Customization :: How To Change Or Disable Taskbar Search Box Cortana From Registry

Sep 17, 2015


Big Box...

Small Magnifying Glass...


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Customization :: Taskbar Buttons Hidden Behind Cortana Search

Oct 9, 2015

A guy in my office just upgraded to windows 10 and it looks completely different from other installations I've seen. The start button isn't the 4 equally-sized rectangles, the top left one is hollow and bigger than the other 3, if that means anything. Anyway, when "use small taskbar buttons" is unchecked in taskbar properties, the first few taskbar buttons are hidden behind the search box on the taskbar.

I found this out by accident because I opened one more window and it barely peeked out from the right side of the search box. What can be doing this? BTW this is not the icons in the notification area, these are the program buttons pinned to the taskbar. Also, his start menu doesn't have tiles, it looks almost exactly like the Windows 7 start menu. To me, it's starting to feel like a skin/theme for windows 7, rather than an actual upgrade, and he got taken in by someone, somehow.

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Apps :: How To Disable Cortana Web Search

Sep 28, 2015

I just reinstalled and there's no option in her settings to turn off the web search she does when you search for files on your pc and such. How else could I turn it off if its not listed in her settings?

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Search / Cortana Button On The Taskbar Is Unresponsive?

Apr 18, 2015

I have tried everything under the sun to fix this. The search/Cortana button on the taskbar is unresponsive. Whenever I try to adjust setting under Cortana & Search I get this error:


The app didn't start

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Making Taskbar Icons Small Gets Rid Of Giant Search Bar For Cortana?

Jan 23, 2015

Just something neat I noticed since I couldn't find any way to make it smaller.

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Customization :: Unpin Search And Task View From Taskbar

Oct 7, 2014

How to unpin the search & task view from the taskbar? They take valuable space in the taskbar while they can easily be triggered with windows key shortcuts.

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Customization :: Customize Taskbar Search And Folder Explorer (Default View)

Sep 7, 2015

I have a large number of research articles on my laptop (via dropbox). One thing I loved about Windows 7 was that I could just hit the Start button, type a keyword into the search box and a results window would pop up that listed every matching document on my computer. I was also able to customize this so that it always came up in "Details" view.

I can't seem to get that same thing with Windows 10. When I type something into the search field on the task bar, I have to first select that I want it to search my stuff and not the web. After I do that it will only bring up a limited amount of results. I have to click again to see the whole set of hits--and then if I hit "Folder Explorer" at the bottom of the menu, it brings up the results in "Tile" view.

First, I can't figure out how to set the Folder Explorer default view to "Details".

Also, is there a way I search directly into Folder Explorer via the task bar search box?

Next, I don't mind that the taskbar offers me the option of websearch

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Customization :: How To Change Default Search Engine In Edge

Aug 10, 2015

How do I change default search engine in Edge (via registry)

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Customization :: Change Taskbar Opacity?

Jul 30, 2015

I'm currently testing Windows 10 (in virtualbox), I use Classic Shell to change the taskbar opacity. a way to do this manually?

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Customization :: How To Change Taskbar Icons

Oct 23, 2015

The apps that are pinned on the taskbar those ones. Any way to do that?

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Customization :: Change Background Color For Taskbar?

Feb 23, 2016

The advice given (to go to "personalization" and turn "show color on Start, Task bar, action center and title bar" to "on" and pick a color) does not change the background color of the task bar, which remains black regardless of this setting. how can you change the background color of the task bar from black to something that will actually contrast with the icons? Black is a terrible color; some of the icons are barely visible with that setting.

View 9 Replies

Customization :: Change Color Intensity Of Taskbar?

Aug 2, 2015

what I see about Windows 10 so far, but one thing that does bother me is the vibrancy of the colors of the start menu and task bar. I would prefer a more pastel color theme, but so far I haven't been able to find how to do that. I've tried following the second half of this guide (basically, just run "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced") to get to the old style "Show color mixer" menu. And that menu does in fact have sliders for "color intensity" or "saturation." The problem is, adjusting those sliders doesn't seem to actually change anything.

So is it possible with Windows 10 to actually change this color option?

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Customization :: How To Change Text Color On Taskbar Buttons

Aug 10, 2015

Is it possible to change the color of text on the Taskbar buttons? It is unreadable as black text on a very dark background.

I now have all the other UI colors in Windows 10 looking how I want with a customized theme.

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Customization :: Change Taskbar Icons Of Pinned Programs?

Aug 13, 2015

I'd like to change the icon of these icons, but I found no obvious way.

View 4 Replies

Customization :: Change Default Color Of The Start Menu And Taskbar

Jan 29, 2015

Build 9926 and using the default Start Menu.

To change the default Color of the Start Menu & Taskbar go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Personalization > Color And Appearance then select Show Color Mixer. These 3 sliders will modify the solid color chosen above that also modifies the color of the Start Menu & Taskbar.

The Color Intensity slider only modifies the color of the window borders.

Color and Appearance - Change in Windows 10

Color Intensity & Color Mixer functions (Sliders) have been depreciated and no longer have any effect of altering a chosen color for builds newer than 10130.

View 4 Replies

Customization :: Change Taskbar Items To Display Only Filename Not The Program Name

Dec 10, 2015

some programs display the filename before the program name in the taskbar eg notepad and MSword2013

some programs display the program name first eg powerISO + most others

because my taskbar space is limited i need only the program name displayed next to the program icon.

if i have several copies of the same program running at once and i can only see the program name in the taskbar

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One Of Start Menu And Cortana Breaking Causes Registry Reviver

Nov 24, 2015

For those experiencing Start menu and search breaking (sometimes even the notifications center). Besides being an update issue, a cortana bug, a copy_profile parameter incompatibility ...etc, if you had " Registry Reviver " software (as a standalone software or as a part of the PCReviver suite) installed, and you've used it (before, while or after syspreping), I can assure you @100% that the software is whether the exclusive source of your problem, or in the best cases, a part of it.

Thoroughly tested on Win 10 x64, pro and enterprise (Did no test on 32 bits, the software itself being 64bits compatible). Performing a registry cleaning may or may not break the components in question (I don't know on what it depends), but the registry defragmenter with absolutely no doubt will.

After defragmenting the registry using the software, two case scenarios happened on my machine :

1- The computer reboots normally, but after login in, the components are broken ( you may or may not, again, rebuild them by the now famous Get-AppXPackage in powershell, but soon after restarting, they are broke again)

2- The computer can't even start, it hangs a brief moment at the windows splash screen, then BSOD : NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM (Ntfs.sys).

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Why Disable OS Upgrade Is Missing In Windows 7 Registry

Nov 23, 2015

I have been using the excellent reg edit tutorial on this site to disable upgrading to 10

Upgrade to Windows 10 Update - Enable or Disable in Windows 7 or 8.1

I like to go manually into the registry without downloading the app to do it, and it has worked well on one my windows 7 partitions.

However on my other windows 7 partition I cant see the DisableOSUpgrade DWORD in the registry key

Why it is missing, I am sure I am logged on as admin and also have enabled hidden files and folders? The size of that partition is 60GB.

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Turn Off (not Disable) Action Center Icon Via Registry

Nov 6, 2015

We can easily disable Action Center icon in Windows 10 via the following registry key:


But that will completely disable Action Center and its button will become gray, not possible to change its state. I don't wanna disable it, just wanna turn it off, like we do manually in: Settings > System > Notifications & Actions > Turn system icons on or off

For this one, I didn't find a registry key, also the following article does not work for Windows 10: System Icons - Enable or Disable - Windows 7 Forums

just turn it off via registry without disabling and locking down the Action Center button.

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Taskbar Right-click Does Not Work - Search In Taskbar Does Not Open

Sep 24, 2015

A few days ago, after an automatic Windows 10 update on my desktop computer, I found that: right clicking icons on the taskbar does nothing - none of the options appear; the start button on the left of the taskbar only works by right-clicking and accessing the old Windows 8 style options; the search icon on the taskbar does nothing; the Windows 10 calculator has disappeared - when I press the calculator key on my keyboard a message appears saying "You'll need a new app to open this calculator". It seems to have been deleted from the computer.

Until these things happened Windows 10 was working well. 

View 7 Replies

Apps :: How To Disable Cortana Process

Jul 29, 2015

It's interesting to see that after i "disabled" it from the options, the process Cortana is still running and is tied to searchui.exe . And after deleting Cortanaware, the windows search bar stopped responding!

Is there any other way to stop this from the services or something? i've looked for it and found nothing. It's funny how MS tells you Cortana is "disabled" but the process in task manager is still up and running just fine.

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Apps :: How To Permanently Disable Cortana

Aug 8, 2015

This is how to permanently disable Cortana, first start into safe mode and navigate to [URL].. you will need to Take Ownership of the Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy folder and then delete the file SearchUI.exe. How to remover it from the start menu.

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Performance :: Disable Cortana Pop Up On Bottom Left?

Nov 6, 2015

Got my Windows 10 upgrade from my new HP laptop when it came out late July.(was 8.1 before)

I have a few questions but my main one is:

How do I disable the large black pop up that continually pops up all day even when I am not using the search function? It is on the bottom left and is part of the search function.

I have disabled the Cortana as I never use it and thought the pop up would go away but it keeps popping up but now it is blank with no weather or news.

I would like to carry on using search but do not want this pop up.

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Triple Tap Brings Up Cortana Trying To Figure Out How To Disable It

Aug 1, 2015

So whenever I triple tap, the Cortana search engine pops up. I've relegated it to just the search icon in the bottom left corner, but this still happens, more often than not by accident.

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Can Neither Uninstall Nor Disable Cortana - Not Listed In Programs Folder

Sep 18, 2015

I can neither uninstall nor disable Cortana. If I end task in task manager it turns itself right back on.

It is not listed in the programs folder. I have even tried disabling services associated with Cortana and they come right back on.
I really do not want this thing.  Sometimes I find it running using 50% cpu. What is it doing. I do not have the resources to waste on a program I do not want or need.

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Install Error Code 80070005 After Adding Registry Change

Aug 1, 2015

On my latest attempt to install Win 10, after adding the Registry change, I now crap out with Error Code : 80070005.

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