Mail App Not Syncing Office 365 Or Outlook Accounts

Aug 5, 2015

I have noticed today that the Mail app in Windows 10 does not sync my Office 365 or accounts, nor does it provide any notifications. I have the accounts set to download messages as they come in. I can only manually sync them. Additionally, the Mail app is not listed as one of the options to run as a background app.

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Why Isn't Outlook Syncing To Mail And People Apps

May 25, 2015

I'm on the build 10122 insider preview of windows 10. My outlook is not syncing to the mail and people apps. When I press refresh they keep refreshing for sometime and then just return nothing. My google account had no issues syncing to the same app. The outlook account says there is some error with the account and asks if I want to fix it, and when I press fix button, it just does nothing. I cant get to delete the account so I can reenter my credentials, how to delete account or changing credentials? The account opens fine on the web.

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Apps :: Syncing Email Accounts In Mail App Error Code 80072726

Aug 1, 2015

I am enjoying Windows 10! for the most part....

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This may be more of a networking issue and how the Mail App communicates over the network. I am not able to sync any of my email accounts with the Mail app. Thus far, I have only attempted two different Gmail accounts. I followed one thread and disabled the firewall temporarily: this did the trick. However, I would rather not disable my firewall so very often... is there a more permanent workaround?

I am not using Windows Defender fyi. I am using 2015 AVG Internet Security. I attempted to add the Mail app to the list of applications that could bypass the firewall by going to AVG Options -> Firewall Settings -> Applications, but the Mail App is not very easy to find... I checked the most obvious place: Windows -> SystemApps and didn't know where else to look.

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PC And Phone Not Syncing Calendars With Outlook?

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Why Isn't Mail Syncing

Aug 4, 2015

I am unable to sync the native email app. When I open it, it shows "Not synced yet". When I press the Refresh button, I get "Still working on it..." indefinitely. It just never finishes and never shows content. My work email does sync but not my Hotmail one (and I am logged into my computer using a local account). It has been like this since day one, four days ago.

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Why Is Mail Not Syncing

Jan 1, 2016

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Apps :: MS Office Outlook 2007 Slow?

Mar 5, 2016

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Mail App Not Syncing With Folders Set Up?

Aug 24, 2015

I recently upgraded to windows 10. So using new Mail App. Got all my email accounts on there fine, inbox's syncing no problem. But the folders I had set up on my email account are all empty, says there is nothing to see, including the sent folder. So when I send an email, it doesn't go in to the sent folder on the app. I have to log on to my 1and1 email account and access sent items from there, along with content of all my other folders. Why its not syncing with the folders set up??

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Why Aren't Email Accounts Syncing

Sep 28, 2015

I have an (POP) email account. This is the name I used for my Microsoft or Outlook account. I linked to my earthlink account. Now I have added this one account (earthlink) to my (Android) phone and my Windows 10 tablet (Thinkpad 10).

First problem is that the default account that I use to sign into Windows is my earthlink address but it NEVER syncs in the email client. I had to add a separate (pop) account for it to even retrieve an email when sent.

Second, when I do receive an email it shows up on both my tablet and my phone... for a short time but then disappears but sometimes if phone is off or hasn't synced I don't even get an alert. Even deleted from within the Earthlink web mail.

All these emails sit untouched on the inbox which I'm not able to sync with either phone, tablet or desktop computer.

This had been going on before the upgrade to Windows 10 but now with the deletion its even worse since the upgrade.

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Nov 27, 2015

We've got a main info@ email address (which is actually just my own as the boss, not currently a shared mailbox), then a few name@ addresses for individual staff members. Email is through 365 but we all use Outlook desktop as opposed to the webby version (well, 99% of the time anyway).

I want to grant the various staff members permission to be able to 'send as' info@ without actually sharing the whole info@ mailbox. Can that be done?

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Icon Locked On Desktop - Can't Remove It (Microsoft Office Outlook)

Aug 7, 2015

I was messing around with folders and stuff in Windows 10, now this Microsoft Office Outlook icon is stuck on my desktop all of a sudden and there is no way to get rid of it.

-Doesn't provide a delete option

-Selecting it and pressing the delete key nor shift+delete works

-Doesn't show up in explorer when you navigate to Desktop folder

-Doesn't appear in search results

-Even trying to open it does nothing

-Is visible when using the Unlocker program, but still no option to delete. Clicking 'OK' just closes Unlocker.

Wasn't really installing anything when I noticed it, and malwarebytes found nothing, so I'm pretty sure it's not a virus or anything.

-Someone told me to "hold shift, right click empty area on desktop, click open command window here in the right click menu, type dir & hit enter, type del "name"" but it didn't show up there either.

-I was asked if I ever had Office 2007 or how old my machine is, but the answer is no and I built this desktop in 2011, just last week did a fresh install of Windows 10 Home. Also, this just appeared today; never before.

-Was told its a registry entry, not a file, and to to look for it in regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer but it's not there

-Told to delete {00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace but it is also not there.

The only thing is that when I search for "Microsoft Office Outlook" in regedit, I get this file:

Deleted it and nothing happens. Reappears when you restart the computer.

I tried booting into safe mode as well as removing the latest windows update that occurred on the same day.

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Dec 24, 2015

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Feb 10, 2016

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Aug 15, 2015

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Any solution to make the desktop version of Word work with the default mail application? Word Mobile can already send e-mails using the default mail app, but then again, you need an office 365 subscription to even use Word Mobile...

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MS when they can't even make an email client?

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Jan 24, 2016

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I see the app no longer runs in the background as it did when I first upgraded to Windows 10.

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How To Setup Gmail To Get Outlook Mail

Feb 14, 2016

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Apr 23, 2015

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Browser/Email :: Can't Get Outlook To Sync In Mail App

Jan 29, 2016

Trying to set up my outlook in the Win 10 mail app...have all settings enter3ed correctly...including Outlook password for my cox email account...but every time I try to sync...sync window 10 just spins..Bigger issue is if I check the password for my outlook (Cox) account...the number of characters has doubled in Win 10 Mail settings ??My Outlook account for this mail box has 9 fine in Outlook 2003...

But when I check the password in the mail app...more than 12 characters-*'s show up in Win 10 app for password.Have deleted and added outlook mail pop a number of times...but after 'save'...I always get a much longer 'password'(*****etc) in settings than was entered in setup ?

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