Networking :: Renaming A Drive (G) To A Different Unused Letter?
Nov 3, 2015
Still learning Win 10 ways! I have installed a WD My Book backup drive, and Win 10 gave it the designation of my "G" drive. How do I change from "G" to a different unused letter?
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Nov 29, 2015
Basically I have two drives in my computer that both had windows 10 installed at one point, I removed windows off of one of them and I'd like to remove the drive from my PC entirely, but whenever I take it out windows gives me a message "install valid boot media and restart". What do I need to do so I can remove said drive and keep windows?
(also after that I'm going to install an SSD and copy over windows from the drive I'm not removing if that makes any difference)
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Jan 8, 2016
I cannot assign a drive letter to a partition. When I right click the partition I only get the word "Help". The partition states as "Healthy (Recovery Partition).
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Dec 23, 2015
I have a situation where I need drives F and G available for scheduled file backups, and I like to play a game which involves mounting an ISO as a virtual drive, which would normally become F. Earlier today, I discovered a way to keep F and G available by creating to small ISOs and putting shortcuts to them in the startup folder. Then at backup time, I can just unmount drives F and G and plug in the flash drives. That seems to work fine, but since it seems a bit awkward to create ISOs just for that purpose, I was wondering whether there might be another way.
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Nov 1, 2015
I have an external drive where the electronics of the case has failed. I have switched the drive into my pc so that I can use it as an internal drive. The drive is still operational but I cannot see it listed in my drives. Opening up disk manager shows the drive is clearly visible there but is no volume letters assigned to it. The easy option would be to delete the partitions and create new. However, the drive is divided into several partitions which I want to keep as they contain a lot of important data files (years of photos for one thing). Disk manager wont allow me to assign any drive letters (option is grayed out) and disk partition only shows me a single partition not the 5 partitions I have on the drive. how do I assign volume letters without losing my data?
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Sep 5, 2015
After the store where I bought my pc from repaired my pc (seems like it was a drivers issue) it came back with disk F (the ssd) renamed to C, so now all my shortcuts on the favourites say this:
It's pretty annoying, I cant call them on a Saturday about the issue. I know they tried booting up with an external disk and that's why it's renamed, but I can't rename it back to F, I've tried it and it gives me an error because the disk is in use I think, I've also tried using MiniTool Partition Wizard Free and the optiong to change disk letter disappears when I click on the one I need changed..
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Aug 2, 2015
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Jun 17, 2015
I've installed W10 in my laptop in a dual boot configuration with W7 successfully. I used this tutorial Windows 10 - Dual Boot with Windows 7 or Windows 8 I'm setting up to do the same thing in my desktop and have a couple questions about drive letter designation after doing it. I created a 30G partition on the C drive of my desktop for the W10 install.
My laptop has one drive, the OS "C" drive, I created a another partition for W10, after installing W10 using the USB ISO "boot from USB" instruction when I'm in W10 it shows as the C drive, and the W7 partition is inactive D drive. Just the opposite when I'm in W7, it shows as the active C partition and W10 is the inactive D partition.
On my desktop I have the 120G C drive for W7, a 500G D drive for backups, a fixed CD-ROM E drive, and a virtual CD-ROM F drive. I've made a 30G partition on the C drive to install W10 on for the dual boot. The question is when the auto backup runs (I have it backup & image every Sunday at 7:00pm) it backs up the C drive to the D drive. Will the W10 dual boot install change my backup drive letter to something other than D, or will the non OS physical drives keep the same drive letter? I will have to remember to be in W7 for it to be the C drive when it backs up, but my concern was if the dual boot was going to change my backup drive to something other than D. That would affect the backup.
I've attached disk mgmt. below, FYI the G drive is the USB with the W10 ISO
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Feb 20, 2016
When I go to disk management and right click on my # 2 HDD to give it a drive letter, it only shows Convert to Dynamic Disk, Properties and Help. change drive letter and paths does not show up ??.
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Jan 27, 2016
In my desktop I have two hard disks ( disk 0 and disk 1 ) . Disk 1 is a clone of disk 0 created by Macrium Reflect
Disk 0 : ( C: ) windows 10 pro , upgrade from windows 7 , ( E: ) windows 8.1 pro , ( G: ) Storage partition
Disk 1 : clone of disk 0
problem description : I see in msconfig / boot a wrong listing
windows 10 ( C:WINDOWS) : Current OS ; Default OS
windows 8.1 pro ( H:WINDOWS ) instead of ( E:WINDOWS )
Nevertheless the dual booting works fine as well as the shift between the disks via BIOS.
The question is , could I fix the situation using the EasyBCD of Neosmart Technologies to edit the bootloader ?
I see can change drive letter H: to E: and save the change , am I right or wrong ? or any other way ....
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Dec 26, 2015
I am trying to set up our server which we have on my sisters new laptop. when I go to 'map network drive' and click 'browse' the server called 'BGE-B-NAS' doesn't appear on the list. I have tried multiple times and nothing seems to be working. I also tried to type it in manually but it just said that 'windows cannot access BGE-B-NASCompanydata'. Is it to do with the fact that this is a laptop and it is using the wifi instead of being wired?
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Dec 8, 2015
I have done it before, but cannot remember what to do.
I have a bunch of pictures from the Grand Canyon, taken on different cameras and cell phones.
All have differed names and I would like to make them all the same like:
change from: img_001_dgep.jpg and so on
to: GC2014_1.jpg, GC2014_2.jpg and so on.
I know there is a simple way of doing it, but I can't remember how.
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Sep 9, 2015
I have Dell Inpiron 3420 Laptop. Windows7 Home Basic was my built-in OS. Now i have upgraded it to Windows10 Home Edition. Now i have left less space in my C-drive. So i want to delete unused files, folders from C-drive. And I also want to backup my windows10 too.
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Feb 19, 2016
Since a while i build my own computer, and i put some of my old hard drives in here, one of these drives contains a copy of Windows that i no longer use, But i cant remove it, and it is taking up quite a bit of space, i'm not talking about a Windows.old folder, but an actual Windows folder, now i was wondering if there is a way to remove this unused copy of Windows, i tried changing the owner to myself, and removing the read only tag, without much luck ...
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Dec 22, 2015
Since Windows 10, when I try to rename a file, I right click allowing the file box to open. But as soon as I try to rename the folder, it closes out. If I just type in a few letters before it closes out, eventually I can get it renamed, but it takes multiple tries and is very time consuming.
Also, if I scroll down a page using the bar on the right hand side, the page continues to go back up to the top.
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Aug 1, 2015
Windows 10 won't let me rename files, pics etc in the normal way. It allows me to try, then reverts to the previous name. It is not a problem of permissions, I have checked that.
It will allow me to rename on "Properties", but that is one file at a time. How am I to rename a group of pictures? This really seems like a glitch.
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Aug 3, 2015
Is there anyway of renaming tiles on windows 10? Also is there anyway to change the appearance of the tiles as they only seem to save as a blue tile with the Edge logo and a name that's allocated by the website?
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Oct 21, 2015
Until yesterday I was able to rename photos and transfer them to a different folder. Today Windows 10 will not allow me to do this.
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Aug 23, 2015
how to remove unused icon on notification and action? already uninstalling this program i marked..
an how to fix thumbnail that seems edge thumbnail..?
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Jan 5, 2016
These are my issues:
When I create a New Folder and try naming it, it freezes, then Explorer will restart. The folder will be made but if I try to rename it, it will do the same thing.
When I try deleting that empty folder, the Moving to Recycle bin takes over 30 sec long, there is nothing inside it. I can delete a big regular file instantly.
The Context menu also has very black thicker separator lines compared to what it should be a faint light grey color. That was the first thing I noticed that was off.
View 9 Replies
Oct 12, 2015
I have a new laptop, so unless this is some weird feature that's specific to the laptop, then I assume it's a Windows 10 settings issue because I've never encountered anything like this before. I downloaded several JPGs and PDFs from various emails and began to change the arbitrary "234809238ksdfjskdfjsdlkf" type filenames to specific things indicating what they are, and I got done and realized all the stuff I typed was gone and the JPGs had changed to "filename(1)", "filename(2)", "filename(3)" and the same with the PDFs.. and "filename" was the name I'd assigned to the first file of each file type. The subsequent names I'd chosen were entirely different and the files were all unrelated to one another.
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Feb 23, 2016
I'm using windows 10 buid 1511
When I install a new program , a shortcut is created on start menu , and this shortcut is located correctly according to first letter , for example "Adobe Photoshop CC" , is located under "A" section on start menu.
But if I rename this shortcut to "Photoshop CC" , the shortcut remain under "A" section and will not go under "P" section as it should be. There's no option to refresh or re-arrange items on start menu.
View 6 Replies
Apr 7, 2016
I have a Dell 11 venue Pro (7140) tablet and I upgraded to windows 10. My tablet comes with 128Gb and I found out that I have many recovery partition. I am not sure which one I can remove it using DISKPART. Below is what I seen on the Disk Management Screen. Only C drive has volume label of C.
1. 500MB healthy EFI system (100% free)
2. 40 MB Healthy OEM Partition (100% free)
3. 2.00GB Healthy Recovery partition (100% free)
4. 109.56GB Healthy Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary partition (40% free) Volume OS (C:)
5. 450 MB Healthy Recovery Partition (100% free)
6. 6.59 GB Healthy Recovery Partition (100% free)
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Aug 30, 2015
Just sort of curious, I noticed that in disk management that I had 4 drives listed
But then there was another drive simply listed as "GAMES".
I always thought it was just some screw up and a duplicate of the H drive (since they both are named as "GAMES") which has games on it but the odd part was that it didn't have a drive letter associated with it after the upgrade to 10.
It was a listed drive in Windows 7 so wondering why the drive letter was removed during the Windows 10 upgrade.
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