Dec 13, 2005

I am working for a client that would has XML data being passed into a Service Broker queue.

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Jul 20, 2005

Hello!How bad is it to use SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF before an INSERT andthen switch it ON straight afterwards. So I can insert strings likeO'Neil etc.It's my only design option at the moment. Everything works fine and asfar as I can see, it's only set to OFF for the currentconnection/session so no other users will run into problems at thesame time if they need it ON, right?Thanks Martin

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I Don't Understand Quoted_identifier

Mar 24, 2008

OK, so I know that following works if I want update/insert the value "joe's bar" into the table.

update #temp set id=4 where name ='joe''s bar'

The thing is, I do not conceptually understand what is happening and it is driving me nuts. I have read and re-read the description of quoted_identifier in books online and I still don't get it. How does the extra ' after joe make it work? Is there any hope for me? :)

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Jul 21, 2006

I have a very strange problem, it only happen to one SQL Server, otherSQL Server seems to be fineI got the following error when trying to run a sp against one of theSQL Server:SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrectsettings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct foruse with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or querynotifications and/or xml data type methods.If I put the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF In the beginning of the sp,everything works fine, but the questions is why should I do that? andwhy it only happen to only one SQLServer ? The database option onQUOTED_IDENTIFIER are off on all SQLServer. (I am using SQL2005)Thanks in advance.JohnEnclose is the statement that create the databaseif db_id('testdb') is not nulldrop database [testdb]gobeginUSE [master]CREATE DATABASE [testdb] ON PRIMARY( NAME = N'testdb',FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA estdb.mdf' ,SIZE = 8192KB ,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )LOG ON( NAME = N'testdb_log',FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA estdb_log.ldf' ,SIZE = 29504KB ,MAXSIZE = 2048GB ,FILEGROWTH = 10%)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASEXEC dbo.sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname=N'testdb',@new_cmptlevel=90ALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ANSI_NULLS OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ANSI_PADDING OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ARITHABORT OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS ONALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ONALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET CURSOR_DEFAULT GLOBALALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ENABLE_BROKERALTER DATABASE [testdb]SETAUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC ONALTER DATABASE [testdb]SETDATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET TRUSTWORTHY OFFALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ONALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLEALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET READ_WRITEALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET RECOVERY FULLALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET MULTI_USERALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUMALTER DATABASE [testdb] SET DB_CHAINING OFFend

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Dec 2, 2007

does anyone know how to keep QA from adding the lines setting thesetwo options on and off along with blank lines at the beginning and endof every object you edit? i have searched quite a bit on this buthaven't been able to come up with anything.

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Jul 13, 2007

When I execute a SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER statement, does it only apply to the current batch or current connection? I noticed it doesn't change the "Quoted Identifiers Enabled" setting in the Options page of the Database Properties in Management Studio.



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Find Which SPs Have Quoted_identifier Set Wrong

Jul 31, 2006

Our client's application software requires all stored procedures tohave quoted_identifier set a certain way. I've tripped over this afew times and promptly fixed it, but this morning, I had totroubleshoot a case where someone else tripped over it. In such asituation, how can I identify which SP(s) have it set the wrong way?(No huge rush, the someone-else has already fixed the recent case)SQL 2K, SP3

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Sep 6, 2006

Is there any way via T-SQL to run through a database and ensure that QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and ANSI_NULLS is set for all stored procs and functions etc on a database without having to recreate every proc / fn ?

The reason this is an issue is I'm trying to take advantage of indexed views to get a performance increase in an application - but not all of the procs/fn's have historically been created with ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set - so any proc that's not set correctly will fail once the indexed view has been created.

I could I suppose, script out all the procs / functions and do a bit of search and replace to ensure that these are set correctly by recreating all procs and functions - but I'm trying to avoid doing that as I've over 500 databases to upgrade - a metadata hack may be preferable.

Thoughts or comments or possible alternative approaches are welcome...

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Jul 20, 2005

Getting an "incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS., QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'."error after creating a view.We wanted a composite unique constraint that ignored nulls, so we setup a view using the following script:/* --- start --- */BEGIN TRANSACTIONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ARITHABORT ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFFSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONCOMMITGOCREATE VIEW vw_MyViewWITH SCHEMABINDINGASSELECT Col1, Col2 FROM dbo.MyTable WHERECol2 IS NOT NULLGO/* --- end --- */and then added the constraint to the new view/* --- start --- */CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX AK_MyTable_Constraint1 ONvw_MyView(Col1, Col2)GO/* --- end --- */I thought we were doing fine, 'til we started running some DELETEstored procedures and got the above error. The error also citedARITHABORT as an incorrect setting until we ran this script:/* --- start --- */USE masterDECLARE @value intSELECT @value = value FROM syscurconfigsWHERE config = 1534SET @value = @value | 64EXEC sp_configure 'user options', @valueRECONFIGURE/* --- end --- */TIA to anyone kind enough to shed some light on this for me. Is theresomething we should have done differently in creating the view andindex? If not, what's the procedure for working through thesesettings errors?I've read through some other threads on this subject, but didn'treally find what I was looking for. Thanks again for any help. Wouldbe appreciated.-matt

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DELETE Failed Because The Following SET Options Have Incorrect Settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'

Sep 20, 2006

When I want to delete a data from a table that this tabl has a triggerand this trigger reached another tables to delete the data in cursor Ihave this messeage:DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrectsettings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.My trigger :CREATE TRIGGER [TOPBASICIKISSILME] ON [dbo].[TBLDEPOBKTOPBASICIKIS]FOR DELETEASBEGINDECLARE @rows_affected int, @inc bigint , @dblid bigint ,@DEPOBKINCbigintSELECT @rows_affected = @@ROWCOUNTIF @rows_affected = 0RETURN -- No rows changed, exit triggerBEGINDECLARE Miktar CURSOR FORSELECT deleted.DBLID,deleted.TOPBASICIKISINC , deleted.DEPOBKINCFROM deletedOPEN MiktarFETCH NEXT FROM Miktar INTO @dblid,@inc,@DEPOBKINCWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGINSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONDELETE FROM TBLDEPOBKMIKTAR WHERE DEPOBKINC=@DEPOBKINCAND OWNERINC = @inc AND ISLEMID=2 AND HAREKETID=19 AND BIRIM=1SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFPRINT @DEPOBKINCFETCH NEXT FROM Miktar INTO @dblid,@inc,@DEPOBKINCENDCLOSE MiktarDEALLOCATE MiktarENDEND

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XQuery Error

Jan 31, 2007

Does anyone know why this works:
SELECT [MyXmlColumn].query('/root') FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable]
But this produces an error:
SELECT [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable].[MyXmlColumn].query('/root') FROM [MyDatabase].[dbo].[MyTable]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'MyXmlColumn'.

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XQuery Vs OpenRowset

Apr 5, 2006

Please let me know the advantages and disadvantages of XQuery vsOpenRowSet in SQL Server 2005. Which would be better?Regards,Shilpa

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Xquery Help SqlServer2005

Nov 22, 2006

I have the following XML in an XML column in a SQL 2005 Database.<DeliveryList xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule"><Delivery SalesOrderID="43659"><CustomerName>Steve Schmidt</CustomerName><Address>6126 North Sixth Street, Rockhampton</Address></Delivery><Delivery SalesOrderID="43660"><CustomerName>Tony Lopez</CustomerName><Address>6445 Cashew Street, Rockhampton</Address></Delivery></DeliveryList>I need to query that column using the value method to retreive the addressof the first delivery. I come up with this,SELECTDeliveryList.value('data((/DeliveryList/Delivery/Address)[1])','nvarchar(100)')DeliveryAddressFROM Sales.DeliverySchedulebut it tells meXQuery [Sales.DeliverySchedule.DeliveryList.value()]: There is no elementnamed 'DeliveryList'I have tried every permutation of the path and I can not seem to get it towork? Any ideas?

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Xquery Return On If Node Has A Value

Sep 29, 2007

Hi,I am using xquery to extract XML fragments from my database. How do I xquery a table containing XML (typed) and return only nodes that meet the xquery.For example, the following returns empty cells if there is not @id = "op1". How I I only return values and not empty cells?  SELECT xmldata.query('declare namespace ACM="www.mydomain.com"; (

for $p in //ACM:oproc[@id = "op1"]

return $p

)' ) FROM mytable   Thanks

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Yukon XQuery Question

Jul 27, 2005

I am trying to query data in an XML variable and I am having troublegetting the data out in the format that I would like. Given thefollowing XML:declare @myDoc xmlset @myDoc = '<OwnershipTeamGuid="23EA393A-3926-4A55-8329-FE747593379D" TeamName=".NETFramework"><Roles><Role Guid="93BDB4E2-95A0-438D-96E4-43032EB2BA16" Name="API ReviewPM Contact" ContactAlias="John.Smith" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /><Role Guid="8A7145EF-B48B-4A93-BFA5-28B53995C022" Name="Architect"ContactAlias="John.Doe" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /><Role Guid="BF727283-B18C-415A-A38C-CEC15CD341D9" Name="Corp VP"ContactAlias="None" Inherited="0" ArtifactName="" /></Roles></Ownership>'What I would like to do is run an XQuery against the variable and getattribute data back in normal rows and columns like the following:Guid NameContactAlias------------------------------------ ---------------------------------93BDB4E2-95A0-438D-96E4-43032EB2BA16 API Review PM Contact John.Smith8A7145EF-B48B-4A93-BFA5-28B53995C022 Architect John.DoeBF727283-B18C-415A-A38C-CEC15CD341D9 Corp VP NoneI've checked the Query and Value methods and have not been able to getthem to do this for me. Is this even possible w/XQuery? Do I need touse OpenXML to do what I am trying to accomplish?Thanks for your help!

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Where To Write XQuery Statements?

Mar 27, 2006

Where to write XQuery statements?

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Some XQuery/SQL Server 2005 Help Please

Nov 27, 2006

This querySELECT DeliveryList.query('declare default element namespacehttp://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule;<DeliveryRoute><RouteNo>{ sql:column("D.DeliveryRoute") }</RouteNo>for a$ in /DeliveryList/Delivery/Addressreturn<Address>a$</Address></DeliveryRoute>')as ResultFROM Sales.DeliverySchedule DReturns this XML<DeliveryRoute xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule"><RouteNo>3</RouteNo>for a$ in /DeliveryList/Delivery/Addressreturn<Address>a$</Address></DeliveryRoute>I need it to return this XML<DeliveryRoute xmlns="http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule><RouteNo<3>/RouteNo><Address>6126 North Sixth Street, Rockhampton</Address><Address>6445 Cashew Street, Rockhampton</Address></DeiveryRoute>What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? All help is appreciated.TIA, ~CK

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Update Query Using XQuery

Nov 27, 2006

UPDATE Sales.DeliveryScheduleSET DeliveryList.modify('declare namespacedf=http://schemas.adventure-works.com/DeliverySchedule;replace value of (df:DeliveryList/df:Delivery/df:Address)[1]' with "7194Fourth St., Rockhampton"')WHERE Sales.DeliverySchedule.ScheduleID = 1This query gives me the following errorXQuery [Sales.DeliverySchedule.DeliveryList.modify()]: Invalid sourcecharacter 0x2019Any ideas? What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for any advice.TIA,~CK

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Xquery Return Limited Nodeset

Dec 6, 2007

Im using the Xquery:SELECT @xmlDoc.query('
for $item in (/Collection/Content)
where $item/Html/root/DocInfo/Webinar = "White Paper"
order by $item[1]/Html[1]/root[1]/DocInfo[1]/Title[1] ascending
return $item
 I only want to return the TOP 5 nodes (not the entire nodelist). What is the FLOWR expression or simplest way to return the limited nodeset?

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Query Data From XML Column With XQuery

Jan 22, 2013

I am trying to learn XQuery and Xpath in SQL Server. I created a sample file and uploaded it to a Table with 2 columns ID, XMLDoc. The below code is within the document in the XMLDoc column so it is the only record in the column.

I am trying to query the file so it will show all the results in a table like a normal select statement would. How would you construct the select statement to select all the information like a select * ? How would you select one field like all suppliers? I would like to select the supplier, requestor for each item.

Here is the xml:

<tst:Document xmlns:tst ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" SchemaVersion="0.1" Classification="Test" UniqueIdentifier="1234" Title="Test">
<tst:Revision RevNumber="0" TimeStamp="2013-01-21T12:56:00">
<tst:Author Name="Me" Guid="1234" />

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: XQuery Delete From XML Variable

Nov 20, 2014

I'd like to delete A3 from the XML variable below, however I get "XQuery [modify()]: The XQuery syntax '/function()' is not supported."

DECLARE @XML XML = '<Attribute>

DECLARE @n VARCHAR(100) = 'A3'

SET @XML.modify('delete (/Attribute/sql:variable("@n")[1]) ')

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Xquery Support In SQL-Server 2005

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,does anyone kown if the final release or one of the next Betas ofSQL-Server 2005 will support XQuery-Statemets including the LET-Feature.Thanks,Tobias

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Getting All Nodes And Node Details From Xml Using Xquery

Apr 8, 2006

Hi,I haev the following code:DECLARE @x xmlSET @x='<Root><row id="1"><name>Larry</name><oflw>some text</oflw></row><row id="2"><name>Joe</name></row><row id="3" /></Root>'exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xSELECT * FROM OPENXML(@idoc, '/Root')This gives the following detailsidparentidnodetype localnameprefixnamespaceuridatatypeprev textI want to get the same details using XQuery, please let me know how togo about it.Regards,Shilpa

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Xquery - Select Not Returning All Attributes / Values

Jan 29, 2013

I have a table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[XmlTable](
[XmlId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[XmlDocument] [xml] NOT NULL,

[Code] .....

With a schema structure:

<dev:Doc xmlns:dev="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" SchemaVersion="0.1" Settings="Testing" Title="Ordering">
<dev:Base RevisionNumber="0" Baseid="34433" />
<dev:Rev Time="2013-01-21T15:08:00">
<dev:Person Name="Me" Systemid="54654" />


I am trying to return the id, number, name, and location of the visitors

Something like:

RevNumber Function Id Number Visitor Location Sender
========= =========== ======== ======= ======== ======
0 A1 1 Dev01 STLRF FGY(14A)
0 A1 1 Dev02 STLRF FGY(14A)
0 A1 1 Dev03 FGRTY FGY(14A)

Here is the table insert

INSERT INTO XmlTable(XMLDocument)
BULK 'C:Users123DesktopPractice.xml',

I Have gotten a little further, but the number is not showing for A2 and the Sender, visitor is showing null.

;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ( 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' as dev )
Document.value('@Title' , 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') Title,
Functions.value('@Id', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') Functions,
A1.value('@Number', 'INT') Number,


Results I am getting that are not all correct:

Title Functions Number VisitorName Location Sender
======== ========= ====== =========== ======== ======
Ordering A1 1 Dev01 STLRF NULL
Ordering A1 1 Dev02 STLRF NULL
Ordering A1 1 Dev03 FGRTY NULL

Not I changed Rev to Title

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Transact SQL :: Blank Element In XML Not Read By XQuery

May 14, 2015

declare @inputXml xml
set @inputXml='<root>

[Code] ...

I get below output ....

But I need below output ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: XQuery Syntax To Evaluate Math Formula

Feb 25, 2015

I want to evaluate a math formula inside of a function, so I can't use dynamic SQL.

I found that the query on an XML-variable with a literal works well.

DECLARE @sParsedFormula varchar(200);
DECLARE @xFormula xml;
SET @xFormula = '';
SET @sParsedFormula = '1+2';
SELECT @xFormula.query('3+3') , @xFormula.query('sql:variable("@sParsedFormula")')Output (1st value is correctly evaluated, 2nd not):
"6", "1+2"

I can't directly pass @sParsedFormula to the query otherwise I get "The argument 1 of the XML data type method "query" must be a string literal". What is the correct XQuery-syntax to evaluate the SQL:variable?

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Begineer Requires Help!

Feb 18, 2003

I develop basic websites. I have been contracted by a music company to develop a site using a database to do the following:
Search for music by genre/keyword -> display the results in the following format:
Song Name | Artist Name | Keywords | Description | (MP3 icon linked to download) | (WMA icon linked to download)
The site will have an additional database of users who must login before they can reach the above page, also with the facility to track what each person downloads/searches etc. Any assistance on where I should start, what scripts to use etc. would be much appreciated. Cheers -andrew

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My Application 'requires' SQL

Oct 7, 2007


I tried to run my application on another computer but then I got this error:
'An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.' ( well this is only the first line )

When I tried to do something with the database inside my application. So I installed SQL (and I had to install .net framework 2.0 also). And then my applicaton worked.

But now my question: Is it possible to run my application, and use the database, without having to install all those things first, when I want to use it on other computers?

Thanks in advance,

Ruben Pieters

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Xquery To Get Event Data Back From Extended Events?

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to use xquery to get event data back from extended events. I am trying to use some sample data from Grant Fritchey but I am getting null records back. Below is the xml - I just want to retrieve a distinct list of the client_hostname and client_app_name.

<event name="login" package="sqlserver" timestamp="2014-02-19T23:53:54.299Z">
<data name="is_cached"><value>true</value></data><data name="is_dac">
<value>false</value></data><data name="database_id"><value>7</value>
</data><data name="packet_size"><value>8000</value></data><data name="options">

[Code] ....

The query I have that doesn't work is :

WITH xEvents AS
(SELECT object_name AS xEventName,
CAST (event_data AS xml) AS xEventData
FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file
('C:LoginTraceShared_0*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL))
SELECT distinct top 1000 xEventName,
xEventData.value('(/event/data[@action_name=''Client_APP_Name'']/value)[1]','varchar') Client_APP_Name,
xEventData.value('(/event/data[@action_name=''Client_Host_Name'']/value)[1]','varchar') Client_Host_Name
FROM xEvents

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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Support XQuery Static Type Analysis?

Jan 1, 2007

I am quite curious about SQL Server 2005 Express, since I am conducting an XQuery implementation survey for my thesis study.

Yet I still got some questions and may need your help:

1. Does SQL Server 2005 Express support XQuery static type analysis (from http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-semantics/)?

2. If so, since the W3C standard is still changing, how do you keep up
with the change efficiently?

Your help will be appreciated.
Happy New Year and Thank you,

Selina, Wang

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Jun 28, 2007

OK I am trying the following select statement but I am getting a 'DISTINCT requires ORDER BY to be used' error. I have an ORDER BY in it so I am not sure what I have missed?

SELECT DISTINCT tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum + tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum AS [Full Cost]
ContractorAreaRelationship ON tbl_final_CP.Area = ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaNo INNER JOIN
tbl_CPCost ON tbl_final_CP.CP = tbl_CPCost.CP
WHERE (DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.ContractorNumber = 6112) AND
(DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'Conwy') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.Video > 0) OR
(DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.ContractorNumber = 6112) AND
(DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum > 0) OR
(DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND
(ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.Video > 0) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AdminID = 6112) OR
(DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND
(ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum > 0) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AdminID = 6112)
ORDER BY tbl_final_CP.CP, tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum + tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum

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Why It Requires Userid And Password.

Jul 14, 2007

When I tried to browse the reportserver url. The IE 7.0 asks me for Username and password. I feel, its some settings related to security. But other sites created are working fine. The virtual directories created using Repoting services configuration manager only ask me username and password.

Any suggestions.


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Not Being Able To Create A View That Requires A Loop

Oct 25, 2007

i have a table A that contains 3 columns : id, entry ,sessionid
 i want to create a view on this table that will contain
- for each sessionid s in A --> select top 5 rows having s as sessionid and ordered by id desc
(s can have 1 or 2 or 5 or 300 entries i want to get only the latest 5 rows that correspond to this session)
I tried many queries and different combinations i could find one yet to do the following.
Can anyone help me plz?
Can we have a loop in a view?is it possible?

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