Device Limit Reached For Installing Apps And Games

Jul 29, 2015

I joined the insider program last year and basically upgraded to all builds from the very first public build. Before then, I was using Windows 8.1 PRO on my Asus Vivobook which was legit (pro license through my school's DreamSpark program).

I was on buil 10240 and decided to download the media creator tool for Windows 10 and chose the first option which was Upgrade my PC.

I chose to keep nothing. It installed, I logged in Windows is not activated. I try installing / updating apps from the store and it won't work. Each time, I get an email from Microsoft saying Device limit reached for installing apps & games. I removed 2 devices.

Now I have 2 devices running Windows 10, the Lumia 822 on insider preview, and Windows 10 Laptop and still have the same issue.

So my problems now are:

1. Not activated and
2. Can't install apps.

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Reached Device Limit For Installing Apps And Games

Jul 29, 2015


It looks like you've reached your device limit for installing apps and games from the Store on your Windows 10 device. If you want to install apps and games from the Store on another Windows 10 device, remove a device from the device list.

I have 1 device using Windows 10, and 1 computer at work running the insider preview, that's it.

So is this a sneaky [adjective removed ]you catch from Microsoft, I cannot have Windows 10 installed on more than 1 device ?

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