Networking :: Ethernet Becomes Disabled After Sometime?
Nov 18, 2015
i recently updated to windows 10. I'm having some difficulties regarding internet through Ethernet on It. what usually happens is i am able to surf the Ethernet for around 10 minutes, then the ethernet adapter just quits on me. So i run the network trouble shooter and find you that it needs to reset the DNS, which it does successfully. After that my Ethernet doesn't work anymore till I restart the Laptop. my computer's wifi card is an intel wireless n 7260, and the other network adapter is a pcie gbe family controller.
So i recently updated to windows 10, and i noticed i wasn't connected to my Ethernet anymore, so i had to connect my PC to the wifi. Under my "network Adapters" it only shows "Qualcomm Atheros 802.11 1/b/g/n" I tried connecting another ethernet cable, but nothing happened.
I cannot seem to connect on Ethernet though Wi-Fi works OK. I have seen several articles about ethernet problems with Win10.
CABLING First the network config:
Two notebooks, C and D are plugged into a switch and the switch plugged into the router. Now, the cabling is verified to work because computer C, running Win7 connects just fine and if the internet cables are swapped, computer C still connects just fine.
Computer D however does not connect. I did some other things to redundantly check too, just FYI. So cabling looks OK.
ROUTER both computers have fixed (reserved) IP addresses in the router. The router sees computer C but not computer D Just FYI, if I turn on Wi-Fi, the router sees D on WiFi, but not the ethernet.
PING Computer C can ping D Computer D can ping C Computer C can ping the router Computer D cannot ping the router
Some investigation suggested the following, all of which I tried with no better results:
- Update the network adapter drivers (already current) - Winsock posible culprit, so NETSH WINSOCK RESET and reboot - no change
IE used to find and fix these things pretty well, but here we have EDGE. Perhaps I'll try to install IE. Connectivity diagnostics are where IE shined over Chrome and Mozilla.
UPDATE: IE 9, 10, etc. are not compatible with Windows 10. So, the connectivity diagnostics just not as good in Win10. I can tell I am getting tired, as it's getting hard not to swear.
I was wondering if it's possible to utilize both WiFi and ethernet in tandem. I'm pretty sure some of you are going to tell me that I can only access the internet through one of these, up to my bandwidth limit, but that's not what I mean.
I'd like to access the internet through my WiFi connection, yet have a wired connection through my router to access the files on the other computers in my house.
I am running Windows 10 demo version. I have problems connecting to the net. I am shown the error along the lines of "Ethernet does not have a valid IP configuration".
From command prompt I run "ipconfig/all" and here is the console's output:
When I run "ipconfig/renew" it fell through : I should add, I have no problems on Windows Vista however.
I ran Windows 8.1 on my desktop machine a few months ago, and later upgraded to Windows 10. Everything worked great at that time, but since have replaced Windows with Linux. Now I'm trying to install Windows again, with the same 8.1 disk that I used for my earlier installation, and my ethernet connection isn't found. (this is a direct wired ethernet, not wireless) I've installed with a local user account, dug into every networking utility in Windows, but whatever I do the internet goes undetected. I've run the ethernet thru different routers, and even circumvented the router all-together, but no luck. Has my 8.1 disk "expired"?
i've been with this problem for months and i have tried multiple solutions offered by others on the internet, yet i'll give it another try here.
i'm using a powerline adapter directly plugged into the wall on my desktop. And it has worked excellent before, but suddenly someday it did not get a valid IP adress anymore for my pc, i have tried giving it an ip adress manually but without succes. i also tried updating the driver but there was no update.
my network and sharing center displays unidentified network and windows problem solver detects the problem 'network name' does not have a valid ip configuration.
So I've got a simple question really when a laptop is connected to a WIFI network then a Ethernet connection is plugged in which one will it use as priority?
I am completely wiping my hardrive with DBAN and doing a clean install of windows 10 with a dvd I created with the media creation tool. Will the fresh installation of windows come with a driver for ethernet cable so I can get on the internet.
I know I can get the drivers and put them on a usb to use after install, but I'm having trouble with malware on other computer and I don't want to transfer anything.It is windows 10 home on a 64 bit Toshiba Satellite C55-C5241 if that matters.
There is 2 computers and 2 virgin superhubs in the house i live in (not both mine) both ethernet connected. Occasionally i have to unplug my superhub and connect my desktop computer to the Wifi on the other hub which is in the next room.My computer obviously "remembers" the password for the wifi and i used to be able to just unplug my hub and it would automatically connect to the wifi without me having to do anything.
Since switching to Windows 10, when i unplug my hub, it says that it is connected to the wifi however it says "limited" and no websites work, effectively not connected even though it says it is.To solve it i have to leave my hub unplugged and restart my computer and it connects instantly and works. Whilst that isn't a huge problem, i sometimes could do without having to save what i'm doing just to restart the computer as i have never had to do this before.
The same problem also occurs in reserve if you get me. Disconnecting the Wifi and then plugging in the hub, it also says limited connection until i restart the comp. Virgin Media have been of no support whatsoever, to be honest I didn't expect them to be as it seems like a computer/windows problem.
So... I just updated from win 7 to win 10, as I got it for free. All went smoothly, but there was no ethernet connection. I'm running a custom built pc, connected to my router via ethernet cable.
At first windows detected the cable, but said: ''Ethernet doesn't have a valid IP configuration." I was on about around the settings, and deleted the ethernet network from windows' settings. I thought it would come back by just re-plugging the cable. This didn't happen. What happened was, that the whole 'Ethernet' tab disappeared from the 'Network & internet' menu!
I also don't have 'Wi-fi' or 'Airplane mode' tabs in the menu... Well I have a pc that doesn't have support for wifi so that might be why...
how to get win 10 to detect the ethernet cable, and maybe that way bring back the 'ethernet' tab?
Oh, and I tested the ethernet cable on my laptop (running win 7), and it worked fine.
Strange issue that just started today. My Ethernet adapter shows unidentified network and none of my apps have internet access, however my web browsers work just fine. I am even making this post from the adapter that supposedly has no access. I have been searching around for a solution, but no problem seems similar to mine. Check out the screenshot below.
My laptop is for some unknown reason not connecting to the internet via wifi or ethernet. It will also not diagnose the problem as it says The Diagnostics Policy Service is not running and it cannot fix it.
I have in the past readily connected two computers directly via an Ethernet crossover cable under Win7 and Win XP but cannot get this to work under Windows 10. No specific messages, just cannot see the alternate device from either notebook. make this happen under Win 10 ?
This didn't happen right away. They worked fine for a month or so. It is not the ISP, my ISP is very reliable, they consistently give me the bandwidth I am supposed to get. 20MB down 2MB up. The problem laptop averages 0.3MB down and 1.5MB up.
The other hosts on my home network are not having any problems. I have another Win 10 Machine that was upgraded from Win 7 that is working just fine. One Ubuntu client and one more Win 7 client.
Fixes I attempted:
I went to the HP website and applied the recommended updates.
Checked Microsoft updates - none were suggested or required.
I removed and readded the network adapter drivers. Several times.
The hardware in question is:
HP Envy 17t Laptop OS: Windows 10 Pro Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.36) Wireless:Broadcom BCM43142 802.11 bgn Wi-Fi Adapter driver: Ethernet:Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Adapter driver: 10.1.505.2015
I just upgraded from Windows 8.1 to 10 and having this annoying issue where the yellow triangle over the ethernet icon in the taskbar will not go away. I can get online and surf so not sure whats going on. I did install the new lan drivers but still getting the annoying yellow triangle .
I have a problem with my internet connection. First, I've tried a PCI Wi-Fi card and a repeater and nothing change.
My computer have a problem with the internet connection. When I play games like Counter-Strike, I'm spiking and I have some rollback every 5s. Here's a picture of my internet connection in the task manager:
As you can see, I'm spiking alot. Sometimes, my PC disconnect from the router (even when it's wired).
What I tried: - Recovery - Flush DNS - Renew IP - Uninstall/Install network drivers and adapter - Uninstall/Install general drivers
And... nothing worked, except one thing: Fix network connection issues - Windows Support
Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. Type netsh int ip reset and press Enter. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
It's working for like 30 minutes and then I'm spiking and lagging again. I suppose it's a DNS/IP problem. I need to do it again every time I want to play 30 minutes.
PS: When I'm browsing on chrome, I don't see the spike effects, only when I play or skype.
I am having trouble getting my internet connection to work with an ethernet cord. I have no problem using wifi, but I get disconnected on wifi pretty frequently. I have two ethernet cords in my possession, one of them is new, and neither works. I've tried connecting to the router and the modem.
I've used used troubleshooter with both wires while plugged into the router and the modem. I've created a connection that has our given username and our password in it.
I turn off the wifi specifically by clicking on the wifi icon on the bottom right of my computer screen. It seems that the ethernet cord is not detected.
I have a kind of big problem with 10 Pro. My problem was "ok" in 8/8.1 Pro. As title says, I would like to give WiFi priority over ethernet. Why ? You may ask, I'm using laptop as a hyper-v machine ( prepare migrations from 2003/2008 to 2012 and others IT Admin things ). I know where to change priority but Settings aren't saved. Even after setting WiFi on top of ladder, after going to the settings again it's 3'rd. That way I have no internet connection because of my VM Networks and their DNS settings.
Where to start so to begin with my issues started when we got a new router. We had issues with the old one so we installed a new router and got it working fine WiFi worked alright but Ethernet would not connect it my computer when I ran the troubleshooter said one or more network Protocols were missing from my computer I'm running windows 10 version 1511. I went on google on my laptop to start finding a fix and I must have tried every option in the book just about I am losing my mind over how to fix this. Finally I tried reinstalling the Network drive Uninstalling my current one going on google finding my most updated one ect. and now the issue is no longer about the protocols but its saying my Ethernet doesn't have a valid IP configuration
2 days ago, I was happily enjoying my internet when suddenly my internet stopped working, I checked it and it showed that the ethernet cable is unplugged. I have by now, tried reinstalling win 10 (lost all my files and drivers ) and few more things like automatically searching for updates online. I have a realtek family controller
I have two computers running windows 10 and until recently they were both connected via WiFi, but recently after having problems with the WiFi my ISP told me the router should be connected to the master telephone socket.
Until they told me this the router was connected to a phone extension roughly halfway between my two computers, one downstairs and one upstairs. and it has been like that for almost a year with a reasonable speed to both computers, but just recently the WiFi speed has dropped so much it is almost impossible to use it.
So i have moved the router upstairs and connected it to the master phone socket and its so close to my PC i have used a Ethernet wire to connect to the computer and my download speed has doubled to the PC.
But one problem i have now is the other computer is now not visible on the network. so why when they were both connected via WiFi both were visible, but now one is connected via Ethernet and one WiFi they can not see each other.
Also now my router is upstairs the laptop downstairs connected via WiFi is so slow its useless. What to do i know i can get homeplugs but do they really work ...
My desktop is connected to my router by Ethernet. However, the printer I use is in my wife's office on another floor. It is a wireless Epson Artisan 730. I have added a Dlink DWA-171 wireless usb adapter to my desktop to print wirelessly to the Epson.
However, every time I want to print, I have to disable my Ethernet connection so the WiFi connection will see the printer. Then I'm done printing and I re-enable the Ethernet (faster, more stable).
After upgrading from W8 to W10 and then doing clean install of W10 my Ethernet connection is randomly popping alerts and losing connection (event viewer reports this as event 1014), card also is randomly being reset.
troubleshooting just resets Ethernet card (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller) saying there was an issue with DNS.
I've never used Cisco VPN
Issue did not occurred on W8.1
Tried both drivers (Windows 10 update and Realtek for win8.1 using both compatibility and normal install)