Dual Booting On Two Different Hard Disks

May 20, 2015

Okay, I have Windows 10, and Macbook. My PC, have 2 hard disks, one is of 500 GB ( Seagate ) and one is 3 TB Western Digital (Black).

Machine is loaded with:
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i 77.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard: Asus MAXIMUS VII HERO ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 3 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 770 2GB DirectCU II Video Card

I am planning to Install Mac OS X on 500 GB one and keep Windows 10 on 3 TB one. So is it okay if I will just remove the 3 TB Hard disk, and install Mac OS X on it ? 500 GB hard disk have files of Windows 8.1 already. But it is not my primary hard disk.

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Installation :: Existing Disks Not Recognised / Booting Of Old SDD

Feb 10, 2016

My nice new SDD arrived, I installed it into the PC and disconnected the other SATA drives bar the DVD, spun up my W10 DVD and fairly quickly had a new activated install of W10.

So I plugged in the old SDD (it has the old C: on it) and the HDDs and it booted off the old SDD.

Unplugged the old SDD, plugged in the new one plus the HDDs, it wouldn't boot.

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So right now I'm back where I was with the old SDD and the two HDDs which are mirrored.

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Installation :: Dual Booting With Ubuntu 15.04?

Oct 15, 2015

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I've already partitioned my hard drive, and installed Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04, but I'm trying to get to a place where I can choose what OS to start whenever I turn on my computer.

At the moment, I can run both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04 if I go into the BIOS and rearrange my boot priorities, but that's just a huge hassle. Is there a convenient way to choose at startup, similar to how Windows 8 had this?

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Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows 8.1?

Jul 17, 2015

I have the ESD for Windows 10 built 10240 . I need to clean install it on a different drive and dual boot it with Windows 8.1. Can I simply boot with the 10 ISO (in UEFI boot) and clean install it on a different drive?

Would I then be able to dual boot it with my activated 8.1 copy?

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Installation :: How To Install Win 7 On Second HD For Dual Booting

Feb 10, 2016

I have Windows 10 installed on HD1 (Samsung) and working will. I had a second HD2 (WD) with Win7 installed for a dual boot operation. For some reason, I could never successfully boot into Win7. Out of frustration I decided to format the Win7 drive and start over.

The problem now is I cannot install Win7 on the HD2 drive. When I choose F12 on boot up and select the WD disk, a screen appears saying "Windows Boot Manager" It instructs me to insert my Win7 install disk an reboot.

Next steps:

I insert the Win7 install disk and reboot using F12 to select the WD disk. The "Windows Boot Manager" screen appears again with the same instructions as above! If I reboot again and do nothing, the system will boot to Windows 10.

My question, how to install Win7 on the WD disk and then setup a dual boot operation?

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Upgrading / Installing And Dual Booting?

Sep 16, 2015

At some point in the future I aim to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, but I'd like to keep Windows 7 on a dual boot or something similar (if possible) for convenience and in case of compatibility issues. However I also want to get a new motherboard and CPU, and from my limited understanding of operating systems that would cause problems for my OS and stored data and such. So I have decided to ask some questions.

1. Is a dual boot with Windows 10 and earlier versions of Windows actually possible, and how would I go about setting it up?
2. Would it be possible to dual boot the OS's across separate SSDs?
3. Is it possible to synchronise the desktop across both OS's?
4. If I have to do so, would deactivating and reinstalling a copy of Windows 7 as simple as following most of the steps in this guide?
5. If I have to deactivate and do a clean install of Windows 7, would it wipe all the files on that drive?
6. Would reinstalling Windows 7 be as simple as installing as normal and then entering my product key with no complications?
7. Is there anything else I should know or do before I start uninstalling and clean installing stuff?

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Aug 17, 2015

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Nov 5, 2015

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Installation :: Dual Booting - SSD Included In System

May 17, 2015

I've decided that I would like to dual boot Windows 10 TP (I know im late to the game)

Now ive done dual booting before, but I was wondering if its any different, as my system has change to include a SSD which just has windows 7 and a HDD with my files.

If I just partition my HDD to a smaller size and install windows 10 on the other half of that partition will that work and not affect windows 7

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Installation :: Dual Booting 2 X OS Drives (Existing Installs)

Sep 27, 2015

I have 2 Windows 10 (7 Upgrades) Installed,

...I would like to set them up, so I can Dual Boot them, without re-installing them.

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Dell XPS 8700 - Booting From External Hard Drive

Nov 13, 2015

I recently bought a Dell XPS 8700 running Win 10. I still have my old computer, a Dell Inspiron 530 running Win XP Home 5.1.2600. I made a clone (i.e., a bootable drive) of the old Inspiron 530 hard drive on a Seagate Expansion portable drive with a USB interface. I want to plug the Seagate drive into my new XPS 8700 and boot from the Seagate drive, thus starting up and running Win XP and accessing all my old apps and files. When I am done, I want to restart the XPS 8700 and start up Win 10 as usual. My XPS 8700 with Win 10 is running just fine.

My purpose is simply to physically throw away my old computer and yet continue to use my old computer in a virtual sense by "hosting" the same functionality on my new computer. I realize I will need to restart my computer when moving from Win XP back to Win 10, and I realize I can't within one environment access files in the other environment. My immediate problem is I cannot get to a screen that lets me boot from my Seagate drive. (I might run into other problems after that.)

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Getting Error Message When Booting With External Hard Drives Attached

Sep 11, 2015

Since upgrading to W10, My puter will no longer load when I have my external hard-drive attached. When I switch on my puter, I get a black screen with the message 'Non-System disk or disk error, Replace and strike any key when ready'.

When I reboot with the ext HD disconnected the reboot is fine and W10 loads no problem. If I reconnect the Ext HD while the puter is up and running, no problem, and both the computer and now attached external hard drive function perfectly.

I have tried reformatting the external hard drive but I still have the same start-up problem when the ext HD is attached on start-up.

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Doesn't Recognize USB Drives Or Disks

Jan 2, 2016

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On EFI Systems Windows Can Only Be Installed To GP Disks

Dec 15, 2015

I have got part way through the installation process and I received this message ..

"Windows 10 cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GP disks."

This is a new install onto a new laptop with only FreeDos. How to get past this message.

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Splitting Current Install Between Two Disks

Sep 28, 2015

I'd like to get a 256gb SSD this week for my Win 10 install but keep all my games and large rendering files on my 1tb HDD. My games are all in their own folder C:/Games, can I simply move that folder onto the HDD (D:/Games) and be ok or will that cause problems (with registry entries perhaps?).

What's the best way of moving my OS from a 1TB HDD and splitting it up between that and the new, smaller SSD?

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Aug 12, 2015

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Drivers/Hardware :: Unable To Access Local Disks

Oct 23, 2015

I am currently unable to access my Local Disks, or open programs inside them, such as the task manager, user account control, and even the registry editor. Attempting to open anything (With administrator priveleges) just result in an access denied message. I have tried multiple solutions off the first searches on google, though none of them have worked, due to the things required in those solutions not being able to be accessed.

I have even tried to reset my PC and reinstall Windows, though when I click the "Get Started" button, nothing happens.
Is there any hope left for me, or do I need to get new drivers and abandon my valuable data?

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Drivers/Hardware :: One Of Disks Aren't Appearing On Laptop

Mar 5, 2016

So basically my laptop came with 1TB of HDD and right now I am only able to use like 500GB of it, the other 500GB seems to have gone missing and I can't seem to get it back.. I looked online and it told me to go on to disk management etc to try assign it but it doesn't seem to let me.. here are some screenshots..


So as you may have noticed, the one I want to recover is that 383.83GB one but everything is greyed out so I can't format or anything!

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Installation :: HP Pavilion DVT7 2200 / Reinstalling Windows 7 Using Recovery Disks?

Oct 10, 2015

Prior to doing my Windows 10 upgrade on my HP Pavillion DVT7 2200 Notebook, I successfully created the 3 Recovery disks. Prior to that I was receiving messages that a hard drive failure is eminent and I should back up my files and replace the hard drive. My Windows 10 upgrade went fine and for most part I'm happy with it. My issue now is my XP Mode is not supported and I have lost a VM that is use run legacy software.

My question is when I run my system recovery is it going to roll me back to where I was before creating the Recovery disks? Will I have to reinstall all my software? I have ordered a replace HDD from HP and it will be arriving on Wednesday.

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Selected Disk Has MBR Partition Table On EFI Systems - Windows Can Only Be Installed On GPT Disks

Aug 5, 2015

i got the windows 10 upgrade from windows update, downloaded it and installed it. went to microsoft website downloaded windows 10 to put onto a usb drive. before performing a clean install i partitioned my drive and dropped around 230gb of stuff on it (967gb total drive, partitioned 280). when i tried to format the drive i encountered this issue

"windows cannot be installed to the disk. the selected disk has an mbr partition table. on efi systems, windows can only be installed to gpt disks.".

I don't know if the problem is my hdd or my usb drive or my bios. i tried deleting the partition and then pressing new but i continue to get the same error. i tried looking around but i cant make any sense of the posts with this error being solved. one of the posts says to change usb efi to gpt in bios but i dont think that option is in my bios (i can post a picture of bios if needed). another option is to clean the entire disk with cmd but i dont want to lose the other partition.

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Installation :: Is It Still Necessary To Remove Non - OS Disks During Installation

Dec 27, 2015

With Vista/7/8/8.1, having more than 1 HDD/SSD physically attached meant that the system partition(s) could potentially be on any disk. Is this still the case in 10, or has Microsoft finally fixed this bug?

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Booting From USB

Aug 21, 2015

I had never had my computer set to boot from USB but I created a bootable flash drive with Win 10 on it and wanted to try it. I set the BIOS boot options to try the CD drive first, then USB, and then the Hard drive. It booted fine but I have a question now.

If I have a non-bootable USB storage device plugged in and either start up or restart my computer, after the BIOS post I get the message, "Missing Operating System" and the whole boot process stops and will not proceed to the Hard Drive. I had assumed it would work the same as the CD-ROM boot where if the media is not bootable, it just skips it and goes to the next option in the list. Now I have found that the same thing happens on my Win 7 machine. Is this normal? If it is, I will turn off USB boot again and just go back to burning disks.

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