Customization :: Customize Start Menu To Look Like Win 7
Aug 23, 2015
I just re-installed my computer and I can't remember the names of those third-part programs that you could use to change your start menu to look like win 7, the free ones.
I wanted to add some programs to the top of the left side of the start menu (free space on the screenshoot). I have read about the "Pin to Start List" if you rightclick while holding shift. But this seems not to be working anymore!?!?! Is there another possibility to customize this list or to re-add the function? I don't want to use "recently added apps" or something like that ...
Where your start screen/menu just crashes or vanishes after a second or two. This only started happening for me now in build 10166, and the menu was behaving beautifully in the earlier build (10162). I am unable to access all apps or customize my tiles. Most of the time it makes is very difficult to actually clck or tap on any of the tiles either to run something.
I've tried to change the configuration between "menu" and "screen" to see if its restricted to one of them, but both of them vanish after a few seconds.
I hope this hasn't been already asked. I'm trying to get my "Start Menu" to look similar to the below right image. I've read tutorials and I simply do not have or can not find the "Customize Start Menu" dialogue box. I am currently running the final release of Windows 10 Enterprise x64.
How does one go about customizing the icons for file types such as .html, .php, .jpg, .gif, .psd, etc...?
There was an option in win 7 with a "File Type" tab that listed all the file extensions and allowed you to change the icons.
I did try using regedit and change the "Default Icon" key under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT==>.html and gave the path to the .ico I wanted to use and that didn't seem to work.
It used to be very easy in Windows 7 to modify and customize existing Themes. We had four functions at the bottom of the Theme selection page to modify "Desktop Background", "Window Color", "Sounds", and "Screen Saver". Well, it seems that some bone head at M$ has decided that we can't have this something that works anymore! Yes, some of the functionality has come forward to W10 although it now seems to be a total kludge to get to it these days. For example, the only way I've found to get to adjust the Screen Saver functionality is to perform a search on it. It does not seem to be on any menu that I can find. As for "Desktop Background" and "Window Color"; I've yet to find this functionality in W10. So why in the world did M$ eliminate this stuff?
And before somebody exclaims that you can modify the background in you add a photo to a Theme group these days. For extra credit, tell me what menu you can use to access this functionality from.
Not sure what Microsoft is thinking, but the "most used" list...isn't functioning as you would expect. I want programs I launch often to go there, with the recent file list fly out, that's the most user-friendly feature brought over from Windows 7....
However, what Windows uses to identify "most used". I use one program every single day, it never appears.
A program I used a few times over a month ago is still in the list, when I chose to remove it, no other programs replaced it...why wouldn't the next most used program appear?
How do I set the number of programs to list...the number grows and reduces all on it's's quite bizarre.
This would all be fine if I could CHOOSE to add programs to the start menu (The "real" one, NOT the "modern" one, with it's useless huge icons) can't!!!
I've notice that the windows 10 doesn't have a lot of different types of themes available for us to customize it to fit our taste. I would really like MS to either give us the option to download different types of themes and wallpapersfrom the web and just download it directly into the theme folder directory. Same goes for all the other different folders that's meant for different customization. Mouse and keyboard icon skin should be download it automatically into the mouse Folder etc this would make it a lot less complicated for even the novice users to be able to customize how they want they're desktop or laptop to look like. I love to customize my desktop the way I want it to look and that just brings unique only to me.
Can "Search the web and Windows" be set to search only Windows locally? I've read that this can be done via a policy editor, but I work in Windows 10 Home, and that option isn't directly available.
I have an Asus X550L and it came with Asus Smart Gesture, which I've been used to for quite a while now. I really liked using the three finger horizontal swypes to navigate webpages since I use strategy guides a lot and move back and forth between pages frequently. I was kind of shocked when my three finger swype performed an [Alt+Tab] instead of [Backspace].
Is there currently any way to disable this feature or override it so I can use Smart Gesture again? Or perhaps there is some way to customize what functions it performs?
Windows 10 Swype also changes the direction of scrolling when I use two finger vertical. I prefer inverted rather than regular, can I change this at the very least, if nothing else?
I was hoping I could change the image on the lock screen, but it still appears not to work - when I select a new image I just get a spinning cursor in the preview screen. Need customizing the Lock Screen image,?
I would like to find out how I can customize the actual images(icons) displayed in the system tray.
This is my current system tray -->
Icons I want to change include BitDefender, Chrome, and OpenVPN to make them better fit the new Windows 10 icon theme. The white icon in the top right corner is one that I was successfully able to change. The program is Vuze Bittorrent client --> The Vuse wiki actually tells the location of the .png image file --> [URL]....
For BitDefener, I found the folder where the .png files are located and I was able to overwrite them to white icons that would match my Windows 10 theme.
However, the icon in the system tray stays the same (ugly red B). I am sure there is something else I need to do seeing as BitDefender is a security application in which I am sure makes it hard to tamper with it's files.
How I can change these icon images? or know of a tool that allows you to change the program's system tray image?
I use 3 cloud services: OneDrive, Dropbox and MEGA. After installing sync client, Dropbox create a icon on Windows Explorer left panel, just like OneDrive is by default on Windows. But MEGA does NOT do it. How do I create a icon for MEGA on Windows Explorer left panel so I will have easy access to my 3 cloud services? note that I do NOT want to pin a folder on "Quick Access". I want to create a new left panel menu, just like OneDrive and "This PC" and Network appears on Windows Explorer for Windows 10.
In settings > personalization > start > Choose which folders appear on start
Can we add custom folders to this ? There are some folders which I use very frequently which aren't any of the standard folders (downloads, documents etc)
I know how to add and remove things from the Start menu but is it possible to add more Groups? I can only see 4, which can be renamed, but I'd like a few more in order to organise my icons.
Here's a way to create a pretty convincing looking Menu using your Taskbar.Try it out yourself.(click on the image 2 or 3 times if you find it hard to read). You'll have to loose the Search Box and Taskview as well.