Infinite Restart Loop?
Sep 20, 2015
I was fresh reinstalling my windows 10 onto my HDD as I encountered an error preventing me from booting the computer up, in the end I found it was my new GPU causing this error (a dead GPU?). So now my computer shows an error message: "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an error during installation of windows". I looked this error up and it told me to press shift f10 to open a console and to type regedit in and to find status on local machine, changing the number from 1 to 3. I did this supposed fix, however, now my computer is in a infinite restart loop, displaying the windows 10 installation at 64% and then restarting again...?
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So i found a possible repair on fixing the current situation o the infinite loop from this forum [URL].... around step 13 it said"If any one of them are 0 bytes, then you should stop what you're doing now and seek an alternative method of recovering your system, because Windows cannot function with a 0-byte size registry hive ". I have 0 as my "RegBack" values and i can't find an alternate .
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Aug 14, 2015
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Jun 17, 2015
Just downloaded the newest update for Windows 10, I was asked to restart my PC to install it, that was over 30 minutes ago, since then my PC reaches the Microsoft logo and under it, it says Preparing Automatic Repair and then it restarts and does that all over again, what am I suppose to do? I can't even get past it.
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Jan 18, 2016
I have Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit).
I finally decided to upgrade to Windows 10 yesterday (1/17/2016). It downloaded roughly 5.76 GB into a hidden folder : "C:$Windows.~BT"
Then it prompted me to restart my computer, so I did. Once restarted, nothing changed.
So I went into Windows Update, and it just tells me: "Restart your computer to install important updates" and it has a "Restart now" button. I've restarted roughly 40 times or so in the last 2 days after trying various fixes, and it doesn't make a difference.
I checked the update history, and there are a whole bunch of Pending and Successful updates with a "Date Installed" date of 1/15/2016. Nothing more recent either.
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Aug 9, 2015
Last night I was trying to watch some good ole' dragon ball z. When this site gave me a virus. I tried system restore and was denied. So I hard reset my PC which I just upgraded from 7 to 10.
The reset was stuck at 50% for about an hour so I turned off my PC and flipped it back on to see if it'd retry the installation.
To my surprise I'm stuck in this loop where my computer shows the boot up dell xps screen and then restarts. F8, F9, F11. NOTHING WORKS. I can't get to any recovery screen like I could with Windows 7. I don't have a disk because it was of course the free upgrade on July, 29th. Also can't burn one due to not being able to get to my Desktop.
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Aug 28, 2015
I've been experiencing startup issues with my PC since last night. I go to startup and startup freezes. It seems that something is either stuck or freezing up on loading. Since it doesn't fully boot up, I have been hitting the reset button or holding the power button. It appears that this has made the problem worse. I went to startup this morning and am getting the same thing. Did the same steps of hitting reset and or holding the power button to shutdown. After this I am getting BSOD that keeps restarting and BSOD in a loop. The next boot loaded with repair options. I attempted to do startup repair and have been unsuccessful. How to get out of BSOD restart loop?
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Aug 6, 2015
My windows 7 PC was hard to start and restart and I needed to try 10 times or more before it worked (then I didn't restart it for days).
I managed to upgrade it to Windows 10 hoping that it will cure the problem BUT still it is a problem to start.
I checked everything and used every tool possible on windows 7 and windows 10 but nothing worked. (ccleaner and others failed)
So now I have a windows 10 PC that doesn't want to start easily.
Do you think that the problem can really be a driver ? After upgrade to windows 10 I GUESS that all driver files have been changed ?
View 4 Replies
Aug 6, 2015
My windows 7 PC was hard to start and restart and I needed to try 10 times or more before it worked (then I didn't restart it for days).
I managed to upgrade it to Windows 10 hoping that it will cure the problem BUT still it is a problem to start.
I checked everything and used every tool possible on windows 7 and windows 10 but nothing worked. (ccleaner and others failed)
So now I have a windows 10 PC that doesn't want to start easily.
After upgrade to windows 10 I GUESS that all driver files have been changed ?what else could it be ?
View 5 Replies
Feb 28, 2016
On start up I get the computer needs to restart and then goes into the loop of restarting from a blue screen, I can get F2 which is the Bios screen but thats all, I can see reboot on this but do not have anything to reboot with as I upgraded from win 7.
View 4 Replies
Aug 11, 2015
Last night I was watching a dvd on my desktop when all of a sudden a blue screen came up with a frowning face and said that "Your computer ran into a problem and needs to restart, its collecting info and will restart." It happened quickly so I didn't see what the error was but now my PC is stuck in a loop where it restarts and loads into an empty blue screen. It stays on that blue screen for a minute or so and then restarts again. I tried going into my BIOS or starting in safe mode but my PC won't go into them.
View 9 Replies
Aug 3, 2015
When I boot up windows 10 it goes into a loading screen with a purple (my accent color) background and loads forever. This was completely random after a normal restart, it had worked fine up till now.
I made a windows 10 installation disk to acess repair options. Tried every single option on it with no luck (including scf scan, dskchk, and other CMD prompts) every one gives some sort of error or reason for not working, what can I do? I can get the specific error messages for a few methods if needed but it's very time consuming as my usb stick keeps giving an error after a few reboots of messing with command prompts, and I have to redownload windows 10 let it verify and copy over to the drive which is an hour long process.
View 2 Replies
Dec 18, 2015
Whenever I turn my computer on I am greeted with my motherboard screen and then white spinning dots on a blue screen, and my screen flicks black every minute or so. There is nothing else I can do. I contacted Windows support and they said my system was updating and it should be done in an hour. After the system has been "updating" the whole night it is still doing the same this. Before I had this problem the last thing I did was copy my main HD to a larger SSHD.
The copy needed to restart my PC, and it did. After that when I turned on my computer I would log in to a flickering screen, and other times a black screen. I looked at tutorials to fix it but nothing worked, so I attempted a system refresh. I think that is what may be causing this blue loading screen and am stuck at this point, ctrl+alt+del does nothing. I have a backup on my external drive so if somehow a refresh could be achieved it wouldn't be a problem.
View 9 Replies
Apr 6, 2016
Today I had left my computer turned on for some time to download a torrent and then there was a power cut due which the computer had switched off. Now when I turn on the computer there is a Windows 10 logo with a loading loop(which is usual) but then appears a blue screen with a loading loop which loads for ever. Usual this loading screen did not last more than a second but now it is loading for ever. Due to this I am not able to do anything. My system was running on Windows 10 64bit which was up to date. I do not have Windows 10 CD or any other windows 10 installation media as the windows 10 ISO was stored on my PC. Though I have a Windows 7 boot-able pen drive ready, can I use it to fix this(disk check or system restore)?
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Jan 12, 2016
I built a computer a few months ago using:
A Gigabyte Z97X Gaming G1 Motherboard
An Intel i7 4790K CPU
16 GB DDR4 Patriot Memory sticks
Samsung EVO 240GB SSD
Nvidia 256 GB Graphics card
Corsair CX750 Power supply
I immediately bought Windows 10 for it, and for the most part the computer worked fine the last few months. Every once in a while I would get a "Driver Stopped Working but has Recovered" that messed up the Windows control bar and required a restart to fix, but that stopped happening eventually with updates. I still got BSoD's from time to time, including "faulty hardware corrupted page."
Today I got a BSoD when I was logging in called "DPC Watchdog Violation," which I had seen before I think so I figured it would just restart and be fine. However, now I cannot restart the computer, because after the Gigabyte motherboard logo, all I get is a blue screen that flashes on and off quickly. It is just a blue screen, sometimes with a dot in the middle. No matter what I cannot get past this infinite flashing screen, even in safe mode. Commands from the keyboard do nothing once I reach this screen although I can the mouse around. I can enter the special Windows control menu before getting to the flashing blue screen, but nothing has worked from there
Things I've tried:
-Disabling restart after BSoD -- no effect
-Restoring system image -- error, then no effect
-Resetting Windows -- no effect (although I've lost all my applications now)
-Removing my graphics card and plugging my monitor directly into the motherboard -- no effect
-Updating BIOS -- no effect
Currently trying to figure out something I can do in the registry. My last option is completely redownloading Windows 10 without saving files, but I'm not confident that will work given everything else I've tried.
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May 31, 2015
[URL] ....
I am using a Lenovo E530 notebook with a Kingston HyperX SSD and i updated from 10122 to 10130. When the install finished, i restarted my computer and since then i cannot do anything. Windows goes in an infinite loop. I see the windows logo, and it instantly restarts, then it says automatic repairing, and it restarts again. This thing goes forever.
Seems like I am not the only one getting this..
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Aug 17, 2015
I have a clean (other than a few new programs) windows 10 install on my pretty powerful desktop. Just today for some irrational reason, when I boot up my PC, and select the OS I want, I'm met with a great screen with the spinning dot animation. So j left it. I left it for a while. It took nearly 2 hours to get to the lock screen. I thought it was running a disk check or installing updates or somthing annoying so I ignored it. Fast forward to this evening. I had a BSOD from what I think was a bad OC. Booted up PC and was met with the same grey background with white spinning dots. I'm able to press ctl+alt+del and get the options for power/restart/sleep and ease of access/accessibility in the bottom right corner, but no amount of restarts seems to get past this. So I'm sitting here waiting for it to muscle through to the lock screen like it did this afternoon...
P. S. Windows 10 installer USB drive startup repair said it couldn't do anything.
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Nov 13, 2015
I upgraded to Windows 10 everything seems to run fine but system will not restart from the restart selection on the start menu. Windows update will not reboot automatically either. System looks like it is going to reboot, everything shuts down but as system trys to restart everything freezes. Only way around it is to do a hard shutdown by holding the power button. Updated graphics card,hard drive and bios but still no luck.
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Jan 15, 2016
I am upgrading a computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I completed the download, and got a message that the computer needed to restart to continue the installation. However, when I restart and the computer comes back up, the same message appears and the installation does not progress. When I go to check Windows updates in the control panel, it says it can't check for updates because another installation is in progress. I have restarted the machine multiple times with no progress - can't go forward, can't go back.
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Sep 20, 2015
I have successfully set up Cortana on two user accounts, however when I now try to set Cortana up on a user account I get stuck in a loop. I get the screen up that says "One last thing sign in with Microsoft account. Enter old password one last time". I do this then I am shown "That way, I can keep track of what you want me to know".Then I get " Welcome back lets pick up where we left off".
Then it just goes round in a never ending loop. I have created new user accounts to see if the problem was with existing accounts, but still no joy.Looking for answers to the problem on the internet, I have seen it suggested that something can be done by editing the registry, but I do not feel confident to mess about with the registry.I had thought resetting the computer, but am worried that I may not get Cortana to work on any accounts (it is working on two accounts at the moment)
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Feb 23, 2016
Week ago I upgraded my windows 10. Then 5mins after that I got bluescreen on my monitor where reads something about KERNEL_SECURITY_PROBLEM. Only thing that i could do was restart so I restarted my PC few times cuz always when I tried to open my computer I got the same message so then it says that you could reboot your PC then i tried but my pc stucked to boot loop and had been like this a week. And I have tried so much different things. watching tutorials,forums,group chats but nothing works i have tried to go from safe mode install windows 7 or 10 but safe mode dont work i cant even open my window.
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Aug 3, 2015
I was using a machine with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, and it was working perfect till the day I upgraded to Windows 10. First, I had a few problems during the update, probably due to the not updated (with the last drivers) nVidia card.
My specs:
-SSD hard drive as boot
-MOBO is Gigabyte GA-768XP-UD3P updated with the lastest BIOS from 2013, UEFI.
-a few other hard drives
-nVidia GTX 980 graphic card
Well, I finally was able to install the Windows system, but after the shut down and boot, I couldn't enter it. The computer started to reboot after a few seconds, sometimes I'm able to see the BIOS screen (but pressing any button doesn't work) and then it boots again in a few seconds.
After some search online, I understood it could be a problem of the BIOS that was corrupted (why if it worked till the day before??). I used a very strange system to press the power on button and put down and up the PSU for 3 times, then when I rebooted again I saw the screen with "The main BIOS is corrupted and we have to recover it from a backup".
The setup of the BIOS from backup worked, but with "load optimized default" I then got a Windows 10 blue screen error " :-( INNACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE"
I then entered again the BIOS and changed some info like AHCI, UEFI only, etc.
Then, after a reboot it worked and I could enter WINDOWS 10 finally.
I thought I was OK, then I tried a reboot and it worked. BUT, when I tried to first shutdown and then boot, again I went inside the BIOS reboot loop!!
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Sep 21, 2015
I'm trying to resolve an issue with a Windows 10 desktop, HP small form factor purchased with OEM Win 7. Windows Update suggested Windows 10 and now the machine boots to the automatic repair screen but there is no mouse or keyboard function where the option panes appear.
While I did purchase the computer myself originally, it was purchased for the use of my church group, and two weeks ago came under the care of my co-deacon and friend. So, let's just say there is no recovery media now for Win 7 or Win 10. I can create a recovery disk here at home from one of my local Win 7 systems, but not sure if that will work or not.
I'd be perfectly happy to un-install Win10 from the machine, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get to the recovery partition... all F-key options have been tried.
This is a Core Duo processor.
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