Xp_smtp_sendmail Not Sending HTML File Right

Sep 27, 2007

Hello All.

I sent a HTML file as text message using xp_smtp_sendmail from my SQL server but the test email that I received doesn't look like the HTML file I have originally. Below are my codes:-

exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'xxx@yyy.com',
@TO = N'www@yyy.com',
@CC = N'kkk@yyy.com',
@priority = N'HIGH',
@subject = N'Weekly Sales To Thirds',
@type = N'text/html',
@messagefile = N'D:WSTWeeklySalesToThirds.htm',
@server = N'999.99.999.99',
@attachments = N'D:WST4weeksWST.xls'
select RC = @rc

The problem I have is the email doesn't display the HTML correctly. Spaces appeared and some of wording have wrapped.

I have attached partial screen shots of my original HTML file and email.

Please help if you have similar problem and solution. Thank you.

Best regards
Teck Boon

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Xp_smtp_sendmail Html+plain Text

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all. Iv'e tryed out xp_smtp_sendmail, and I like what I can see sofar. The thing I wonder about is if the xp supports sending both htmlAND plain text in the same mail. I'm on a sql2000 sp3 and I have noproblem with the xp when i either send plain text or html, but asstated above I need to send with both formats in one mail......For use when one does not know if the receiver uses a mail-client thatsupports html or not. If not does anyone know of a good way to attackthis problem?thanks in advanceKarl B

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Sending Mails In HTML Format !

Jan 9, 2007

In the DTS, using SEND MAIL TASK option !

I want to send the message in html format. When i receive in outlook 2003, it should display in html format.

How to do this ?

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Sending Email From An HTML Template As The Body

Aug 28, 2006

We have a DTS package that sends smtp email from an ActiveX script task. The body of the emails are in template files that we read in and then replace values relating to the customer.

I am looking for suggestions of handling this process from an SSIS package. This is what our existing code does.

' Visual Basic ActiveX Script

Function Main()
' Email results
Dim oRS, objMessage, fTemplate

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oRS =DTSGlobalVariables("ToBeNotified").Value

Do While NOT oRS.EOF
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objMessage2 = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = DTSGlobalVariables("RemoteSMTPServer").Value
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = DTSGlobalVariables("RemoteSMTPServer").Value

'Server port (typically 25)
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25

'Type of authentication, NONE, Basic (Base64 encoded), NTLM
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1

'Your UserID on the SMTP server
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "CustomerService"
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "CustomerService"

'Your password on the SMTP server
objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "cslogin"
objMessage2.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "cspassword"


objMessage.Sender = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailFrom").Value
objMessage2.Sender = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailFrom").Value

objMessage.From = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailFrom").Value
objMessage2.From = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailFrom").Value

objMessage.To = oRS.Fields("ContactEmail").value
' objMessage.To = "me@ourmail.com"

objMessage2.To = DTSGlobalVariables("EmailBCC").Value
' objMessage2.To = "me@ourmail.com"

If oRS.Fields("Rejected").value = 1 Then
'Rejection Message
objMessage.Subject = "electronic request notification"

If oRS.Fields("ProductType").value = "Fixed" Then
Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateRejectedFixed").Value)
Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateRejectedVariable").Value)
End If

'Successful results
objMessage.Subject = "electronic confirmation #" + CSTR(oRS.Fields("ConfirmationId").value)
objMessage2.Subject = "Customer request for hard copy of contract"

'Add Terms and Conditons document
termDocument = DTSGlobalVariables("TermDocumentsRepository").Value + CSTR(oRS.Fields("TermDocument").Value) + ".pdf"

If fso.FileExists(termDocument) Then
objMessage.AddAttachment termDocument
objMessage2.AddAttachment termDocument
End If

If oRS.Fields("ProductType").value = "Fixed" Then
Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateSuccessFixed").Value)
Set htmlTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile (DTSGlobalVariables("EmailTemplateSuccessVariable").Value)
End If

End If

htmlText = htmlTextStream.ReadAll
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[OurLogo]" , DTSGlobalVariables("EmailLogo").Value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[CustomerName]" , oRS.Fields("ContactFirstName").value + " " + oRS.Fields("ContactLastName").value)

If oRS.Fields("Rejected").value = 0 Then
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[ConfirmNumber]" , oRS.Fields("ConfirmationId").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[OrderDate]" , oRS.Fields("SalesDate").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[ProductName]" , oRS.Fields("ProductType").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[Months]" , oRS.Fields("TermMonths").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[Price]" , oRS.Fields("SalesPrice").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[Units]" , oRS.Fields("SalesPriceUnit").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[StartDate]" , oRS.Fields("FlowStartDate").value)
htmlText = Replace( htmlText , "[AccountNumber]" , oRS.Fields("AccountNumber").value)
End If

objMessage.HTMLBody = htmlText
objMessage2.HTMLBody = htmlText


If oRS.Fields("SendHardCopy").value = True AND oRS.Fields("Rejected").value = 0 Then

' Attach Instructions for Hard Copy delivery
instructionDocument = DTSGlobalVariables("TermDocumentsRepository").Value + "Instructions.txt"

set file = fso.CreateTextFile(instructionDocument, true)
file.WriteLine("The customer has requested a hard copy of their contract to be sent to them.")
file.WriteLine("1) Print the email")
file.WriteLine("2) Print the attached Terms & Conditions document")
file.WriteLine("3) Mail both items to the address below")
file.WriteLine("Customer Address:")
file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("ContactFirstName").value + " " + oRS.Fields("ContactLastName").value)
If oRS.Fields("BillingAddress2").value <> "" Then
End If
file.WriteLine(oRS.Fields("BillingCity").value + ", " + oRS.Fields("BillingState").value + " " +oRS.Fields("BillingZip").value)
set file=nothing

objMessage2.AddAttachment instructionDocument


End If

set objMessage = nothing
set objMessage2 = nothing


Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

All suggestions are appreciated.


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Sending Html Formatted Email Within A Stored Procedure

Oct 24, 2007

hi there,

the subject line says it all. is there a way to send nicely formatted html email from within a stored procedure that returns a dataset?



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Sending An HTML Mail Message With The Script Task

Mar 28, 2008

while i was trying to execute the code for Sending an "HTML Mail Message with the Script Task" given at the link below http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms403365.aspx

following error was encountered.

DTS Script Task has encountered an exception in user code:
Project namecriptTask_098956444e9f4ae195c3565569c9444b
The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variables.get_Item(Object index)
at ScriptTask_098956444e9f4ae195c3565569c9444b.ScriptMain.Main() in dts://Scripts/ScriptTask_098956444e9f4ae195c3565569c9444b/ScriptMain:line 29

please help me

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Sending An HTML Mail Message With The Script Task DOESNT WORK 4 ME

Oct 3, 2006

I set up the "Send Email Task" succesfully with "SMTP Connection to myExchangeSERVER" using "Windows Authentication"
However, as we all know - you can't have html format for the Send Mail Task. BUT this piece of code straight from MSDN doesnt work for me - each time it pops up this "Mail Sent Succesfully" - but I receive NO freaking EMAILs!!! Am I missing something or is it another one of those Microsoft "gotchas" ?

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim htmlMessageTo As String = "me.here@mydomain.com"
Dim htmlMessageFrom As String = "SSIS@mydomain.com"
Dim htmlMessageSubject As String = "SSIS Success - My Package"
Dim htmlMessageBody As String = _
Dim smtpServer As String = "myExchangeSERVER"
SendMailMessage( _
htmlMessageTo, htmlMessageFrom, _
htmlMessageSubject, htmlMessageBody, _
True, smtpServer)

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Private Sub SendMailMessage( _
ByVal SendTo As String, ByVal From As String, _
ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Body As String, _
ByVal IsBodyHtml As Boolean, ByVal Server As String)

Dim htmlMessage As MailMessage
Dim mySmtpClient As SmtpClient

htmlMessage = New MailMessage( SendTo, From, Subject, Body)
htmlMessage.IsBodyHtml = IsBodyHtml

mySmtpClient = New SmtpClient(Server)
Dim myCred As New System.Net.CredentialCache()
mySmtpClient.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials
MsgBox("Mail sent")
End Sub

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Integration Services :: Sending Mail With HTML Format In Send Mail Task

Aug 18, 2015

I have to send mail with HTML format  and attaching multiple files dynamically via send mail task.

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Store HTML File In Sql

May 11, 2006

How to store the html file in sql server data.

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Html File Source

Apr 26, 2007

I have to import html files to SQL Server 2005 database. For SQL Server 2000 there was "html file source". How can I do it in SSIS?

View 8 Replies View Related

Html File To Text In Column

Aug 23, 2005

I have a table and in one column is a html file. I need to to be able query some text that is inside this html file.

What is the best way to take this html file and add the text of the document into another column in the same table?


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How Can I Show My Report As An HTML File?

Aug 4, 2006

How can I create a script so that the field, when hyperlinked in the report, will open as an HTML file?

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Generate Excel-html File From SQL SERVER

Feb 10, 2004

Generate an html-excel file with any table. Does not need Excel to generate , because does not use Excel automation.


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Sending Query Output To A File

Aug 22, 2001

I have a small problem with SQL server 7.0 where I have to write the output of a query directly to a file without the user going to the menu and clicking on save. Scenario is:
A file is having a query the results of which has to be outputted to a file like in oracle where we have spooling function. Is there any functionality that mimic the oracle functionality where by I can get the output directly to a file?
thanks for your help in advance.

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SSIS - FTP Sending Partial File?

Sep 16, 2015

I have an SSIS Package that FTP's a file from my local computer to a remote FTP server.

The file is only a 4 KB large text file. However when i run the package, a majority of the time it will only send 2kb of data over (the text stops abruptly). There is no errors or anything from what i can see. When I delete the file on the server and try again, most of the time it'll just send 2kb again, but sometimes it'll send 3kb, 0kb, or the whole thing (2kb seems to be the most common it sends).

- increase the ftp chunk size.

- Passive mode and active mode.

- destination to different folder on the server.

- isAsciiTransfer set to on/off

- Overwrite at destination both true and false.

- Create a script task to ftp the file.

Nothing has prevented the Package from sending a partial file.

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Help With Sending File To Server Using Ftp Task

Aug 28, 2006

Doe anyone know how to do this. I keep getting an error remote path missing "/" but it doesn't contain a "/".


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Aug 2, 2006

Any idea when this extended stored procedure gets installed in SQL 2000 as I get just the error message below when I try to run it:

Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail'.

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Storing Html File Inside SQL2005 Database

Oct 10, 2006

Dear all I create this html file on the fly in my asp.net application abd what i would like to do is to store it inside my sql2005 database. What would be the best way?The html file itself is not really big. Probably not more then 600 - 800 characters most. I was thinking the text type fields of the database and then when retreiving it dump it inside in a file and save the file with html extention. Are there any better sugestions? Thank you for your time

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Sending Parameter To Sqldatasource In Code Behind File

Aug 15, 2007

hi, i have a .aspx.cs code page file and i wanna to send some parameters to sqldatasource in page_load event.i wrote this line of code but it errors that the System.Web.UI.Webcontrols.parameters is a type and not a namespace.here my code:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre class="alt2" dir="ltr" style="border: 1px inset ; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; overflow: auto; width: 640px; height: 226px; text-align: left;">if (Session["membartype"].tostring() == "siteadmin1") SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand ="SELECT DocumentID, DocumentCode, DocumentDate,RequestCode, Delivery, Expr1,CityCode, Title FROM (SELECT dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentID, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentCode, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentDate,dbo.EnterDocument.RequestCode, dbo.EnterDocument.Delivery, dbo.EnterDocument.EnterType AS Expr1,dbo.EnterDocument.codecity AS CityCode, dbo.Location.Title FrOM dbo.Location RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.EnterDocument ON dbo.Location.codecity = dbo.EnterDocument.codecity) AS T1";ParameterCollection parameter=new ParameterCollection[7]; parameter.Add(DocumentID,text,TextBox1.Text); parameter.Add(DocumentCode,text,TextBox4); parameter.Add(FromDocumentDate,text,TextBox6); parameter.Add(untilDocumentDate,text,TextBox5); parameter.Add(PersonID,SelectedValue,DropDownList2); parameter.Add(EnterTypeID,SelectedValue,DropDownList3); parameter.Add(usercode,String,usercode); SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add(parameter); GridView1.DataBind();</pre><p>  thanks,M.H.H 

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Xp_smtp_sendmail With 64-bit Version? (was DBA)

Aug 3, 2006

does anyone knows if there is such xp_smtp_sendmail with 64-bit version?

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Sep 8, 2006


I am using SQL Server 2000. I wanted to send MIME type mail through SQL Mail. So I downloaded xpsmtp80.dll and copied to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBinnDLL. Then I registered it by exec sp_addextendedproc 'xp_smtp_sendmail', 'xpsmtp80.dll'. I granted permission to public by grant execute on xp_smtp_sendmail to public.Now when I am executing this

declare @rc int
exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'MyEmail@MyDomain.com',
@TO = N'MyFriend@HisDomain.com',
@subject = N'My first HTML mail',
@message = N'<HTML><H1>This is some HTML content</H1></HTML>',

@type = N'text/html'
select RC = @rc

An error generating stating

ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1

Cannot load the DLL xpsmtp80.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).

(1 row(s) affected)

Please anyone help me to sort out this problem.

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Problems Using Xp_smtp_sendmail

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to use this code to send an emaildeclare @rc int,@invjournal intset @invjournal = 2222exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail@FROM= N'matt@hasta.se',@FROM_NAME= N'Matt Douhan',@TO= N'inventering@hasta.se',@replyto = N'Reply to NONE',@CC= N'',@BCC= N'',@priority= N'NORMAL',@subject= N' TEST TEST TEST Inventeringsjournal '+@invjournal+'klar för integration till redovisningen TEST TEST TEST',@message= N'Vänligen uppdatera denna inventeringsjournal tillredovisningen',@messagefile= N'',@type= N'text/plain',@attachment= N'',@attachments= N'',@codepage= 0,@server = N'mandarin.internal.hasta.se'select RC = @rcgobut it fails with the following with the following error msgServer: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 14Line 14: Incorrect syntax near '+'.the problem seems to be when I want to use the @invjournal variable inthe subject, if I take it away and only send text it works just fine.Any ideas would be much appreciatedrgdsMatt

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Permissions For Xp_smtp_sendmail?

Apr 14, 2008

(Apologies if this is in the wrong section.)

I'm been using xp_smtp_sendmail in SQL2000 for firing off task assignment emails from a ASP.NET website which uses Integrated security to connect.

Everything has been fine in the past but now these EMail have stopped being sent. (Can't give an accurate date as to when)

The same thing is now happening on my local machine as well, everything appears to run fine - xp_smtp_sendmail does not send back an error code it's just that the EMail is not sent. The unusual thing is that if I run the exact same code (lifted from Profiler) in SQL Analyser then the mail is fired off no problem.

Things I have tried...
Set Chaining in Calling DB.
Set Website conn string from integrated to use sa login.
Opened up permissions for ASPNET user.
Created sproc in master to do call to xp.
Reloaded xp_smtp_sendmail and set permissions.

I'm now at a dead end and would be grateful for any helpideas.

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Transact SQL :: Flat Text File - Separate HTML String

Jun 24, 2015

I have a flat text file with lots HTML tags and corresponding values 

For example 
<Near_Side> 5563 </Near_Side>
<Top_Down_Code> Xe345 <Top_Down_Code> 

So, For example I can use the a function 

ALTER function dbo.StripHTML( @text varchar(max) ) returns varchar(max) as
    declare @textXML xml
    declare @result varchar(max)
    set @textXML = REPLACE( @text, '&', '' );

[Code] ...

To which Select dbo.StripHTML('<Near_Side> 5563 </Near_Side>')  Value 

I'll get 5563

However how would you get the values within the tag itself ? E.g. 

Value Name 
5563 Near_side
Xe345      Top_Down_Code

I was thinking along the Charindex but cant seem to get it right.

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Sending File Contents In The Body Of The Email With Xp_sendmail

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to send the contents of a file using xp_sendmail howeverI do not want the file contents to be an attachment.I have no problem sending the file as an attachement.Can anybody give me an xp_sendmail example of how to do this.The results of a query can easily appear in the body of the email butall myattempts to include the contents of a file in the body of the emailhave not worked.TIA

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Sending Email / Paging In A Windows Batch File

Mar 8, 2008


First, I would like to apologize if this is in anyway not related to Transact-SQL. And I would greatly appreciate your help for this is an urgent requirement. I just have a batch file which performs an ftp. Now, if the ftp process aborts, i would like to send out a mail and page the on-call person. I am not sure how to do this - I mean how to send email and send message through pager. My batch file is called by the Windows scheduler.

Thanks in advance.

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Display HTML Codes As HTML And Not Text

Jan 15, 2008

I am retrieving a field from SQL and displaying that data on a web page.
The data contains a mixture of text and html codes, like this "<b>test</b>".
But rather than displaying the word test in bold, it is displaying the entire sting as text.
How do I get it to treat the HTML as HTML?

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The SMTP Server In Xp_smtp_sendmail

Sep 23, 2005

Just trying out xp_smtp_sendmail for the first time.I get the error:Error: connecting to server smarthostOK, so I don't have the server parameter for SMTP server set upcorrectly.I don't even know what an SMTP Server is! Is this an e-mail providerthat provides SMTP functionality, or an application I need to install?

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Retrieve And Display Image Inside An Html File (stored In Database) In Binary Format

May 15, 2007

Hi All,
I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. But I am unable to figure out what is the best solution to retrieve and display an image in a html file(stored in varbinary(max) column). I have a list of images in the file and I am supposed to display them. Can anybody please let me know what is the best way to do this?
Thanks a lot!!

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Trigger :: Xp_smtp_sendmail :: Parameter Value In Message/subject :: Magic Table

Oct 23, 2007

OK so now I'm setting up a trigger to email info to different people based on values INSERTed into one of my tables. I'm using an IF statement to determine who I'm giong to send the mail to, but I don't really understand how to include the data (parameters) in my message. Thanks for any help. Here's what I have so far.

Code Block
ALTER TRIGGER [smallin].[trig_test]
ON [smallin].[DATALIST]
declare @rc int,
@post bit,
@pre bit
SELECT @post = [POST], @pre = [PRE] FROM inserted
IF @post = 1
exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'ln.li@mydomain.com',
@FROM_NAME = N'Alert Mailer',
@TO = N's.mallin@mydomain.com',
@replyto = N'ln.li@mydomain.com',
@CC = N'',
@BCC = N'',
@priority = N'NORMAL',
@subject = N'This is post data',
@message = N'Goodbye MAPI and Outlook',
@messagefile = N'',
@type = N'text/plain',
@attachment = N'',
@attachments = N'',
@codepage = 0,
@server = N'exchange.mydomain.com'

ELSE IF @pre = 1
exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'ln.li@mydomain.com',
@FROM_NAME = N'Alert Mailer',
@TO = N's.mallin@mydomain.com',
@replyto = N'ln.li@mydomain.com',
@CC = N'',
@BCC = N'',
@priority = N'NORMAL',
@subject = N'This is pre data',
@message = N'Goodbye MAPI and Outlook',
@messagefile = N'',
@type = N'text/plain',
@attachment = N'',
@attachments = N'',
@codepage = 0,
@server = N'exchange.mydomain.com'

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Saving Tables That Are Generated By Queries As HTML File Or Sub-tables

Oct 17, 2006

I have a trade data tables (about 10) and I need to retrieve information based on input parameters. Each table has about 3-4 million rows.

The table has columns like Commodity, Unit, Quantity, Value, Month, Country

A typical query I use to select data is "Select top 10 commodity , sum(value), sum(quantity) , column4, column5, column6 from table where month=xx and country=xxxx"

The column4 = (column2)/(total sum of value) and column 5=(column3)/(total sum of quantity). Column6=column5/column4.

It takes about 3-4 minutes for the query to complete and its a lot of time specially since I need to pull this information from a webpage.

I wanted to know if there is an alternate way to pull the data from server ?

I mean can I write a script that creates tables for all the input combinations i.e month x country (12x228) and save them in table (subtable-table) with a naming convention so from the web I can just pull the table with input parameters mapped to name convention and not running any runtime queries on database ??


Can I write a script that creates a html files for each table for all input combinations save them ?


Is there exists any other solution ?

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Jun 8, 2006


I've got a question regarding record inserts via a from (textbox, multiple lines) on a web page.

I'm using a textbox within a form to enter data for a record. When this box contains several lines and the data is inserted into the database (SQL2005 Ent.) it separates each line with a character similar to a square (probably a line break symbol or something). This is all fine for storage, but retrieving the data and displaying it on a web page, just displays one long line, not at all how I entered it in my textbox.

Is there a way to "replace" all of the line breaks with.. say.. "<br>", so that it displays more correctly? Or perhaps I need to implement a HTML-based editor on my form (I've seen them out there, but should this really be necessary?).

I'm using ASP.NET (*.asp pages) and VBScript..

Not sure if this is the right forum for this, so please move if necessary.

Best regards,

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SQL Job History To HTML

Apr 21, 1999

I heard there is a way to publish the results of SQL 7 jobs to HTML files.
has anyone tried this

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