Unable To Gain Permission To View Files

Oct 6, 2015

My pc is about one year old and I was running Windows 7. Since updating to Windows 10 I am being denied access to some of my files. When trying to access some of my Word files I get the following message " looks like you don't have permission to view this file. Check permissions and try again". Another message I get when trying to access some other files is " user does not have access privileges ". I am the sole user of the PC and always have been. I have tried to solve this but have not been successful. 

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Similar Messages:

Secondary Drives Is Locked / Assessed Denied - Unable To Get Permission

Aug 13, 2015

Getting permission to D: drive, access denied.

I installed windows 10 on a new SSD which is currently my drive C:. There was a windows 7 which was on drive D: but I never uninstall it. Drive D: was working normally until during boot today windows decided to do a checkdisk on drive D: (dont know the cause), which tried to repair it.

Currently I totally cannot access my drive D:. Tried to grant permission to myself to assess it but failed, keep having errors such as this ....

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Cannot Save System Files - No Permission To Use Directory

Aug 24, 2015

I have had Windows 10 installed for a while and decided the other day to save anew picture from my webcam for my personal communications etc. I did get the webcam on and clicked take picture. When I went to use the picture it was not where the systemsaid it would be. Nothing had been saved. After checking the properties of the directory the system said I did not have permission to use that directory.

I also tried to download a PDF to my download directory and the file was not saved for the same reason. Their is obviously a permission problem from going to Windows 10. I previously had Windows 7 Home.

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Why Get A Permission Error When Saving Existing Word Files

Oct 14, 2015

I've recently installed Windows 10 and since today I'm having this issue when I edit an existing Word document and try to save it.

The error:

"Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error.(C:User...Ongoing NotesInfoSoft.docx)"

I've noticed that there is a new user account that I didn't have before, which is an account associated to my Gmail. However, I've checked which account I logged in before opening the Word document, modifying and trying to save it - and it is an account with theoretically full control.how to fix it?

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Administrator Permission Needed To Save Photos / Files To Own Folders

Aug 24, 2015

Once it was my turn to gain the free Windows 10 installation I went straight ahead and everything went well except when I went to save a photo to My Photos. Windows 10 began repeatedly asking for "administrator permission" to save to my OWN folders on my OWN laptop. My PC was not in a Homegroup, neither was it in a network of other PC's....I WAS the administrator!

If you encounter this problem (and many will) you may want to try my solution which after exhausting all other avenues including disabling inheritance and mucking about with Permissions, this does indeed work.

Windows 10 and Microsoft seem to think all PC's are networked (they are not) and so the solution is to join the Homegroup with yourself as the only member, that way you become "administrator" and gain back control of your files.

Start menu (bottom left) - type "Homegroup" in search box and then click on "settings" - click "Homegroup" - then follow instructions to set up a new Homegroup and make a note of the password it generates. Chose what folders to 'share' or not and then you will become homegroup administrator with full permissions. 

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Installation :: Unable To View Videos

Aug 18, 2015

I like most everything about Windows 10 but not able to view videos. Technically challenged I need some very simple step by step insruction. If this issue can't be resolved I would like to revert to Windows 7 which worked perfectly for me.

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Unable To View JPGs In Specific Folders

Sep 20, 2015

Running clean install Windows 10 pro, I did add a reg fix to enable photo viewer, which worked fine.

I have a many picture folders, which I was able to view all fine. Suddenly only on a few folders (approx 3 from 40) I started getting "windows photo viewer can't open this picture because either photo viewer doesn't support this file format, or you don't have the latest updates to photo viewer, error. I tried to view the same jpg's using Win10 photo and get the error "it appears we don't support this file format"... One folder has a BMP image which also won't open with any app, including paint.

Went to my backup copies, same issue. I can eliminate any malware or virus issue as I regularly scan my PC. I'm concerned because I could view these jpg's previously, I am thinking some sort of registry issue. I copied folder to USB and tried to open on another Win10 PC, with the same result. I then tried to open the jpg's on a Win 7 machine, same result. Have moved file from folder still won't open, check attributes of folder/files, I have full rights.

Now I'm concerned that the 40 or so "precious" files have become corrupt which would include my backup copies. The fact I've tried to access these files on three devices without success.

One Win10 device has the following event log entry;

"Activation of app Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App failed with error: The remote procedure call failed. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information."

Copying un-effective JPEGS into the effective folders open, copying singles files from other folders to affective folder won't open.

I tried to upload a file that won't open, it returns the message photo1.jpg this is not a valid image file.

At a loss as I can't open these files on three devices...

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Customization :: Unable To View New Clock / Calendar

Aug 19, 2015

I upgraded from Win7 to Win 10 and am not able to view the new clock/calendar.Tried the "UseWin32TrayClockExperience" hack but it still does not work with the entry set at "0". If I edit the entry to "1", I do see the win7 old clock. Just not able to get the Win 10 clock/calendar working.

View 9 Replies

Unable To View Photos Currently Stored On Camera

Oct 14, 2015

I have so far been unable to view the photos currently stored on my camera in windows 10. This was extremely easy with XP

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Permission Errors - Access Denied Messages When Saving Files In Various Local Directories

Aug 26, 2015

Ever since upgrading to Windows 10 I am having random "Access Denied" messages when saving files in various local directories. From my research it appears that I need to take ownership of my files again. However, I can't seem to get the system to understand that I am the owner. When attempting to take control many folders will come up with an enumeration error. Why I am unable to take possession of my own folders? I think the reason I'm having issues is that after I upgraded I switched to a Microsoft account which uses a different username than what I used previously before the upgrade. But, there should still be a way to claim access to my files.

Initial Error Message:

Enumeration Error when attempting to take ownership:

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Networking :: Unable To View Accounts And Spotty WiFi

Dec 5, 2015

I updated to Windows 10 from 8.1. It was working well until it told me I had to create a new account and password. So I did and now I can use the computer fine and I have now have to login at the beginning which I don't want. I am concerned because when I go to >Settings >Accounts >Your email and accounts .... I get absolutely nothing. Nothing shows up. I want to just start the machine up and not have to login.

I am using bootcamp with a MacPro which could be an issue but I had 8.1 running like a champ with no issues at all. Bootcamp is 5.1.

Also, my wifi connection was fine for a couple of days after the upgrade. I downloaded an automatic update and after that my wifi needs to be troubleshot to connect. Then it drops out after 10 minutes or heavy usage. My wifi had been working flawlessly with 8.1.

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PC Unable To Start Due To Corrupt Windows Files - Unable To Reformat HDD

Dec 22, 2015

Due to corrupt windows files my pc is unable to start. i am able to go into the bios, but after that it will freeze on the windows logo during start up. i have made a usb windows 10 installer and tried to start the pc up using that as my hard drive (went into bios and changed it to use that as my hard drive) but it still freezes on the same screen. I even unplugged my hdd and booted up but the same thing happens so I don't believe the problem is with my hd.

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Customization :: How To Edit / View Comments Tag For PNG Files

Sep 1, 2015

I can edit and view the tags (? these are called tags right ?) like 'Comments', 'Title', 'Authors' etc for .JPG and .JPEG files but cannot do the same for .PNG files. How do I it ?If it is not possible, then is there any way to convert 100s of png files to some other format ?

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View Next / Previous Image Files Without Unzip

Oct 29, 2015

Before win10 (until 8.1), I was able to open image files within zipped folder with Windows Photo Viewer and view next/previous pictures. After upgraded to win10, I can still open a pictures file within zipped folder but can no longer continuously view next/previous image. I have to either unzip or double each one to open.

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Multiple Monitors And Can't View Files But See Them In Task Bar

Aug 14, 2015

I've recently updated from windows 7 to 10. I went to set up my dual monitors (I have 1 to my left) for some reason the monitor to my lefts identity is 3 center is Number 2. I can't seem to change this to 1 and 2

Next issue I can open a file and I can see it in my task-bar on the bottom but it won't open up on either monitor (# 2 or 3) It appears to be opened perhaps on a monitor to my right that does not exist (# 1 perhaps) I can slide some files over to my left (#3) and every now and then a file from my task-bar opens on my main monitor.

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How To Gain Access To The Windows Apps Folder

Nov 26, 2015

I already googled it and every tutorial is the same. When I go to do it, it doesn't work. I don't have a Microsoft account. I specified a local account user name. This is what I'm selecting as owner. The computer is not transferring access to the user im selecting.

I want to gain access to this folder, because this folder is on my friggin data drive!?!? I have a 1Tb drive partitioned into 3. The OS is installed on one partition, I install all my programs on the second partition, and I save all my crap on the 3rd partition. Well, I found the windows apps folder on my data partition and I want it out of here. I want it to go back to where ever it came from. I think when I was messing around with all the windows settings, under storage I specified that everything is saved to my data drive, even apps. I dont use apps. I dont want this folder on my data drive.

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Apps :: How To Gain Access To WindowsApps Folder Not In C

Feb 10, 2016

I followed this guide to gain access for WindowsApps folder, and it worked.Now, I changed default drive for WindowsApps, to install Gears of War and Quantum Break(in future) in a larger drive. But the method to gain access to the WindowsApps folder, seem to not work if the drive isn't C, the default one.

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Can't Gain Access To BIOS Or Start Setting Up Windows

Sep 18, 2015

So i just finished successfully building my rig, and everything was fine, I got access to my BIOS on my first boot, didn't really fiddle with many of the settings except for the boot priority and the XMP profile. Once I was done I decided to input my windows 10 cd into my optical drive, I pressed the restart button on my case, and now suddenly my mouse and keyboard (both USB) wont work, thus I cant gain access to my bios or start setting up windows. I tried switching the cables to different usb ports (on the mother board and the case ports) and it didn't do anything.

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None Hidden Files And Folders Are Hidden From View?

Aug 29, 2015

I recently did a clean install on Windows 10. I've updated my drivers, downloaded some games, even made some system restore points. I installed Steam & it killed my internet, making connections to the Internet, Dropbox, sporadic though my RPD client seemed unphased..I think it has to do with Steams UDP request overwhelming my Comcast modem.

Anyways, so I did a system restore prior to installing steam and fixed the problems, I have great internet again. The problem I am now having is that I check my downloads folder on Windows 10 and my previous downloads are not there, so I redownload them. Now I have all these new downloads showing up as programinstaller.exe (1), as if there's already a file with the exact same name in that folder. Sure enough I was going to reinstall steam, the installer was not visible, but doing a folder search it shows up.

how I can see all of the files in my folders, it's going to drive me bonkers having files that I can't see. I have hidden files checked to be shown.

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Unable To Play MPG Files

Nov 23, 2015

I am aware that windows 10 (I am used to Windows 7) will not negatively play MPG files. I know this is a side effect of the codec being ripped out to prevent DVD playback via Media Player. The annoying thing is I have quite a few family MPG files mainly from our ageing Sony Camcorder on my system. Luckily I have Cyberlink Media Show pre installed that can play the files within it's own software and the media suite (espresso) can convert said files to other formats.

However, converting takes time and it is frustrating that media player 12 won't do the job and Windows Explorer won't display these MPG files with the handy thumbnail within file explorer viewing. Given that I am a little distrustful of codec packs and all my other files such as MP4, WMV etc etc play well I am looking for a solution that maybe just allows windows explorer to display the thumbnails and as an added bonus Media Player can once again play them. It does seem draconian that MS stifled a common playback format such as MPG in the last 2 windows and a major backwards step. I know I could download something like VLC or Media Player Classic but it seems pointless seeing as I have software that can already play them.

I tried K Lite Codec Pack a while back but hated the effect it had that I uninstalled. It was causing thumbnails to constantly refresh everytime I opened a folder. So is there a way of slipping in a single codec only related to MPG files without risk of unsettling all the other stuff that works well? Many of the codec packs seem to have the unpleasant side effect of slipping in extra installations and seem very dodgy and capable of causing grief.

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SFC Unable To Repair Some Files

Oct 18, 2015

Having trouble with my computer put in a sd card and an error said directory not vaild so after some looking online it said to run sfc so did that but it did not fix   some  errors. Upgraded from Win7 my computer is custom built...

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Unable To Read PDF Files

Aug 7, 2015

A friend gave me some medical reference materials before I left on a volunteer position in Trinidad and Tobago, but most are in pdb format. I can open the MSWord and pdf files but unable to read the pdf files.

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Found Corrupt Files But Unable To Fix Some

Nov 7, 2015

I went into the CBS log as stated by the cmd, and these were the only things I could find that were not fixed.

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Unable To Amend Or Type In Existing PDF Files

Jan 21, 2016

I have downloaded windows 10 and since then have been unable to amend or type in existing PDF files.

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Unable To Delete Files When Searching In Explorer

Feb 10, 2016

I cannot seem to delete files when I'm doing a regular search in windows. I can go to any folder and delete files, but I when I see the same files in a search result, pressing del does nothing and when I right click, I have no option to delete them like I do when I'm just viewing a folder. Am I missing something completely obvious here? Is this really a feature or a bug or what?

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Apps :: Unable To Save Any Files To Folders

Aug 13, 2015

since installing Windows 10, I can not save updates to word files or anything to a folder. I've read I should change the user settings that default to 'read-only' in the system folder. I've done this 3 times. The fix doesn't work.

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