Accounts :: No Longer Requires Password At Startup

Feb 10, 2016

I am not a user of Windows 10 but my dad (who is not good with computers) now has a computer with Windows 10. Everything was fine with his computer yesterday but he says he turned it off last night but kept the powercord plugged in. This morning, when he went to turn it on, his computer no longer required at password at startup, his background picture of his dog was no longer there and it was replaced with a tree. Also, his desktop icons are no longer there.

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Accounts :: Disabled Admin Password - Can No Longer Access Computer

Dec 3, 2015

So, a while back I had a problem on the Windows 10 Home Edition where it would not let me change my lock screen. Since I didn't have the pro edition, I couldn't change the policy in the registry editor because of a lack of one, so I transferred all my files to a local account. I then had the problem of programs asking me to enter my admin password every time I wanted to access certain protected programs, so I disabled the admin password so this would no longer happen. I then deleted the account which was considered the program and went on with my normal business on my PC.

Later, I restarted my PC, and when I went to login, it said my password was incorrect for my local account. I then went into my boot options, opened command prompt in safe mode and changed my admin password. I then restarted my PC and now I don't even have the option to login at all, coming up with the error message "Your account has been disabled. Please see your system administrator." Now this problem usually fixed by holding shift and pressing restart to access boot options, but I cannot do this.

Every time I press OK to go back to the lock screen, it instantly goes back to the administrator message, meaning I can't boot anything. I planned on doing a complete reinstall of Windows 10 using a bootable usb iso, but since I can't boot it, this isn't possible, unless I'm missing something such as a key allowing me to launch the boot options from launch, although I've tried keys such as f8 to no avail.

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Accounts :: How To Remove Startup Password

Nov 28, 2015

I created a password that I must enter each time I start the computer.

Since this is a Home Computer and only I use it, it's a waste of time.

How can I remove the requirement for a password every time I turn on the computer ?

I tried the "netplwiz" route and unchecked the box, did not work.

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Suddenly Requires A Password

Dec 4, 2015

Upgraded to Win10 from Win7 a month ago. All was good. Today when I rebooted, Win10 required a password and I've never used one. I had to sign on as a different user, but here all my programs, stuff are missing.

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File System Error (-1073741819) Can No Longer Do Anything That Requires Admin Privileges

Jul 30, 2015

After updating to Windows 10 from Win 7 Ultimate I can no longer do anything that requires admin privileges.

It appears as though something is wrong with UAC on my profile.

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Can Completely Disable / Bypass Welcome Screen That Requires Password?

Dec 8, 2015

I like to turn on my computer then walk away and make my kids lunch etc. When I come back to it I want to be ready to work. Not have to enter a password then wait for it to be done booting up. 

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Accounts :: Can Change Windows Login Password Without Changing Microsoft Password

Nov 12, 2015

Ok so i am furious with Micro$oft now! the other day i was FORCED to change my microsoft account after much nagging i did so and i dont like changing logins too much. (this was a week ago)

now for some random reason on earth without my permission my windows login also changed login passwords to the microsoft account. I DONT WANT THAT! that password is too long and complicated for someone who locks his computer every 5 minutes or so. why did this just kick in now? i changed M$ account pass over a week ago and today it decides to change windows login?! can i change JUST my local windows login separate from microsoft login?

if i try to change pass from settings it it goes online and says you cant use password that has been used before.

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Accounts :: Password Text Box Flips Back To Pre-password Screen?

Feb 2, 2016

after an update at starting, tablet laptop start gives picture/clock screen, that slides to the password screen but when password block is touched on screen or mouse clicked the screen flips back to the picture/clock ... how to deal with this kind of lock out that the typing box won't open and loops to clock screen? have turned off for an hour to see if that does it..but if not...would restarting into a repair or recovery be possible fix...i have never been able to get into safe mode without being logged in but have gotten into recovery during a restart which made me wonder if entering a recovery during boot and reversing the upgrade was possible if all else fails...

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Accounts :: Accessing As Multi Accounts All Having Picture Password

Aug 21, 2015

I don't know if it's my installation, but I can't really switch to select a differet login user once I turn on my PC, and it brings to the last logged on user and his Picture password screen.

Both users have a Picture password and I don't have any chance to pick the other one, unless:

- I select a different type of access
- ask for password
- then the damn multi-user LH box appears
- and I can pick another one.

Then do the opposite until I get back to his Picture password screen. Odd and unbelieavable, considering how well streamlined in Win8.1...

The old way I found for Windows 8.x (HERE) is not working anymore, as I went in the Registry of mine upgraded Win10 and found it was already correctly modified (=1), but the login screen is a mess, nonetheless.

I'm ok with Task scheduling batches, reg modification, whatever. But it's Win10 Home, so no gpedit involved..

(it's a Dell Venue 11 Pro)

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After Doing Update Registry Fix Can No Longer Login To Laptop - Password Incorrect

Aug 10, 2015

I tried that Windows 10 registry fix, and my laptop no longer recognizes my password. It keeps saying my password is incorrect. I got the update error on both of my laptops, but I tried the registry fix on an older laptop before I tried to fix it on my main laptop. My laptop starts fine and I get to the log in screen okay, but my password is no longer being recognized as correct. Did I destroy my laptop? I followed the directions exactly.

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How To Disable The Startup Password

Aug 8, 2015

How do I disable the startup password I have a weather station that I upload data to wunderground, for what ever reason the computer will reboot and wont do anything until I put my PIN in this is what I want to disable. If the computer restarts because of anything I want it to start back up and start my programs that I have set to run.

View 2 Replies

Accounts :: Password Always Required

Jan 17, 2016

I just got a new system coming from a Win 7 Pro machine to a Win 10 Pro System . Im having an issue with removing the password from 2 spots : When waking up from Sleep & from Screen Saver. When I boot up it doesn't ASK that's all good! !

What I have done so far: Win Settings ( require sign in NEVER is selected ) and Run : User accounts must enter a password ( That is Un Checked ) I tried signing in and out of my Microsoft account still doesn't work!

I also did all 3 steps here! Still asks for Password after Screen Saver & Pin after Sleep!

Require Sign-in on Wakeup - Turn On or Off in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

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Accounts :: Lockscreen Without Password

Feb 10, 2016

I have a laptop with Windows 10 Home (updated). I have already disabled the option to insert my password on boot and logon. I would like to use the lockscreen as I did with a screensaver, no security issues. Problem is that every time I want to go back to the desktop, I have to insert my password. Is there a way or an hack of some sort do disable the password request and return back directly from the lockscreen to the desktop?

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Accounts :: How To Recover Password

Oct 25, 2015

My kids computer is all screw up he cant turn it off or reboot because he forgot his windows 10 password to log on he has all his games this and that on there what software tool would we use to get his password recovered? I know it can be done just don't know what to use i was thinking that jellybean key finder or is that only for serials.

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Accounts :: Get Rid Of Using A Password To Start?

Jan 13, 2016

get rid of using a password to start windows.

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Antivirus :: Installed Bitlocker Does Not Ask For Password On Computer Startup

Nov 16, 2015

My query is regarding a brand new i7 sixth generation computer with Windows 10 Professional, including all the Windows upgrades, and a new Samsung SSD hard-drive.

The reason I bought Windows 10 Professional was for the full hard-drive encryption provided by Bitlocker in case my computer gets lost or stolen, as has happened to me previously. However, I have an ongoing problem with it and can't find a solution anywhere. I have tried to telephone Microsoft's telephone support several times but it has been beyond a joke with their outsource staff in far-flung countries with poor English claiming Windows 10 Professional does not have the option of Bitlocker or any form of encryption to all kinds of other absurdities.

Whenever I start my computer it does not ask me to enter a Bitlocker username or password (I am asked for the Windows password, but, as everyone knows, those are not totally secure and do no protect hard-drive data access). Also, in the Bitlocker section in Control Panel, I am not giving the option to edit a Bitlocker password, even though that option exists in all the other screenshots I have seen on the web.

How can I set my computer up to present me with a Bitlocker password on boot-up?

My system does say my hard-drive is encrypted, but how can I certain of that if there is not even password protection?

Here is what I see in my Windows Control Panel > Bitlocker section:

I note the warning message about rights being restricted to the system adminstrator, but I am the system adminstrator and have double-checked that.

View 9 Replies

Forgot Password And Stuck In Safe Mode Startup

Dec 10, 2015

After an update to Windows 10 I started getting "invalid register key" errors with every open.  I restored a previous registry value prior to the last update and still go the error.  Instructed to boot up in safe mode but as I logon using my microsoft account, safe mode does not open wifi connection and the password cannot be verified.  At least I think that is what is happening as I reset my microsoft account password using another computer and it is still refusing the password on the windows 10 machine.Is there anyway around the password request and get the computer to boot up in regular mode?

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Accounts :: Add Guest Account Without Password

Nov 3, 2015

How to add guest account that don't need password at startup.

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Accounts :: Lock Screen Password

Dec 22, 2015

I have successfully disabled the request for logon password with netplwiz, but lock screen still requires the password. Is there a way I can disable this as well? I selected "never" not to require it upon the pc waking up, but it doesn't work.

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Accounts :: How To Delete Account Password

Jan 8, 2016

How do I delete the account password?

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Accounts :: How Not To Enter Password Wakeup

Dec 9, 2015

Some might say, Windows 10 home can be frustrating. Ok!, When my desktop goes to sleep, I have to enter my password on wakeup. I've searched all over the internet...and that includes and printed out some thirty pages on how it can be done, but, no luck.

I have printed how to Make Windows 10 not require a Password on Wake. I went to Power Options in Control Panel, click the "Require a password on wakeup" on the left-hand side. Clicked on... "Change settings that are currently unavailable" link, then click the "Don't require a password " button, and made I saved it.

After the computer goes to sleep and I need to wake it up, it asks for my password. I've tried this at least dozen times in many different way according to some that post how to do it.

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Accounts :: How To Get Rid Of Extra Password Logins

Feb 23, 2016

This is my home computer. I just upgraded to Windows 10 (Home). At my login screen I see all my family's login names (as I should) but I also see 6 logins labeled "Password".

It seems that each "Password" login is associated with an individual user. So if I select one of the "Password" logins it will bring up the login for "Kevin" select a different one and it will up the login for say "Amanda" etc... This is just confusing is there anyway of getting rid of these extra logins?

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Accounts :: How To Reset Password Run Administrator

Nov 14, 2015

How To reset password Run administrator?

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Accounts :: Password Needed After Lapse?

Jan 5, 2016

I don't have to sign in a password to get into win 10 but if I leave the laptop for a while then it ask me to give a password to get back in

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Accounts :: Bypass Logon Password

Feb 10, 2016

when I start my computers first thing in the morning or when I restart my pc at anytime is there a way to bypass the logon password

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Accounts :: Admin Password Lockup

Jan 25, 2016

Product Name: P3X7A#ABA
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit)

see attached

Got this computer on HSN last November didn't open till xmas. In set up thought it was odd I ended up with a sign-on of just using a "pin". Wondered why it didn't take the password I wanted (and have since no recollection of what it was) . Anyway now I realize that it's saved password for the administrator password so when that was needed.

so here I am I keep getting a screen it's telling me wrong password and then having a very frustrating time. needing to get back in the computer so I can fix it as I have a virus .

also just loaded all my important files and data and get his computer and had not gotten to the point of backing up that I was still very much in the initial set up how I wanted things to be .

I am hoping there is a resolved to this without losing everything

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