The CD Key is correct.

I was steered to this website because someone felt that this may be a .network connectivity issue to Encompass registration. After weeks back and forth with the software techs at Encompass they have given up.

Can someone please help me. I'm willing to try anything. Keep in mind I am not a "computer tech" person but I can read and follow directions. I'm desperate!!!

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.NET Framework Error

Oct 10, 2007

I have some user defined CLR function. One of my STPs uses this function. Sometime next exception is thrown by SQL server:

DB Error: A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'UnzipProcedure':
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' threw an exception. ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' was thrown.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection..ctor(String connectionString)
at UserDefinedFunctions.UnzipProcedure()

Where UnzipProcedure is user defined function.
If this exception happen, all other calls to STP that uses UnzipProcedure would return exception. Restart of a SQL server is helpful.

Does anyone meat the exception in similar circumstances? Is any way to recreate such exception? My quess is that there is some lock on resource that UnzipProcedure use. How can I figured out what resource is busy? Any other suggestions.

Thank You in advance.

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I Can't Install Framework 2.0 SP2

Jan 28, 2008

OS : x64
Processor : Quad 2

While I am installing framework 2.0 sp2 I got a message that I can't install/uninstall it because it's part of operation system. I have installed VS2008 and the framework 2.0 sp2 is intalled, but when I try to install sql management studio express, I am getting message i have to install the framework 2.0.

Anyone can help me on this

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SqlServerCEResultSet To XML?? In Compact Framework 3.5?

Mar 26, 2008

you can, with a dataset  do something like myDataSet.WriteXml(m_XmlFile, XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema) and get XML for a record....
 is it possible to do something like that with SQLserverCeresultset?
i know i could probably loop thru the columns and create the xml manually...  but using somethinglike writexml will give better performance?
 right now im not using anything from the XML class... from my previous exp with using XML classes on the Compact framework gives slow performance...

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SQL Server 2005 &&amp; .NET Framework 1.1

Nov 21, 2007

I have Visual studio 2003 with .NET Framework 1.1 installed on it. I need to interface it with SQL Server 2005. But SQL server 2005 installs .NET Framework 2.0. And Visual Studio .NET 2003 cannot use the .NET Framework 2.0 assemblies.

So I need help on whether I can interface visual studio 2003 with .NET Framework 1.1 with SQL Server 2005 ?

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SQL Server 2005 And .net Framework 3.5

Jan 7, 2008

Is it possible to use the visual studio 2008 to create SQL server SP having .net framwork 3.5 to run on SQL Server 2005?

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Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 On EM64T

Dec 6, 2005

Hi All,

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Connecting Via .NET Framework ODBS

Nov 15, 2007

I am able to connect the my external server usingg .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC, however once connected I am not able to see any of the tables or views.

What am I doning wrong....ANYONE!!!

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SQLCE V3.5, VS2008 And Framework 2.0 -- Possible?

Feb 21, 2008

I was initially interested in building my small retail app on Framework 3.5, until just now when I saw the download size. I won't make a single sale with that as a prerequisite.

I would, however, like to use VS2008 for this. If I target Framework 2.0, will I still be able to use SQLCE v3.5? The new SET IDENTITY INSERT functionality is an absolute requirement. (Note: I haven't installed VS2008 yet--I'm still investigating options.)


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.NET Framework :: Parameter Out With Null Value

Sep 3, 2015

I am having a trouble when I try to retrieve a SQL parameter outside to .Net Clr

I did a clr example like this:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

[Code] ...

I now my trouble and it is because the parameter @p_it is null when I try to sed it to pipe in SqlContex but really it is not null. When I test the clr with this code:


[Code] ....

I obtain the next error message:

"Mens 6522, Nivel 16, Estado 1, Procedimiento Test, Línea 14
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "Test":
System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo. -----> The value can not be null
Nombre del parámetro: message
   en Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlPipe.Send(String message)
   en Test.StoredProcedures.Test(SqlString p_t)"

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