Possible To Install Android Apps On Lumia 535 Mobile Phone
Mar 2, 2016
Recently I have installed windows 10 build 10586 from windows insider , i was wondering if i can get android apps on my lumia 535 is it possible ? another question will lumia 535 support 4g sim in it ?
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Seems plenty of stuff around to GET audio from TV TO a phone --I'd like it the OTHER way around --FROM PHONE TO TV.
I can use Bluetooth for a Bluetooth speaker - but Bluetooth is pretty horrible compared with decent HD audio -- and the top end phones have quite decent DAC's in them making transmitting HD Audio worthwhile.
I want it primarily to CAST Internet radio streams (.OPML streams) to my TV speakers - chromecast should be able to receive the audio.
I have no problem with local Audio FILES (using PLEX) and VIDEO (again using PLEX) but there's no option for capturing and streaming Internet radio either.
There's a Tunein app on the phone that can do it (sort of) but the interface is so horrible (can't select stations by genre etc and no way to save favourites for example) so if I can stream the audio output from my phone which captures Internet streams from Logitech media server and Cantata / MPD streams I'd be happy.
So, it's from PHONE TO TV not the other way around. I've got the latest Chromecast device too.
Here's the sort of stream I want -- I like the Football (Soccer) stuff from BBC R5 Live
line URL="http://opml.radiotime.com/Tune.ashx?id=s24943&formats=aac,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice&partnerId=16&serial=1a20f32a2c 429a2f4027ab0d4ed25c17" icon="http://radiotime-logos.s3.amazonaws.com/s24943q.png" text="BBC Radio 5 live 909 (News)" type="audio" />
Not sure how to fiddle with PLEX to get that into a playable stream --
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Sep 12, 2015
I cannot install anything from Windows Store. It will down load normally & then fail with error 80073DOA. Updates to Apps also fail to install with the same error. I have run wreset ( several times) but still no joy. Date & Time Zone are correct.
Windows Firewall must be enabled to allow the Store to Update & Install!
Found this by accident. I was running the Firewall that came with Norton Security. Why this is a requirement I don't know. Disabling the Norton Firewall was easy but there was no option to turn the windows Firewall back on as Norton had taken over so I went into Services & did it from there. All working fine now ))
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