App Blocked - Not Trusted
Mar 14, 2016
I just bought the computer. I'm trying to upload my camera to it. I keep getting the message "not trusted, app blocked,an administrator has blocked you from running app"...
Are there any way to get this camera uploaded to my computer? I don't want to have to buy a new camera.It worked just fine with Windows 8.
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Jul 31, 2015
I've done some looking up on what the issue is, and I believe that it's something commonly referred to as "sticky corners". There is a few pixels space on the bottom and top of the screen (between both monitors) which does not allow mouse movement from one screen to the other. To get the mouse to the other screen, I need to drag the mouse down about a centimeter and then it moves across to the equal position on the other screen (not the very top, meaning that it's not a scaling issue). I drag windows around constantly, and they keep getting stuck in the top or bottom of the screen, and it's quite distracting.
As you see in the screenshot that I've attached, the small red line is where the mouse simply refuses to move across, regardless of the speed of the mouse.
This was apparently a feature in Windows 8.1 as well, which there was a solution for by messing around in the registry editor, however this is no longer the case in Windows 10 (the files which used to be edited are no longer there in 10).
How to disable these "sticky corners" ...
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