Performance :: CPU Usage When PC Is Idle

Dec 12, 2015

This is not an issue but more a curiosity. I have the old Windows cup / ram monitor running as a gadget on Windows 10. When the PC is idle for a few minutes I notice the cup usage always spikes to around 10-13% and stays around that mark. As soon as I touch mouse and move it it then plummets to 0 or 1%. Is this normal? I wonder what it could be doing. It's not as if I can use task manager to see because as soon as I move the mouse or go to use the PC the usage returns to 0 or 1? I presume Windows is doing housekeeping stuff and it's a non issue?

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Similar Messages:

Performance :: High RAM Usage While Idle

Dec 23, 2015

Basically I noticed that my PC has a lot of RAM used but no program is using the RAM - see attached screenshots. Obviously it doesnt really affect me until I launch a game: eg GTA 5 which before ran happily at 60 and is now stuck on less than 1 FPS when I get into the game (even after spending like 20 minutes in lag hell to try to reduce all the settings to the lowest).

However Rainbow Six Siege runs at 120 FPS with no issues, so GTA may be an isolated incident.

(Also important to note I only have 8Gb of RAM, even though it says */16.0GB for the committed memory)

Specs are:
Computer type:
PC/DesktopOS:Windows 10CPU:Intel Core i5 3570k Motherboard:ASUSTek P8H61-M LE/USB3 Memory:8Gb(2x Corsair 4Gb 1600mhz Vengeance) DDR3 CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 Graphics Card(s):NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 Sound Card:Onboard 7.1 Audio (Realtek)Hard Drives:1Tb ST1000DM003-9YN162 ATA Device
1Tb Hitachi HDE721010SLA330 ATA DevicePSU:XFX PRO850WCase:Zalman Z11Cooling:Corsair H60 Water Cooler

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Performance :: Memory Usage 99% During Idle And Continues After Reboot

Feb 10, 2016

A while ago, after upgrading to Win10, my memory usage jumped to 99% percent while watching a movie via VLC player. I couldn't find anything in the task manager that seemed to use up all 16 gb of my memory, the new layout of task manager confused me a bit, so I simply rebooted. Fixed the problem.

Today The same thing happened to me again, except this time the memory usage continues AFTER a reboot, and then another reboot. My desktop computer seems completely possessed by whatever is using up my memory. I consider myself to be a very advanced user, although not a professional, but I can't figure out how to nail down this culprit via the task manager. Nothing seems to be using up a lot of memory, the total of all the apps isn't close enough, yet it does identify my memory usage at 99%. There were no unusual apps running in the background, just VLC running an HD 1080p movie, which I have done many times on that computer.

I can imagine this will happen again if I don't find the issue. Where to start troubleshooting to find a memory hog that only happens once in a great while? Does it have anything to do with windows updating itself secretly and automatically now?

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96% Ram Usage When Completely Idle

Nov 18, 2015

I've recently built my new pc and it's been running fine for a week. Although recently it's been running incredibly slow. After looking around for what it might be I realised my Memory usage is 96% with nothing open.

I've looked through all the processes, there's nothing unusual everything is working fine. It's a hidden process taking up my 7.6gbs of 8gbs of Ram. I've looked around for solutions and nothings worked. Ran a simple avg virus check. Nothing.

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System Idle Process 100% CPU Usage?

Oct 24, 2015

I only noticed the problem a bout a week ago. my CPU was at 100% usage but nothing is taking up the usage. Some of my programs will spike to 50% for some reason but in details theres this system idle process thats taking up 99% of my cpu. I keep reinstalling my pc but the problem keeps popping up.

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Idle RAM Usage (22%) No Programs Running Except Task Manager

Feb 11, 2016

So, I want to make my gaming PC as effective as it can be. When the PC is idle (no programs running, except task manager), I have 36 background processes and 26 system processes, Ram usage is @ 22 %, like in the picture below, I have 8 GB 1866 MHz RAM...

I am wondering, is the RAM usage too high, or is it okay for Win 10 ?

I was thinking about uninstalling the Cortana app, because it eats around 35-40.000 K, but if I erase this, I wont be able to use windows search...

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Performance :: After Upgrade Disk Is Very Busy When Idle

Apr 14, 2016

Sony VAIO laptop, model VGN-NW265F, 4GB RAM.

I wiped disk and did a clean install of Windows 7 Professional and waited over a month before upgrading to W10 in mid-January 2016. During that month prior to upgrade Win 7 performed like a brand new laptop.

After upgrading from Win 7 Pro to Win 10 Pro in Jan. 2016 the hard disk is constantly busy when laptop is idle. I thought it just needed a few days to complete indexing and other Windows background tasks but it has been a month now and the disk is heating up from overuse though no errors or warnings so far.

If I touch the mousepad or keyboard the disk settles down and activity light still flickers but not as much as when left idle. I also upgraded a HP desktop to Win 10 and the disk on the HP desktop does not do this whatsoever.

I tried turning off disk indexing; Windows search service and other settings but that made no difference so I turned them back on.

I understand the behavior appears normal in that when I use the laptop the disk settles to a much slower rate of busy but after a minute or two of being idle the disk activity speeds up again and will continue flickering at a high rate all day and evening unless I touch mouse or keyboard or put it to sleep.

Laptop gets pretty warm from all the disk usage and due to this I am now putting it to sleep often when not using it which I have never had to do before.

I ran PROCMON but I do not know how to read results.

View 9 Replies

Performance :: Automatic Disk Defrag Every 5 Minutes When Idle?

Feb 1, 2016

Every time i leave my computer idle for 5 minutes, disk defragmenting starts acting up. It never did this on Windows 7, and its very annoying. This causes my fan to speed up and it stays that way until i give it some input.

I always put my computer to sleep when I'm done using it, and would rather defragment manually. I want to turn this 5 minute defragging off, but how?

normal use

after 5 minutes of no user input

View 5 Replies

Performance :: Hard Freeze When Idle For A Short Period

Nov 25, 2015

It seems to have started after a recent Windows update, but I'm not sure exactly what specific element has screwed things up for me and it may have taken a bit of time for me to notice the problem due to the nature of it. I wouldn't know when to roll back my system to even if I was willing to try, and I'm not at this point.

If I leave Windows 10 alone for more than a few minutes, it freezes. This happens without fail and it's consistent. Any more than five minutes give or take a minute or two and it's frozen hard and requires a hard reset. Ctrl alt del doesn't work, alt tab doesn't work, nothing but the power button or the reset button on the case has any affect.

There is no error message, there is no spinning wheel mouse icon, the mouse pointer doesn't move. It's just frozen and no input does anything. The screen just has a still image of whatever was displaying when it happened and audio is also dead, no system sounds or anything. There was sound once, but it was when I had a game running and left it too long, and it was just that locked up audio buzzing sound. It's a hard lockup of my system and not just the video getting stuck.

It also doesn't matter if something is running. If I have a video or game running, it still happens. As long as I'm not actively inputting something with an input device such as the keyboard, mouse, or a gamepad it locks up. If I pause a game to go get something to eat it's frozen when I come back, if I'm watching a video and get up to go to the bathroom it's locked up when I get back, it doesn't matter if I pause whatever it is or leave it running.

If I'm doing something, typing, playing a game, or whatever, it will run for hours uninterrupted. No problems whatsoever. I've got Fallout 4 and I've played for several hours without any problems as long as I'm sitting there and actually playing the game.

It's like the PC is trying to go to sleep or go into an idle or power saving mode from a lack of input and is crashing hard as a result. The problem is I've disabled everything that would do that.

I'm running Windows 10 x64 Home edition. I have an i7 3770k, 16Gb of Ram, two Radeon HD 7970s in Xfire [doesn't matter if this is on or off], and my boot drive is a SSD. It's not a new system and Windows 10 has been running fine on it for several months now.

I've already disabled all screensavers, there are no scheduled tasks or updates screwing with anything. They all happen in the middle of the night and nothing is pending. All my drivers are up to date, caches have been cleared, and everything runs fine as long as I'm there and active. The usual suite of common updating software such as adobe and virus definitions are also up to date, so that isn't it either.

I have already disabled shut downs and sleeping in the power settings. Every power setting has been adjusted so that my PC never shuts down on its own and was already set that way to begin with. I've double checked and everything is still set the way it should be. I've already turned off Link State Power Management in all power settings. That isn't it either.

I do have AMD's new Crimson drivers, but this was happening before I installed them. That's not the source of the problem. I installed the new driver in the hope of maybe fixing the problem and it had no effect on it.

I've scanned for viruses, malware, and adware. My system is clean.

My temps are fine, all system monitors show a clean bill of health and no unusual activity spikes in my hardware. Task Manager, processes, and services don't show any extra or unusual programs running. Nothing is out of the ordinary when this happens outside of there being no input for a bit.

There are no error messages popping up at all. No BSOD or indication of any problems outside of the freezing itself. It just locks up suddenly and once it does no input does anything but a reset using the tower's power buttons.

View 2 Replies

Performance :: Ram Usage Seems Limited

Oct 8, 2015

i'd just fresh install win10 pro 64bit and my only 3.21gb of ram usable out of 8gb..

im using asus x550d
Processor AMD A10-5750M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 2500 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
win Version 10.0.10240 Build 10240

View 8 Replies

Performance :: CPU Usage Constantly At 100%

Dec 28, 2015

When I was running Windows 8.1, I had this same problem. Upgraded to Windows 10, issue persisted, until I reset the PC (August). After I reset, CPU usage was normal. A few weeks ago, though, CPU usage has jumped right back up to 100% (per Task Manager). I've tried running malware/virus scans, updated SSD firmware, looking for resource-hogging processes, and none of it has been conclusive.

View 8 Replies

Performance :: 100% Disk Usage For OS

Oct 29, 2015

I am running Windows 10 Pro. Over the last couple of days, for some reason, the OS reports 100% disk usage, even when no application is apparently running. It was quite alright a few days ago, but troublesome over the past 2 days. I had assumed it was running some background task, and would become normal, but the abnormally high disk usage persists even after the machine has been running for half an hour.

In this period, no Windows updates were installed, and only a scheduled checkpoint was created 4 days ago. If I try and restore to the checkpoint during boot, I get an error, saying the PC needs to be repaired. If I try it from the recovery option in Windows 10, it does not shut down for a restart, just keeps on the blank screen saying "Initializing restore". The entire time, according to the indication light, the disk seems busy.

I tried disabling superfetch and background intelligent transfer service, but did not work. The spike in disk usage is not specific to anything, sometimes it is the system, other times the malware service...

I do not wish to reset the laptop, as I had quite a few things installed, but I do not have the installation media for those anymore, and so would not be able to install them again after the reset.I have the installation iso for Windows 10. The laptop is Dell 17R SE 7720. I had upgraded to Windows 10 Pro almost 2 months ago, and it had been running fine.

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Performance :: Svchost CPU Usage At 55%

Jan 14, 2016

not sure since when and how ( must have been recently ), but my windows 10 got probably infected, whenever i start pc, my cpu usage jumps to 55% ... After I open task manager, i can see this ( attachment ) :

The PID of "faulty" service is always different and if I stop the process, i am ok until next reboot. Windows defender detected nothing after full scan, I have never downloaded any exe files or opened some bad web page, only .mp4, .avi files and games from Steam.

Should I format and reinstall windows, just to be sure or is there some other tool to find out what happens / fix my problem ? I have no important data or work on my pc, so format is ok, I just dont want to spend several hours reinstalling everything...

View 7 Replies

Performance :: Laptop CPU Usage Hit 100%

Feb 10, 2016

My laptop's CPU usage hit 100% and stayed there, and the fan came on even though the CPU and HD temps were normal (CPU 44-47C, HD: 39-42C). Any thoughts on what happened? Restarting seems to have fixed it, at least temporarily. I'm doing a virus scan, and I'm going to start going through the logs, but which of the vast number of logs I should start with.

NOD32 and MalwareBytes both say no threats, malware, etc.

View 5 Replies

Performance :: High CPU Usage From SVCHOST

Dec 6, 2015

I just recently installed Windows 10 on my Dell Inspiron Laptop and so far I am not impressed at all - in fact, I am very seriously debating one of two actions - re-install Windows 7 or switching to an entirely different OS.

The reason for reverting to Windows 7/switching OS are as follows:

1) Currently with an idle system (i.e. no applications running at all), an svchost process is using anywhere from 40 to 60% of my cpu. When I did a tasklist on this process the following processes are attached to this one pid: Appinfo, BITS, Browser, DsmSVC, IKEEXT, iphlpsvc, LanmanServer, lfsvc, ProfSvc, Schedule, SENS, ShellHWDetction, Themes, UserMananger, Winmgmt, wuauserv. My question is this - is it necessary for these processes to be run. If they are, then am I looking at only being able to use 50% of my processor (since this one pid is using the rest of it)?

2) For a virus scanner - I am using McAffee and under Windows 7, it took my laptop 24 hours to scan 231 GB of data. Since I switched to Windows 10 (Same hardware, same memory, etc) it now takes my virus scanner over 48 hours to scan 231 GB of data.

3) If I had not been poking around and trying to change my update settings, I would never have found out that Microsoft expects their users to update the windows of the other users (Microsoft calls it Dynamic Updates). Now this is all well and good if some one had said something since I would have loved to know about it sooner since I am on a metered service.

4) Some of the programs that comes with Windows 10, I have no use for but yet I can not un-install them (Cortana come to mind).

5) It appears that even though I have turned off "Live tiles" the tile continue to update from the net (again - it would have been nice to know since I am on a metered service).

The only option that I know of is to revert back to Windows 7 or switch to a new OS.

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Performance :: Very High Disk Usage

Feb 10, 2016

I'm getting a constant high disk usage without even having anything running. Here's a screenshot of my problem

And well, so far I've tried the ''deactivate 'windows search' and 'superfetch''' and it hasn't really done the trick.

Also I resetted my pc yesterday, as of now I'm running a clean install of Windows 10.

Did the ''turn off notifications from Windows'' and really nothing, I've also defrag quite some times with Defraggler and DiskDefrag and nothing.

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Performance :: CPU Speed Locked - Usage Never Goes Above 47%

Aug 4, 2015

This started back when I was running Windows 8.1, so it isnt new to the Windows 10 installation. Every now and then my laptop will get really slow. When I look at the task manager, I will see that CPU usage never goes above 47% and it seems like it is speed locked to 1.19 Ghz.

Dell Latitude E4310
Core i5 540M @ 2.53 Ghz, Turbo to 3.06 Ghz
180 GB Intel 330 Series SSD
Windows 10 Professional

Those are the specs. This happens even right after a clean install with absolutely nothing else on it except for what comes with Windows. Ive looked into the BIOS to make sure those settings are valid and Ive looked into the power options under windows to make sure something isn't weird there.

View 8 Replies

Performance :: What Is Normal Swap Usage

Nov 25, 2015

I have 8 gb ram. My rainmeter system monitor says :

cpu 5%
ram 33%
swap 34%

Is that swap normal? I don't have any heavy applications open, and haven't done hardly anything on the computer since restarting.

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Performance :: Diagnosing 100% Disk Usage?

Dec 28, 2015

I need diagnosing why my system disk is running at 100% without anything actually running.

My Anti Virus is not doing anything, windows update is not doing anything, and my disk is not defraging.

I would have never noticed this happening if it wasn't for long load times and reduced FPS in anything 3D. My mouse and keyboard even are lagging and hanging.

My system disk is at 100% and a constant write speed of 1-2 MB/s and a constant read speed of about 200KB/s.

How to diagnose what is using my disk 100% of the time?

View 7 Replies

Performance :: Random 100% Disk Usage

Nov 27, 2015

Since I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 (who knows when, within the week of first release) I've had a plethora of issues, and recently I found the source of the problem. My computer spikes to 100% disk usage randomly, even with nothing open and will suspend all applications on the computer. A couple of random things can set it off (sometimes when I open the "Search the web and Windows", open an application, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and ALWAYS when I boot my computer)

I've tried every. single. thing. that I have seen on the internet including but not limited to: superfetch, registry stuff, Unistack thing in task manager, Windows defender, uninstalling programs, defragmenting my 1TB Western Digital HDD even though it says 0% fragmented, cleaning up my HDD, checking if my HDD died which it hasn't, and updating my drivers, stopping all startup programs, disabling unused Windows apps, though nothing has seemed to fix the problem permanently. I also used to get this "Display driver AMD has stopped responding but has recovered" though I edited something in the registry and it doesn't show this anymore but I still experience the same problem. I'm quite fed up with this, and I'm thinking about buying Windows 7 in an attempt to downgrade.

View 3 Replies

Performance :: 100% Disk Usage When Running GW2

Nov 29, 2015

I'm not sure what type of issue this is so I've posted this in the Performance & Maintenance, Gaming and Hardware categories.

Anyway here's the thread: 100% Disk Usage when running GW2 - Windows 10 Forums

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Performance :: Disk Usage 100% For A Few Minutes

Feb 10, 2016

For some reason, my disk, when i open my computer and at some other point, always spikes up to 100% for a few minutes.

This happens when :

at the start, Something called System and compressed memory always make my pc go to 100% disk usage. Later on, there are all those Service Host going up to 100% and something called RzStatsManager

When i open norton or when i download something new it also goes to 100%, each time I open google chrome too and Steam make the disk go to 100% at the start and every time i open it it goes to 20% and the system memory goes to 80%...

All these times, the disk spiked at 100% for a few minutes.

I disabled all my notification, each time i open my PC i disable Windows search and superfetch but it spikes up every time. What can I do?

View 9 Replies

Performance :: 100% Disk Usage Every 5 Seconds?

Aug 13, 2015

I have this issue where windows seems to hang/get stuck every 5 to 10 seconds for about 2 seconds, like right now while I am typing. I type the words and about three words types out and then hangs for 2 seconds and the rest I typed while stuck gets lost and I have to backspace and restart again.... Same happens with mouse clicks, sometimes when I click it does not register (I presume it is right in that 2 sec delay sweet spot) but the mouse cursor movement is smooth and does not get stuck.

SO I checked my Task Manager and found that RAM,CPU and Network are all low in the 10% - 20%, but my HDD Runs at like 80% -100% all the time. See Screenshots of Task Manager and Resource monitor. The disk keeps getting used full load every 5 to 10 sec.

I have tried disabling Disk Defragment service in the Task Scheduler and several other tips I found on the net but no luck.

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Performance :: Occasional High CPU Usage

Apr 14, 2016

I have recently noticed a bit of a performance issue on my HP laptop running Windows 10 Home.

What happens is, if I am not doing anything on the laptop, but am not putting it to sleep (i.e. idling), it stays at a low CPU usage. However, after a while (usually about a minute?), the CPU usage rockets up, and also affects my CPU temperatures (goes up from ~35'C to ~50'C).

The processes that are the culprit, as defined by the detailed tab of Task manager, are either "svchost.exe" or "System" - the latter is described as "NT Kernel and System" and is linked to ntoskrnl.exe.

The laptop came preinstalled with Windows 10 and doesn't have many programs installed.

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Performance :: CPU Usage Running At 30% Due To Service Host

Oct 13, 2015

I have found that my CPU usage is running at 30%, due to Service Host: Local System (15). I have the list of the 15 processes, but how do I find which one is using all the power.

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Performance :: PC Is Showing 100% Disk Usage On 1MB/s When GPU Is Under Load?

Oct 10, 2015

I started experiencing this after my brother installed some malware on my pc while playing CS GO. I have removed all the malware i could find and have ran memory and disk tests which have shown me nothing but positive results, but when i run furmark the disk usage climbs to 100%. I also have noticed my nothbridge overheating which might be the issue. I also have a shady 600W psu that needs changing because it is old and I don't trust it.

I have

CPU: intel i5 3330
GPU: Nvidia gforce gtx680 refrence
RAM: 8GB kingston value ram
PSU: 600W super cheap generic psu that came with the case
HDD: wdc wd5000aakx-001ca0 500GB that needs changing
MOBO: msi MSI H61MA-E35 (B3)


Edit:I found out the reason for my hdd stopping while under load was that one of my 6 pins was a 2molex to 6pin adapter and one of the molex cables was also the one powering my hdd through a sata power cable.So i plugged in a different one and now it's fine.

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