Writing Directly To A Csv From Asp.net Vb Behind

Jun 16, 2004

i have a query and i would like to write the contents of the dataset out directly to a file and not bother with creating another temp table and then exporting it with a command with a dts to a csv file.

it is a type of reporting that i am trying to do

but i just need to export the raw data i retreive from the query

View 3 Replies


Writing Directly To A Database Using An SqlDataSource

Jan 31, 2008

Hey all Im trying to make a system in which users logged on can change their password. I dont want to use a grid view because that dosent give me the chance to let them put in their old password first for validation but now I need a way of takeing data out of the textbox with the new password and placeing it in to the field in a database.As I stand at the moment I have a data.dataview variable equal to an SQL Data Source with my query in it, bringing back a record from a users table with the users username, password and a field stating what type of user they are. It filters this by username which is stored as a session variable and username is the primary key. there is then an if statement checking that the string in the password field is equal to what the user has written in the old password box and if they match it uses the command:dv.Table.Rows(0)(1) = txtNewPassword.TextMsgBox("Password Successfully Changed", MsgBoxStyle.Information)When I run this the validation successfully checks the password is correct and then displays the message box saying the password is correct but it hasnt actually changed it. Somone I know told me that I need to use the command sqldatasource.update but I cant see where it fits in. Anyone got any ideas? 

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Backup Of .MDF Directly To Tape?

Nov 28, 2007


Me and my collegues was recently assigned to maintain a SQL Server 2000 instance, which pretty much only holds one database.
From what we can tell, a backup of this database has never been created, atleast not through SQL Server.
When asking the previous owner, the answer was "We have been taking 'Legato backups' every day!"

We now intend to schedule a SQL Server backup job, but out of curiosity...
In case of a disaster, would these "Legato backups" have been any use at all?
Please elaborate :-)

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Trigger A Delivery Directly

Aug 24, 2007

I have a delivery extension that prints to network printers.
Now I add a subscription like a few minutes in the future via web service for each report to print.

Is there a way I can trigger the delivery directly?

Thanks for ideas, guys.


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Get A Report Directly From Excel

Dec 6, 2007


Is possible to get a report directly from excel or I must develop an tools for that?


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Accessing Data Directly From A SqlDataSource?

Mar 7, 2007

First let me give you a little back ground on me.  I'm very new to the ASP, ASP.NET, Visual Studio, Sql Server, Frameworks....thing.  I am coming over from a PHP/MySql background of over 5 years.  The change over to VBScript and VB has been to tough and I have a basic liking for the Visual Studio 2005 and the ease of putting things together.  However, I have come across something that to me seems like it should be relatively simple, but haven't been able to find the documentation or samples to describe what I'm looking to do.
Rough Need:
1.  Start with a form will a couple labels and a singe textbox to get the lookup date from an user.
2.  Query one table/view based on the users choice of date and select only one field of returned data.(Doing this by itself is not a problem and I can display my results in a Gridview, but this is where it starts getting tricky and the gridviews won't work for me.)
3.  If there is something returned, I need to start a HTML table layout or possibly some form of a Gridview(I don't see how I would use the Gridview) and start a loop, adding the first returned row from this query into the first cell.
4.  Now, based on that same User Date and the returned row value from the previous query, I need to query another Table/view and return another single field, which might return 1 or multiple rows, which I need to start a loop to display unique items in cells under the first on above.
5.  Based on the original User Date and each returned row from the first query, I need to query two other Table/views and get some additional information.  4-5 fields will be returned and be displayed on one row in the number of necessary columns.
6.  This would finish the first row from the first query, so I would need to loop back up to see if there were any further results and continue looping until the get to the last of the results from the first query.
7.  Finally, I would just need to close up the Table/gridview.
The basic results I'm looking for would be similar to the following:
Results for 10/11/2005

Field name 1
Field name 2
Field name 3
Field name 4
Field name 5

First Result from query 11 of 4 results from Query 2, but only 1 unique result

Info from Query 3

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3.
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3

Info from Query 3   
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Second Result from query 1First result from Query 2 after looping though the first query Second result from Query 2 after looping though the first query

Info from Query 3

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3.
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3

Info from Query 3   
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4

Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 3
Info from Query 4
Info from Query 4
It seems me from what I have read and slowly figuring out, is that I should be able to directly access the DataSet returned by four SqlDataSources, one for each of the above querys and then just write my own VB to handle the necessary looping, table format and such.  I can easily add the for SqlDataSources to the page and add a Gridview for each one and get 4 separate chunks of info, but can't see a way with GridViews to intermingle the info like displayed above.
So, if it can be done with Gridviews, then I would love to see how that is done.  But, if someone could explain to me how I access the DataSets directly that I get from the 4 SqlDataSources, then that would be ok too.  I have figured enough out with VB, that I can write the code to do my looping requirements, if I can just access the information I get back.  Thanks for reading all the way through this long post.

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How To Prevent Connection To Db Directly Through ODBC

Apr 14, 2004

How to prevent connection to db directly through ODBC without using application role?

could it be done for standard user and domain user ?

Thank you


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Can SQL Server 2K Connect Directly To PostgreSQL?

May 22, 2001

hello everyone!

I'm currently dumping tables from PostgreSQL 7 to SQL Server 2K and I've been wondering if it's possible to create a trigger between the two databases.
..like if there's an insert to a PostgreSQL table, the trigger inserts the same row to the SQL Server table.

If it is possible, please do send me a sample code.


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Is There Any Possibility To Sync Databases Directly?

Aug 31, 2012

Currently our client has a website where they are using aspx as front end and SQL server as back end. We are developing same functionality using php and my sql.Currently 1 phase of development is finished. They are using both applications to do the job. Now in 2nd integration they are asking the data sync from one database to other.

We have decided once the user enters the aspx form the data will be stored in client sql server but we though of writing a script to enter this info into a csv file so that from our side we access that file and update in mysql.

Other than ftp any other better approaches to access that file on client server?Is there any possibility to sync databases directly?

View 4 Replies View Related

Inputing Data Directly Into A Table

Feb 19, 2004

im new to Sql server so this might be a daft question

is there something where i can put data directly into a table (i.e entering data into a grid) or do i have to write the sql every time

View 3 Replies View Related

Query Replica Directly Via SSMS?

Apr 3, 2015

I know it is possible to use the secondary replica to pull data (application intent) etc..

But is there some way to query the replica directly via SSMS?

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Connecting Directly To SQL Server Oer The Internet

May 14, 2008

I'm currently writing a desktop application that communicates directly with a SQL server database on the local network. Ideally we'd like to connect directly to the database via the Internet.
- connecting via the Internet is important because we want easy access from anywhere.
- directly is important because fast data transfer is a requirement.

Not knowing much about the security implications of such a connection, I thought I'd ask here. So what are the major risks and objections? Can the connection and data be made secure?

Cheers, Gavin

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How To Get Info In SELECT Directly Instead Of UPDATE? Thanks.

Jul 23, 2005

Greetings!I have the 3 raw data tables below, and would like to extract somedata. My current query is really cumbersome, does anyone know a betterway to get all the info (attach the right state to the lowest zip code)in one step? Thanks a lot! Here are the details.- Ideal Output, for each person , keep(1) person_id (From Table A)(2) The earliest open_date of accounts starting with 2 (From Table A)(3) ssn (From Table B)(4) Zip and state info (From Table C), but only keep the lowest zip andstate.-Table A -person_idaccountopen_date10001220000015/15/200310001220000026/20/200410001300000012/2/200210002220000038/12/200410002220000049/15/200410002300000022/16/2005-Table B -person_idzip state1000111111AA1000122222CC1000233333BB--Table C -person_idssn100011234567100022345678-Ideal Output-person_idmin_openssnzipstate100015/15/2003123456711111AA100028/12/2004234567833333BBHere is what I did:Select a.person_id, min(a.open_date), b.ssn, min(c.zip) as zip,cast (0 as varchar) as stateInto output[color=blue]>From TableA as a[/color]Join TableB as bon a.person_id=b.person_idJoin TableC as con a.person_id=c.person_idWhere a.account like '2%'Group by a.person_id, b.ssnOrder by a.person_idUpdate outputSet output.state=b.state[color=blue]>From output as a[/color]Join TableC as bon a.person_id=b.person_idand a.zip=b.zip

View 2 Replies View Related

Read Backup File Directly?

Jun 20, 2007

Is there a way to read a backup file to see if it contains a file withoutrestoring the backup file? We are missing a record from a table, and I needto find out when it was deleted. We have nightly backup files of thedatabase. Is it possible, knowing the database name, the table name, and theprimary key value of the record, to determine if the record exists in acertain backup file? If not, is there an alternate way to determine when aparticular record was deleted?Thank you!Neil

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How Can I Use Regular Expressions In WHERE Clause Directly?

Oct 30, 2006

How can I use regular expressions in WHERE clause directly?

select * from mytbl where myfld like '[0-9]*key'

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Installing SP2 Directly Over SQL Server 2005 Without Sp1

Dec 27, 2006


1. Can we directly install sp2 without SP1 - for sql server 2005.

2 . Iam basically dotnet developer. iam using sql server 2005 both developer and express editions. Do i need to stop sql server service before installing sp2. ?

During sp1 installation, it seems some file are locked and when it prompt, i stopped service and continued installation.

3. Moreover Sql server 2005 express edition comes along with VS2005 didn't have management studio. I feel like having entire features installed in my system. I have downloaded express edition SQLEXPR_ADV.exe. Which is better choice for installation.



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How To Display Report In Pdf Format Directly

May 5, 2008

Hi all
I am using local reports.(.rdlc files)
My requirement is when the user selects some options in the form and click on Submit buttion,He should get report in PDF format directly.Is it possible?if possible give me some example code.No need to preview in general format.
Help me.

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HOW TO: Print A Report Directly To A Printer

Oct 18, 2006

The code below is a class file done in vb.net. The original idea came from reading this forum and some blogs.

To use the code below, you can create a windows application or service.

then create a class file and drop this code in it.

Remeber to reference the 2005 report execution service and also in the program settings include the path to your server.

IE: ReportExecutionService = http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx or whatever your server URL is at.

Setup the public properties for printername (sharenames work fine), Number of copies and Report name.

That is all there is to it. This code is REALLY expandable to add more options.

Please remember to let me kow if you like this.

Imports System

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging

Imports System.Drawing.Printing

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

Imports PrintReport.ReportExecution

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' For Marshal.Copy

Namespace PrintReport

Friend Class app

Private m_sPrinterName As String

Private m_sReportName As String

Private m_sNumCopies As Integer

<STAThread()> _

Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

Dim pe As PrintMain = New PrintMain()

pe.PrintReport(m_sPrinterName, m_sReportName, m_sNumCopies)

End Sub

Public Property pPrinterName()


Return m_sPrinterName

End Get

Set(ByVal value)

m_sPrinterName = value

End Set

End Property

Public Property pReportName()


Return m_sReportName

End Get

Set(ByVal value)

m_sReportName = value

End Set

End Property

Public Property pNumCopies()


Return m_sNumCopies

End Get

Set(ByVal value)

m_sNumCopies = value

End Set

End Property

End Class

Friend Class PrintMain

Private rs As New ReportExecutionService()

Private m_renderedReport As Byte()()

Private m_delegate As Graphics.EnumerateMetafileProc = Nothing

Private m_currentPageStream As MemoryStream

Private m_metafile As Metafile = Nothing

Private m_numberOfPages As Integer

Private m_currentPrintingPage As Integer

Private m_lastPrintingPage As Integer

Public Sub New()

' Create proxy object and authenticate

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

rs.Url = My.Settings.ReportExecutionService '"http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx"

End Sub

Public Function RenderReport(ByVal reportPath As String) As Byte()()

' Private variables for rendering

Dim deviceInfo As String

Dim format As String = "IMAGE"

Dim firstPage As Byte() = Nothing

Dim encoding As String = ""

Dim mimeType As String = ""

Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing

Dim reportHistoryParameters As ParameterValue() = Nothing

Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing

Dim pages As Byte()() = Nothing

Dim historyID As String = Nothing

Dim showHideToggle As String = Nothing

Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo

Dim execHeader As New ExecutionHeader()

Dim SessionId As String

Dim extension As String = ""

rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader

execInfo = rs.LoadReport(reportPath, historyID)

'rs.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us")

SessionId = rs.ExecutionHeaderValue.ExecutionID

' Build device info based on the start page

deviceInfo = String.Format("<DeviceInfo><OutputFormat>{0}</OutputFormat></DeviceInfo>", "emf")

'Exectute the report and get page count.


' Renders the first page of the report and returns streamIDs for

' subsequent pages

firstPage = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)

' The total number of pages of the report is 1 + the streamIDs

m_numberOfPages = streamIDs.Length + 1

pages = New Byte(m_numberOfPages - 1)() {}

' The first page was already rendered

pages(0) = firstPage

Dim pageIndex As Integer = 1

Do While pageIndex < m_numberOfPages

' Build device info based on start page

deviceInfo = String.Format("<DeviceInfo><OutputFormat>{0}</OutputFormat><StartPage>{1}</StartPage></DeviceInfo>", "emf", pageIndex + 1)

pages(pageIndex) = rs.Render(format, deviceInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)

pageIndex += 1


Catch ex As SoapException


Catch ex As Exception



'Console.WriteLine("Number of pages: {0}", pages.Length)

End Try

Return pages

End Function

Public Function PrintReport(ByVal printerName As String, ByVal ReportName As String, Optional ByVal NumCopies As Integer = 0) As Boolean

Me.RenderedReport = Me.RenderReport(ReportName)


' Wait for the report to completely render.

If m_numberOfPages < 1 Then

Return False

End If

Dim printerSettings As PrinterSettings = New PrinterSettings()

printerSettings.MaximumPage = m_numberOfPages

printerSettings.MinimumPage = 1

printerSettings.PrintRange = PrintRange.SomePages

printerSettings.FromPage = 1

printerSettings.ToPage = m_numberOfPages

printerSettings.Copies = NumCopies

printerSettings.PrinterName = printerName

Dim pd As PrintDocument = New PrintDocument()

m_currentPrintingPage = 1

m_lastPrintingPage = m_numberOfPages

pd.PrinterSettings = printerSettings

' Print report

'Console.WriteLine("Printing report...")

AddHandler pd.PrintPage, AddressOf pd_PrintPage


Catch ex As Exception



' Clean up goes here.

End Try

Return True

End Function

Private Sub pd_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs)

ev.HasMorePages = False

If m_currentPrintingPage <= m_lastPrintingPage AndAlso MoveToPage(m_currentPrintingPage) Then

' Draw the page


' If the next page is less than or equal to the last page,

' print another page.

If m_currentPrintingPage <= m_lastPrintingPage Then

m_currentPrintingPage += 1

ev.HasMorePages = True

End If

End If

End Sub

' Method to draw the current emf memory stream

Private Sub ReportDrawPage(ByVal g As Graphics)

If Nothing Is m_currentPageStream OrElse 0 = m_currentPageStream.Length OrElse Nothing Is m_metafile Then


End If

SyncLock Me

' Set the metafile delegate.

Dim width As Integer = m_metafile.Width

Dim height As Integer = m_metafile.Height

m_delegate = New Graphics.EnumerateMetafileProc(AddressOf MetafileCallback)

' Draw in the rectangle

Dim destPoint As Point = New Point(0, 0)

g.EnumerateMetafile(m_metafile, destPoint, m_delegate)

' Clean up

m_delegate = Nothing

End SyncLock

End Sub

Private Function MoveToPage(ByVal page As Int32) As Boolean

' Check to make sure that the current page exists in

' the array list

If Nothing Is Me.RenderedReport(m_currentPrintingPage - 1) Then

Return False

End If

' Set current page stream equal to the rendered page

m_currentPageStream = New MemoryStream(Me.RenderedReport(m_currentPrintingPage - 1))

' Set its postion to start.

m_currentPageStream.Position = 0

' Initialize the metafile

If Not Nothing Is m_metafile Then


m_metafile = Nothing

End If

' Load the metafile image for this page

m_metafile = New Metafile(CType(m_currentPageStream, Stream))

Return True

End Function

Private Function MetafileCallback(ByVal recordType As EmfPlusRecordType, ByVal flags As Integer, ByVal dataSize As Integer, ByVal data As IntPtr, ByVal callbackData As PlayRecordCallback) As Boolean

Dim dataArray As Byte() = Nothing

' Dance around unmanaged code.

If data <> IntPtr.Zero Then

' Copy the unmanaged record to a managed byte buffer

' that can be used by PlayRecord.

dataArray = New Byte(dataSize - 1) {}

Marshal.Copy(data, dataArray, 0, dataSize)

End If

' play the record.

m_metafile.PlayRecord(recordType, flags, dataSize, dataArray)

Return True

End Function

Public Property RenderedReport() As Byte()()


Return m_renderedReport

End Get

Set(ByVal value As Byte()())

m_renderedReport = value

End Set

End Property

End Class

end namespace

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Printing Report Directly Without Using Reportviewer

Apr 11, 2008


My Requirement is to dirctly Print the SSRS Report without using Reportviewer.
If anybody know How to Print Report without using Reportviewer, please let me know asap.

Thanks in advance.

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Is It Possilbe To Load My Data Directly?

Oct 3, 2006

I have thousands of records, which are .txt format, to be loaded to the DB and need to mining them. The only way for that is to write a program and read them to the DB or can I load them directly? And also I have to design the tables based on these data myself, right? Thank you.

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Different Result Running SQL Query Directly Or Using SqlCommand

Sep 11, 2006

Hi, when running the following stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetWerknemersBijLeidinggevende]@LeidinggevendeID int,@Start int = 1,@Limit int = 25,@Sofinummer int = NULL,@Achternaam nvarchar(128) = NULL,@Functie nvarchar(64) = NULL
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Achternaam) AS RowNumber,Persoon.*FROM PersoonINNER JOIN DienstverbandON Persoon.ID = Dienstverband.PersoonIDINNER JOIN BedrijfsonderdeelON Bedrijfsonderdeel.ID = Dienstverband.BedrijfsonderdeelIDINNER JOIN LeidinggevendeON Bedrijfsonderdeel.ID = Leidinggevende.BedrijfsonderdeelIDWHERE
Leidinggevende.Begindatum <= getdate()AND (Leidinggevende.Einddatum > getdate()OR Leidinggevende.Einddatum IS NULL
AND Leidinggevende.PersoonID = @LeidinggevendeIDAND
Sofinummer = @Sofinummer
OR @Sofinummer IS NULL
Achternaam LIKE @AchternaamOR AchternaamPartner LIKE @AchternaamOR @Achternaam IS NULL
SELECT *FROM OrderedWHERE RowNumber between @Start and (@Start + @Limit - 1)  When I run this in the database and fille de LeidinggevendeID parameter with a value I get a few rows returned, however when I run the following code: [DataObject(true)] public class PersoonFactory { [DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)] public static IList WerknemersBijLeidinggevende(int ldgID, int start, int max) { IList list = new List(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; SqlConnection connection = DatabaseProvider.Connection; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetWerknemersBijLeidinggevende", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("LeidinggevendeID", ldgID); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; try
rdr = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
while (rdr.Read()) { Persoon pers = new Persoon(); pers.ID = rdr["ID"] as int?; pers.Achternaam = rdr["Achternaam"] as string; pers.AchternaamPartner = rdr["AchternaamPartner"] as string; pers.Achtertitels = rdr["Achtertitels"] as string; pers.DatumOverlijden = rdr["DatumOverlijden"] as DateTime?; pers.Geboortedatum = rdr["Geboortedatum"] as DateTime?; pers.Geslacht = rdr["Geslacht"] as string; pers.Middentitels = rdr["Middentitels"] as string; pers.Naamgebruik = (int)rdr["Naamgebruik"]; pers.Sofinummer = rdr["Sofinummer"] as string; pers.Voorletters = rdr["Voorletters"] as string; pers.Voortitels = rdr["Voortitels"] as string; pers.Voorvoegsel = rdr["Voorvoegsel"] as string; pers.VoorvoegselPartner = rdr["VoorvoegselPartner"] as string; list.Add(pers); } } catch
throw; } finally
if (rdr != null) rdr.Close(); else connection.Close(); } return list; }  I get 0 rows all of a sudden. Any idea why? 

View 7 Replies View Related

How Can I Directly Include A Square Root In A SQL Query

Dec 17, 2006

I have an ASP.NET application where I need to filter the records returned from a SQL query using a calculated distance to a point that is set by the user.   To do this directly, I would need to include a square root of an expression in the SQL query.  It seems like I should be able to do this by writing my SQL query something like:
SELECT SQRT(expression ....) AS distance, column2, column3 ... FROM mytable WHERE distance < 50
Unfortunately, SQL queries apparently don't like the SQRT function.  I am using .NET 2.0 with VS2005 and a MS Access backend (that will soon be moved to SQL/Server).
As an alternate, maybe I can query the data into a temporary record set with a extra field for distance and then step my way through the temporary record set and replace the values in the distance field with a calculated distance.  Once the temporary record set is prepared, then I would delete the records that don't pass the distance requirement or otherwise hide them and bind the data to a gridview control.

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DTS Import Works Directly, Fails When Scheduled

Jun 2, 2006

I'm new to DTS packages, but managed to create one that successfully empties a table in SQL Server then imports data from a Foxpro file on another server into it. It runs fine if I execute it from DTS, but fails if I schedule it to run in SQL Server Agent (using the "Schedule Package" option in DTS). I think the relevant portion of the error returned when the job fails is:

Error string: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'hrpersnl.dbf' does not exist.

The file does exist. I also tried to execute it from a stored procedure, but got a similar error. Any thoughts on why it runs one way but not the other?


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Export In Csv Format Directly From The Link Of The Report

Apr 5, 2007

I have a requirement to export certain data directly in csv format from the link thats in the report interface.

Though i am able to open new window report from the link by passing the needed parameter is there any way that we can directly open the excel from the link in data table in report..

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Rendering Subscribed Report Directly Into Outlook

Feb 27, 2008

i have a report that is on a subscription to my team members that i want to be rendered in the actual email that they open up. i do not want them to have to click on the pdf or excel attachment to open it up, i just want the content of the report to be in the email itself in outlook.

is this possible in SSRS 05?

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Problem With Printing Report Directly To Printer

Aug 22, 2007

I am trying to get a SSRS 2005 report to print from my Visual Studio 2005 C++ application without using the ReportViewer to preview it first. What I have done is created a dll that I call into when I want to access a certain report and print it. While searching around on the internet I found an MSDN article about printing a report without previewing and it had an example in C# code. So I used that as a guide for my C++ code but I am still having problems with rendering the report properly so it can be printed. When I try to render a report using the "Image" format, my streamid string is empty but the byte array that the render routine returns is not. Here is the code I am using, what could be the problem here?

Note: m_Streams is define elsewhere as
array<String^>^ m_Streams = gcnew array<String^>(10);

void Print::Export(LocalReport^ report)


array<Warning^>^ Warn = gcnew array<Warning^>(10);

String^ deviceinfo =

"<DeviceInfo>" +

" <OutputFormat>EMF</OutputFormat>" +

" <PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" +

" <PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" +

" <MarginTop>0.25in</MarginTop>" +

" <MarginLeft>0.25in</MarginLeft>" +

" <MarginRight>0.25in</MarginRight>" +

" <MarginBottom>0.25in</MarginBottom>" +


String^ mimeType;

String^ enc;

String^ FileExt;

array<Byte>^ bytes;

bytes = report->Render("Image",deviceinfo, mimeType, enc, FileExt, m_Streams,Warn); // m_Streams has a length of

return; // 0 after the Render


void Print:: PrintPage(System:: Object^ sender, System:: Drawing:: Printing:: PrintPageEventArgs^ ev)


Metafile^ pageImage = gcnew Metafile(m_Streams[m_CurrentPage]);

ev->Graphics->DrawImage(pageImage, ev->PageBounds);


ev->HasMorePages = (m_CurrentPage < m_Streams->Length);



void Print:rintRpt()


String^ printerName = "Default";

if (m_Streams->Length < 0)


PrintDocument^ printDoc = gcnew PrintDocument();

if (!printDoc->PrinterSettings->IsValid) {



printDoc->PrintPage += gcnew PrintPageEventHandler(this, &Print:: PrintPage);




void Print::Run()


LocalReport^ report = gcnew LocalReport();

DataSet^ ds = gcnew DataSet();


report->ReportPath = "c:\bmi\bulrpt\Report1.rdlc";

ReportDataSource^ RDS = gcnew ReportDataSource();

RDS->Name = "DataSet1_Subject";

RDS->Value = ds->Tables["Subject"];






DataTable^ Print:: LoadData(DataSet^ ds)


System:: String ^ConnStr = "SELECT * FROM Subject";

SqlConnection^ conn = gcnew SqlConnection("Data Source=JOE-PC\BMIMSDESERVER; Initial Catalog=stx52013;Integrated Security = TRUE");

SqlCommand^ command = gcnew SqlCommand(ConnStr, conn);

SqlDataAdapter^ adapt = gcnew SqlDataAdapter(command);

adapt->TableMappings->Add("Table", "Subject");



return ds->Tables["Subject"];


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WMI Event Watcher - Pointing Directly To A Machine Name

Nov 27, 2006


I am using a WMI Event Watcher task to watch for files dropped into a directory over a network drive.

It seems to work fine when it is pointed to a physical drive name, but not when I use a machine name.


This works -
SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "CIM_DirectoryContainsFile" and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= "Win32_Directory.Name="C:\\temp\\folder1\\folder2\folder3""

This fails -
SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "CIM_DirectoryContainsFile" and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= "Win32_Directory.Name=\\\\machineName\\folder1\\folder2\\folder3"

The failing code does not throw any errors (i.e. SSIS thinks the WQL syntax is correct), but it doesn't pick up any dropped files.

Am I doing something incorrect with the syntax, or must I use a physically mapped drive letter?


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Can I Invoke Remoting Web Service In Store Procedure Directly?

Jan 29, 2004

i am using sqlserver 2000,if so how,thanks.

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Updating Systemtables Directly To Change Column-collations

Mar 3, 2005

Hi there.

Is there any way to update the system tables directly, to alter the collations of the columns in the user db's?

I've tried the script below:

UPDATE Syscolumns SET collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS' WHERE name = '<AddrCode>'
AND id = object_id('<Compliance>')

but, I get the following error message:

Server: Msg 271, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'collation' cannot be modified because it is a computed column.

Can you please help me! I need to do thousands of these, and most of them has constraints on, so my script I generated to do the ALTER TABLE.... ALTER COLUMN does not suffice.


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SQL 2012 :: Moved Backups To Fileshare But Can't Restore Directly

Oct 29, 2014

We had our backups backing up to the server where the databases reside. Now I modified the backups to backup to a file share. Now when we try to restore from the file share the restore fails, so we have to copy the backup to a drive on the server and recover for there. Should I be able to restore directly from the file share (using the gui)? Do I need to change something else to modify the default backup drive?

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Can We Use Details Hard Coded Into Exe Directly In Reports Without Storing In DB

Jul 23, 2005

Dear Reader ,There are some details <facts>, which can be stored (Hard coded) in exe.example: Measurement Units and their relations.Now I want to print the list of those Measurement Units and Relationships between them.Can we print them directly , without bringing them into Database?Can we use them and make reports merging details from the Database?Am using SQL 2000 and VB.Net 2003SuryaPrakash Patel--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com

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URL Access Directly To Subscription Page Of A Perticular Report.

Dec 18, 2007


I have a .net application in this application I want to call directly subscription page of a perticular Report through URL.
And i want to hide the header section too.Is it possible
If not how can i provide this feature of subscription in my application


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DB Design :: Automate DDL Scripts Deploy On Database Directly?

Mar 19, 2015

I have an existing XY database which has tables and triggers , I have a new updated DDL scripts which I have deploy on XY database. Every week I will be updated with new DDL scripts which I have to deploy on database dropping all existing tables.

Currently I am dropping all the tables  and then copying all tables script to one and executing it.

My Que: Is there a way to automate the DDL scrips deploy on database directly?

First drop all tables and then create new tables. 

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