Adding Apps To Startup

Sep 8, 2015

I seem to have lost the ability to add an application to my startup function.  I'm refering to the auto-load of an application upon bootup. 

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Dec 25, 2015

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I have updated the machine several times without issues and it works fine, just can't use the start at all or it reboots...been using it for a month now as it is now, got the big updates and all...but it doesn't get fixed. Start menu would sometimes be rather convenient in a machine, no?

The latter machine I might just re-install clean anew. I have 7 windows boxes all now W10 and it appears every one needs to be freshly clean installed to W10 before they really start working well.

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HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 14-12-2015 02:23

Is this normal?

My laptop is running windows 10 64 bit.

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Screenshot of Task Manager and Process Explorer [URL] ....

Intel i5 4690k
Corsair CX600M
Windows 10

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Adding Folders To Desktop

Jan 16, 2016

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Oct 25, 2015

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Adding A Home Key To Edge?

Sep 12, 2015

adding a home key to the edge to do this? Is it even possible in 10.?

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