Gaming :: Cannot Watch Video While Gaming
Sep 3, 2015
I am unable to watch a movie or look at youtube videos when i am gaming at the same time. The symptom is that the video laggs but the audio is fine sometimes. its like its dropping frames but when i highlight chrome that i use the problem goes away. what could cause this. The problem started right after i installed windows 10.
I am using mpc-hc to watch movies and i am using chrome to watch youtube. I have tried internet explorer but the problem is still there.
Using windows 10, gtx 970 and 16 gigs of ram so my hardware can handle it.
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I have reported it (and others) on the Nvidia forums. Doesn't seem to happen for light gaming for 5 minutes or so (and of course won't happen after playing solitaire) but after heavy gaming (Battlefield Hardline, the free Star Wars beta) for 30 minutes or so, after exiting most of the start menu is often blank. Takes a reboot to get it back.
I do not believe it's corruption issues on my OS or hardware issues. Things I've done:
1) SFC/scannow no issues
2) Ran this "Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "appxmetadataappxbundlemanifest.xml")} to reregister icons.
3) Did a rebuild of the icon cache
4) Did extensive memory tests - all passed.
5) Turned off "game mode" in Antivirus
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Dec 28, 2015
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I would have posted a log but when i go to event viewer it says the crash dumps been deleted due to lack of space.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xffffe000402c9028, 0x00000000bf800000, 0x0000000000000124). A dump was saved in: C:WINDOWSMEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 14c3a8a0-930a-4b8e-bd5c-6e245fe74fda.
That's all I can seem to find...
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Checked on Device manager for driver update-result latest driver installed. I have checked Flash Player and Java(both up to date). Before the upgrade all worked perfectly, if there is no solution I may have to revert to Windows 7.
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Sep 2, 2015
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-Memory managment
Sometimes it only crashes to my desktop but overall they are very frequent and quite annoying. It occurs both when I have several programs running at once but also when only a single program is up. The computer is new, have only had it for around 2 months.
My drivers are all up to date, I have run virus and malware scans which have not come up with anything. The errors to me seem to point to a RAM issue (although I quite honestly know nothing about these things) so I ran the windows memory diagnostic which did not come up with any errors.
My Rig is:
Windows 10 x64
AMD FX(tm)- 8350 eight core processor
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
Crucial 8 GB Sport Ballistix 240 Pin DIMM DDR3 PC3-12800 Memory Module
Dump File : 090215-24546-01.dmp
Crash Time : 02-Sep-15 7:30:47 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000000a
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000048
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Jan 11, 2016
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Windows 10
Intel core i5 6500
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Sep 23, 2015
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Had to force shut down of the PC.Event Log didn't show anything , only showed the time at which my PC turned on from unexpected shut down.Now next thing I did was uninstall some Audio and Network drivers and also tried to use AMD's Beta driver but still experienced the random freeze.Should I give up on Windows 10 ?Maybe BIOS update ? "only install if you have windows 8" - from MSI's 2.xx BIOS driver descriptions
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Dec 30, 2015
I have Windows 7 pro installed and then upgraded to windows 10 with latest updates etc for it. it is installed on C drive like normal. i have another hard drive G that i use to install bunch of PC games ranging from new to old. I noticed that when some of the pc games want to install Direct X componets, MS .net redistro packs etc an error occurs saying i do not have Admin rights to do this. I know Win10 comes with Directx 11 and that the pc games have direct X 10 so i do not need that updated every time a game asks same goes with the redistro packs for .net and other comparable components do i need to install these components everytime i install a game? why am i getting an error in which i have to be an admin when i already am in the admin group.
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Feb 10, 2016
0xc000007b Error when tring to start steam games, "Application did not start correctly" I've tried multiple problems, multiple fixes. none work.
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Feb 23, 2016
My laptop have an Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics processor. I have 2GB ram and i am planning to upgrade it to 8GB as my laptop supports upto 8GB( 4GB*2).Now I have only 64MB dedicated graphics memory and around 700 MB shared memory. I wish to know if I can increase my graphics shared or dedicated memory after increasing my RAM . My BIOS does not allow to do it . Is there any other method or any third party software??Is there any way in windows 10 to do this??
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Sep 21, 2015
I didn't have this problem before , when i installed windows 10 , i installed the latest version of VGA and i can no longer run game on 640x480 resolution and widescreen , i tried borderless gaming its okay but it doesn't work with CS : GO at all, I've been told that if i installed an earlier driver of VGA would run fine....
i have Dell Inspiron N5110
VGA : Nvidia Geforce GT 525M
Ram : 8 GB
Processor : Intel Core i7
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