Apps :: Cortana Can't Find Where To Turn It On In Settings

Aug 21, 2015

Have the mike setup also location but can't seen to get it turned on.

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Apps :: No (Hey Cortana) Option In Settings

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Sep 16, 2015

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Apps :: Turn Off Notifications About Apps

Sep 28, 2015

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Apps :: Can't Log Into Cortana

Jul 31, 2015

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Before we can say goodbye to your local password, you need to provide it one last time." It then gives me another password box and says "(leave blank if none)".

But it won't let me leave it blank, and when I re-enter my Microsoft account password, it tells me its incorrect...even though it works fine with OneDrive. What PIN it refers to, nor what it is trying to accomplish...but it has stopped me trying out Cortana.

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Apps :: Setting Up Cortana

Sep 11, 2015

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Edit: I know the password is correct as I've used it to login to live this morning, so not sure why it's not accepting it in the 2nd stage of the Cortana setup.

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Apps :: Cortana Only Wants To Search Bing

Aug 26, 2015

In windows 10 it says I can chat with Cortana and ask it questions and get a personalized response, but this isn't the case for me. It says I can speak aloud or type, but since I've no mic, I choose to type.

When I ask it something like "How's the weather" or "How tall is Jeff Goldblum?" I get a bing search page that pops up instead of a Cortana response. All of the interests are enabled and such and I've filled out the about me with my name.

As soon as I start typing ANYTHING, it shows results for "The Web" and "My Stuff" but doesn't even try to ask Cortana the question.

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Dec 27, 2015

I don't know what triggers it and have yet to zero in on some gesture or part of the screen that calls up the black box.
But sometimes it just seems like it randomly pops up when I'm doing something and I have to X it.

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Apps :: Location Not Working - Cortana Not Available

Sep 6, 2015

Discovered I can't turn on 'Location'.
1. I can click the 'Change' button in Privacy, Location, but nothing happens. ('Location is off' is displayed)
2. 'Location' is greyed out in the Action Centre
3. The Network Location Service is running
(I've tried stopping, starting it, restarting the PC).

then I discovered
4. Cortana does not appear in Toolbars (rt click taskbar)
5. The response to clicking Cortana in the start menu is to go to Store, Downloads and updates.
(Cortana was working a while back- I thin I turned it off at some point)

I have changed some things in Privacy, and tried to undo those. Everything else seems fine. I'm guessing I've turned sthg off or changed an option somewhere.

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Apps :: How To Disable Cortana Web Search

Sep 28, 2015

I just reinstalled and there's no option in her settings to turn off the web search she does when you search for files on your pc and such. How else could I turn it off if its not listed in her settings?

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