Security :: How To Change The Password

Mar 3, 2016

I updated my laptop from Windows 8 to 10 successfully. I'm enjoying not having the computer constantly flip from screen to screen now. There's just one issue:

My computer was hacked, so I decided to change the password. Not the Microsoft password, which I changed successfully, but the one I type on the lock screen to unlock the computer. The current password was invented by me via windows 8, before the update.

I tried searching and found "do a control alt delete, then choose password change". That option didn't come up.

I tried a chat with Microsoft support and got an email so badly written I could hardly understand it. The writer had no clue how to change the password.

I tried logging out, then entering the wrong password, then going to the "forgot password" screen. It led me to change the Microsoft pass, but not the windows unlock screen pass which is not the same.

Surely, there must be some way to change a windows 10 unlock the computer password, but I've about given up. 

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