Installation :: Booting From Thumb Drive?
Jan 31, 2016
I'm still running Vista. I recently purchased a thumb drive with Windows 10 from Microsoft (only because they don't sell them on disc anymore, which is easy and I've done a clean install of Vista half a dozen times from CD-Rom).
Anyway, I plug in the thumb drive, I reboot, go to BIOS, set to boot from USB-HDD. Exit that, and a screen comes up with the device (my USB with Windows 10) at the top and Verifying DMI Pool way down at the bottom. But then nothing. It just hangs there. As far as I can tell, it will hang there forever (but at the very least an hour).
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Sep 12, 2015
I am looking at making a back up of win 10 on here. I see there are anumber of different ways. On this Hp they have their own media creation tool but it says I can make only one. Is there also a limit to the windows creation tool?
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Dec 1, 2015
So overall, I was having a issue with creating a system image. It would state that "The specified backup storage location has the shadow copy storage on another volume (0x80780038)"
After reading several forums I found that if you delete the restore points you are able to create a system image.
During my troubleshooting, I was attempting to backup to a 64GBthumb drive (this worked in win8 and win7)..
As I was trying to use the thumb drive, I ran into the following issue..
First it says it needs to be formatted to NTFS. Once I format it to NTFS, it says "The drive is not a valid backup location"
Images I found - [URL] ....
I do not want to use any 3rd party software to accomplish this.
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Oct 7, 2015
That's the only way I can get it to my hard drive in my car audio system..
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Apr 14, 2016
So I've recently bought an SSD Drive soley for the purpose of running Windows. The original Hard Drive was a 2TB Samsung drive that I have since formatted and using for Storage only. Installed Windows 10 on the SSD and the machine is working great, boots up in aound 10 seconds from turning the machine on.
Now heres my issue. For some reason if i turn my PC on and do nothing it will show the message no operating system found press ctrl, alt + del to restart. This is because its still looking to my original 2TB Drive to boot up. So basically I have to tap F something everytime i turn my machine on and select the SSD from the list.
Here is where things get weird. I have gone into the bios and have the choice of what the machine boots up with, so again i can select my SSD. The problem is the section where I can set the boot order default is only showing my 2TB Hard drive and the Blu-Ray drive, the SSD doesnt appear in that list. So it appears in one time boot options but not in the boot priority list so I cant set it as the default Drive.
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Dec 18, 2015
I have a bootable windows installation Thumb Drive. Can Macrium make a backup of this thumb drive so in the event of this thumb drive going faulty, I could make another Thumb drive with the backup image.
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Nov 13, 2015
I recently bought a Dell XPS 8700 running Win 10. I still have my old computer, a Dell Inspiron 530 running Win XP Home 5.1.2600. I made a clone (i.e., a bootable drive) of the old Inspiron 530 hard drive on a Seagate Expansion portable drive with a USB interface. I want to plug the Seagate drive into my new XPS 8700 and boot from the Seagate drive, thus starting up and running Win XP and accessing all my old apps and files. When I am done, I want to restart the XPS 8700 and start up Win 10 as usual. My XPS 8700 with Win 10 is running just fine.
My purpose is simply to physically throw away my old computer and yet continue to use my old computer in a virtual sense by "hosting" the same functionality on my new computer. I realize I will need to restart my computer when moving from Win XP back to Win 10, and I realize I can't within one environment access files in the other environment. My immediate problem is I cannot get to a screen that lets me boot from my Seagate drive. (I might run into other problems after that.)
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Oct 11, 2015
I installed windows on my new hdd (because current is starting to fail). But when i have only that drive connected it just skips it and starts PXE over ipv4. Is there anything i need to do to make it bootable? PS. I had to install it on legacy support
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Sep 22, 2015
So we're trying to get our first Win10 VM up and running. I downloaded the latest ISo from the Volume License site and installed it on a VM just fine. I ran all Windows Updates as well.
After that I ran Sysprep and choose OOBE, Generalize, and Shutdown. I then copied the VHDX file to a new location for a new VM as we normally do.
That all seemed to work fine until I then attached that hard drive file to a new VM and fired it up. After clicking the through the timezone page I get an error stating:
Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation.
I found some info online about changing the minimum password setting to 0 but that did not work. I then fired up my Template machine to see if that would setup fine and that now gets the same error so I'm kind of stuck.
I don't want to have to do manual steps on every VM we create
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Aug 2, 2015
I got a HP Notebook yesterday that had Windows 8.1 on it. Today I decided I wanted to reinstall Windows 10 (not upgrade, but clean install) on it and I do have experience in reinstalling operating systems. I reinstalled Windows 10 from a USB stick and when the computer restarted after the installation was done, it would keep booting from the USB stick. I exited the installation screen and then went to the BIOS to change boot priority to "OS Manager", but all I got was an error which I don't remember what it said, and then it just restarted again.
So my question is, how can I get Windows 10 to boot after is has installed and restarted?This is my laptop: HP 15.6 Laptop - Black (Intel Celeron N3050 / 500GB HDD / 4GB RAM / Windows 8.1) : Laptops - Best Buy Canada
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Oct 15, 2015
I've just built my desktop and I'm trying to dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04.
I've already partitioned my hard drive, and installed Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04, but I'm trying to get to a place where I can choose what OS to start whenever I turn on my computer.
At the moment, I can run both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 15.04 if I go into the BIOS and rearrange my boot priorities, but that's just a huge hassle. Is there a convenient way to choose at startup, similar to how Windows 8 had this?
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Jul 17, 2015
I have the ESD for Windows 10 built 10240 . I need to clean install it on a different drive and dual boot it with Windows 8.1. Can I simply boot with the 10 ISO (in UEFI boot) and clean install it on a different drive?
Would I then be able to dual boot it with my activated 8.1 copy?
View 2 Replies
Feb 10, 2016
I have Windows 10 installed on HD1 (Samsung) and working will. I had a second HD2 (WD) with Win7 installed for a dual boot operation. For some reason, I could never successfully boot into Win7. Out of frustration I decided to format the Win7 drive and start over.
The problem now is I cannot install Win7 on the HD2 drive. When I choose F12 on boot up and select the WD disk, a screen appears saying "Windows Boot Manager" It instructs me to insert my Win7 install disk an reboot.
Next steps:
I insert the Win7 install disk and reboot using F12 to select the WD disk. The "Windows Boot Manager" screen appears again with the same instructions as above! If I reboot again and do nothing, the system will boot to Windows 10.
My question, how to install Win7 on the WD disk and then setup a dual boot operation?
View 7 Replies
Aug 17, 2015
I have dual booting setup on my pc my main system and my development system but to get the development system my computer first boots the main one then asks me which os i would if the main one it goes right to as it already loaded but if it is the development system it will restart and load that, so my pc has to boot twice. Is there a way from the main system some how i can restart straight to the other one. Both os are windows.
View 1 Replies
Nov 5, 2015
Just getting to grips with W10 and noticed that dual booting can be set up in System Configuration-boot. This was the case in XP, I think or was a previous version. Bit late now as I have easybcd on W7 drive. Before you ask I have never had a successful install where W10 finds W7 and displays that fancy box on start up.
View 8 Replies
May 17, 2015
I've decided that I would like to dual boot Windows 10 TP (I know im late to the game)
Now ive done dual booting before, but I was wondering if its any different, as my system has change to include a SSD which just has windows 7 and a HDD with my files.
If I just partition my HDD to a smaller size and install windows 10 on the other half of that partition will that work and not affect windows 7
View 3 Replies
Feb 10, 2016
My nice new SDD arrived, I installed it into the PC and disconnected the other SATA drives bar the DVD, spun up my W10 DVD and fairly quickly had a new activated install of W10.
So I plugged in the old SDD (it has the old C: on it) and the HDDs and it booted off the old SDD.
Unplugged the old SDD, plugged in the new one plus the HDDs, it wouldn't boot.
Went back to just the new SDD installed, boots fine, hot-plugged the HDDs and it wouldn't see them.
So right now I'm back where I was with the old SDD and the two HDDs which are mirrored.
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Feb 10, 2016
plugged in USB thumb drive opened windows explorer right clicked drive scan with windows defender and it said scanning pc but it never shows any options so I dont know if it scanned pc or usb for sure why or not
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Aug 8, 2015
Just upgraded a Samsung Notebook from Windows 7 to Windows 10, keep getting "This application does not support this version of Windows" message regarding Fast Booting, tried compatibility fixes and turning the application off but the messgae still keeps popping up?
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Aug 16, 2015
I want to dual boot windows 7 and windows 10 on 2 separate hard drives.
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Aug 23, 2015
My wife purchased a Dell 8700 XPS with i7 4790 processor,16GB ram. and Nvidia GeForce GTX 745 4GB and a 2 terabyte hard drive. She also purchased a Kingston HyperX 120 GB SSD. I used a popular software to migrated Windows 8.1 Home to the SSD from the HDD. This seemed to work well but on booting up the system the HDD boots unless I go into the bios and select the SSD in SATA 2 under the DVD reader/burner and select a {boot manager on Disk 1{ which was installed by migration software. I had hoped to format the HDD and use as data disk afterwards.
I noted that some threads mention I should have disconnected HDD when booting from SSD first time which I did not do.It also appears that the OEM partition is still on the HDD. I believe a clean install is required. Will this also remove the > boot manager on disk 1> line in the bios.
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Sep 1, 2015
How do I set my BIOS to have the DVD boot and install Windows 10 in UEFI mode? I do see a setting on my Asus motherboard UEFI "CSM Compatability" and in there are three options:
UEFI and Legacy OPROM
Legacy OPROM only
UEFI only
Do I select UEFI only option here?
What is the benefit of installing in UEFI vs Legacy? All I understand is that the system sets up more partitions.
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Sep 27, 2015
I have 2 Windows 10 (7 Upgrades) Installed,
...I would like to set them up, so I can Dual Boot them, without re-installing them.
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Aug 8, 2015
What does it mean when you see a black screen that has a grey flashing dash located at the top left-hand corner of the screen? It moves down a bit before finally moving onto the Windows 10 logo, where it sometimes gets stuck and reboots (and the grey dash screen appears again before moving on).
I noticed this issue both during upgrade (when it failed and tried to recover the installation) and after installation. This issue occurred on an Acer Aspire Z5801. It does not occur on Windows 7.
View 2 Replies
Aug 23, 2015
I have 2 seperated (physically) SSD drives in my laptop.Previously I had windows 8.1 on one drive, and I installed windows 7 and upgraded it to windows 10 on the other SSD drive.I enjoyed windows 10, so I formatted the drive with the windows 8.1, but now suddenly my laptop says he can't find system drive, and I can't load the windows 10, althogh it was installed with no connection to the windows 8.1 and on another drive.
View 5 Replies
Aug 17, 2015
I'm pretty sure I'll be upgrading my desktop this week while I'm on vacation. I've done my laptop with no problems at all, it's a Dell Latitude E6400 with Win7 Pro bought refurbished from Newegg. The laptop was a mid 2008 model and W10 works great on it.
My question is about my desktop drives, my OS drive is an SSD and my backup drive is an HDD. There is nothing but the backups and system image on the HDD, it is an inside the box drive connected to the second SATA on the MB. Is there a chance the W10 upgrade will put it's boot loader/manager on the backup drive?
I have seen posts where for best results, all drives except the one being upgraded/clean installed on should be disconnected to avoid the boot loader/manager showing up on another drive. I can do this but it's sort of a PIA due to pulling the tower out, disconnecting cables, and opening it up. Then repeating after the upgrade to put things back.
My backup drive is an HDD with nothing on it other than backups which are done every Sunday night. There is no OS on the backup HDD.
Background is, I created another partition on my 120G SSD (30G) where I've been dual booting 7 and the W10 TP's, the plan is to delete that partition and recover the space for the W10 upgrade. Then have a single partition with W10 on my 120G SSD C drive and to continue to use the WD 500G for backup and system image. I will create another partition on the backup HDD for the W10 backups (right now I'm using a 100G partition on the HDD for Win7) and keep the Win7 backup and image until I'm fully on and comfortable with W10.
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