Drivers/Hardware :: Unable To Assign Drive Letters After Upgrade

Nov 4, 2015

I tried the Windows 10 upgrade when it first came out and immediately went back to 8.1 when I couldn't get a single one of my internal SATA hard drives to mount.. I have 5 of them, and I just wasn't about to mess with that when 8.1 had no problems at all. Now I have tried it again and the same problem is happening. I want to see if I can figure it out this time. I am using the latest SATA and Chipset drivers for Win10 64 bit from Gigabyte's Website (I am using a Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H Rev. 1.1.

I am "testing" Win10 using a bootable clone of my main SSD (that still has 8.1 on it) and I upgraded it to 10 just to mess with so I can figure out this ridiculous problem.

My problem is that all of my internal SATA hard drives (with the exception of the system drive) cannot be assigned a drive letter in Disk Management. They show as healthy NTFS partitions but I get 1 of 2 different errors when I click on "Change Drive letters and Paths":

1. "Virtual Disk Manager: The System cannot find the file specified."

2 "Disk Management: The operation filed to complete because the Disk Management Console view is not up-to date. Refresh the view by using the refresh task. If the problem persists close the Disk Management console, then restart disk management or restart the computer" Hint: none of the recommended fixes in the error message change anything.

I HAVE been able to assign the partitions a letter and mount them using a third party disk manager called "MiniTool Partition Wizard". It lets me mount the partitions and it works! ..However, if I restart the computer, I am back to square one and have to manually assign each drive letter for each partition every time.

This is easily the worst experience I have ever had upgrading an OS, and one of the most mind boggling issues I have had with Windows in general. I really like Windows 10 and want to keep using it but half of my hard drives being un-mountable is a complete deal breaker right now.

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I have this nasty issue. I have two Network Attached Drives, on server. They work fine, D and E. But I also have NAS [DS 716+] which is on NAS drive F:. Whenever I shut down my DS 716+, and I connect some external hdd/ssd/memory card, it always asigns letter F:. Which makes these devices quiet inaccessible, or hard accessible, I can't double click them to open, I need to type in manually F: etc.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Cannot Assign A Drive Letter

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Drivers/Hardware :: Clean Installation Created Partitions With Drive Letters?

Oct 27, 2015

I clean installed Win 10 RTM version on my laptop a few weeks ago. I have a basic GPT setup.

Installation went fine, however the installer created a 'Recovery' drive (D with a size of 600 MB (262 MB free) & a 'Local Disk' drive (E with a size of 451 MB (128 MB free).

I am stumped as to why it assigned letters to them. If you see the attachment of a snapshot of Partition Wizard, you will be able to see the setup.

My question, besides why the assigned letters is the where the status is listed as 'None'. Is it safe to delete these?? I am assuming that the only partitions i need to keep are the 'ESP', which is 'Active & Boot' - so it is needed to be able to boot into Windows. How about the one listed as 'Other' - the capacity is 128 MB & all 128 MB are used - do i save this one as well?

I really wanted a less cluttered setup - so when all these partitions were created, particularly 'D' & 'E', i was perplexed as to why they were created.

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Installation :: Cloning To SSD Then Swapping Drive Letters

Feb 23, 2016

I have a new computer. I want to clone the system to a new SSD. Can I change the drive letter of the SSD to C: after cloning?

My new computer (an ASUS) currently has Windows 8.1. I intend to upgrade to Windows 10 before I do anything more. I will move the old Windows elsewhere before cloning if that is possible.

I have the SSD installed physically but it is not formatted or anything. I intend to use the Samsung Data Migration tool to do the clone. During the clone, the SSD will of course not have the drive letter "C". After the cloning, it must have the drive letter "C", correct? I know we can assign drive letters in Disk Management. I am familiar with partitions and I know that the boot drive/partition is marked as "Active".

Can I re-assign drive letters in Disk Management and delay the change until the next boot? This is just a guess, but it makes sense that the feature might exist. In other words, after the clone, can I change the drive letter ("C") of the current drive to something such as "T" and the SSD drive's letter to "C" and then the change will be effective upon the next boot? The hard drive has a second partition that is empty and is the "D:". It will be confusing for others to have the SSD partition as "C:" and the first partition some other letter and the second partition as "D:" but I understand and I am the only one that will use it. That is a minor detail.

I do not intend to use the old Windows after the successful clone unless I need to remove the SSD for return to ASUS. My new computer had a bad motherboard when I received it but I hope I do not need to return it again.

I know that some people will suggest that I do a fresh install. (I see: Clean Install Windows 10 Directly without having to Upgrade First - Windows 10 Forums.). I want to avoid doing that if possible. I am not sure that I can install everything else that ASUS installs but hopefully that is possible. If however I can simply swap drive letters after the clone then that should be the simplest solution.

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Swap Drive Letters Between Two Bootable Drives

Aug 19, 2015

I upgraded my PC from W8.1 to W10, all went very smooth. I then worked on upgrading a laptop SSD drive to from W8.1 to W10 which I planned to then install in my wife's laptop. It was easier for me to upgrade the drive on my PC then swap the drives than take her laptop for awhile. Well...that created my problem. I had 2 drive C's on my PC.

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How to either swap the drive letters or remove the SSD drive and somehow be able to rename the F drive to C.

View 1 Replies

Drivers/Hardware :: Hard Drive Inaccessible After Upgrade (Apps Stored On Drive Run)

Jan 14, 2016

Problem: When I click on my H: drive or try to access it from the command line, it gives me an access denied error. However, all of the applications that I have installed on that drive run without issue. So, there is some access there. (See attached images. The first shows the hard drive state in diskmanager and in windows explorer. The second image shows the minecrafter launcher profile (that it is stored in H: and the application running, proving that there is some access.

System: Home built PC: (C:) 240GB SSD for OS, (E:) 1TB HDD for file storage and backup, (H:) 1TB HDD for large applications and video editing files. All drives are Simple, Basic, and none have encryption. All use the SATA connectors.

Process: I had Windows 7 Home 64 bit with, among many other things, Comodo Internet Security, Virtualbox, ImageDisk.
During the upgrade process, I noticed that Windows 10, during the upgrade, ran the file system check and fix "problems" on the H: drive.

(Side note) Having forgotten to uninstall Comodo before the upgrade, I did not have network after the upgrade. The fix was non-trivial as I had to use a second computer to download the unofficial comodo uninstaller. Reboot. Uninstall the network devices. Reboot. And once Windows 10 was up and running, it reinstalled the network devices and the network was available.

Still, whether before or after the Comodo uninstall and reinstall, the uninstall of ImageDisk, or the uninstall of the Virtualbox network device, I have no access to the H: drive.

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Networking :: Cannot Mount Network Drives - Drive Letters Not Available

Sep 19, 2015

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psexec server -u username -p password -d net share F=F: /GRANT:user,Full /GRANT:media,read 2>nul
net use F: serverF

Today my client crashed and I had to remove the graphics card. Since then I cannot enter my network drives anymore, the commands seem to run, but when I try accessing the drives I get a message indicating I should put a media into these drives. Also, I cannot mount them manually using "map network drive" since the drive letters are not available.

I tried removing them from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMountedDevices (they are listed there as "DosDevicesF" etc.), but once I restart, they are there (in the registry) again.

how I could fix this? Win10 somehow seems to remember that thes drives once have been there before and keeps blocking the drive letters...

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Dec 28, 2015

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My windows drive (SSD) on C:
My Gaming drive (HDD) on D:
My Extra space drive (HDD) on E:

I can not format E:

Here is my Disc management:

I have tried opening an Admin Command Prompt and typing: BCDBOOT C:WINDOWS /s C:

I wish to get rid of all files on E: so I can use it for raw videos.

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Jan 13, 2016

On my laptop I have a 1 TB HDD and on that drive the usable space was formatted into 2 separate partitions. This doesn't work well for me and I would prefer to have just one partition with all of the usable space. So I've tried everything I can think of and for some reason I just can't get the partitions to merge or even delete the secondary partition and expand the one I want to use. I have some pictures below to show what's going on.

This one shows the two partitions that I want merged.

This next one shows that I cannot extend the partition even if the other partition was deleted and is unpartitioned space

This last one shows that even with a 3rd party software I get the same result as EaseUS Partition Master doesn't give me the option to merge or move/re-size the partition

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Drivers/Hardware :: Storage Spaces - Unable To Remove Failed Drive / Repair Pool?

Feb 10, 2016

I had 3x 3TB drives in a parity pool. It started to fill up so i added a fourth 3TB drive and months later one of the original 3 began to fail on me. Performance was slow, then slower, then it showed disconnected.

I retired the drive and added a replacement, literally the same model 3TB drive. I cannot however, get it to remove the failed physical disk and repair the pool. I even tried adding another 2TB drive i had available in case it needed the extra space (didn't make sense but i was reaching).

I get the "drive could not be removed because not all data could be reallocated. add an additional drive to this pool and reattempt this operation."

I have searched a lot and don't really seem to be getting anywhere. The only way i was able to retire the drive was through powershell. I'm assuming it's a GUI issue and perhaps i'm not approaching it correctly via powershell. Attempting to repair virtual disk didn't work.

I really don't want to lose this data. I wasn't able to backup much before the drive failed completely.

View 3 Replies

Drivers/Hardware :: DVD Drive Isn't Recognized After Upgrade?

Feb 1, 2016

My dvd player drive isn't listed and when you try and play a dvd the player spins but doesn't play anything since upgrading to windows 10. I have checked in device manager and it says device is working properly. I have also done the upgrade driver and it says I have the latest driver.

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Drivers/Hardware :: CD / DVD Writable Drive Not Recognized By OS After Upgrade

Jul 30, 2015

I have a SATA-1 TSSTcorp TS-H653 (not sure whether it is an F, G, H etc.) CD/DVD writable drive in an Inspirion 537s. I recently upgraded to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7 Ultimate, but the drive is not recognized by the OS. However, the drive does show up in BIOS. I have searched and cannot find a driver for this drive.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Upgrade From 8.1 - Hard Drive No Longer Recognized?

Jul 31, 2015

I just upgraded to Windows 10 as I planned to use the weekend to sort out any issues I might encounter during the upgrade. Well boy did I ever. My Seagate 3TB drive decided it no longer wanted to be recognized by Windows anymore. It shows up as a failed/deactivated drive in Disk Management as seen here: [URL] It also shows up in Speccy as a physical drive. I currently have 2TB of data on there (including an OS image I did just before the upgrade as an extra prep step), so reformatting the volume is not an option until I get the data off.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Hard Drive Not Appearing In BIOS After PC Upgrade

Nov 18, 2015

I just did a complete upgrade of my PC replacing motherboard, video card, processor and power supply but keeping original hard drives. I did a fresh install of Windows 7 and then upgraded to Windows 10 soon after completely smoothly with no issues. My boot drive and external survived, but for some reason, even though it was handled with great care, my other SATA hard drive doesn't appear anywhere anymore. I can hear it spin when I boot the PC but it doesn't appear in BIOS or in Disk Management. I changed the cable and the port it was plugged into but no dice.

If it is indeed dead...what are my options in recovering the files? It is essential I get these files back!

It kind of worked on and off when plugged into my brother's PC which uses a different make of motherboard...

View 9 Replies

Networking :: Possible To Assign Static IP For Each Network?

Jan 6, 2016

I'm using static IP for Network #1 which is

But when I try joining another network let's say network #2 with a router address like i have to change network settings and use another static IP

Can't i just ask windows to use static IP when i try to connect to network #1 and when I connect to network #2 without having to manually configure it every time ?

I really have to use static IPs when connecting to those two particular networks...

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CUR And ANI Files Not Showing Thumbnail After Assign Open With

Oct 2, 2015

By default .cur and .ani cursor files are not associated with opening by any program, and a thumbnail of the pic contents is displayed in the file explorer icons. When I assign a program for opening the file (ThumbsPlus, ACDSee, RealWorld Cursor Editor, whatever), the contents thumbnail changes to that program's icon. No more thumbnail or preview in the pane either. The only way I can get the thumbnail to return is to go to settings and Reset all default apps (which de-assigns those file types back to no program association).

Workaround is I use the "open with" menu command and make SURE I uncheck the "Always use this app to open...." box.

This does not happen to .jpg, .png, .ico or any other graphic type file. They all show thumbnails no matter what the program association. Only .cur / .ani.

Is this something we live with in Win 10? ...or am I "special"? I don't remember seeing this on Win 7, XP or any in history.

The pic below shows the thumbnails with "Opens with: Unknown application". As soon as I assign, no more thumbnail...

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Apps :: How To Assign Missing File Types To A Program

Aug 16, 2015

It's extremely difficult to assign default programs (either no option for "default" or it just doesn't take my choice) for different media, but once assigned, Win10 later forgets the default program and opens it with another.I have assigned all audio file types (mp3, wav, m3u etc.) to open with Winamp. I've done this by manually assigning a default program for every single file type in "Control Panel - Default Programs - Associate a file type...", because every other option failed.

Later, after a reboot, it still shows "Winamp" in the list of file types. But Win10 now opens m3u-files with VLC player! I'm going hardcore, with registry keys etc - only need the info. some file types are not listed under "Control Panel - Default Programs - Associate a file type...". How can i assign these missing file types to a program?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Unable To Install Any Drivers For Oneplus One Phone

Sep 21, 2015

Unfortunatley I am unable to install any driver for my phone; the Oneplus One. This is the error I'm getting:

"one of the installers for this device cannot perform the installation at this time"

I get the same error for ADB and Fastboot drivers.

View 4 Replies

Drivers/Hardware :: Unable To Get Brother Printer Drivers Working?

Aug 9, 2015

After upgrade from 7 to 10 my 2 brother printers were visible and apparently ready. The HL2270DW would not print - just spooled forever but the MFCJ825DW worked. I tried using the Brother uninstall tool to remove the laser driver then installed the W8.1 package for it. Would not install. So I wondered if the other printer was to blame and removed it as well and re-installed. I have done this many times now getting progressively more thorough including removing all mentions of Brother drivers using Devices and Printers interface, uninstalling in Device Manager installing in a different order and as administrator, removing folders left over etc. The result is always the same. I can get one of them installed but attempting to print gives the error Driver not installed - do you want to install? Click through, install via windows process but it fails anyway.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Windows Misidentifies C Drive As Solid State Drive - Cannot Defrag?

Sep 9, 2015

When I was running Windows 7, my system had a small solid state C drive that did not have enough space for windows 10 upgrade. I got a larger 2TB regular hard disk and used the manufacturer's software to clone the old Windows-7 SSD C drive to the new 2TB and then upgraded to Windows 10.

Now under windows 10, when go into defrag, the C Drive shows as a Solid State drive and of course windows does not want to optimize it.

The new drive definitely is not SSD. I assume somehow that setting was cloned from the old disk.

Is there either a way to change the C drive to a regular "hard disk drive" or force windows to defrag what it thinks is a SSD?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Moving AVI Files To External Drive / Drive Not Recognized And Lost All

Apr 14, 2016

I was moving video files (AVI) from an external backup drive (WD Element) to another external backup drive (Seagate expansion) after having moved another video file from my laptop (Acer) to that Seagate external drive. The night before I had moved some video files from the WD to the Seagate with no problem but using a different laptop (Sony). These video files are all rather large and I can tell that the space is still being allocated on the Seagate because while the folder cannot be seen the space that was there is still being used by the Seagate because I am missing over 100GB which would be about the size of that now missing folder.

What happened was there was a message that the Seagate drive could not be recognized while the files were in the process of being moved to that drive from the WD. This is after I had already moved a video file of about 26GB with no problem into that now missing folder. When I saw the message I attempted several times to move files to that Seagate drive but I could not so I unplugged the Seagate drive from that laptop (Acer) then reinserted it into the usb port. I got a repair message that said it needed to be repaired because some files were corrupted and that no data would be lost but the drive would be unavailable during the repairs so I checked ok. It took only about 30 seconds and it said the repairs were completed and the drive was available but I noticed that the folder that I was moving the video files to was not gone.

As I stated there are more than 100GB of files in that folder some are video and others are audio recordings that were created by using the myrecording (audio and video) features of the Acer laptop and they are very important so I need to figure out if they can be retrieved from that Seagate drive. I have not copied anything else onto that Seagate drive but I have plugged it into the Acer computer to ensure it is being recognized. Both the external drives WD and Seagate are plug and play that are powered from the usb -- they have no power adapters.

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