Apps :: Navigation - List Of All Apps

Aug 8, 2015

Is there a shortcut or other way to speed through the list of all apps, say, go directly to W? Or a method to Find an app?

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Similar Messages:

Apps :: App List - Refresh Or Add New Apps And Programs

Dec 22, 2015

Not all my applications are found in the Windows 10 All Apps list by the Start button. How can I refresh it, or add new apps and programs to it?

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Apps :: Paint Been Removed From Apps List

Nov 4, 2015

Still getting used to the changes from Windows 7.

Why has Paint been removed from my apps list? I have it on my computer but the only way to find it is to search for it.

I simply want it either in my Apps or on my desktop.

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Apps :: Navigation Panel - Installed Adobe Creative

Aug 6, 2015

I have installed adobe creative cloud but its folder is showing in the navigate pane. I want to remove it from there.

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Empty All Apps List

Nov 3, 2015

I'm not sure when this started happening. Might have been after a Windows update and the system reboot. I've been living with it for a couple weeks now.

When I click All apps in the start menu, the list is empty. The apps in the most used list are still populated and when I install a new app, it shows up as a new app. But when I click All apps, it never shows anything. Just an empty menu with a back button.

The apps in the tile portion of the start menu show up fine and I'm able to search for apps to launch them, but I'd like to be able to easily go through all the apps I have installed.

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Sorting The All Apps List?

Jan 4, 2016

OK. I know how to "go to file location" and some of the other basic tips, but I am still having two issues with the Windows 10 start menu after several hours of searching reading and pulling hair out.

1) A few of my apps (programs I installed, not apps from the store) were originally in folders with no other shortcuts in them, so I decided to remove those folders and put the shortcut at the top level. This leaves me with a Mozilla Firefox shortcut which I want to rename to just "Firefox". I can rename it, but no matter what, it just stats under M in the all apps list. I also have 2 other apps with this problem, but I listed Firefox as an example.

2) When I open the start menu (before entering All Apps), I wonder if there is a way to replace "File Explorer" with "My PC" or some other label. I have already changed the behavior of this button to open the "My Computer" screen I am used to. I just want to change the label if possible.

View 6 Replies

How To Remove Certain Items From All Apps List

Aug 2, 2015

I have about Windows 10. Back on Windows 7, under the all programs list I was able to delete anything I didn't want listed there. Unfortunately with Windows 10 I can't remove everything. So I am wondering how can I clean up the "All Apps" list under the start menu?

For example, I want to remove "Calculator", "Calendar" and "Camera" from all apps. When I right click on these items I can only either pin to start bar or task bar.

Is there any way to remove these items so the All apps is a little bit cleaner?

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Apps :: Add / Remove Programs From Most Used List

Sep 16, 2015

I have passed from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I remember that on the windows 7 i could drag and drop in the start menu
all the programs i use mostly and in the mean time i could sorted the alphabetically.

I would like to have the same on Windows 10 but i cannot sort it out. How you can see in the attached picture,the list is always empty:

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How To Edit Sharing List Apps

Jan 30, 2016

The list that shows up when choosing to share something from an app (like an article from news app).

I want to do that because it's long list that has options I would never tap on...

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Apps :: Delete App Icon From Menu List?

Aug 24, 2015

I know how to unpin an app icon from the start screen, but how do you delete it from the menu list or your account?

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Apps :: How To Add Own Program To List Of Default Programs

Sep 21, 2015

I'm trying to add my own program (AkelPad) to the list of Default programs.I created and applied the reg-file, but the program still is not in the list.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAkelPadCapabilities]"ApplicationDescription"="AkelPad - Text Editor"
"ApplicationIcon"="C:Program FilesAkelPadAkelPad.exe,0""ApplicationName"="AkelPad"


How to add my own program that doesn't appear in Default programs list?

View 2 Replies

Modified The Most Used Apps List In Start Menu

Dec 23, 2015

I accidentally remove all in the list by clicking "Don't Show in the List" all apps is now not listed to the most used app list. How can i undo it? I try to turn it off and on on the settings "Show most used app list" option but does not undo it. 100%x

Note: The Cmd, VLC Player , Control Panel & Sway are my recent app i used after i do it.

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Start Menu All Apps - List Vs Groups

Jul 31, 2015

Is there a way to make all apps list instead of groups (0-9, A, B, etc.)?

When wif win7 i created my own folders in all apps menu.

View 7 Replies

Does Mobile Support App Lock From Apps List

Dec 29, 2015

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Apps :: Programs Missing From Control Panel List

Jan 12, 2016

Trying to uninstall some apps. Some are missing from Control Panel uninstall list of apps

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Customization :: Unable To Add To All Apps List In Start Menu

Dec 6, 2015

I can place a new folder or custom shortcut in the correct start menu location (current user or all users) but it will not appear in the All apps list. If I go to the folder or shortcut and right-click Pin to Start it will appear as a tile in the start menu, but still will not show up in the All apps list. I think this behavior started with Version 1511 since it was working for me in the previous version.

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Apps :: Programs (Applications) Not In List To Be Chosen As Defaults

Sep 23, 2015

I am trying to set Quicken as my default PFM application (so that it will automatically open QFX file types), but even though the program is loaded and working it is not presented in the list of "applications" to be selected and used as a "default" application?? When I search for it, Windows does not find the application.

Also, I've set Internet Explorer as my "default browser" and chosen the option to open all associated file types, but whenever I click a URL or link embedded in any e-mail or document, I am asked what application I want to use to open it. I select "Always use this app" every time, but the next time I click on a link/URL I get the same annoying pop-up. How do I fix this??

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Apps :: Unable To Copy File From Excel Jump List

Aug 11, 2015

With Win7 I used to be able to copy a recent or pinned file from any MS Office jump list by right clicking and selecting Copy from the context menu.

For Win 10 the menu is still there but when you r/c the file it doesn't appear to be in focus and consequently nothing is saved to the clipboard.This is certainly the case for Excel and Word , I expect it's the same for all Office apps.Can't find anything applicable in the usual places?

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Apps :: Recent Folders In Explorer Jump List Are Not Updating

Aug 9, 2015

I am using Win 10 x64 Pro, clean installation.

1. Recent folders in explorer jump list are not updating. They seem to be random folders from my second HDD and clicking on them says the folder has been moved (which is not true) and it offers to delete the shortcut. Deleting also does nothing, item still remains. Disabling recent folder in settings > personalization > start also has no effect

2. If I tick 'show recently used files in quick access' in folder options it also has no effect. When I open folder options after this it is unticked again.

3. I can't pin anything to quick access, I get 'parameter is incorrect' error.

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Installed Apps Not Showing In App List - Only Way To Launch Them Is Searching In Store

Dec 9, 2015

Only way to launch them is searching for them in app store and tapping open. Have latest version of windows 10 on my surface pro 4.

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Browser/Email :: Mail And People Apps Show List Of Old Accounts / How To Remove Them

Sep 12, 2015

So one time I decided to use windows 10 manager mail and people backup tool and then when mail app started to act unresponsive I imported them back and since then I can't remove add/delete any old email accounts.. Where is this thing stored or how can I remove them?

Remove an account - Cannot add any accounts to Mail, Calendar or People apps doesn't work since I cant access the accounts inside the app.. Enabling onedrive or this command didn't do anything either. Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}

All I see is this e.g. People app..By mail app just this error if i try to add any account as seen on the right picture. Its like they're burred deep inside the system and I just can't get rid of them to add them new again. I reinstalled both apps and its still showing this list.. How can I remove these accounts?

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Apps :: All Apps Menu Not Showing ANY Apps Installed On Machine

Dec 13, 2015

I have had Windows 10 installed for about 4 months now and things have been going decent. A couple of days ago my system received a Windows 10 update that took about 2 hours and looked like it was installing Windows all over again (but it wasn't) and once this happened I couldn't find the Microsoft Edge application and the start button would not work at all. After doing a system restore to a date prior to the update things are back to "normal" except for this one problem.Currently my start menu does not show any Recently Used or Favorite Apps in it as shown below.If I select the All apps button it also shows nothing:

I made sure that all of the settings in order to see recently used apps and all my apps are correct as below are my settings:I have tried a couple of solutions that handled Cortana not searching for programs or "some" apps were missing from all apps but I have yet to find a solution to when absolutely no apps are showing in the start menu. I know the applications still exist on my machine as I use Firefox and Microsoft Word and Outlook plus many more apps but they aren't showing up at all. I am also under a local account instead of my Microsoft account and both have this problem.

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Apps :: Hide / Organize Universal Apps In All Apps?

Feb 23, 2016

How do i organize my "All Apps" Menu. Calculator, Contact, Mail, Cortana, etc ALL of this garbage bloatware is something i just want to create a folder called Microsoft Bloat and put it in there. How do i do this?

First time around, i uninstalled all of it using power shell but i ended up needing the store and one other app but W10 went retarded and didn't allow me to reinstall the packages, so this time around. I just want to organize them into a folder that i will never touch .

i don't feel like downgrading back to 8.1 which as it stands right now was better for me when using Start8.

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Apps :: All Apps Doesn't Show All Apps Installed?

Aug 3, 2015

Random apps are not showing up in the "All Apps" section of the Start Menu after installing a clean version of Windows 10 (not an upgrade), and re-installing all my favorite software, In other words, finding a launcher to countless programs now means visiting "C:/Program Files/WhateverRandomSoftware/launcher.exe." Well, that;'s no fun.

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Apps :: Removing Windows Apps Sometimes Leaves Orphan Icons In Start Menu

Nov 30, 2015

I removed the Windows Apps (3D Builder, Groovy etc.) using PowerShell and Remove-AppxPackage / Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage on our Windows 10 machines (64bit, some Home, some Pro) at home.

This worked satisfying enough, but for some (very few) local users the start menu entries for those apps are not removed. I refer to "All Apps" (the A-Z list of all apps).

Situation is like this: application is removed (checked with Get-Appxpackage in Powershell)start menu still refers to the Windows Apps with the text entry; it does not show the icon, but a coloured rectangle (sized like an icon)application cannot be started through this icon (as it is uninstalled)

(Screenshot shows the Maps (german: Karten) and Contacts (german: Kontakte) "icons")

I checked the usual places:

C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuC:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms

But of course there are no links to those Windows Apps.

How to remove these orphan "icons" from the start menu (A-Z list)? What makes Windows show those entries in the start menu's A-Z list?

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Networking :: Modern Apps Not Connecting To Internet - Desktop Apps Work Fine

Jan 6, 2016

I am having trouble with the modern apps and connectivity. It feels like half my computer will connect to the internet, and the other half won't. Desktop apps like Chrome, Steam, Outlook, iTunes etc. all connect to the internet fine, but any of the Windows apps like Xbox, Store and (most frustratingly) Settings will not connect.

In my network and sharing centre in the control panel it says 'You are not connected to any networks' - but in the system tray, and in the settings app it shows me as connected to my home wi-fi. I am on a desktop, and using a USB wireless adapter. I don't think the adapter is the problem as I have tried it on another desktop in our house on Windows 10 and it worked fine. Curiously also, when I click 'Adapter settings' in the control panel, it shows the wifi connection.

I've tried updating the drivers for the wireless adapter, both through the Windows update and adapter website but to no avail (and as I mentioned, it seems the adapter works fine elsewhere). I've updated manually to the latest Windows 10 Pro build, i've done a DNS flush, I've tried disabling firewalls and anti-virus, I've tried disabling startup apps, I've done a clean install of Windows 10 and still am unable to fix the issue.

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