Can Start Menu Groups Be Made Wider?

Oct 19, 2015

I currently use custom "wide" size live tiles as game shortcuts, and I would like to be able to make my "games" group wider or, ideally, turn off grouping altogether because I only have games pinned. Are either of these things possible?

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Customization :: Add More Groups On Start Menu

Sep 23, 2015

I know how to add and remove things from the Start menu but is it possible to add more Groups? I can only see 4, which can be renamed, but I'd like a few more in order to organise my icons.

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Can Have Three Groups Of Start Menu Tiles Next To Each Other

Aug 15, 2015

At the moment windows seems to allow only two groups of tiles to be next to each other horizontally. If a third fourth or fifth group is added they are dropped below the first two groups.

Is it possible to have three groups of tiles (Group size - 3 medium tiles next to each other) next to each other in the start menu?

I have already tried the full screen start menu which does not solve the issue either.

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Start Menu All Apps - List Vs Groups

Jul 31, 2015

Is there a way to make all apps list instead of groups (0-9, A, B, etc.)?

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Any Way To Delete Start Menu Empty Tile Groups

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How To Add Groups To Start Screen

Aug 2, 2015

How to add groups to the Start Screen? I presently have 4 different groups and I can rename the groups, but I don't know how to add additional groups. I would like to add additional tiles to my start screen but want to keep them organized.

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Moving Groups Of Start Icons?

Jul 30, 2015

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Folders Being Made Smaller When Switching Source On Amplifier?

Sep 12, 2015

Any open or minimized applications/folders etc are made smaller and pushed into the top left corner when I switch sources on my amplifier to go from watching the PC to any other source and then back again to the PC.

I've just switched sources now and Chrome, which was maximised is still maximised, but a random open folder which was maximised is now 1/8th of the size of the screen and pushed all the way into the top left corner.

If utorrent is maximised, nothing happens, if it is anything but maximised it gets crushed into the top left corner.

I'm using a Samsung tv and Sony amp, but I don't think it has anything to do with them.

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Remote Connection Was Not Made Because Attempted VPN Tunnels Failed

Aug 8, 2015

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"The remote connection was not made because the attempted VPN tunnels failed. The VPN server might be unreachable...." etc.

What are the required steps to enable my computer be reached remotely via VPN?

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Stuck On Welcome Screen - Typing In Password Made It Unresponsive

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I plugged the Wi-Fi adapter back in and rebooted, it got to a screen with the date and a picture of a beach. From there I couldn't do anything. The only thing on the screen was the Internet icon in the lower right-hand side of the screen. There was nothing to click, I tried clicking all over the screen, nothing. I unplugged the Wi-Fi adapter and rebooted. It got to the same screen, only difference was it indicated no Internet connection available. Nothing to click on, clicking on blank space, the date, the Internet icon, All did nothing.

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Taskbar And Start Menu Properties Have No Start Menu Tab Anymore?

Aug 1, 2015

Here's a screenshot of "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" dialog from a fresh clean install of Windows 10 Pro x64

As you can see, despite its name, it does not have a tab for "Start Menu". I remember that Preview versions of Windows 10 had a "Start Menu" tab. Did they just remove at the last moment? And how I change Start Menu options without that tab?

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Why Doesn't Start Menu Tab Appear In Task Bar And Start Menu Properties

Aug 9, 2015

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Dec 5, 2015

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Cannot Access Contacts For Email Groups

Sep 17, 2015

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Browser/Email :: How To Create Groups In The Mail App

Nov 30, 2015

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How do I create groups in Mail or People?

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Accounts :: Show Local Users And Groups

Sep 8, 2015

I want to get a list of Local Users and Groups as shown in the first screen shot (taken from the Web).

When I run Computer Management as administrator that information is not available under

Computer Management > System Tools (second screen shot - my computer)

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Missing Text Labels In Start Menu Or Right Click Menu

Feb 10, 2016

Whats up with the missing text labels? Sometimes its my start menu sometimes its the right click menu.

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Start Menu Button Right Click Menu Fails

Sep 4, 2015

I have just upgraded to Win10 and most items on the "Power User Command Menu" do not work if the menu is accessed by right-clicking the Start Menu button on the Task Bar. The only items that do work are Search, Run, Shut down and Desktop. If the menu is accessed by the other means, the menu items work fine.

I've tried SFC and a day searching the web with no luck.

The computer is a Toshiba laptop running an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5500 with 4 Gb of memory. I don't know what the proper name for the "Power User Command Menu" may be, but that's the only way I've seen it referenced elsewhere.

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Customization :: Customize Left Side Of Start Menu - Pin To Start List?

Aug 5, 2015

I wanted to add some programs to the top of the left side of the start menu (free space on the screenshoot). I have read about the "Pin to Start List" if you rightclick while holding shift. But this seems not to be working anymore!?!?! Is there another possibility to customize this list or to re-add the function? I don't want to use "recently added apps" or something like that ...

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Unable To Search Executable Or Pinned Start Apps From Start Menu

Jul 28, 2015

I'm running the RTM on a netbook and have noticed that, unlike in Windows 7/8/8.1, I'm no longer able to hit Start and type in an executable. I have a bunch of portable apps that I typically type in and pull up. Now, the Start menu search pulls up ever OTHER file except the executable. It's very annoying and don't see why this shouldn't work.

What's worse, is if I pin the app to the start menu, it doesn't search it then. Say, I pin "puttyportable.exe" as a shortcut (and rename it to just PuTTY) to the start menu. Typing in "putty" gives me nothing - just the same associated files that were in the puttyportable folder (ini files, etc).

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Start Menu Search Cannot Even Find App That Is Manually Pinned To Start

Aug 15, 2015

I installed Windows 10 very recently and I like it, but I have a VERY BIG show-stopper: when I try to do search in the start menu, it's terrible; it cannot even find an application that I have manually pinned to start. I didn't have any such problem with Windows 8.1. I have also installed some other desktop applications, for example GitHub for Windows, but when I start to to type "Git...", it only finds "GitHub" and it cannot find "Git Shell" and I have to go to all programs, find "G", then expand the folder for this application and run that application.

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Start Menu - Can't Pin And (almost) Empty User Menu

Aug 6, 2015

A couple of issues with W10 start menu ( - not sure if they're symptoms of the same thing. This is GA x64 W10 with all current updates installed

1) Pin to start menu doesn't pin anything to the start menu. I wanted to pin File History - R click in control panel, select Pin to Start - doesn't pin. Tested on another machine and it works there.

2) R click the Start button for the Power User menu - all I see is Network Connections - same result with Win X. Again, works as expected on another install.

how to save me doing a re-install?

Edit - SFC reports no violations.

Edit - switched to a local account on the machine and PU menu is there and working - so is this a permissions thing? My original account is admin.

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Start Menu Right-Click Menu Does Not Work

Jan 12, 2016

When I right-click the Start Menu (Win10Pro) and the menu pops up, selecting any of the menu items does not do anything. The menu just closes.I ran sfc /scannow and the log is attached.There are a bunch of errors based on 'duplicate owners' and something about 'opencl.dll' possibly is corrupt at the very end of the log.
I ran a driver uninstaller app found on this forum and then downloaded and installed the recent NVIDIA GeForce drivers for my dual GT640 cards (3 monitors).After rebooting, Geforce indicated a new updated driver and I downloaded and installed that as well.The only menu items that will work when right-clicking Start Menu are the "Run" and "Search" options.  Control Panel, Event Viewer, Command Prompt, etc. do nothing.The only way to start these items is to do so via the search box or run box.

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All Apps Menu To Show Up On Start Menu

Jan 15, 2016

I served in the Air Force communications division. I have managed million dollar installations. I am in college working toward a programming degree. I can not for the life of me get my "All Apps" menu to show up on my start menu. I have even searched google and was given every single way of adding and removing programs from the all apps folder but not a single article on how to get the actual folder option to show up.

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Start Menu / Search And Other Apps Won't Start From Task Bar

Aug 8, 2015

I have just upgraded from Win 7 Ultimate to Win 10 build 10240

The sart menu button does not activate anything, search doesn't either, Notification bubble does not open anything either.

Safe mode produces same behaviour, I have uninstalled AVG Anti virus as some people were correlating AV software with this behaviour.

I can right click on the start button but not left click

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When Click Start Button No Access To Start Menu

Dec 29, 2015

This problem is on a desktop computer (HP Pavilion). When I click the start button, the start menu does not display. Pressing the Windows key on the keyboard also does not take me to the start menu.

I can access the right-click menu on the start button and most of the items on the right-click menu respond correctly when clicked (a few don't. No response from "Search" and "Desktop"). I installed Windows 10 over a month ago and have had no problems until now. Everything was working fine yesterday and to the best of my knowledge I have changed no settings since then. 

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