Installation :: Replace Key To Sysprep And Move Bootcamp To New MacBook Pro?
Apr 14, 2016
I upgraded my Bootcamp version of Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 on my MacBook Air. The screen is cracked on my MacBook Air so I am trying to move Bootcamp to a new MacBook Pro. When I run Sysprep I am getting an error message that says Sysprep cannot run on an upgraded version of Windows.
My question is: If I purchase new Windows 10 Pro operating system, can I replace the upgraded Windows 10 product key with the new key and will it change the upgrade to a new installation of Windows 10. If it will do this, I can then run Sysprep and move Bootcamp to my new MacBook Pro.
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Jan 17, 2016
So I own Windows 7 Ultimate, as well as a Macbook Pro with Retina, this means that to partition and use bootcamp, the Mac insists that I have Windows 8 or later to install it on my mac. Now my problem is, I know you can get windows 10 for free if you have windows 7, however I can't install the windows 7 in the first place to upgrade to the windows 10, and because I don't have the windows 10, I can't install the windows at all on my Mac.
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Oct 9, 2015
MacBook late 2009 running parallels. Originally upgraded when Win 8 was installed. Win 10 upgrade loaded Home. Removed Win 10, upgraded to Win 8.1. Now when I try to reload Win 10, it will not install Pro, only Home.
When I go to change product key under activation, it will not let me change serial number. (Old Win 8.0 Serial Number)
Clarification: Cannot even select change product key. I only get a "ding".
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Sep 24, 2015
We have upgraded our MDT 2013 to Update 1 build 8298.And we have quite a few issues that we didn't have before.We have some pretty simple task sequences we use to build images, one for each OS. CurrentlyWindows 7x64, Windows 8.1x64 and Windows 10x64. Each os has a separate virtual machine in our VMware environment. We don't capture the image in MDT since our deployment system requires and older WinPE to run ( pick the Syspreb task so it does what needs to be done at the end of the build. Shutdown the machine when it's done, pxe boot into capa and then proceed to capture the image.
After the upgrade I boot from the litetouch ISO like we normally do and using a VMxnet3 driver make the connection to the share and this runs smoothly all the way to the sysprep part. When the machine is done syspreping it completely "drops all network connections" and the build "fails".
Tried with different drivers, old and new. Even tried running it on hyper-v but it yields the same results. Every task sequence was built from scratch since the format part was changed.
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Sep 22, 2015
So we're trying to get our first Win10 VM up and running. I downloaded the latest ISo from the Volume License site and installed it on a VM just fine. I ran all Windows Updates as well.
After that I ran Sysprep and choose OOBE, Generalize, and Shutdown. I then copied the VHDX file to a new location for a new VM as we normally do.
That all seemed to work fine until I then attached that hard drive file to a new VM and fired it up. After clicking the through the timezone page I get an error stating:
Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation.
I found some info online about changing the minimum password setting to 0 but that did not work. I then fired up my Template machine to see if that would setup fine and that now gets the same error so I'm kind of stuck.
I don't want to have to do manual steps on every VM we create
View 2 Replies
Jul 30, 2015
Using the media creation tool (both usb and ISO) I get an error. Something like "installation has encountered an error during first_boot with sysprep." In not at my toshiba laptop at the moment so the wording may be a little off. Upgrading from my 8.1 current os. I just read about removing my eset antivirus before upgrading so I will remove that and my malwarebytes program as well and try again.
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Sep 10, 2015
I install Windows to vhdx in hyper-v. I make two users, make some updates and install some apps. I make sysprep and copy vhdx to another PC and boot from this.
After this, start menu does not work. i can not tun no modern apps, and Notifications panel does not works too. When I make new user, all works fine. I need to make this work for the already created User.
View 3 Replies
Nov 16, 2015
Recently updated a workbench PC and updated it with the Redstone patch. I attempted to sysprep the PC however I am getting the following Error:
'Sysprep will not run on an upgraded OS. You can only run sysprep on a custom (Clean) install versions of Windows.'
View 4 Replies
Jan 21, 2016
I am working on creating a new master image to deploy windows 10 64 to a new of different models throughout our organization. Currently I am having difficulties getting the drivers to be "auto Detected"
The Sysprep command I am using is : sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:C:windowssystem32sysprep10answer.xml
When the PC boots after being sysprep it does not detect and install the drivers.
I have loaded the uncompressed drivers to C:windowsINF and created a folder called drivers. I set the permissions for pretty much anyone to have full control. If I manually point the driver install wizard to that folder they all install correctly. This previously worked in 7 32 bit without any thought.
I tried adding the driver path to Pass 2 and 5 in my answer file without any change.
View 1 Replies
Aug 5, 2015
Preparing upgrade to 10
Did clean install Window 7 to customize, sysprep, image, install on several duplicate PCs prior to upgrade
1st drive is SSD, 2nd is HDD
SSD partition c: os and d: virtual box
HDD e: data
wrote answer file move user and program data from c: to e:
Something happened post sysprep and partition letters switched d and e, I changed the drive letters in windows and now can't get into profile There is a shortcut to e on the d partition of SSD Tried reassigning letters using diskpart but they don't remain when entering windows but go back to the wrong assignment.
I googled this and apparently it happens but I don't know why. I can only think that I was lucky to image the clean OS however if I can fix this it would save me time. If not, I will get rid of the d: partition and put that post sysprep
Here is the answer file
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS"
I can't seem to fix this problem
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Aug 1, 2015
I'm going to try and run Windows 10 with bootcamp from my Macbook and was just wondering if I'll have to buy Windows 10 before going through the steps of bootcamp.
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Aug 18, 2015
I'm installing Windows 10 on new computer for my organization . I try to configure one with fresh install (package of apps like Libreoffice, VLC, etc. for users) and custom desktop describes in this tutorial:
Default User Profile - Customize in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums It works fine, in audit mode I install apps, drivers, custom desktop and configure default apps like google chrome for internet browser, adobe reader for pdf files etc. then I run the command line to enter oobe mode generalize. Everything is ok, I continue my install. Then I create new user local account. And when windows starts, I have my custom desktop but default apps are removed (Microsoft Edge replace Chrome, Pdf files are read with Edge, etc.) and Apps Windows like "Weather" or "Actualities" crash .
View 5 Replies
Jan 11, 2016
PC is a brand new tower running Windows 10 & I love it but I cant seem to get my Mac laptop to connect to the Kodak c310 AIO printer when I hook it up to the new tower. It connects to my old Mac Pro tower easily over the same LAN.
The LAN is an ether-net using a Linksys 4 port router. The Mac identifies the tower as being on the network and seems to try to print to the Kodak but then just hangs at sending the data. As I said above, it prints fine over the same network to my old Mac tower.
I have followed all the steps here: [URL] ....
Enabled LPD protocol & printer sharing in Windows 10.
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Jan 11, 2016
How do you move your installation windows 10 to another drive? safest & easiest way?
Currently my OS win10 is on HDD, i want to move it into my new fresh SSD.
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Dec 20, 2015
Second PC with Win 7 Pro 32 bit was a struggle...but succeeded in Brinks clean install and activation of 10...but was a real struggle. can I transfer the new 10 install on an HDD to a new Sata SSD in the same box ? So far haven't figured out how to make the SSD with an installed image of the new 10 install from HDD to boot from the Sata at PC startup ?
What am I doing wrong...and how do I get the SSD image of my new 10 clean install to boot from the SSD ?
I think it has to do with partitions and active Windows partition but don't remember what/how to change the boot disk to the new SSD....
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Aug 27, 2015
I am looking forward to replace my laptop HDD with a SSD. My laptop is the Toshiba Satellite l70 pro 17.3". I have a basic idea of doing transferring windows 8 to an SSD but apparently it is harder to transfer Windows 10 to a SSD when compared to Windows 8 and 7.
View 9 Replies
Oct 21, 2015
I have a brand new Dell XPS 8700 with Win 8.1 Home installed, 1 TB hdd.
I want to update to Windows 10.
I have a 120GB SSD that I would like to use for the system.
Are there updates to 8.1 and related that should be done before upgrading to 10?
Should 8.1 be installed on the SSD before upgrading to 10? I have ordered the 8.1 install/re-install disks from Dell and they should be here in a few days if needed for this exercise.
Or if it is better to upgrade to 10 on the existing hdd, how do I re-install it on the SSD...
View 9 Replies
Aug 1, 2015
I am trying to make space on an empty partition as a temp backup before I install a fresh copy of 8.1 to upgrade to 10.
I'm using Mini Tools Partition Wizard 9 Free Edition. What I have looking at the partitions are, a C partition (700 gigs capacity), then a System Reserved partition (350 mb's) then a F drive with 100 gigs of unallocated space. Here is an illustration.
Disk 1 - { [700 gig C] [System Reserved] [100 gig F] }
I want to shrink my C drive by 100 gigs and then resize my 100 gig F partition so I will have 200 gigs of usable space for the backup - But I can't because somehow my System Reserved Partition is on the right side of the C partition between the C and the F. Normally this system reserved partition is on the left of the C partition.
I do not know how this partition got moved. I did have another partition set up after the C drive that I used to install the Win 10 preview on but I since have deleted that partition and edited the boot menu to reflect this in MsConfig. Perhaps Win 10 moved my System Reserved partition over?
View 7 Replies
Aug 8, 2015
When I had Windows 7, I had literally every single thing in My Documents. Every song, every file, every tax record, every picture...literally everything. That way, when I backed up my hard drive, I just plugged in the My Passport Ultra drive, synced it with My Documents, and everything backed up.
But in Windows 10, I'm seeing Frequent Folders that include ThisPCMusic and ThisPCDocuments. So I figured I would just drag the music folder into the Documents folder, and it would just create yet another subfolder within Documents (other subfolders within Documents include "Resume", "Travel Info," etc. So I figured "Music" would just be another subfolder, as was the case with my Windows 7 setup.
Instead, it made a copy of the music folder, which is not what I want. I want to actually migrate the Music folder into Documents as a subfolder. I thought that maybe I could just copy it over and delete the original Music folder, but what if the copy doesn't work because the original version has been wiped out.
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Jan 26, 2016
So I recently formatted my Windows 8.1 system and installed Windows 10. But it seems that the setup decided to set my System parition to a separate HDD (G: ) and put the bootmgr and all the boot files there, instead of using the left-over 350MB System Reserved partition on my primary SSD that Windows 8.1 had used. So of course now if I removed that disk, I wouldn't be able to boot anymore.
So what'll be the best way to move all of the boot files and system partition setting back to my old 350MB System Reserved partition? Will I need to disconnect all the other drives and do a repair install of Windows 10? Or can I manually move the files and partition settings over? The old partition is still marked as Active, so maybe I can just move all the Boot related files from G: to the 350MB partition and it'll just work? Maybe mark G: as INACTIVE too
View 4 Replies
Jan 6, 2016
Is it possible to move the entire "Users" directory from C drive to D drive and have it be recognized without doing anything special?
I do a system image of my C drive regularly but my D drive is continuously backed up to a local NAS and I would like my user information backed up the same way.
View 5 Replies
Nov 14, 2015
I have a Lenovo flex 2 laptop that is brand new and used to run windows 8.1 until earlier today.
I opted for the recommended win 10 upgrade, and things went smoothly until it was time to reboot.
The laptop begins to boot, I get to see the Lenovo start screen for a few seconds, and then it turns off before starting over again.
This loop has been going on for 8 hours, as of right now.
All attempts to access the boot menu via the F2, F8, F11, and F12 keys have failed, and the novo key has had no effect.
I am desperate at this point- the laptop is brand new. And now it is next to useless. No actual customer support is available in the country I live in. I just want a way to go back to win8.1.
View 4 Replies
Nov 16, 2015
I'm having issues with deploying out-of the box windows 10 on a Lenovo B50-80EW preinstalled win 7 pro and upgradable to win 8.1 Pro however since the new windows 10 update build 1511 ISO I download I thought it would go through OK . without have to do first upgrade install to windows 10
Secure BOOT on UEFI ON
From putting the windows 10 ISO in drive it doesn't prompt for activation key. As soon as network settings prompts I press shift/ Contro / F3
Now in administrator Mode I check windows is activated however I have the same model of laptop and I want to mass deploy an image but want to use the OEM key embedded in BIOS to each laptop of this model is this possible to be done as I deployed on another machine and got message saying this key is already in use is there an issue with the new ISO available from Microsoft .
I also tried fresh install with out no ethernet or wireless connected and still get on same machine windows is activated in audit mode on fresh setup.
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Jan 28, 2016
I have been installing and reinstalling windows 10 through bootcamp 6 on El Captain on my Macbook Pro.
But i keep getting the same result - the speakers and right click option are missing.
Where i can download drivers for Windows 10 on bootcamp 6 or what other way to resolve this issue.
View 5 Replies
Aug 4, 2015
I have windows 10, but i have some problems, i think i will need to replace old HDD with new one, but i don't know if i will be still able to install windows 10. I don't know how Microsoft will know this is still my PC.
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Jan 6, 2016
I can not install programs or do Windows 10 updates because the Windows 10 Installer is damage. When attempting to install a program or do Windows 10 updates, the installer stops and the progress bar shows no progression of installation. I have the computer during the installation process and come back to the computer an hour later and the progress bar shows no indication of progress of installation. What I can do to try to fix the Windows installer?
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