X-validation: Problem With Nested Table (SQL DM 2008 CTP)

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, I'm calling the cross validation SP like this
call SystemGetCrossValidationResults([V Product View Event],[V Product Event 1],4,500,'V Product View Event')
and I get this error:
Parsing the query ...
Error (Data mining): The attribute, 'V Product View Event', is not valid in the current procedure call because the attribute is not a PREDICT or a PREDICT_ONLY attribute for the model, 'V Product Event 1'.

Parsing complete

In my model 'V Product View Event' is a predictable attribute. It so happens that I'm using association rules. And 'V Product View Event' is a nested table (a TableMiningStructureColumn). Inside the 'V Product View Event' nested table I have a 'Product' ScalarMiningStructureColumn. Is there any way to call the SP with nested tables in models? I'm using SQL Server 2008 June CTP.

Gustavo Frederico

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Cross Validation With Predictable Nested Tables

Dec 24, 2007

How does cross-validation work in the case of models with predictable nested tables? Is it supported? For classification and regression with a flat structure, during the testing phase (that is, validation phase) of cross-validation I can think of the inputs being presented and comparing the predicted value with the real value. But in the case of nested tables, the input is not a subset of the attributes (a subset of the input vector), but whole input vectors. (For instance, complete itemsets in the case of association rules). Can you please explain some more how the validation phase works in the case of the association rules and decision trees with predictable nested tables?

Gustavo Frederico

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Cross-validation In SQL Server 2008

Nov 28, 2007

Hi, can someone please explain some more how to use cross-validation in SQL Server 2008 (CTP)? I read here that it "is under Accuracy Charts in Business Intelligence Development Studio, in addition to being accessible programmatically via a stored procedure call". What is the stored procedure and input parameters?
I'm actually interested in doing so inside an Integration Services package, in a data flow task.

Gustavo Frederico

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Cross-validation In SQL Server 2008 - Log Likelihood

Dec 13, 2007

Hi! I am using the Cross Validation tab in BIDS. Can you explain why my Liklihood Log Score is a negative number (according to BOL - meaning it is worse than a random guess) when my lift chart shoes that the alogorithm is significantly better than a random guess.

Also, the BOL definition for truenegative and falsenegative are hard for me to interpret. If I have a target state of "Yes", can you please put those definitions in yes/no terms for me?


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Comparing Data In Table With Validation Table

Aug 27, 2007

Hi all

I have a customer table with a postcode and a suburb fields and cutomer info which is manually entered by data entry people...

I am trying to compare the entries against a postcode table with the correct postcodes which have fields postcode and suburb and based on the postcode entered in the customer table it should be the same as the suburb in the postcode table, if they are not the same output them to a table for manual checking..How would I go about this


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Why I Got The Message As You Need To Create The Many-to-one Relationship Between The Case Table And The Nested Table?

May 30, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am trying to create a new mining structure with case table and nested table, the case table (fact table) has alread defined the relationships with the nested table(dimension table), and I can see their relationship from the data source view. But why the wizard for creating the new mining structure showed that message? Why is that? And what could I try to fix it?

Hope it is clear for your help.

Thanks a lot for your kind advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Validation Error: Table Doesn't Exist

Jul 18, 2007

In my package, the first two tasks are as follows:


IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '<tablename>' AND type = 'U')


drop table dbo.<tablename>



IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '<tablename>' AND type = 'U')

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[<tablename>](



so why am I getting the following error when trying to run the package?

Error Message


Package Validation Error (Package Validation Error)


Error at Get Fenics data to table [Load into FFFenics table [155]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E37 Description: "Invalid object name 'dbo.FFFenics'.".

Error at Get Fenics data to table [Load into FFFenics table [155]]: Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[FFFenics]". Check that the object exists in the database.

Error at Get Fenics data to table [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "Load into FFFenics table" (155)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Get Fenics data to table [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Get Fenics data to table: There were errors during task validation.


Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsPackageDebugger.ValidateAndRunDebugger(Int32 flags, DataWarehouseProjectManager manager, IOutputWindow outputWindow, DataTransformationsProjectConfigurationOptions options)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DtsPackagesFolderProjectFeature.ExecuteTaskOrPackage(ProjectItem prjItem, String taskPath)

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Question On Case Table And Nested Table

Jun 5, 2007

Hi, all here,

As we are allowed to select one table as both case table and nested table, however what is the benefit of using one table as both case table and nested table? Thanks in advance for your advices.

I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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When To Use A Nested Table?

Jul 19, 2007

Why would someone choose to model a problem with a case and nested table versus just using a case tables with multiple rows?

For example, a simple customer and product scenario where you could say:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[Products] Predict
[ProductName] ,

But you could also model as:

Mining Model DT_CustProd
[Id] ,
[Gender] ,
[ProductName] Predict,
[Quantity] Predict

and just insert multiple rows per Id/Gender/Age? Is there any rule of thumb to use here when deciding to model with a nested table?

I understand that a nested table essentially pivots the data (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=408840&SiteID=1) and the data becomes an attribute, but how do you know if you want that, or you want the data as a value of an attribute?

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Why Use Nested Table?

May 17, 2006

Hi, all here,

I have a question about nested table use. I dont quite clearly see through why the nested table is very much necessary? I mean if we need information from both the current case table and nested table for mining models, we can just join both tables?

Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help.

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Nested Nodes In XML From A Table

Dec 6, 2005

Dear all,I have table called CATEGORY, which is defined as follows:CREATE TABLE CATEGORY(CATEGORY_ID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,CATEGORY_NAME VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL CONSTRAINTUC__CATEGORY__CATEGORY_NAME UNIQUE,PARENT_CATEGORY_ID INTEGER,CATEGORY_ICON IMAGE,DEPTH INTEGER,CONSTRAINT PK__CATEGORY PRIMARY KEY (CATEGORY_ID))Supposly, the following snap shot was taken later:================================================== ============| CATEGORY_ID | CATEGORY_NAME | PARENT_CATEGORY_ID | DEPTH |================================================== ============| 1 | PC | NULL | 1 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 2 | Networks | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 3 | Audio | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 4 | Video | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 5 | TV Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 6 | Graphics Cards | 4 | 3 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 7 | AGP | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 8 | PCI | 6 | 4 |--------------------------------------------------------------| 9 | Input Devices | 1 | 2 |--------------------------------------------------------------and I'd like to create out of this hierarchy the following desired XMLfile:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Hardware><Catgeory name="PC" id="1"><Catgeory name="Networks" id="2" /><Catgeory name="Audio" id="3" /><Catgeory name="Video" id="4"><Catgeory name="TV Cards" id="5" /><Catgeory name="Graphics Cards" id="6"><Catgeory name="AGP" id="7" /><Catgeory name="PCI" id="8" /></Category></Category><Catgeory name="Input Devices" id="9" /></Catgeory></Hardware>The reason for this file is that it will be a datasource of theTreeView Control new in asp.net 2.0.Now, programmateiclally using C#.net i started using the XmlDocument,XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader Namespaces and started using susingrecurrsion to genearete this desired XML file out of the records in thesnapshot, but ...Is there an easy way of doing this using SqlServer 2005 with the newdatatype XML?*Any hint would also be ok*Best regards

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I'm Having Issues With Nested Table...

Mar 1, 2007

Hey gang,

I'm having some issues with nested table. This is my setup. [ProductTable] is the case table, and [CustomersTable] is a nested table. I'm trying to organize my algorithms around products.


[ProductTable] table only has product ID, and it is key.

[CustomersTable] table has variety of customer attributes (productID, customerID, location, demographics...) and CustomerRevenue is predict_only. ProductName is the key for the nested table.

I keep getting this error when I'm processing the mining models (Logical Regression and Neural Net).

Error (Data mining): In mining model, Estimate Neural Net, the algorithm does not allow table column as predictable.

Error (Data mining): Error validating attribute for the 'Estimate Neural Net' mining model.

When using Decision Tree, it processes OK, but the result is totally wrong. The model is empty.

Any ideas?

-Young K.

P.S. I'm trying to great a single model for multiple products. This is a label saving device that I'm trying. If this doens't work, I'll have to create a model for each product.

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Row Count Validation Between Source Flat File To Target Database Table

Aug 8, 2006

Hi all,

I am new in SSIS. Anyone know how to valify number of record that I load from csv file to SQL database table?

For example, the source file call product.csv and target table in database named DSS table name PRODUCT. I load data from flat file to table then I need verification if count between source and target not match send e-mail to me.



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Nested Table Concept In SQL Server

May 8, 2004

Hi all,

What is the equivalent for Oracle's nested table concept in SQL Server ?
Is there anything like TABLE( ) function to select from nested table as in Oracle ?

Eg in Oracle :

SELECT t.* FROM TABLE(nested_table_datatype) t;

( like the above query used in Oracle PL/SQL and 'nested_table_datatype' is a table datatype created in Oracle using 'create type ...' syntax )

Please give the equivalent for above...


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Nested Select, And Table Joint

Sep 14, 2006

Hi Guys

Am new to sql, and I wold appreciate help with optimising the folloing example. The result of the example should be to list a result with details of the Column names:

OPBal| Receipt| IssTrns| Transfer| ClBal

SELECT dbo.inventory.location, dbo.inventory.itemnum,
(select sum(dbo.matrectrans.linecost) where dbo.matrectrans.issuetype LIKE 'RECEIPT' ) As Receipt,
( select sum(dbo.matrectrans.linecost)where dbo.matrectrans.issuetype LIKE 'TRANSFER' ) As Transfer,
( select(dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost)where dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.logdate='2006-07-20' ) As OpBal,
( select (IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost)where IST_ITEMDETAIL.logdate='2006-08-21' ) As ClBal,
( sum(matusetrans.linecost) ) As IssTrnf
FROM dbo.matrectrans, dbo.matusetrans, dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL , ( dbo.inventory inner JOIN dbo.item
ON dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.item.itemnum AND dbo.inventory.orgid = dbo.item.orgid )

WHERE dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matusetrans.storeloc
AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.matrectrans.itemnum AND dbo.inventory.siteid = dbo.matrectrans.siteid

OR dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matrectrans.tostoreloc AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.matusetrans.itemnum
AND dbo.inventory.siteid = dbo.matusetrans.siteid OR dbo.inventory.location = dbo.matrectrans.fromstoreloc

dbo.inventory.location = dbo.ist_itemdetail.location AND dbo.inventory.itemnum = dbo.ist_itemdetail.itemnum
GROUP BY dbo.inventory.location, dbo.inventory.itemnum,dbo.matrectrans.issuetype,(dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.curbal*dbo.IST_ITEMDETAIL.avgcost),

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Temp Table Or Nested Select

Jan 30, 2007

hi all,
i have speed issue on displaying 4k line of records using temp table.. before this it works fine and fast.. but maybe when i starts joining group by it loads slower.

SELECT DISTINCT customlotno, itemid, ItemName, Ownership, TotalCTNInPlt, TotalCarton, sum(CartonPcs) AS CartonPcs, StorageID, StorageStatus ,OriginUOM, PickQtyUOM, WhsID, WhsName, LocID, Zone, Expirydate, recvDate
SELECT * FROM tblItemdetail
)AS L1
GROUP BY customlotno, itemid, ItemName, ownership, TotalCTNInPlt, TotalCarton, StorageID, StorageStatus ,OriginUOM, PickQtyUOM, WhsID, WhsName, LocID, Zone, Expirydate, recvDate

ORDER BY CustomLotNo


or maybe just use something like nested SELECT like this, but cannot work:-

select customlotno, itemid, locid(

select * from tblitemdetail
where customlotno='IN28606000'

) AS T
GROUP BY customlotno, itemid, locid

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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INSERT INTO Nested Table Error

Jan 9, 2007

I am running the DMX below and I am getting an error we I go to train my structure.  It is probably something stupid but I do not see the problem.  It seems like the SKIP isn't being recognized but I am not sure.  Here is the error:

INSERT INTO error: The '[MSA].[HospitalID]' nested table key column is not bound to an input rowset column.
CREATE MINING STRUCTURE [Hospital_Structure] (
 [HospitalID] LONG KEY,
 [SponsorshipTypeID] LONG DISCRETE,
 [GeographicTypeID] LONG DISCRETE,
 [PercentGovtPayers] DOUBLE CONTINUOUS,
 [TotalNumberInpatientCases] LONG CONTINUOUS,
  [HospitalID] LONG KEY,
ADD MINING MODEL [Hospital_Model] (
 [MSA] (
) USING Microsoft_Clustering;

 [MSA] (SKIP, [MSAGroupMember])
  [HospitalID]') }
RELATE [HospitalID] TO [HospitalID]
) AS [MSA]

Thanks in advance

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Prediction Join To MDX With Nested Table

Aug 2, 2006

If your prediction join is to a SQL datasource, you can easily write a SQL query which returns a nested table like:

Predict([Subcategories],2) as [Subcategories]
(SELECT 'Road Bikes' AS Subcategory
UNION SELECT 'Jerseys' AS Subcategory
) AS Subcategories
) AS t

What about if your datasource is a cube? Is there some special MDX syntax similar to the SQL syntax above? Or do you have to utilize the SHAPE/APPEND syntax as follows?

SELECT t.*, $Cluster as ClusterName
FROM [MyModel]
select [Measures].[My Measure] on 0,
[My Dimension].[My Attribute].[My Attribute].Members on 1
from MyCube
select [Measures].[Another Measure] on 0,
NON EMPTY [My Dimension].[My Attribute].[My Attribute].Members
*[Product].[Product].[Product].Members on 1
from MyCube
RELATE [[My Dimension]].[My Attribute]].[My Attribute]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]
TO [[My Dimension]].[My Attribute]].[My Attribute]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]
AS [My Nested Table] AS t
ON [MyModel].[Product].[Product] = t.[My Nested Table].[[Product]].[Product]].[Product]].[MEMBER_CAPTION]]]

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How To Count No Of Items In Nested Table

Aug 28, 2007

I have the following table
Region Table


What i tried to do is count the number of restaurants by specific regionname. My current query is
Select RegionID, RegionName, count(*) as RestaurantNo
From Region Inner Join Restaurant
On Region.ID = Restaurant.RegionID

However I only get the results below
RegionID RegionName RestaurantNO
1 A1 0
2 A1.1 2
3 A1.2 1
4 A1.3 0

Where A1.1 , A1.2, and A1.3 are children of A1 in Region table
The result is not correct due to A1 should have 3 in RestaurantNo due to it contains A1.1 , A1.2 and A1.3
Could anyone help me to solve this problem.
Thank you

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Table Update With Count In Nested Query

Oct 8, 2012

I have added some SQL to an Access form which updates the dbo_BM_Map table when the user hits the Apply button. There is a temp table with various fields, two being "Chapter_No" and "Initial_Mapping_Complete" which the update is based on.

I want this update to only apply to chapters that only have one name in the "Initial_Mapping_Complete" column. If a chapter has more than one then the update should ignore it. The attached screengrab shows you. The update should ignore chapter 19 as there are two people (Jim and James) in the Initial_Mapping_Complete field. Here is my code.

pdate dbo_BM_Map inner Join Temp_Progression_Populate
on dbo_BM_Map.Product_ID = Temp_Progression_Populate.Product_ID
Set dbo_BM_Map.Initial_Mapping_Complete = Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete
Where dbo_BM_Map.Chapter_No = Temp_Progression_Populate.Chapter_No
And Temp_Progression_Populate.Initial_Mapping_Complete in
(Select count(Initial_Mapping_Complete), Chapter_No
from Temp_Progression_Populate
Group by Chapter_No
Having Count(Initial_Mapping_Complete) = 1)

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Sep 11, 2007


I have a query that is executing properly but i want to delete the results of the query. I am trying to do it but i am messing up somewhere in the syntax

Can anybody help me out with this problem?
Below is the query


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Transact SQL :: Casting A Variable To Nested Table?

Sep 24, 2015

Is there any way to convert a bind variable, which is a list of integer or string values, to nested table in MS SQL Server. I am looking for something like

CAST in Oracle, which converts a varray type column into a nested table. Do we have something like this in SQL Server.

in Oracle:

SELECT CAST(s.addresses AS address_book_t)
FROM states s
WHERE s.state_id = 111;

I have read about Table valued Parameter, but I am looking for another solution. 

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Transact SQL :: Nested Cursors To Update Table?

May 15, 2015

I have been wrestling with the code all day to accomplish the following: I need to update a table based on values from another table. So far, I have been able to do the below:

, @SearchCol VARCHAR(255)
, @LogonIDToProcess VARCHAR(50)
, @Matched CHAR
, @Cycle INT = 1
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Glossary','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Glossary
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employees','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Employees


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Case &&amp; Nested Table Selection And Errors

Aug 31, 2006


Here are the two tables again.



I am trying to select patient table as case and diseases table as nested to create an association model. i m getting following error.

Disease table cannot be used as a nested table because it does not have a many-to-one relationship with the case table. You need to create a many-to-one relationship between the two tables in the data source file.

i have created a relationship by dragging Disease_id from diseases table on Patient_id in patient table. when i am trying to select Patient_id as key, City as input, it is not showing disease_id to choose as a predict column.

please suggest me if i am doing anything wrong? i have not done any thing to do my datbase, just selected the tables i want to create an association model on and trying to create association model.

your help and insight is highly appreciated.



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Error About Nested Table Data Binding

Dec 10, 2007


Referring to the book "Data Mining with SQL Server 2005" written by ZhaoHui Tang, I created a Mining Structure and a Mining Model with the AMO API after creating Database and Data Access Objects(referred to code lists from 14-1 to 14-6). I added Nested Table by creating a table column and added a key column to the nested table, while the error showed that in my structure the column of the nested table didn't include effective data bindings when processing.

Thanks for any suggestion!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert From Table 1 To Table 2 Only If Record Doesn't Exist In Table 2?

Jul 24, 2015

I'm inserting from TempAccrual to VacationAccrual . It works nicely, however if I run this script again it will insert the same values again in VacationAccrual. How do I block that? IF there is a small change in one of the column in TempAccrual then allow insert. Here is my query

INSERT INTO vacationaccrual

[Code] ....

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Does The Varray Or/and Nested Table Mechanism Exists In Sql Server

Jun 6, 2007

Hi.Like in subject. I know the varray and nested tables from oracle, and I'm trying to implement them in sql server. I've been googling for any information but with no result. Can somebody direct me ??Sorry for any english mistakesThanks for help 

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Temp Table Scope In Nested Stored Procedures

Jun 8, 2001

We are migrating a SQL 6.5 application with 1900 stored procedures that use 100's of temp tables to SQL 2000.

A problem we have encountered was that we started out getting an "invalid column" errors on certain procedures. Investigation determined that the error was being generated in a nested procedure. The table that caused the error ended up being a temp table that was created using "select into". The following select statement from that temp table gave the invalid column error.

First thinking it was the "Select Into" we then discovered that the outer most procedure had created a temp table of the same name prior to executing the lower level procedure. After the select into, the next statement was a SELECT that went against what it thought was the inner temp table. However, it grabbed the outermost temp table and then couldn't find the appropriate columns and generated the error.

The solution, of course, was to rename the inner most temp table. We also remove the "select into" in the procedure by explicitly creating the temp table.

We tried creating some test procedures to attempt to reproduce this scenario without complete success.

Our test created 3 procedures (sp1 calling sp2 calling sp3) to mimic the current scenario. Sp1 created a temp table and executed sp2, which executed sp3. Sp3 created another temp table using the same name as the one created in sp1.

If we create all three procedures at the same time, it doesn't matter if we change the order in which they are created or whether we create the inner temp table explicitly or with a "select into", SQL Query Analyzer won't let us create the procedure because it finds that the temp table has been declared twice. If we create the procedures separately however, they compile and allow sp3 to create a temp table by the same name as sp1. After creating the procedures independently, they runs properly in all cases with everything in proper scope and no problems.

Admittedly, this is bad coding to start with, but what is happening with the scope of the temp tables within the stored procedures?

Glen Smith

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Nested Queries, Stored Procedures, Temporary Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm adapting access queries to sql server and I have difficulties withthe following pattern :query1 : SELECT * FROM Query2 WHERE A=@param1query 2: SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@param2The queries are nested, and they both use parameters.In MS Acccess the management of nested queries with parameters is soeasy (implicit declaration of parameters, transmission of parametersfrom main query to nested query)that I don't know what the syntax should be for stored procedures.The corresponding stored procedure would be something likeCREATE TABLE #TempTable (...table definition...)INSERT INTO #TempTable ExecProc spQuery2 @Param2SELECT * FROM #TempTable WHERE A=@Param1And spQuery2 would be : SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE B=@ParamI was wondering if this syntax would work and if I can skip theexplicit declaration of #TempTable definition.Thanks for your suggestions.

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Nested Joins - Joining One Table To Another Multiple Times

Jan 9, 2006

Hi,I'm having problems constructing a nested join. It's quite complex, sohere's a simplfied example of the problem. Any thoughts on what I'mdoig wrong - or if I've got the whole approach wrong are welcome.I've two tables :-one is a contact table contacting name, addresses etc. Three of thefields represent users - 'created by', 'last modified by' and 'owner'.They contain usernames - eg. JDOE, BSMITH etc.The other table contants usernames and new ID codes.What I want to do is create a new dataset by joining the contacts tablewith the user table on all three fields - so the new dataset containsthe ids for the creator, last modifier and owner.I've tried things similar to:select c.*, u1.id, u2,id, u3.idfrom contact cleft outer join users u1left outer join users u2left outer join users u3on (u3.username = c.owner)on (u2.username = c.modified)on (u1.username = c.creator )But it compains that"The column prefix 'c' does not match with a table name or alias nameused in the query."The problem is referencing c (contact) through the whole set of joins.I would like to do this in some similar format as the query is within acursor and post-processing would be very long-winded.Thanks

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Case Table And Nested Tables Design Problem

Oct 20, 2006


I have a problem in design the tables.  My main task is to learn how to give the Match Score.

I have hundreds of dataset and one of them is like this:

Test Record Number: 19
Prospect ID = 254040088233400441105260031881009
Match Score = 95
Input Record Fielding  ( eg wordnumber[Field] ) : 1[1] 2[1] 3[11] 4[11] 5[11]
   Prospect Word = 1 type = 1 match level = 4 input word  = 1 input type  = 1
   Prospect Word = 2 type = 2 match level = 0 input word  = NA input type  = NA
   Prospect Word = 3 type = 3 match level = 4 input word  = 2 input type  = 1
   Prospect Word = 4 type = 11 match level = 4 input word  = 3 input type  = 11
   Prospect Word = 5 type = 13 match level = 4 input word  = 4 input type  = 11
   Prospect Word = 6 type = 14 match level = 4 input word  = 5 input type  = 11

Now I have all my data stored in the DB and I seperated them into 3 tables and their structures are:

1) prospect (id, testrecordnumber, prospectID, matchscore) 

2) inputfieldind (id, prspid, inputword, inputfield) 

3) prospectinfo (id, prspid, prospectword, prospecttype, matchlevel, inputword, inputtype)

and the prspid in table 2 & 3 refers to the prospectID in table 1.What I did was setting:

a) prospect table as case table with id AS key, prospectID AS input & predictable;

b) and the other two as nested tables with inputword/inputfield AS key & input, prospectword/prospecttype/matchlevel/inputword/inputtype AS key & input .

But it shows error for having multiply key columns...


And also I am thinking about using the Naive bayes algorithm.  Can I also have some suggestion on this?






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Case Table And Nested Tables In Association Algorithm

Aug 30, 2006



i m trying to build microsoft association model using Microsoft association algorithm. i got

1) patient table(patientid, name, city)

2) diseases(diseaseid, dieseasename)

It is M:N [many to many] relationship between above tables, so

3)Patient_diseases(patientid,disease_id). [RELATIONSHIP TABLE]

 i am trying to associate city in patient table --> disease in diseases table.   I want to build association data mining model and use it on web form, such a way when the user enters city associated disease will be displayed.

should i select all 3 table to build the model? could help me to decide what tables should i select as Case and what tables as Nested? what attributes from the table should i select as key, input, predictive ?

i am using data mining tutorials on sqlserverdatamining.com to build this model. is there anything further during my model building i get into confusion? please suggest me where i can find complete resource or inform here.

i appreciate Mr.Jamie for his guidance so far in my academic project. i do have the book 'Data mining with sql server 2005'.  I left with just one day to do this and document.

hoping someone could suggest. your help is much appreciated.



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Nested SELECT Query That Also Returns COUNT From Related Table

Mar 4, 2005

OK heres the situation, I have a Categories table and a Products table, each Category can have one or many Products, but a product can only belong to one Category hence one-to-many relationship.

Now I want to do a SELECT query that outputs all of the Categories onto an ASP page, but also displays how many Products are in each category eg.

CatID | Name | Description | No. Products

0001 | Cars | Blah blah blah | 5

etc etc

At the moment I'm doing nesting in my application logic so that for each category that is displayed, another query is run that returns the number of products for that particular category. It works ok!

However, is there a way to write a SQL Statement that returns all the Categories AND number products from just the one SELECT statement, rather than with the method I'm using outlined above? The reason I'm asking is that I want to be able to order by the number of products for each category and my method doesn't allow me to do this.

Many thanks!

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