I had my systems set up to store a copy of the stuff I had on OneDrive on the local PC's under Windows 8.1. Since I upgrade to W10 that option has disappeared? Am I missing something? I have Googled and Binged and can't find anything specific to W10 and the W8 explanation ain't there no more in W10! I really liked the ability to access my OneDrive Stuff if/when the internet is down.
I am having a weird issue with OneDrive. I have gone thru the update and selected the folders to sync (god, I miss the place holders). Now every time I'm offline I try to access a file in those folders I get a error "File system error (-2143326205) ". I have the checked if the folders are up to date and all files are downloaded and they are. I am able to access the files if I'm online.
I should also mention that I am using a SP3 i3 and I have my OneDrive folder in on my SD card mounted into a NTFS folder on C:
I have a lot of photos on Dropbox and wanted to switch them over to OneDrive, as my Dropbox was full and I have unlimited OneDrive space so I may as well utilize it, but after moving everything over, all the photos are showing up in the OneDrive folder in Windows Explorer. The folder is taking up the same amount of space as what I had saved to Dropbox. What is the point of OneDrive cloud space if I have to download everything to my desktop anyway?
This is a strange problem that only seems to happen on Windows 10. I have a Dell Venue 8 Pro, which shipped with Windows 8 (it may have been 8.1, can't remember)
Well, the problem with it is that it only has a 32GB on-board flash memory. After the OS and drivers are installed, there's only about 18GB usable for me.
I have around 16GB worth of files on OneDrive... you see the problem here? And that's only going to get bigger as I add more. So what I did before on 8 and am attempting to recreate now on 10 - I have a 64GB MicroSD card inserted, formatted as NTFS (because in Win8, you could only put OneDrive storage on NTFS, not exFAT or anything else). I made a folder called Danny's Data, and then went into C:/Users/Danny and changed "location" of each folder to that folder. Desktop, documents, pictures, music, videos, etc.
It was able to successfully move the locations there, so when I put any files on my desktop, they're *actually* stored on that MicroSD and not taking up precious flash memory space.
But for some reason, OneDrive refuses to move to it. I tried to change the location using the OneDrive software itself, and it gave me a message saying that location could not be used. I tried creating a symlink and it would give an error saying it "cannot find the files" even though they're obviously there.
I even tried opening up the registry editor, searching for C:/Users/Danny/OneDrive and changing it to D:/Danny's Data/OneDrive (it was in there 3 times, or possibly 4, I forget) and rebooting - got that same error that it can't find the files.
I installed Windows 10 a couple of weeks ago without any incident. However, this week I have noticed that I am unable to play any videos in my hard drive (regardless of format or video player... tried Windows Media Player, VLC, the photos app) or online (like in youtube or facebook). When playing videos on my hard drive, the video player is blank and doesn't play (although VLC shows the filename and the track length just fine). When playing videos through a browser (I use Chrome) the page simply crashes without playing the video.
I have also encountered a browser error where Shockwave Flash isn't responding. I have only one flash player installed so it's likely not a conflict issue on my browser.
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU N2840 @ 2.16GHz RAM: 2.00 GB System Type: 64-Bit
just few days back i have installed free updates of windows 10 from windows 7.I thought i am lucky to have windows 10 for free,but now i am in problem.I am unable to play offline downloaded videos through media players. It is not playing smoothly.Videos are stopping automatically and then running by their own and sound is not matching with the videos. I have VLC,KM player,5K player;not a single player is operating . I have checked device manager and updated display adapter but problem not solved.
Specification of my PC :Intel( R) core ™2 CPU 4300 @ 1.80GHz 900 MHz, Ram 2GB,32 bit OS,x 64 based processor,no graphics card installed.
I must mention one thing that i have no issue in playing online videos from YouTube .
After upgrading to Windows 10, I've been having tremendous problems getting my Brother MFC-J430W working wirelessly, installing the latest Windows 8.1 x64 drivers from their website works fine and it detects the printer through wireless right away.
My problems with it are the Printer constantly says its offline under the Windows 10 printing tab however the Brother's icon shows the device connected and ready and even shows me the current ink levels. The only way I can currently print a document is by restarting my computer, and very quickly sending a document to print before it goes offline again. So basically the printer only seems to connect online when I restart the computer but goes offline within a minute or two, I didn't experience this issue in Windows 8.1 x64.
I'm not sure if it's related to the last update or not, but suddenly my homegroup started saying my other PC was offline. So I went and left it and recreated it, and sometimes it'll connect for maybe 5 minutes then disappear again. Also, it's saying almost everytime I try to join that Windows No Longer Detects a Homegroup on this network. Very strange since it's showing it. I can get to the other computer via the Network icon so it's not a disaster, but this is a frustrating issue.
When Windows 10 first came out I was easily able to create a 32-bit/64-bit hybrid install on a flash drive using Media Creation Tool. I now want to create one for my dad who is having trouble getting his system updated but can't find this tool anymore, only the individual ISO's for 32-bit or 64-bit. Did MS take down this tool? Is there somewhere else I can get it?
If I enable Bitlocker with TPM (i.e. no passcode required on boot-up), and I have the Local Administrator account enabled on the machine (with my normal user account as a standard account), would it be possible for someone with a Hirens Boot CD blank/reset the Local Administrator account password and then gain access to the PC/Laptop using a tool such as this: Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor
Should I be enabling the PIN/Password protection on BitLocker, or does BitLocker prevent these sorts of tools from being used?
My brother asked me to upgrade his offline PC from Windows 7 pro to 10. While I had successfully upgraded my 8.1 to 10, and preserved all apps previously installed, I wonder does Windows 10 iso upgrade install default apps like Groove, Movies & Tv, Calculator and other necessary apps on offline PC, or does it only require internet connection to install those apps?
scanned through the 250 odd titles that came up but could not find reference to relocating the offline files folder. I frequently take an image of the system drive as a backup but, with an ever increasing offline folder (windowscsc), this is getting unworkable so I want to move the folder to my data drive (D:).
I've tried using a symbolic link to a folder on the C drive (as I've successfully done with the OneDrive folder) but win10 seems to object and stops working.
Surprisingly, with google there's loads of references to doing this with previous versions of windows but I can't find anything Win10 specific. Any reliable way of relocating the csc folder?
Windows states that my Lexmark wireless printer is offline yet I can print from other computers in the house not running Windows 10 ... Model X4650 ....
I need MSDN in offline mode specially for Windows API functions. I downloaded VS2013Documention.iso (~4GB) but it is not contain full Windows API (WIN32) Reference like MSDN2004, I have MSDN-April2004 discs but when want to install in Windows10 encounter some errors and could not complete setup (I pointed out in Win7 its worked properly).
I have a network drive, which I set up to save a copy of a folder for offline use using the instructions here:
Working with network files when you are offline - Windows Support
I am not able to find any option for setting the drive to work online or work offline. I did manage to set it up to work offline yesterday, but forgot how. Now, I cannot find any work online or work offline button. Is it in a different place in 10?
Does Defender Offline is supposed to be a default option for the recovery environment? I don't see any options for it, or do I have to use ICD to create a custom option for the WIM?
Can the C: drive be part of a pool, having all drives (including the c: drive) look like 1 drive? If so, how do I do that? I created a storage space, but it made me set it up as drive D:, and I see no way to combine it with C:.
Next: I want to have the C:/boot drive be part of the redundancy equation. I plan to use Parity. I can see where it would be if all drives looked like 1, but I don't see how it would be if not part of the pool.
How do I undo storage spaces in Windows 10 Home ? I've searched but can't find information pertaining to how to reset my external drive to the way it was before storage spaces altered it making it unusable for back ups.