Customization :: Unable To Customize Lock Screen
Aug 29, 2015
I was hoping I could change the image on the lock screen, but it still appears not to work - when I select a new image I just get a spinning cursor in the preview screen. Need customizing the Lock Screen image,?
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Similar Messages:
Jul 30, 2015
I am currently unable to set a lock screen background image (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit). When on the Lock Screen customization window, it is pretty bare with no images to choose from. Browsing and choosing any image results in nothing happening and it does not add it (refer to LockScreen image attached). If I try to set it when viewing any image it has the error "Can't set as lock screen. Make sure the file isn't damaged and try again." (refer to PhotoSet image attached). Also note that the Slideshow option is not in the dropdown either.
Some background on this is probably needed, so here's what has happened/been done:
In Windows 8.1 I customized the default lock screen to a custom image using the guide at [URL] (the manual method/Option 2). Yesterday I upgraded to Windows 10 and it set the lock screen to a basic color. Then the fun started...
1. Lock Screen customization appeared normal/functional. Tried choosing a different image or custom image. It would appear set, but lock screen would not change (even after reboot).
2. Tried troubleshooting by taking the same actions as in Windows 8.1. Did the same actions for the new folders that Windows 10 uses in the %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsSystemData folder (deleted the images within the lettered folder(s)).
3. Checked every Registry Key I found mention of when searching online (none needing to be changed).
4. I renamed the SystemData folder as a website recommended. Windows did make a new, fresh copy. However this is what kicked it over to the state I am in now. Restoring the old folder did no good.
5. Before coming here I did one last thing. I ran sfc /scannow. It claimed the img100 was corrupt and replaced it, but nothing changed.
What I can do to restore the functionality of the Lock Screen customization without reinstalling Windows? Note that I am not trying to change the logon screen background...even though I would love to do that too. Other than this issue everything is running great/perfect.
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Jan 28, 2016
I am pretty good with computer but I have ran in to a problem I just can't fix. The operating system will not let me change the lock screen background mode from Windows Spotlight to something else. I have searched for an hour without any luck. My laptop has had a history of breaking down. The first time was hard drive failure and I have lost all my data. The second time I needed to repair was when the computer got so slow it was unusable and eventually got blue screens at boot And I needed to reinstall the operating system. When I try to go to edit the setting it is grayed out and on the top it says Some settings are managed by your organization" I am not apart of any organization and I am the only user on the computer with Administrator privileges.
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I've tried to change the configuration between "menu" and "screen" to see if its restricted to one of them, but both of them vanish after a few seconds.
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Oct 6, 2015
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Would really like to be able to choose my own lock screen wallpaper, though Spotlight is a pretty cool feature.
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Dec 6, 2015
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locate this photo. it was shown in my lock screen unfortunately i can not locate it anymore.
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Aug 11, 2015
got the slideshow to work on your lock screen yet, i have tried everything including deleteing a particular file in screen folder to making new files everywhere and still nothing, when i press WIN + L it works great but the minute i reboot my PC nothing the same picture i had stays there
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Nov 19, 2015
Everybody wants disable - but what to do when I want to ENABLE ?
From the very first time after fresh update from Windows 8 to 10 - there was a problem to have Lock Screen.
I like the simple information on it and quick display off after a while not used...
Then, after any option possible used to enable it, it somehow appeared after windows update. I was lucky to have it back. Self customized to black background without any disturbing images and icons - only pure time and date.
And, then, after last whole build update from 10240 to 10586 - again NO MORE LOCK SCREEN .....
Tested again any possible option (system option, gpedit option, registry change) - nothing works like after first upgrade from 8 to 10...
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Oct 9, 2015
So when I go to the lock screen in Windows 10 I can select a picture and the preview shows it fine. However when I actually lock my PC it still shows the default Windows 10 one. (Not a solid colour)
PC upgraded from Windows 7 recently. All updates applied.
I have tried so many things, deleted systemdata folder in programdata, tried running registry repairs, sfc scannow etc.
Why it will let me change the lock screen picture with no problems, change the preview but the actual lock screen image itself doesn't change?
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Oct 20, 2015
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