Performance :: Windows Data Protect Keep Crashing

Dec 7, 2015

I'm having an intermittent occurrence of Microsoft Windows Error Reporting application popping up after loading Windows 10, with a message that says "Windows Data Protect has stopped working."

This message hangs for a minute or two, then goes away. I cannot tell if the problem is being fixed automatically, or if it is just going away.

What is Windows Data Protect, and why does it keep crashing?

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Applications Crashing Post Upgrade - No Data Saved

Aug 19, 2015

After upgrade from W81 to W10, I have occasional Notepad, Thunderbird email, and PhotoPhilia crashes, no data saved. Occasionally the task does not crash but does disappear from the task bar (visible from Task Manager) though I can't get back into it.

I have not upgraded any of these products. I'd have assumed that Notepad, at least, would be current. I don't know how to find which build I am on.

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Antivirus :: Password Protect A Folder

Oct 13, 2015

looking for a password manager to protect a folder in my documents,Did some search and came across this one that I found on inserting password protect a folder into the search box top right.

If you select the video on this site there will be some girls dancing.I believe its just an advert I hope.

I'm not looking for this for anything down that line,Just want to keep some medical records safe.

Safeplicity - Password protect your important data - files and folders

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Performance :: Recover Lost Partitions And Data?

Feb 10, 2016

My laptop running Windows 10 updated to the latest build and would not boot. I kept getting Missing boot manager missing. Eventually I removed the drive and replaced it with my backup clone but that backup is missing a week of a lot of work so I was hooked the original laptop drive to my pc.

Short story, I confused the laptop drive with another disc I a, working on and went into admin tools, storage, and deleted the three partitions on the laptop drive. Since I have tried to recover the partitions with Acronis Disc Manager but the volumes it identifies do not fit. There are three partitions. The primary, the HP recovery and the HP Tools. Total disc is 465GB. The primary partition is 452.

The results I get have seven or eight partitions sizing various sizes between 190 - 350 GB. They all seem to intersect.

i them tried the free EaseUS app which lists multiple versions of every file ever deleted. Is there any easy way to do this?

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Performance :: PC Freezing / Crashing

Jan 19, 2016

I have an HP Pavilion 500-123a PC running Windows 10 which has been freezing and crashing frequently.I have attempted several diagnostic and fix options about which I have posted to this forum before, though the difficulty thus far is unresolved.In particular sfc/scannow does not complete; halts at 56% with the message Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.

I also attempted a Repair Install using the Media Creation Tool iso file. This was initiated in the administrator account (PC has two accounts) and got to 97% when it failed with the error message We couldnt install Windows 10, The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during PRE_OOBE operation error code 0x8007002C-0x4001E.The diagnostic software PC Health Advisor only came up with 2 registry issues, without specifying further.The Dism tool was OK however reporting.The component store is repairable. The operation completed successfully.Given that the PC is still freezing/crashing at this stage I am perplexed regarding how to arrive at a diagnosis and fix and, again,

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Jan 14, 2016

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Windows Hides Old Data?

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What To Do With Old Windows Data After Upgrading

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Can i delete my old windows data? How can i free C drive?

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Backing Up Data When Switching Windows OS?

Mar 16, 2016

I purchased a laptop a while ago and it came with windows 10 home. I'd like to upgrade to Windows 10 pro, but instead of paying for an upgrade in the windows store I'd rather use the unused copy of windows 7 ultimate that i already own since you get w10 pro when upgrading from w7 ultimate. All my data is on the C drive so how would I go about backing it up so I can restore it on the new OS? Also would I lose all the drivers and programs for the laptops features such as the webcam, keyboard backlight, etc?

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Installation :: Restore Windows From Data Backup?

Oct 21, 2015

So I managed to break my partition table, but I was able to recover my entire C: drive and copy every file and folder to an external drive. My question now becomes, is there anyway to, when I reinstall Windows, to restore from that backup (since it's just a data backup of files and folders, not a system image)? Would booting into linux (so that partition isn't in use by Windows) and simply copy-past-overwriting the old files effectively give me my system back?

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How To Turn Off Cellular Data In Windows Phone Technical Preview

Apr 11, 2015

Many users of new "windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones" are unable to turn off mobile data..... So here is the simple solution:

1] go to setting>Extras>access point
2] create a new access point ( insert anything in fields
3] Set it as active

whenever you want to turn on data go to access point n choose working (default) access point ...

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Sep 10, 2015

Since the last update, windows store all of the sudden won't restart. how to make it work again?

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Apps Like Photos / Windows Store Are Crashing

Aug 1, 2015

1)open cmd as admin

2)Go to C:Users<Insert Username>AppDataLocalPackages and search name of your broken app (I will search Photos app)

3)Look at folder's name (Microsoft.Windows.Photos)

4)Now you know your app's id. Let's go back to cmd

5)Use this code

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WRITE APP'S ID HERE).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

It will be like this

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Photos).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

6)Press Enter and wait till the command finishes its work.

7)You don't have to reboot. Open your broken app and it will work now

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Apps Are Crashing / Not Opening (Windows Store / Photos App)

Aug 1, 2015

1)open cmd as admin

2)Go to C:Users<Insert Username>AppDataLocalPackages and search name of your broken app (I will search Photos app)

3)Look at folder's name (Microsoft.Windows.Photos)

4)Now you know your app's id. Let's go back to cmd

5)Use this code

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WRITE APP'S ID HERE).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

It will be like this

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Photos).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}"

6)Press Enter and wait till the command finishes its work.

7)You don't have to reboot. Open your broken app and it will work now

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Upgraded Media PC From Windows 7 - Crashing While Playing Video

Aug 4, 2015

I upgraded my media PC to Windows 10 over the weekend. I had been running Windows 7 using the media centre but I'd tested Team MediaPortal before upgrading so figured it would be ok. Turns out it has been for the most part, but there are two very frustrating things happening. The NVidia display driver keeps stopping responding and restarting. The computer hangs when playing a movie purchased from the Store in the Films and TV app.

I have tinkered with the settings after some searching but it keeps happening. I remember hearing something about how NVidia drivers don't work on Windows 10 but the version that people were saying to install is the version I have installed.

I thought it might be a PC issue as the hardware is a few years old now, but I can watch live TV fine. I have had the display driver crash when I was playing other full screen video (streaming, from a website) too.

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Feb 10, 2016

Can not seem to find where I can disable indexing. I use an app I have just for searching.

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how to make windows as fast as possible :-)

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Nov 14, 2015

I run cleanmgr /sageset:65535 & cleanmgr /sagerun:65535 and checked WindowsESD too

There is no more any folder called WindowsESD

Can I re-create it ?

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Feb 3, 2016

Have upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10 a few times already and keep going back to Win 7 'cause it system slows down (start up and shutdown) after second reboot on Win 10.

It takes about 30 seconds to load on Win with all kinds of installed programs. Win 10 takes at least twice the amount and i have barely loaded anything yet.

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Performance :: Possible To Do WEI (Windows Experience Index)

Oct 26, 2015

is it possible to do a WEI (Windows Experience Idex) for windows 10?

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Performance :: How To Import REG Files To Non-booting Windows

Jan 15, 2016

Today I used a registry cleaner to fix my slow system, but instead of repairing it it made my PC stuck in user login bootloop, but they backed up the registry and I have it. So the question is, how can I import the registry in this non-booting PC?

I tried running RegEdit from CMD from Repair DVD, but "load hives" is greyed out!

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Performance :: Windows Image Backup Failing

Feb 10, 2016

My wife's Samsung laptop gets a failure whenever trying to do an image backup. Actually, this has been happening for quite a while - even before she installed Windows 10 when she had W7. I was hoping that the problem would go away with W10 but it hasn't. Backup runs almost to the end and then fails with the attached message. The message says to run dskchk on both her drive and on the backup drive which I did. No problems were found. (I backup my desktop on that drive all the time with no problems.) I tried backing it up on another external drive that also tests good but got the same error message.

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Performance :: Windows Files Always Corrupted Even After Repairs?

Feb 10, 2016

I notice that after i run these commands in powershell or cmd:

sfc /scannow, DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"} .

and run sfc /scannow again, I always get this. It seems like my windows is always corrupted and I think that is causing my to get start menu, search menu, and task bar issues after stand by. What's wrong with my computer?

I have to do a clean install apparently, also the command broke my apps.

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml}

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