How To Get Rid Of All Unnecessary Partitions In Windows 8.1

Dec 6, 2015

I have created extra partitions when I wanted to make a dual boot with Linux OS and Windows. I have had both Linux Mint and Ubuntu installed. After the second installation, I am not sure which of the partitions are used by Linux and which ones are used by Windows.

What I want to do, is simply get rid of all partitions, besides the ones used by Windows, but (I know it sounds dumb) I can't seem to find out which ones I can delete to go back to the original Windows boot (or if this is even possible without making a clean install).

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Installation :: What Partitions Does Windows Automatically Create During Install

Dec 18, 2015

I already have my pc updated with windows 10, I recently upgraded my hard drive with a samsung 850 pro ssd but i discovered that my recovery partition no longer works and when i try to do a system image windows says it cannot do it because files are missing . I used the samsung data migration software that came with my ssd, when i go to disk management it shows my three partitions which are

500mb recovery partition

260mb efi system partition

windows c 476.18 gb ntfs , boot,page file, crash dump, primary partition

My question is if I do a clean install of windows 10 will these partitions be created again during the windows 10 installation automatically or will I loose some . I want to be able to recover my pc should I need to and have everything working. Someone suggested that I don't need a recovery partition and windows 10 does not create new partitions .

I don't know what the efi system partition is and don't know if i need it . i have watched some youtube videos of people doing clean installs of windows 10 and they all seem to differ . during installation when given the choice of where to install windows some people delete all the partitions on their hard drive while others pick which one .

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Drivers/Hardware :: Windows Partitions On Hard Drive

Dec 3, 2015

What partitions I should have on my hard drive after I upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows Home Premium Build 10586. I have some new small partitions and I don't know if they belong to the OS or they got allocated from another source.

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Installing Fresh Windows On HP Laptop Removing All Partitions And Applications

Sep 21, 2015

I am using a HP laptop (Probook 4530s) and I want a completely fresh install removing all there little annoying partitions and applications. I would just refresh but I am wondering if that would work, as the bios is liked to HP softwareWhat would happen with the bios?

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Installation :: Reinstall And Partitions

Jan 23, 2016

I'm wanting to reinstall Windows 10 on my SSD. Before I do I'll unplug the additional drives I have inside my PC for storage (E: onwards), to isolate the SSD. However, C: (disk1 in the screenshot below) has several partitions and unlabelled volumes that I'm guessing Windows created. Do I remove all of them during the install process?

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Installation :: Recovery Partitions On SSD

Jan 11, 2016

I purchased a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 with a 120GB SSD and a 1TB hard disk. I have the OS on the SSD (C:) together with the programs. So far I have installed Office 365 and little else. I have moved the data directories from C:Users to the D: drive.

The laptop came with no CDs or OS disks and Dell tell me none are available so I have created a recovery USB disk. At the end of that process it informed me that I could now delete any recovery partitions on the boot drive to create extra disk space. On trying this the option failed "Unable to delete partition". The reason for doing this is to recover the drive space used by 3 of the 5 partitions on the SSD. They take up over 32GB of the 120GB I bought. I've never needed to use a recovery partition and would have no issue with having to do a full install from CD or USB in future.

Disk Management does not have a "Delete partition" option for any of the SSD partitions. Would a re-install from the recovery USB stick allow me to delete all partitions on the SSD before re-installing or would they just get created again?

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Installation :: Drive Has Zero Partitions

Dec 21, 2015

I have windows 10 build 1511 on a USB stick made by windows media creation tool now when install windows the drive has zero partitions.

When i install the copy from the USB stick i end up with 3 partitions one is 450MB (recovery partition) and another partition at 100MB called (EFI System partition) and last partition is windows 10.

Now if i delete all the partitions and install windows 10 from the USB drive again i get two partitions one at 500MB called (System Reserved) and the windows 10 partition.

Why if i install windows 10 multiple times i get different partitions being made?

I would like it to only make the two partitions every time.

View 5 Replies

How To Convert Two Partitions On Same Drive Into One

Feb 28, 2016

So I recently bought a ssd to add to my pc so that I could add my OS and some other files on to the ssd and keep my old hdd as storage. After finally getting the OS onto the ssd and being able to boot from it I tried to transfer all of the files back to the original hdd from the backup I had made from the ssd after cloning the drive. Once completed the hdd was no longer showing up at all in my computer so I went into disk management and tried to set a path for it, but it was now split into two partitions (I am assuming because I took the backed up ssd and put it onto a hdd because the size of one of the partitions is the size of the ssd). I tried formatting both partitions and then extending it to combine them but whenever I do this it tells me there is not enough space on the disk to complete the operation.

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Dual-Boot And GPT Partitions

Jul 2, 2015

So, currently, we're trying to dual-boot Windows 10 Technical Preview on a Toshiba laptop with Windows 8.1. We already got the partitioning set up and everything, but when trying to install, it says we can't install to a GBT partition, or something along the lines of that.

We went to try to install it the same way that you do for Windows 7 and everything else, but upon setting the disk drive to the boot device, it still loaded into Windows 8. After a little Google work, I found that Secure Boot must be turned off, and that the BIOS option has to be changed from UEFI to CSM. After doing that, we could boot into the Windows 10 disk. However, when trying to install it, it says "Windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style"

We would like to fix it, and I found a way to do so on a Microsoft forum, and that's as follows:

1. Boot up to installation DVD/CD.
2. Click install but don't follow through.
3. Press SHIFT-F10 to bring up console.
4. Type "diskpart"
5. Once inside diskpart type:
-> list disk (find the one you want to convert)
-> select disk 0 (select the one you want from the list)
-> convert mbr (should take a second or two)
-> quit
6. Continue with install

But I need to know if it will format the entire hard drive, as I'd prefer not to lose the data on the primary partition. If we can do it while only formatting the partition for Windows 10, that would be fine (as that's empty already anyway).

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Merge Partitions On SSD (C And F Drive)

Dec 18, 2015

While inslating Win10 i my new computer i made two partitions on the SSD, but this is giving me some problems of space, so i want to merge the C: disk with the F: disk (the D: disk is a hdd), in the C: disk i have the IOS and some other apps and the F: is empty. How to do this?

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Installation :: C Drive Has 3 Partitions - Is This Correct

Sep 1, 2015

I have attached an image of my Disk Management screen. Disk 0 doesn't look right to me. Is there a problem here? if there is, how do I correct this? I am running W10 and the C drive is a Samsung SSD drive.

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Cannot Identify Creation Date Of Partitions

Jan 23, 2016

I have 3 recovery partitions.Recently, I created a recovery drive, installation media and Image Backup + rescue media using Macrium Reflect onto a external hard drive and FD's.

I cannot identify the creation date of these partitions.I would like to delete unnecessary recovery partitions on my C: drive.I can safely delete the partition having 7.20GB?Or is this MS factory backup Partition?

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Installation :: Partitions Created During Upgrade?

Aug 20, 2015

my question is about Partitions in Windows 10.

I have three-

100MB (created from Windows 7, which I knew was needed for booting)

C Partition (Windows instllation)

450MB (created after upgrade)

So, do I still need the 100MB? and what is this new 450MB used for? Disk Management says that is empty. I don't want to delete anything for risk of making my system unbootable.

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Drivers/Hardware :: 3 Recovery Partitions

Aug 16, 2015

Anyway, today I had to repartition a drive. So, I went into disk management and here is what I found:

My main system drive has 3 recovery partitions! This is after an in-place upgrade, refresh, and then reset.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Deleting Partitions On HDD

Oct 21, 2015

I deleted all the partitions on my hdd,..and created new partitions, I can't get the os to install,...

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Installation :: How To Identify Contents Of Partitions

Dec 20, 2015

My single ssd has the partitions shown in the attached file. This notebook was converted to win 10 from 8.1. I want to merge C: and D: into one volume. However to do that it appears that I need to have them adjacent. I tried to move the two offending small partitions but can't. Better yet I would feel better about just deleting them . Is there a way to tell what is in them? I don't care about recovering to win 8.1.

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Installation :: Clean Install With 8 Partitions

Jul 30, 2015

I've upgraded from windows 8.1 with uefi bios, so basically now i can do clean install 10 without product key? But the real question is: My pc have 8 partitions, the primary one, 5 of recovery, 1 oem and 1 efi. Can i delete all partitions and create only one?

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Installation :: Partitions Not In Correct Order?

Feb 10, 2016

Windows 10 Pro
Biostar TZ77XE4

I have been able to "successfully" boot the CD Drive into UEFI mode to install Windows 10 onto my new 4TB SSHD, but I run into the error were it stats that the partitions are not in the recommended order, when the ONLY partitions on the disk are the primary and the "protective MBR" before it at slot 0. Now, when I am in windows for the first time everything seems fine, but as soon as I restart after doing basic setup, I run into an issue where I cannot browse any partitions (I try to open "This PC", but it acts like it is indexing indefinitely and I never see the drive listing).

It looks like Windows 10 may not be appropriately setting the order for the partitions. the moment I left my original installation on my 1TB HHD intact, so that I can still have an operating PC, and find out some info on this.

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Dual Booted With 8.1 Now Have Many Partitions - How To Manage Them

Jun 10, 2015

I've dual booted win10 with 8.1, I decided to delete win10 and make a clean install of the latest build, I went to Disk management and I found many partition more than it was before installing win10 in the first place.

These partitions are for restoring, how to manage them? how can I know which are for win8? and which are for win10?

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Hiding Dual Boot Partitions

Aug 7, 2015

I currently dual boot win10 and win7, first time I have ever done a dual boot, and I am wondering if there is any way to hide drives in explorer to clean it up. it shows the system reserved drive and the windows drive for my other OS on both systems and I just want to clean it up, having 7 drives listed just looks cluttered

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Merge Two Partitions Without Losing Data?

Mar 2, 2016

I have two partitions that I'd like to merge into one.

First, none of them has OS on it. I have Windows 10 and all software on SSD disk which is partition C. Partition E is for games and it's around 300 GB, while partition F is for other files and it's 700 GB. 1 TB drive in total.

I'd like to merge E and F partitions and keep the data on both. First I tried to keep both of them but shrink the F and extend E with unlocalized space, but for some reason Windows default software isn't allowing me to extend E with unlocalized space.

I'd like to know if there's any good and reliable software to merge those partitions and keep the data on merged partition. Shrinking F and extending E is also an option.

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Dual Boot - Both Partitions Have Same Display

Oct 3, 2014

I installed Win 10 Enterprise Tech next to my main play of Win 8.1 Pro w/ WMC in a simplistic Dual Boot by slpitting my Intel X-25M 160GB SSD into two equal Partitions, C and D.  I do realize that W10 is gonna be a bit rough around the edges and I've noticed that I( have the same Wallpaper fixed to both Start Screens no matter what I do to indivualize them. It would seem as if both Partitions are linked together, perhaps because I'm using only one (1) SSD to split the Partitions apart. Certainly not a biggie, but it's gotta be one of the damndest things I've seen on my Dell inspiron 1545 in some time. My guess is that this is a simple glitch of some sort.

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Delete Partitions On Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2016

I have been trying out virtual box and running Linux distros. The computer started malfunctioning after updating a Linux distro running in virtual box needing to do a factory reset to my computer but all good now.
I plan to dual my computer with Linux and Windows 10 but when checking in Disk Management I noticed I have 6 partitions on the hard drive.
My question is could I delete the 490mb 45 mb 7.92gb partitions ready before I install a Linux distro. 

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Other OSs Not Detected Installed On Separate Partitions

Jul 30, 2015

I decided to install Windows 10 on another partition on my disk. This hard drive already has Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 installed on separate partitions. I never had a problem when switching between the three. Now that I have installed Windows 10, I can't switch between any of them. It simply won't recognise the other OS's. Is there any way around this?

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