Make Standard User Lock Down In Specific Time?
Mar 9, 2016
So I want to lock down a user account in a specific time or anytime that he'll not able to access the PC until morning, cuz my cousin been using my PC until midnight like there's no end and he'll just use it until 1am or 2am then sleep after. I have Windows 10 btw
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Jan 22, 2016
I like to run Windows 10 as a Standard User. I use Syncthing to sync my files from my PC to my laptop and another machine. I want to schedule syncthing so that it starts when I log on. However when creating a task, I get a message saying the user doesn't have permission. How should I do this? I've followed this guide but it assumes you are running as Administrator. Starting Syncthing Automatically Syncthing v0.12 documentation
I've solved it using the second part of the guide, using the shell:startup folder, however I'd prefer to use Task Scheduler if possible.
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Apr 14, 2016
Is there anyway to fix the photos app for a specific user account? On my main admin account it works ok. But there was a series of updates to some of the native apps a few days ago, one of those was the photos app. Since then the photos app will not work on my wife and son's user accounts (both standard accounts). Clicking on it brings up nothing. When I went into the store for their own accounts and searched for photos it actually gave an option to install it. I tried that and it went through the motions downloading/acquiring license but it made no difference. Still doesn't launch the app for them.
I don't particulary want to have to go through the process of deleting their accounts and setting them back up (which is time consuming). Creating a new user account does get the user a working photos app (as I did a test). Is there a simple way to do it without potentially breaking the photos app on other accounts (where it is currently working)?
I am aware of powershell fixes but I have read some horrible stories where the code just makes things worse and breaks a lot more especially in the current build of 10586. I'd want any attempted fix to be purely isolated to the affected user's account.
It does seem that the native apps have some pretty bad problems with updating and breaking down. Sometimes I go into the store and look at the check for updates section and see them seemingly stuck in the update process. Sometimes they need a bump to get them going. There seems to be a riskiness to when they are auto updating on my own user account and how it can translate to the other user accounts. In this latest scenario the photos app has been rendered useless for half the users of my computer. Why MS cannot make their own apps easy to uninstall and re-install is beyond me. All other non MS apps are easy to work with and can be uninstalled and reinstalled with comfort. Plus unlike the MS native apps they seem to have no trouble updating themselves!
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Aug 10, 2015
The new Parental Control system is generally a big step forward, though I disagree with the kids having to have an email / Microsoft account and would prefer to be able to leverage local accounts.
One area that could do with a little tweak is around the Screen Time. Specifically, I may want to allow my child an hour a day of general screen time, but limit access to a particular game / app to 1 hour per week to stop them getting obsessed. Sure I can just block them after the fact, but it would be better to allow you to define the rules up-front.
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Oct 13, 2015
I have installed a clean windows 10 installation, and i keep having these different BSOD every time my computer is making a cold start = i shut the pc down in the evening and in the morning BSOD starts the day.. the computer restarts, and it works all day long, resetting and turn off and quick turn on again no BSOD.
I have attached my .zip file
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Aug 9, 2015
What I need to do in Windows 10 to get my Numbers Lock to stay on all the time? Each time I start the system I have to remember to press the Numbers Lock button. On my Windows 7 it stayed on all the time unless I purposely turned it off.
It's no real big deal to push a button, but it's just hard to type in a password or user name and discover it didn't work simply because this darn button was turned off by the system.
I did do a "regedit" and changed the numbers in the box to #2 and restarted the system. When the system restarted the Numbers Lock light was on and I figured I must have fixed it. However when I booted up today it was off again.
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Jan 5, 2016
I regularly use the 24 hour time format for all of my systems. Its not a major issue I have now with Win10, but its annoying a bit.
Before I logon to Windows 10, the default lock screen theme has the time in 12 hour format instead of the 24 hour format.
In Windows, I set everything in 24 hour time. Period. I just don't like 12 hour time.
However, when I sign out or just by locking my screen, it does show the time in 24 hour format.
But when I reboot my system it shows the time in 12 hour format.
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Aug 8, 2015
I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and I am having some issues.
First one is: When I click jpg, gif, or any image files that uses the photo viewer as a default viewer, photo viewer pops up twice, one with the file I selected and one with the collection screen. It only does this on the first view of a image file after reboot. Once it does this, it doesn't do it until I reboot.
Second one is: I use a PIN as my login password. The number lock on the log in screen doesn't work. I almost always have to press NUM Lock button in order to use the number key pad. I checked the BIOS setting and Num Lock is on.
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Jul 23, 2015
That's what I see on booting. I want to see the legacy screen.
This is my BCDfile:
Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
device partition=C:
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-GB
inherit {globalsettings}
All relevant OS sections Windows 10, WinXToGo, and Windows 8.1 have bootmenupolicy Legacy included Bootim.exe appears 2x in the registry only.
What do I need to do to fix it and for it to stay fixed!
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Aug 6, 2015
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Oct 25, 2015
In Windows 10, is there a way to download or activate the standard (old) windows photo viewer? The Windows 10 Photos app sucks for more reasons than I can say in one message. But the biggest problem is that it refuses to let me view my photos if I am not connected to the internet. I am in Ethiopia for a few weeks and internet is spotty. I take hundreds of pictures, transfer them to my Surface 3, then try to view them and it gives me an error and won't let me view any of them. Once I have an internet connection I can view them even though they are stored locally.
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Nov 1, 2015
If I boot normally, all three accounts, including the built-in Administrator account become Standard accounts, even though they were all setup as Administrator.
If I boot to Safe mode or Safe Mode with Networking then they all are Administrator accounts.
Right now I'm running Windows Repair All-In-One. Will see if that works.
This computer also boots to a black screen two out of three times (not always though, sometimes more, sometimes less.). If WRAIO doesn't do the job I'll tray a Refresh. If no joy there then I'll clean install. I have a good Macrium image backup so won't lose anything no matter what I do.
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Oct 27, 2015
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Oct 15, 2015
I have had repeated BSOD with message (DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION) on a Lenovo E550 running Win 10 Pro 6 bit (upgraded from win 8.1pro 64). It occurred:
1. on sleeping, and
2. seemingly randomly. i.e. with applications open, idle with no applications open
I seem to have got around (1) by unchecking the "Turn on fast startup" option in Power Options. but the BSOD continues to occur at other times.I have used the Lenovo System update tool to update the drivers it can but have reached the limit of my current capabilities/knowledge so am looking for interpreting the dump files and troubleshooting. Per BSOD posting instructions I've run the utility and attached the zip file to the post.
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Jan 28, 2016
I just bought a WD My Passport Ultra and it comes with a copy of WD Backup. Never using backup software I decided to give it a try and see what happens. I had no problems at all until I ended up with a message "These files failed to back up: UPPS.bin, 15.77kb". so I decided to try and find the file, which I found. The question is, what this file does and is it necessary to backup? Probably most of you know where this file is but for those who don't you can find the file at: C:UsersUser NameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsUPPSUPPS.bin.
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