Drivers/Hardware :: Any Way To Reserve Drive Letter?

Dec 23, 2015

I have a situation where I need drives F and G available for scheduled file backups, and I like to play a game which involves mounting an ISO as a virtual drive, which would normally become F. Earlier today, I discovered a way to keep F and G available by creating to small ISOs and putting shortcuts to them in the startup folder. Then at backup time, I can just unmount drives F and G and plug in the flash drives. That seems to work fine, but since it seems a bit awkward to create ISOs just for that purpose, I was wondering whether there might be another way.

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Drivers/Hardware :: How To Change Drive Letter Of Mirror Drive

Oct 24, 2015

I have just set up a mirror drive(software RAID1) and want to change the drive letter. I am getting a message "The parameter is incorrect". I am wondering if I am stuck with the one assigned when the mirror drive was set up.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Cannot Assign A Drive Letter

Nov 1, 2015

I have an external drive where the electronics of the case has failed. I have switched the drive into my pc so that I can use it as an internal drive. The drive is still operational but I cannot see it listed in my drives. Opening up disk manager shows the drive is clearly visible there but is no volume letters assigned to it. The easy option would be to delete the partitions and create new. However, the drive is divided into several partitions which I want to keep as they contain a lot of important data files (years of photos for one thing). Disk manager wont allow me to assign any drive letters (option is grayed out) and disk partition only shows me a single partition not the 5 partitions I have on the drive. how do I assign volume letters without losing my data?

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System Reserve Partition On Wrong Drive

Dec 17, 2015

I just installed a Samsung Evo 850 SSD and then installed Windows 10 to it. I was previously duel booting Win10 and Win7 as I didn't want to fully commit to Win10 until I had some time with it. I decided I like it enough to have it as my sole OS so when I got my new SSD I've formatted the two old drives containing Win10 and Win7 and just did a clean install of Win10 on the new SSD.

After the installation I wanted to join the two old drives together using storage space because I have also ordered a 4TB HDD and wanted to consolidate my other ones into one drive. It was when i did this I noticed that the system reserve folder was still on the old drive and no matter what I do I can't deactivate it or delete the partition.

So how to remove the partition from that drive.

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Unable To Assign A Drive Letter

Jan 8, 2016

I cannot assign a drive letter to a partition. When I right click the partition I only get the word "Help". The partition states as "Healthy (Recovery Partition).

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Networking :: Renaming A Drive (G) To A Different Unused Letter?

Nov 3, 2015

Still learning Win 10 ways! I have installed a WD My Book backup drive, and Win 10 gave it the designation of my "G" drive. How do I change from "G" to a different unused letter?

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Repaired PC Got Drive Letter Changed From F To C And Can't Revert

Sep 5, 2015

After the store where I bought my pc from repaired my pc (seems like it was a drivers issue) it came back with disk F (the ssd) renamed to C, so now all my shortcuts on the favourites say this:

It's pretty annoying, I cant call them on a Saturday about the issue. I know they tried booting up with an external disk and that's why it's renamed, but I can't rename it back to F, I've tried it and it gives me an error because the disk is in use I think, I've also tried using MiniTool Partition Wizard Free and the optiong to change disk letter disappears when I click on the one I need changed..

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Hard Drive Letter Deleted Every Time On Reboot / Turn Off PC

Aug 2, 2015

I have a Seagate SATA 500GB HD as a second HD. Windows 10 deletes the letter of the drive every time I reboot/turn off my PC, and I have to reassign the drive letter. Why is this happening and how to fix it?

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Installation :: Fixed Drive Letter Designations After Dual Boot Install?

Jun 17, 2015

I've installed W10 in my laptop in a dual boot configuration with W7 successfully. I used this tutorial Windows 10 - Dual Boot with Windows 7 or Windows 8 I'm setting up to do the same thing in my desktop and have a couple questions about drive letter designation after doing it. I created a 30G partition on the C drive of my desktop for the W10 install.

My laptop has one drive, the OS "C" drive, I created a another partition for W10, after installing W10 using the USB ISO "boot from USB" instruction when I'm in W10 it shows as the C drive, and the W7 partition is inactive D drive. Just the opposite when I'm in W7, it shows as the active C partition and W10 is the inactive D partition.

On my desktop I have the 120G C drive for W7, a 500G D drive for backups, a fixed CD-ROM E drive, and a virtual CD-ROM F drive. I've made a 30G partition on the C drive to install W10 on for the dual boot. The question is when the auto backup runs (I have it backup & image every Sunday at 7:00pm) it backs up the C drive to the D drive. Will the W10 dual boot install change my backup drive letter to something other than D, or will the non OS physical drives keep the same drive letter? I will have to remember to be in W7 for it to be the C drive when it backs up, but my concern was if the dual boot was going to change my backup drive to something other than D. That would affect the backup.

I've attached disk mgmt. below, FYI the G drive is the USB with the W10 ISO

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Disk Management Not Showing Change Drive Letter Option On Right Click

Feb 20, 2016

When I go to disk management and right click on my # 2 HDD to give it a drive letter, it only shows Convert to Dynamic Disk, Properties and Help. change drive letter and paths does not show up ??.

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Installation :: Wrong Drive Letter In Msconfig / Boot In Dual Boot System

Jan 27, 2016

In my desktop I have two hard disks ( disk 0 and disk 1 ) . Disk 1 is a clone of disk 0 created by Macrium Reflect
Disk 0 : ( C: ) windows 10 pro , upgrade from windows 7 , ( E: ) windows 8.1 pro , ( G: ) Storage partition
Disk 1 : clone of disk 0

problem description : I see in msconfig / boot a wrong listing

windows 10 ( C:WINDOWS) : Current OS ; Default OS

windows 8.1 pro ( H:WINDOWS ) instead of ( E:WINDOWS )

Nevertheless the dual booting works fine as well as the shift between the disks via BIOS.

The question is , could I fix the situation using the EasyBCD of Neosmart Technologies to edit the bootloader ?

I see can change drive letter H: to E: and save the change , am I right or wrong ? or any other way ....

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Installation :: Never Got Reserve Icon

Jul 29, 2015

I never got the reserve icon to reserve windows 10 pro; so where/how can i get this accomplished?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Windows Misidentifies C Drive As Solid State Drive - Cannot Defrag?

Sep 9, 2015

When I was running Windows 7, my system had a small solid state C drive that did not have enough space for windows 10 upgrade. I got a larger 2TB regular hard disk and used the manufacturer's software to clone the old Windows-7 SSD C drive to the new 2TB and then upgraded to Windows 10.

Now under windows 10, when go into defrag, the C Drive shows as a Solid State drive and of course windows does not want to optimize it.

The new drive definitely is not SSD. I assume somehow that setting was cloned from the old disk.

Is there either a way to change the C drive to a regular "hard disk drive" or force windows to defrag what it thinks is a SSD?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Hard Drive Inaccessible After Upgrade (Apps Stored On Drive Run)

Jan 14, 2016

Problem: When I click on my H: drive or try to access it from the command line, it gives me an access denied error. However, all of the applications that I have installed on that drive run without issue. So, there is some access there. (See attached images. The first shows the hard drive state in diskmanager and in windows explorer. The second image shows the minecrafter launcher profile (that it is stored in H: and the application running, proving that there is some access.

System: Home built PC: (C:) 240GB SSD for OS, (E:) 1TB HDD for file storage and backup, (H:) 1TB HDD for large applications and video editing files. All drives are Simple, Basic, and none have encryption. All use the SATA connectors.

Process: I had Windows 7 Home 64 bit with, among many other things, Comodo Internet Security, Virtualbox, ImageDisk.
During the upgrade process, I noticed that Windows 10, during the upgrade, ran the file system check and fix "problems" on the H: drive.

(Side note) Having forgotten to uninstall Comodo before the upgrade, I did not have network after the upgrade. The fix was non-trivial as I had to use a second computer to download the unofficial comodo uninstaller. Reboot. Uninstall the network devices. Reboot. And once Windows 10 was up and running, it reinstalled the network devices and the network was available.

Still, whether before or after the Comodo uninstall and reinstall, the uninstall of ImageDisk, or the uninstall of the Virtualbox network device, I have no access to the H: drive.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Moving AVI Files To External Drive / Drive Not Recognized And Lost All

Apr 14, 2016

I was moving video files (AVI) from an external backup drive (WD Element) to another external backup drive (Seagate expansion) after having moved another video file from my laptop (Acer) to that Seagate external drive. The night before I had moved some video files from the WD to the Seagate with no problem but using a different laptop (Sony). These video files are all rather large and I can tell that the space is still being allocated on the Seagate because while the folder cannot be seen the space that was there is still being used by the Seagate because I am missing over 100GB which would be about the size of that now missing folder.

What happened was there was a message that the Seagate drive could not be recognized while the files were in the process of being moved to that drive from the WD. This is after I had already moved a video file of about 26GB with no problem into that now missing folder. When I saw the message I attempted several times to move files to that Seagate drive but I could not so I unplugged the Seagate drive from that laptop (Acer) then reinserted it into the usb port. I got a repair message that said it needed to be repaired because some files were corrupted and that no data would be lost but the drive would be unavailable during the repairs so I checked ok. It took only about 30 seconds and it said the repairs were completed and the drive was available but I noticed that the folder that I was moving the video files to was not gone.

As I stated there are more than 100GB of files in that folder some are video and others are audio recordings that were created by using the myrecording (audio and video) features of the Acer laptop and they are very important so I need to figure out if they can be retrieved from that Seagate drive. I have not copied anything else onto that Seagate drive but I have plugged it into the Acer computer to ensure it is being recognized. Both the external drives WD and Seagate are plug and play that are powered from the usb -- they have no power adapters.

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Reserve Icon Gone After Black Screen?

Jul 30, 2015

Im using sony vaio windows 8.1 64bit, yesterday windows 10 was downloading and it stopped at 1% itself, then i restarted my laptop to start downloading again but black screen came with cursor blinking, i restored my laptop to early checkpoint but i doesn't work, while trying alternative method to recover the lap, it gone to factory settings and windows 8 was there, i lost my all files, windows 10 reserve icon.

Note: files are not so important, i don't need them.

Now i updated to windows 8.1, but still windows 10 Reserve icon not appeared. How do i get back reserve icon or how can i update to windows 10?

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Installation :: Unable To Reserve Upgrade?

Aug 15, 2015

I am trying to upgrade to Windows 10. I clicked on the flag symbol and a box appeared with a spinning wheel and the message please wait. I waited and waited for 2 hours on numerous occasions but nothing happened and now I recieve a message saying "reserve your upgrade now" but the link still dousent work. Is there anouther way I can upgrade for free.? I dont know if its because millions of people are trying to connect at once or what. What appears in the box when it opens. I have Windows 7, legal as far as I know as I got the computer secondhand.

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Laptop Has No Options To Reserve For Upgrade - Win 7

Jul 14, 2015

I can't reserve an upgrade for a Asus K53T. Ran recovery and reinstalled everything. Still nothing. The laptop uses Windows 7.

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Reserve Button In Windows Update Does Nothing

Jul 29, 2015

I put off reserving Windows 10, I had the icon in my tray for months, but never got around to it. Now the icon is gone(as of just today I believe), but Windows Update has box above update information where you can reserve Win10. Problem is, the reserve button and the "Learn More" link in the box are both non-functioning. Is it even necessary that I use this or would just downloading straight from Microsoft's website suffice?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Pen Drive And External Hard Drive Keep Getting Errors

Jan 9, 2016

Pen Drive and external hard drive keep getting errors! So I select to fix the problem scandrive recommended scan and repair. But there's never anything wrong with them it reports! And it takes ages to scan it takes 10-15 minutes for 32GB pen drive. Windows 7 Pro done it in a flash! Anything I can do about it.

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Why Would HDD Have No Letter Associated

Aug 30, 2015

Just sort of curious, I noticed that in disk management that I had 4 drives listed


But then there was another drive simply listed as "GAMES".

I always thought it was just some screw up and a duplicate of the H drive (since they both are named as "GAMES") which has games on it but the odd part was that it didn't have a drive letter associated with it after the upgrade to 10.

It was a listed drive in Windows 7 so wondering why the drive letter was removed during the Windows 10 upgrade.

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Installation :: Cannot Update The System Reserve Partition

Aug 9, 2015

Every time I try to update and install windows 10 I get this error. It seems as if my reserve partition is too small to download windows 10. How would I go about fixing this issue. I have had a dual boot of linux in the past but got rid of it months ago.

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Reserve Button Not Showing On Taskbar On Windows 8.1

Jun 2, 2015

I have installed all updates on my windows 8.1 but I still don't see the little reserve windows 10 button on the end of my taskbar, how I can get it so I can reserve windows 10...

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Installation :: Couldn't Update System Reserve Partition

Aug 23, 2015

This is the 2nd system (my wife's computer) we want to run Windows 10. Currently that system is running windows 7 Pro. The first system system went without a single hitch and it was running windows 7 Pro as well.. The download was complete so I was ready for the upgrade. I started the installation and the first thing I got the comment "We couldn't update The System Reserve Partition". I cannot find any documentation on this message.

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Upgrade Error From Win 8.1 - Couldn't Update System Reserve Partition

Aug 8, 2015

System stats...Athlon 860K, Asus A55BM-E, GeForce 550Ti, 8GB Ram

Win 8.1 was installed from retail DVD onto a virgin 500GB mechanical HDD. I upgraded shortly after to a Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD and cloned the mechanical drive over, tested, and then formatted the mechanical drive for data. I got some real strange (to me) drive partitions - 100MB 'Data' drive which is almost full (cannot access) and a 350MB 'System Reserve' drive. The mechanical drive is a separate letter and all seems to work swimmingly. I sort of assumed this was normal.

Upon installing WinX I get the above error...from what i've read, people are having challenges moving from Win7 due to the fact that this reserve drive is only 100MB and it needs to be 300-450...well, mine's 350mb so not sure what gives.

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One Letter Not Working On Keyboard?

Mar 30, 2016

I have one key working only when held down long enough (when it starts to spray that letter). Not an hardware problem.

Estonian keyboard layout. English keyboard layout works fine. Finnish keyboard layout has different key not working.

On-screen keyboard has same problem. 

Problem started just one day. Before was fine. I have tried some malware scans, registry fixes, safe mode, keyboard driver reinstall, other keyboard.

Where could this problem be located? Registry? Someone in internet thinks its malware. I dont think I installed something new previous to that problem.

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