Customization :: How To Automatically (cmd / Powershell Script ) Unpin All Apps In Start

Sep 3, 2015

I would like to automatize cleaning the Windows 10's start menu from all these default pinned apps that I'm not using. I don't want to remove apps, only unpin from from start.

I tried to google, but didn't find any. There seems to be no command to pin and unpin apps in start menu. Any alternative methods? The information about the configuration of start menu must be stored somewhere....

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Similar Messages:

Customization :: How To Uninstall Apps Using Powershell

Jun 17, 2015

Many of the Universal Apps cannot be uninstalled because the button is inactive (grayed out). This might be 'by design' for the Technical Preview since Microsoft wants users to test the Apps.

The preferred method is to use the uninstall button when it is active. The list below provides a way to uninstall an App when the button is NOT active.

Launch an elevated PowerShell (Right click - Run as Administrator ...)

Copy the command for the App you want to remove from the list below and paste it into the PowerShell window


To remove the Calculator App, copy the entire line under the App name


Remove-AppxPackage -Confirm -Package Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.1505.29000.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

The -Confirm parameter lets you to decide if you want to remove the App [ Yes ] or cancel the operation [ No ]


Remove-AppxPackage -Confirm -Package Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_10.1505.12000.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Remove-AppxPackage -Confirm -Package Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.1505.29000.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Remove-AppxPackage -Confirm -Package Microsoft.WindowsCamera_5.31.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

[Code] .....

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Apps :: How To Unpin Cortana From Start Menu

Aug 8, 2015

I've searched everywhere, and even uninstalled Cortana from Windows Features.. It's no longer running.. but i can't figure out how to unpin it from the Start Menu.

FYI: Removing hidden Windows Features:

- you'll need win6x_registry_tweak from MSFN or here's a mirror.
- you can remove Windows Defender, Adobe Flash, Search, Indexer, HyperV, etc.. completely

Available commands:

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /l
- list all packages

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c **PACKAGE** /r
- remove package

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Can't Unpin App From Start

Aug 4, 2015

I can't unpin an app from the Start menu

Here's a gif of what (doesn't) happen

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Customization :: Unpin Search And Task View From Taskbar

Oct 7, 2014

How to unpin the search & task view from the taskbar? They take valuable space in the taskbar while they can easily be triggered with windows key shortcuts.

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Apps :: Can Apps That Were Deleted Using Powershell Be Restored By Resetting

Sep 7, 2015

I'll try to summarize it in bullet points:

* I was having problems with the calendar app, hence I tried removing it
* I stumbled upon PowerShell and removed the app (along with mail)
* I can't open Windows store afterwards
* I tried following some restore fixes online, but to no avail
* I downgraded to Windows 8.1 in hopes to undo my mistake
* After reverting to 8.1, the calendar, mail, people, viber, and fresh paint app don't function anymore.
* I am re-downloading Windows 10 to see if it could miraculously make things right again
* If it does not change, my last resort would be to reset my PC. Hence the title of this post

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Apps :: Startup Programs Automatically And Broken Start Menu

Dec 25, 2015

I'm trying to run programs upon boot in W10 but it doesn't work.I have put them in Start folder and if I go to Task manager I can see the programs are there as well in Startup tab and enabled...but they will not start. I have to manually launch them anyway.I found out a thread where someone was able to get a fix in the same situation by going to taskbar and menu properties and selecting 'use the Start menu instead of start screen' but my menu has no such tab.

How to try to get them programs to launch upon boot. The machine was just freshly clean installed with W10 and it has but a couple of programs on it - exactly the programs I'd like to auto-start. Done all windows updates as well. Another machine of mine developed a weird glitch in that the start menu doesn't suddenly work at all.It just raises a red box in the middle of screen saying something like 'oops your start menu doesn't seem to work but don't worry, we'll fix it up for the next boot' and then it promptly reboots, but whatever I try it doesn't get fixed.

I have updated the machine several times without issues and it works fine, just can't use the start at all or it reboots...been using it for a month now as it is now, got the big updates and all...but it doesn't get fixed. Start menu would sometimes be rather convenient in a machine, no?

The latter machine I might just re-install clean anew. I have 7 windows boxes all now W10 and it appears every one needs to be freshly clean installed to W10 before they really start working well.

View 8 Replies

Start Menu Does Not Open After PowerShell Command

Jan 6, 2016

So my mail app was not opening links. So I looked up how to reinstall the mail app. Got to this: [URL]....

I uninstalled the apps, then ran the powershell command: Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"} to reinstall the mail app.

A bunch of red errors appeared in the prompt and now my start menu, notifications, onedrive,... won't work.

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Apps :: Powershell Removal Of ALL Modern Apps EXCEPT Specified

Oct 6, 2015

Looking for a way to use powershell to remove every modern/metro app except those specified in a list.

I assume you'd have to use get-appxpackage to list all apps installed, then select ones that aren't in the list.

(The list would just include what's included by Windows by default).

The purpose is for removal of OEM installed apps from new laptops.

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Unable To Unpin Tiles From Start Menu

Aug 2, 2015

I love Windows 10. I really do. Every time I right-click a tile, select something such as "Unpin from Start," absolutely nothing happens. The tile remains, I can reshape it, move it, just like before. I can even open it from the Start menu. When I right click the tile again, I see "Pin to Start," even though it's already there.

The thing is, when I restart my computer, all the changes have been made. Basically what I've learned is that every time I want to re-do my Start Menu, I have to restart the computer multiple times.

I had reserved my free Windows 10 upgrade for my 2-in-1 Dell Inspiron 13 7000 laptop. However, even though the application said my notification was coming, I couldn't wait. I downloaded the operating system from the Microsoft website before I received my notification. Does this premature download have anything to do with it?

This only happens with the options "Unpin from Start" and "Pin to Start."

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Apps :: Running Powershell For Setting Default Programs?

Feb 10, 2016

In the past I have had to go around to each computer and set the default programs. Is there a way to create a batch file to set default programs silently for each user that signs on? Like we would like to have Adobe Reader DC, Internet Explorer, and VLC player be the default programs.

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Dec 30, 2015

I've encounter that all of my windows 10 apps cannot launch. I click them in the start menu but without response. I've executed powershell command

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}

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Aug 10, 2015

How to do it? I removed a couple of apps from there and they either get replaced by a random program or disappear.

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Customization :: Change How Many Apps Appear As MOST USED In Start

Dec 2, 2015

I've searched the Win10 forum, but haven't found whether it is possible to change the amount of apps that appear in the MOST USED apps in Start.

For instance, currently, my MOST USED apps show 6 apps. I would like to change it to 10.

I have the RECENTLY ADDED apps option turned off, so there should be plenty of room to show 10 MOST USED apps.

I believe previous versions of Windows allowed this choice.

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Oct 2, 2015

Why is it that some programs (like Edge, which I don't use), can have a bigger tile, on the start menu, and others (like Firefox, which I use) don't?

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Customization :: Removing Power And All Apps In Start Menu

Jul 25, 2015

It's a simple question, with probably a more complicated answer: How do I remove these two buttons, as I think they are ugly as OS X (ok, maybe not that ugly)?

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Customization :: Unable To Add To All Apps List In Start Menu

Dec 6, 2015

I can place a new folder or custom shortcut in the correct start menu location (current user or all users) but it will not appear in the All apps list. If I go to the folder or shortcut and right-click Pin to Start it will appear as a tile in the start menu, but still will not show up in the All apps list. I think this behavior started with Version 1511 since it was working for me in the previous version.

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Customization :: Start Menu Width Adjustment For All Apps

Aug 28, 2015

I have read everywhere on how to change the start menu width, however what I am asking for does not seem to be covered anywhere. When I open the "All Apps" section of the start menu to get to my installed programs I am unable to distinguish between some of them due to their width. (See attached screenshot)

What I want is to extend the width of the list of apps, NOT the width of the live tiles area. Seems everywhere covers how to change the width of the start menu but it only affects the live tiles area, not the app list.

I have searched through the registry and can't find anything there. Maybe I missed something?

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Jan 20, 2016

Is it possible to have the start menu open with all apps as default?

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Customization :: How To Edit All Apps Icon And Text In Start Menu

Aug 4, 2015

I wonder if there is a way (through editing system files or registry) to change Windows 10 Start Menu "All apps" to something else like "My Programs". Also where is the icon file located in the system and how to change the default icon.

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Customization :: Anyway To Change Names Of Apps Pinned To Start Menu

Aug 12, 2015

Windows 10 out of the Edge Browser allows almost anything to be pinned to Start Menu which is great but many of the names are too long, so once again, can names of apps be changed that are pinned to start menu?

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Customization :: Automatically Cycle Through Themes?

Aug 5, 2015

Is there a way to have Win10 automatically cycle through the themes? I really like the pictures in a good number of the country-specific themes and would like win10 to just cycle through the themes automatically instead of me switching them every few days.

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Customization :: Login Automatically Without A Password

Nov 27, 2015

I wanted to log in with out a password. So I set the user account to go on with out a password. There is only one user account on this computer

When I rebooted the computer the message was that the name or password was wrong.

The screen showed two boxes in the lower left hand of the display. The lower had the name of John-0000 and the top box had the name of John.

When I click on the lower box it asks for a name and password
When I click on the top box it asks for a password.

I do not know how to change it back to the original.
How do I set it up to login automatically?

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Customization :: Wallpaper Changes Automatically On 2nd Network PC?

Dec 22, 2015

Is this strange. When I change my desktop wallpaper on one PC it changes to the same picture on my second PC. and I haven't even downloaded the wallpaper on the second machine.

what is going on?

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Customization :: Wallpaper Changes Automatically After Computer Restarts?

Dec 25, 2015

I have a problem with Windows 10 , After turning on the computer Or Restart .

My Wallpaper Change Automatically. To Gray four-door image

I've installed the latest version of AMD driver 15.12 Whql And My version Windows 1151 (Build 10568.36)

look at the following image :

And Full Size Of Picture

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