Installation :: Upgrade From 8.1 And Move System To SSD

Oct 21, 2015

I have a brand new Dell XPS 8700 with Win 8.1 Home installed, 1 TB hdd.

I want to update to Windows 10.

I have a 120GB SSD that I would like to use for the system.

Are there updates to 8.1 and related that should be done before upgrading to 10?

Should 8.1 be installed on the SSD before upgrading to 10? I have ordered the 8.1 install/re-install disks from Dell and they should be here in a few days if needed for this exercise.

Or if it is better to upgrade to 10 on the existing hdd, how do I re-install it on the SSD...

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Installation :: How To Move Operating System To SSD

Aug 27, 2015

I am looking forward to replace my laptop HDD with a SSD. My laptop is the Toshiba Satellite l70 pro 17.3". I have a basic idea of doing transferring windows 8 to an SSD but apparently it is harder to transfer Windows 10 to a SSD when compared to Windows 8 and 7.

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Installation :: Need To Move / Fix Location Of System Reserved Partition

Aug 1, 2015

I am trying to make space on an empty partition as a temp backup before I install a fresh copy of 8.1 to upgrade to 10.

I'm using Mini Tools Partition Wizard 9 Free Edition. What I have looking at the partitions are, a C partition (700 gigs capacity), then a System Reserved partition (350 mb's) then a F drive with 100 gigs of unallocated space. Here is an illustration.

Disk 1 - { [700 gig C] [System Reserved] [100 gig F] }

I want to shrink my C drive by 100 gigs and then resize my 100 gig F partition so I will have 200 gigs of usable space for the backup - But I can't because somehow my System Reserved Partition is on the right side of the C partition between the C and the F. Normally this system reserved partition is on the left of the C partition.

I do not know how this partition got moved. I did have another partition set up after the C drive that I used to install the Win 10 preview on but I since have deleted that partition and edited the boot menu to reflect this in MsConfig. Perhaps Win 10 moved my System Reserved partition over?

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Installation :: Move System Partition To Primary Disk?

Jan 26, 2016

So I recently formatted my Windows 8.1 system and installed Windows 10. But it seems that the setup decided to set my System parition to a separate HDD (G: ) and put the bootmgr and all the boot files there, instead of using the left-over 350MB System Reserved partition on my primary SSD that Windows 8.1 had used. So of course now if I removed that disk, I wouldn't be able to boot anymore.

So what'll be the best way to move all of the boot files and system partition setting back to my old 350MB System Reserved partition? Will I need to disconnect all the other drives and do a repair install of Windows 10? Or can I manually move the files and partition settings over? The old partition is still marked as Active, so maybe I can just move all the Boot related files from G: to the 350MB partition and it'll just work? Maybe mark G: as INACTIVE too

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Installation :: Upgrade Changed System Language

Aug 17, 2015

I have windows 8.1 Pro Fin x64. I want to upgrade it to Windows 10 and keep my programs and settings unchanged and in upgrade change also system language to En-us in the upgrade process.

I have created using MS Media Creation Tool Windows 10 Pro x64 DVD.

If I change in Win 8.1 region, system locale, keyboard to English - Us and after that upgrade my win 8.1 to Windows 10 using the created DVD. Will the upgrade be successful and my new windows 10 automatic activated? After upgrade I change region, locale and keyboard to Finnish.

I know that I can change display language in Windows 10 to English, but I'm eager to change also system language to English when I upgrade.

Is this workaround to do the system language change?

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Installation :: Upgrade System Partition Message

Aug 1, 2015

When I try to upgrade my Dell XPS 15 running Win 8.1 to Win 10 I get a message "we couldn't update the system reserved partition", I only have an EFI system partition, not the 100MB DATA partition I've read about.

I've attached my disk management layout.

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Installation :: Crash During Upgrade - Unable To Detect Operating System

Jul 31, 2015

Anyhow I am currently using windows 7 (not a fan of windows 8). Since windows 10 is released I wanted to install and try it. Initially I installed windows 8.1 in my D: drive (works normally as far as I can tell), and upgrade it to windows 10. I am keeping my windows 7 in drive C: as I do not have any other working computer if the installation failed.

So halfway upgrading from windows 8.1 to windows 10, the upgrade failed and a restart is needed. When restarting I tried to reset the installation but even that is failed. When restarted again there is no operating system in that drive (drive D: ) ??

Currently I tried to reformat my drive D: (windows 10) with my current windows 7 (installed in drive C) but it says the volume is in use by another process but it refused.

Drive C: - windows 7, still functioning properly
Drive D - where windows 8.1 is located and upgraded to windows 10 but failed, currently cannot detect any os when I boot from drive D: , and cant format the drive.

I know its really complicated the way i installed my windows 8.1 with my windows 7 intact, but I'm worried if the installation failed, I have no backup computer to fall back.

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Jul 31, 2015

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So I decided to try the Media Creation Tool instead. I select the option to upgrade this PC, it downloads fine, and everything goes okay until it wants to reboot my machine. Tried it twice, first time it sat there waiting to restart. It never did, no programs exited, didn't log off or anything. Second time it gets to the same stage, but locked up my computer instead.

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Nov 15, 2015

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Picture is provided, I like to permanently move the C: Hard Drive above the D: Drive maybe there is a windows registry adjustment or something?

Windows 10 LTBS-N (64-bit)

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Aug 16, 2015

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Why Unable To Move Desktop Icons After Upgrade

Aug 1, 2015

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Jan 11, 2016

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Dec 20, 2015

Second PC with Win 7 Pro 32 bit was a struggle...but succeeded in Brinks clean install and activation of 10...but was a real struggle. can I transfer the new 10 install on an HDD to a new Sata SSD in the same box ? So far haven't figured out how to make the SSD with an installed image of the new 10 install from HDD to boot from the Sata at PC startup ?

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Aug 8, 2015

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Apr 14, 2016

I upgraded my Bootcamp version of Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 on my MacBook Air. The screen is cracked on my MacBook Air so I am trying to move Bootcamp to a new MacBook Pro. When I run Sysprep I am getting an error message that says Sysprep cannot run on an upgraded version of Windows.

My question is: If I purchase new Windows 10 Pro operating system, can I replace the upgraded Windows 10 product key with the new key and will it change the upgrade to a new installation of Windows 10. If it will do this, I can then run Sysprep and move Bootcamp to my new MacBook Pro.

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Jan 6, 2016

Is it possible to move the entire "Users" directory from C drive to D drive and have it be recognized without doing anything special?

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Installation :: Laptop Won't Move Past Start Screen - Been Rebooting For 8 Hours

Nov 14, 2015

I have a Lenovo flex 2 laptop that is brand new and used to run windows 8.1 until earlier today.

I opted for the recommended win 10 upgrade, and things went smoothly until it was time to reboot.

The laptop begins to boot, I get to see the Lenovo start screen for a few seconds, and then it turns off before starting over again.

This loop has been going on for 8 hours, as of right now.

All attempts to access the boot menu via the F2, F8, F11, and F12 keys have failed, and the novo key has had no effect.

I am desperate at this point- the laptop is brand new. And now it is next to useless. No actual customer support is available in the country I live in. I just want a way to go back to win8.1.

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New Upgrade - System Process Using A Lot Of RAM

Aug 2, 2015

I seem to have an issue with one of my system processes using up an inordinate amount of RAM. It isn't causing a lot of issues right now, but it definitely bogs things down here and there. Pictures are of my task manager window on relevant tabs.

[URL] .....

Seems to get worse when I play games. Updated to the Win 10 version of my latest graphics driver (clean install on the driver), and I have restarted my computer multiple times.

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System Powers On By Itself After Upgrade?

Aug 17, 2015

I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7, and all is working well. However, after hibernating, the system powers itself on at 8:30 every evening. I've looked through the Task Scheduler app, and I can't see anything there that has "wake the computer" checked. What else might be causing this, and how I can stop it? 

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No System Event Sounds After Upgrade

Oct 13, 2015

I've had Windows 10 since August, and for the most part, things have been going relatively okay. My only real glaring problem with the OS is that I can no longer here a sound during a system event. By that I mean the usual sounds like when you're clicking through the Explorer, emptying the recycle bin, a dialog pop-up and such.

My system is a Dell Inspiron N4100 that was previously running Win7 Home Premium, and now I'm running Win10 Home Edition. The sound in general works fine; like media players, games, and through the Internet browsers. It's only the system sounds that refuse to play.

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Could Not Upgrade System Reserved Partition

Aug 12, 2015

I know about increasing the partition size but i dont know where it is on my pre-built pc. I do have a 128mb partition but i cant increase the size on my third party manager

Disk management. URL...

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System Thread Exception Not Handled After Upgrade From 8.1

Oct 6, 2015

Today I've upgraded win 8.1 on my laptop Acer 5738DG to win10. Whole installation passed w/o issues and upon finalization of installation lappy shutdown itself and each boot end with BSOD "system thread exception not handled".

Even when I'm trying to start clean install from boot-usb it wont load installation but always end up with BSOD.

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Upgrade Created Protected System Drive

Aug 20, 2015

Got caught by this sneaky Windows 10 downloading to my laptop. This download created a new partition on my harddrive as a protected system drive. I have tried to take ownership of this new partition with no success, I have tried to restore to a previous date with no success - it fails. How I can remove this partition from my hdd?

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System Thread Exception Not Handled After Upgrade From 8.1 On Every Boot

Oct 6, 2015

Today i've upgraded win 8.1 on my laptop Acer 5738DG to win10.Whole installation passed w/o issues and upon finalization laptop shutdown itself and each boot after ends with BSOD "system thread exception not handled".Even when i'm trying to start safe mode or clean install from boot-usb,it wont load but always end up with BSOD.

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Upgrade Error From Win 8.1 - Couldn't Update System Reserve Partition

Aug 8, 2015

System stats...Athlon 860K, Asus A55BM-E, GeForce 550Ti, 8GB Ram

Win 8.1 was installed from retail DVD onto a virgin 500GB mechanical HDD. I upgraded shortly after to a Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD and cloned the mechanical drive over, tested, and then formatted the mechanical drive for data. I got some real strange (to me) drive partitions - 100MB 'Data' drive which is almost full (cannot access) and a 350MB 'System Reserve' drive. The mechanical drive is a separate letter and all seems to work swimmingly. I sort of assumed this was normal.

Upon installing WinX I get the above error...from what i've read, people are having challenges moving from Win7 due to the fact that this reserve drive is only 100MB and it needs to be 300-450...well, mine's 350mb so not sure what gives.

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Aug 1, 2015

Yesterday I installed windows 10 with 32-bit operating system, but now I want to change the operating system to 64-bit. I want to know if I can reinstalled windows 10 with 64-bit operating system?

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