Customization :: Title Bar Of Programs And Browsers Not Centered Rather Than Left Align
Aug 2, 2015
I just upgraded to Windows 10 the other day and I have noticed that all my title bars seem to be left aligned rather then center for the title bar at the top of browsers and explorer and such. I also redid my system before upgrading so unsure if this is a Firefox issue or a Windows 10 issue have asked over on their forum also in case.
But is there a way to get my title bar at the top of the screen to be back to center rather then left aligned as I just prefer the text in the middle rather then on the left where it competes with the text in the menu. Based on what I read regarding centering the Firefox title it looks like by default it should be centered reason I am thinking this is a Windows setting over riding this.
So is there a way to center the title bars of programs and browsers rather then left align the title as I find the text competes with the menu text which is annoying for me at least.
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Jul 31, 2015
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That program before the upgrade had a very dark border making it easy to see images through the scope on the screen. Now the title bar is white , a very bright white and I can't find a way to change its color. The white has two effects, first it makes dim objects I am trying to see through the scope really hard to see on the laptop screen and second the title bar makes it nearly impossible to maintain the night vision a person needs to find things in the night sky to point the telescope at.
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Nov 15, 2015
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Sep 9, 2015
In Windows 10 the title bar of all the desktop apps is just plain white. Unlike in the previous versions of Windows, you cannot change the title bar color that easily with just a few clicks in the personalization panel. Even though the decision to remove the ability to change the title bar color is part of the design choice, it is absolutely a deviation from the previous Windows options.
If you think the white-colored title bar is too light for your eyes, or if you just want to change the title bar color to your favorite color, then you can do that by following the below guide. The procedure detailed below is not necessarily difficult but is certainly messy. So follow through and you can easily change the color of Windows 10 title bars.this procedure only applies to desktop apps and not to modern apps. This is due to the fact that the developers of modern apps can choose their own colors.
Change the Color of Window Title Bars.To change the color of Window title bars, we are going to be using Windows Aero Style files. To start, open the File Explorer and navigate to the folder “C:WindowsResourcesThemes.”Once you are in the Themes folder, copy the folder “aero” and paste it in the same folder. This action will create a new copy of the “aero” folder. You will receive a couple of warning messages; just click on the “Continue” button followed by the “Skip” button on the second warning window to complete the copying process.
Once the folder has been copied, rename the folder to “color.”After renaming the folder, open the folder, locate the “aero.msstyles” file and rename it to “color.msstyles.”in the same folder, open the “en-US” folder and locate and rename the file “aero.msstyles.mui” to “color.msstyles.mui.”Once you are done with the above changes, head back to the “Themes” folder and copy the “aero.theme” file to your Desktop.As soon as you’ve copied the file, rename it to “color.theme.”
We need to edit this file to change the path for “VisualStyles.” To do that, right-click on the file, select “Open With,” select “Notepad” from the list of options and click on the “Ok” button.The above action will open the file with Notepad. Here, scroll down and find the line “Path=%ResourceDir%ThemesAeroaero.msstyles” under “[VisualStyles],” and modify it to “Path=%ResourceDir%Themescolorcolor.msstyles.” Now, save the file and close it.After completing the editing part, cut (Ctrl + X) the file and paste (Ctrl +V) it in the Themes folder. After pasting the file in, simply double-click on it to make the changes take effect.
If you’ve done everything as described in the article, Windows will change the title bar color as shown in the above image.The title bar color will be the same as the Windows 10 Accent Color, but you can easily change it in the “Colors” panel in the “Personalization” settings. If you let Windows pick the Accent Color automatically, then the title bar color will be changed according to your desktop wallpaper.the change is only applicable to the desktop apps and not to the modern apps. If you want to undo the changes, simply double-click on the “aero.theme” file in the Themes folder.Click to expand...
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Anyway is there someway 3rd party or otherwise to get this menu back? or something that lets you edit the same things?
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Nov 14, 2015
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Sep 5, 2015
I have Pinned a few sites to the start menu using Microsoft Edge. My problem is that all of them have the same "E" edge (internet explorer) icon. So unless I keep them at large size, or remember in what order they were pinned/arranged, I have no clue which pin is for which site.
When you click "Pin To Start" in the options menu in Edge, where are those pins stored?
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Feb 10, 2016
1. Make TitleBars, StartMenu, TaskBar and so on, keep the same color in example the default black.
2. Make Tiles keep a color in example blue. Like in Windows 8.1.
That is, I want to keep ALL THE DAFAULT COLORS but also make title bar black.
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Oct 2, 2015
I've added folders to my libraries (like music, pictures etc.) but in the explorer they don't appear there, on the left. Instead I (gather that) I see folders with the same names as the libraries (which is quite confusing)...
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I'd like to see the libraries there, instead of these folders. Is that possible?
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Nov 26, 2015
Well with windows 10 and all of it's new and in a lot of cases annoying features is the new start menu layout where the important part of the start menu is thin as hell and the right side is unimportant.
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Feb 10, 2016
I use 3 cloud services: OneDrive, Dropbox and MEGA. After installing sync client, Dropbox create a icon on Windows Explorer left panel, just like OneDrive is by default on Windows. But MEGA does NOT do it. How do I create a icon for MEGA on Windows Explorer left panel so I will have easy access to my 3 cloud services? note that I do NOT want to pin a folder on "Quick Access". I want to create a new left panel menu, just like OneDrive and "This PC" and Network appears on Windows Explorer for Windows 10.
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Aug 9, 2015
I did an upgrade from win 7 to 10. Some glitches, but nothing I can handle. But i didn't like when u pin down a short cut on the start menu, it went to right. I want some program to pin down on the leftside, like win7. Is it possible to do that on win10?
View 7 Replies
Sep 16, 2015
1) Browse to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu Places
2) Rename one of the existing folders there to what folder you want it to be
3) Right-click > Properties to said folder and set new destination folder address
4) Go to Settings App > Personalization > Start > Choose Which Folders Appear on Start
5) Select Original Folder Name (i.e. Pictures) that you corresponded to new location
Result will be:
How to add new titles to the settings app screen, we can do this without replacing the original folders... will test with a .exe file and post results shortly.
.exe files do work:
This will allow for 9 (because settings isn't possible to change) programs/folders to be pinned to the left pane of the start menu. I am working on figuring out how to modify the icons....
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Oct 6, 2015
Back in the good old days of W7, you could pin an application to the start menu and it would appear on the left hand side and it would also offer a list of recently opened things within that application as a right arrow for ease of selection.
For example, within putty I have 2 saved sessions, when I pinned putty to the start menu in W7, it would pin the main program, but a right-arrow would accompany it and let me easily select Saved Session 1 or Saved Session 2 without having to launch putty manually. Similarly for something like notepad, you could pin that and it would come with an arrow and let you open your most recent opened documents without having to open notepad first and then selecting your text file. See attached W7 example png.
The W10 start menu does not let you do this at all. I can pin programs to the pig awful tiles section but critically it does not provide me with an easy method of selecting something within an app to launch via that app without launching that app first. It must be capable of doing something like it because the default File Explorer menu has the arrow and selection box.
The hack I can come up with is somehow manually editing my MRU list but is it easier than that? Is there reasonably well built in method for doing simple customisations to the W10 start menu! And if not, tell me how I can manually edit my MRU even though it throws the whole concept of recently used out the window if I'm just going to add stuff to it that I want.
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Dec 24, 2015
I use "Align Icons to Grid" to line up icons on my Desktop. However, I find the resolution of the grid is too coarse. How can I reduce the icon spacing between icons for the "Align Icons to Grid" option?
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Jan 17, 2016
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Sep 9, 2015
Every time i make a restart on windows 10 the icons take all the time the same order.For example i move 5 icons to the right side of desktop,then after restart all icons go to the left in order.I have no ides what is going on and i have tried lot of stuff with no luck.
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