Xp_sendmail Fails But Alert System Sends Email Notification.
Nov 30, 2004
I receive the following error when trying to invoke xp_sendmail 'xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005'. However, for alert notifications the email works fine. SQL is using an alias account to send mail. This account doesn't have any funny characters. Any ideas why the alert system works but xp_sendmail does not? The invokation of xp_sendmail is being done by SA.
I am trying to configure emails alerts on DTS package on one of my servers , i am getting an error somthing like i need to add a new profile.I received emails every day from the scheduled jobs which succeed every day
We recently had a problem with DB Mail. SQL jobs that sends an email succeeded but the email in the job fail to sent. There was a problem with the email server. The error is included. We fixed the problem with the email server. How can I get an alert when a DB Mail email fails send?
Date4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM LogDatabase Mail (Database Mail Log)
Log ID5907 Process ID13204 Mail Item ID5702 Last Modified4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM Last Modified Bysa
Message The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2015-04-23T10:01:06). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Insufficient system storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Unable to accept message because the server is out of disk space.). )
I have several DTSX packages which send out report files by mail. For security purposes, the SMTP server can only be reached from specified IP addresses, from specified processes, with specified sender address. I know all this information, except the process name that sends out the emails in a DTSX package. So my question is, what process can be identified as the one that sends out the email?
Can anyone assist me? I am trying to create a trigger within our local database that will allow me submit an email to a local exchange server. Its an internal email that our company has created for responses by candidates when the original stored procedure meets a condition of TRUE.
Is SQL 7.0 capable of sending emails to a specified address through a Trigger? I was told it could but have yet to come across any documentation backing this up.
Would anyone know the generic syntax I can use to create such a trigger?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Claude Johnson cjohnson@staffmentor.net
I've setup the option to mail the error to a person. When the option is on I get the error message by mail but the package does not finish (eg. the failing task does not become red and the output windows never says anything about the error) - if I set the option to off the task fails as expected.
as declare @From varchar(8000) declare @Subject varchar(8000) declare @Body varchar(4000) declare @smtp varchar(8000) declare @counter int, @tbl varchar(8000) Declare @MailID int Declare @hr int Declare @To varchar(8000) Declare @tblquery varchar(8000) declare @id int, @deptemail varchar(8000), @tmpmth varchar(8000), @usedb varchar(8000) set @from = 'name@mail.com' set @subject = 'testheader' set @body = 'testing successful' set @smtp = 'smtp.com'
--========================================================================= --============================ get database name ======================= IF (LEN(MONTH(GETDATE())) = 1) BEGIN Set @TmpMth = '0' + CAST(MONTH(GETDATE()) AS varchar(2)) --01 END ELSE BEGIN Set @TmpMth = CAST(MONTH(GETDATE()) AS varchar(2)) --12 END SET @UseDB = 'DATA' + CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar(4)) + @TmpMth --aia_DATA200712 --=================================================================== --============================ get table number ======================= set @counter = 1 while @counter >= 59 begin IF (LEN(@counter) = 1) BEGIN Set @Tbl = '0' + @counter --01 END ELSE BEGIN Set @Tbl = @counter --12 END
--=========================check if table being created exists IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE catalog_name = 'temptable') GOTO table_1 --=================================== get all email accounts ===================== set @tblquery = ' select ID, Email INTO temptable FROM ( select distinct d.id, d.email from tt32_aia.dbo.department d right outer join tt32_aia.dbo.extension e ON (e.parentid = d.id) right outer join ' + @usedb + '.dbo.other' + @tbl + ' data ON (e.extn = data.extn) where callclass = '''' or callclass is null UNION ALL select distinct d.id, d.email from tt32_aia.dbo.department d right outer join tt32_aia.dbo.extension e ON (e.parentid = d.id) right outer join ' + @usedb + '.dbo.inward' + @tbl + ' data ON (e.extn = data.extn) where callclass = '''' or callclass is null UNION ALL select distinct d.id, d.email from tt32_aia.dbo.department d right outer join tt32_aia.dbo.extension e ON (e.parentid = d.id) right outer join ' + @usedb + '.dbo.local' + @tbl + ' data ON (e.extn = data.extn) where callclass = '''' or callclass is null UNION ALL select distinct d.id, d.email from tt32_aia.dbo.department d right outer join tt32_aia.dbo.extension e ON (e.parentid = d.id) right outer join ' + @usedb + '.dbo.other' + @tbl + ' data ON (e.extn = data.extn) where callclass = '''' or callclass is null )data DECLARE deptemail_cursor CURSOR FOR select id, email from temptable where id is not null '
--============================================================================= --====just above you can see the cursor.. below is sending the emails --======================================================================
OPEN deptemail_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM deptemail_cursor INTO @id, @deptemail
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --If LEN(@deptemail) > 0 --BEGIN set @to = @deptemail EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDo.message', @MailID OUT --CDo.message |CDONTS.NewMail <-- different mail server EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'Configuration.fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing").Value','2' EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'Configuration.fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver").Value', @smtp EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'From', @From EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'HTMLBody', @Body EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'Subject', @Subject EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @MailID , 'To', @to EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @MailID , 'Send', NULL EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @MailID --END FETCH NEXT FROM deptemail_cursor INTO @id, @deptemail END
CLOSE deptemail_cursor DEALLOCATE deptemail_cursor
Table_1: drop table temptable return
set @counter = @counter + 1
this is suppose to send email automatically to every email account that it will get from all the tables (around 250 tables). the problem is its not sending, but if i try to take my code outside of the "SET @COUNTER = @COUNTER + 1 END" and close the if statement above, i can produce the correct result.. i'm thinking maybe its the positioning? but, there could be some overhauling needed to do with this.. sorry for posting the sp. sorry for the trouble.. please help me
I am having a few problems with Database Mail and wondered if anyone could assist. It sends test mails fine, but when I run the following script:
(I've changed my email address in this post to test@test.com they are accurate in the scripts.)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'Test Mail',
@recipients = 'test@test.com',
@body = 'Sent by sp_send_dbmail',
@Subject = 'SQL Server Email Test Email';
It gives the following errors.
(from the above script)
mailitem_id = 16 profile_id = 2 recipients = test@test.com copy_recipients = NULL blind_copy_recipients = NULL subject = SQL Server Email Test Email body = Sent by sp_send_dbmail body_format = TEXT importance = NORMAL sensitivity = NORMAL file_attachments = NULL attachment_encoding = MIME query = NULL execute_query_database = NULL attach_query_result_as_file = 0 query_result_header = 1 query_result_width = 256 query_result_separator = exclude_query_output = 0 append_query_error = 0 send_request_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:03.827 send_request_user = COMPANYTest.Test sent_account_id = NULL sent_status = failed sent_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:04.000 last_mod_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:04.513 last_mod_user = sa
(from the test mail)
mailitem_id = 11 profile_id = 2 recipients = test@test.com copy_recipients = NULL blind_copy_recipients = NULL subject = Database Mail Test body = This is a test e-mail sent from Database Mail on UKDEVSQL1 body_format = TEXT importance = NORMAL sensitivity = NORMAL file_attachments = NULL attachment_encoding = MIME query = NULL execute_query_database = NULL attach_query_result_as_file = 0 query_result_header = 1 query_result_width = 256 query_result_separator = exclude_query_output = 0 append_query_error = 0 send_request_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.530 send_request_user = COMPANYTest.Test sent_account_id = 4 sent_status = sent sent_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.000 last_mod_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.610 last_mod_user = sa
sysmail_event_log gives this error for mail item 16 (the scripted email):
The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 4 (2008-04-15T10:11:41). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused). )
I am actually trying to setup multiple notification for one of our SQL Server 2000. The plan is to setup different notifications for administrators and users; so basically if a Job fails on this server Admins will get an alert message. In addition users will be notified with a separate notification to let them know that Admin team is already aware of the issue and is looking into that. All the communication is required to be through emails.
Please let me know if you have a solution to that.
I'm trying to develop a email alert feature on my project. I was trying to approach with SQL trigger wich I think is the best option. Basically, when a new record is inserted into ad table, a email alert goes to peolpe who selected to receive alert wehen certain conditions are met. What would be the best approach? any examples?Thanks
I need to set up an automatic email notification. Right now, I have a subscription that is working. The subscription runs a report and puts the resulting pdf into a folder. I need a way to notify users (preferrably in an Outlook distribution list) when the pdf is created. I'm amazed that this basic feature is not built into the subscription capabilities.
Can anyone please tell me how to best accomplish this? I'm familiar with vb.net if that helps.
Does anyone know if this can be done? I've looked everywhere. This is how my info is appearing in an email... These are the files I requested and this is how it's being displayed. Any suggestions? Requestor Requested Shipped Due ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Approaching the Corporate Heart
klm@yahoo.com 02/07/2008 02/07/2008 02/06/2008 PASSION FOR CUSTOMERS 3 copies
When a new record is inserted into the database. I want this to trigger an email that will be sent to all users who requested one when a new record was added. I can't figure the best way to set this up. All help gratefully received. Thanks JB
It seems that in order to get an email alert from SQL Server 2000 I need Microsoft Outlook orMicrosoft Exchange client installed. Is there any other way to get an email alert (not net send) when a back up is finished? for example using a @hotmail.com account?
Hello i am new to sqlserver 2000.i have list of email id in a table. need to fetch that emailid and send mail to the appropriate id's.any body knows how to write job schedule for this task.Ideas are welcome
I've set up an alert to email me whenever the database is over a certain size. The amount is calculated by taking 80% of the total data file size. The problem I'm having is that it keeps generating a false positive alert because MS SQL seems to treat the currently used value as the total allocated space for the database data file. For example, the data file is 100MB, it's currently using 60MB, and if I enter 80MB in the alert, it generates an email alert claiming the current size is 100MB. Could it be because the data file size is set to 100MB (since autogrowth is disabled)?
How can I turn this query into an Email alert if one of the counts are GT 50. The Source are machines that I capture counts(Unprocessed_Cntr) from every 5 minutes and load to the Load_Time_Capture table. I also add a datetime to each capture(Unprocessed_Capture ).
If any individual source has a count > 50 or if the combined(ALL) GT 50 send an email to support person.
SELECT CASE GROUPING([Source]) WHEN 1 THEN 'ALL' ELSE [Source] END AS 'Input Source', avg([Unprocessed_Cntr]) as 'Average Queue Past 15 Min'
FROM Load_Time_Capture WHERE Unprocessed_Capture >= DateADD(mi, -15, Current_TimeStamp) GROUP BY [source] WITH ROLLUP
I am trying to set up the email notification system in SQL server 2000, but im having some problems. Mainly, im having problems with setting up an email account in the first place (there is a dedicated mail box, but the one im working with is a different box altogether).
If anyone could help fathom this out from start to finish i would be really grateful.
Is there a handy-dandy way for me to be able, from a stored procedure, to capture the notification email address for a user associated with a job?
I need to send an email out from a stored procedure, and I want it to be set up to send to the same user that is set up in the job that calls the stored procedure.
the same notification stored proc will be used in multiple jobs, but the jobs are already set up with a notification email to be sent to the defined users "on completion" (error or not). I want a separate email to be sent, but I want to use xp_Sendmail because I have to perform a select who's output I want to appear in the body of the email (and unless I am missing something, I have no control over the body of the standard "job completion" email).
I would prefer to NOT have to "hard code" the user email address in the stored proc that calls xp_sendmail, OR to put it in some user table in the database, when the user I want to send it to will always be the same one defined in at the JOB level in Enterprise Manager.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your instantaneous and informative answer-packed responses! ;)
I just wondered that now SQL Mail is classed as a legacy solution for email, does anyone know how to set up Notification Services to send email once a job has completed e.g. Backup or reindex?
I have tried to find a tutorial but with no joy so far!
I want to setup a SMTP using gmail. How to configure it, it says,
In your email client software, under Outgoing mail, set the SMTP server to smtp.gmail.com. Set the your username is yourgooglemailname@gmail.com and make sure "Use username and password" is checked. Also check off "TLS" under "Use secure connection." I tried to do this in code:
Dim htmlMessage As MailMessage
Dim mySmtpClient As SmtpClient
htmlMessage = New MailMessage(From, SendTo, Subject, Body)
htmlMessage.IsBodyHtml = IsBodyHTML
mySmtpClient = New SmtpClient(Server)
Dim myCred As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("myemail@gmail.com", "mypassword") 'CredentialCache
I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail howeverI do not want the file contents to be an attachment.I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email butall myattempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the emailhave not worked.TIA
how do I set up a SQL2000 server to send an alert to both an email address and a pager when a specific event occurs..please help!!! The server is in a different location and we need notification of problems!! thanks
I have a strange problem with a scheduled task failing with the following:
"Unable to send completion notification email to operator with email name '' for task 2780, 'Scheduled Update'"
This job is the same across several servers and the job runs on the other servers. This is a bit frustrating... I cannot seem to find the difference that is causing the problem.
The funny thing is that I am not using SQLMail or anything to notify anyone regardless if the job succeeds or fails.