User Folders Pictures And Films Share The Same Path

Dec 11, 2015

So my problem is that Pictures and Films folders in My Computer screen share the same path and even the same name, meaning that if I open either one a common folder will be opened.

I have tried to relocate them to different places but when I do it for Films for example Pictures folder also move to the new location. How do I divide them?

Attached Files : untitled.jpg   136.43KB

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Moving Folders To Another HD - Specified Path Is Invalid

Apr 7, 2016

I am moving my documents, videos, etc. folders to another internal HD.  I have two issues:
1. When I right-click on the folder, properties, location, and try to change back to default, it gives me a "access is denied error message".
2. When I try to change the folder to a new folder on the HD, it tells me that "the specified path is invalid".

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Deleting Music / Pictures And Videos Folder From C (User)

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Is it ok to delete Music, pictures, and videos folders from C:/Users/user? I recall this not working and having to hack the registry a bit to make it work in Windows 7. How can I do it in Windows 10? I really don't need these folders as I find they just clutter up my file explorer and anyway I choose to store my media elsewhere.

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Cannot Work With Pictures That Are In Folders

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with windows 7 (the os i used before) i was able to organize my picture folder with folder and still see all those pictures with the slideshow. how do i get windows 10 to do that without destroying my organization?

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How To Stop Photos App From Displaying Thumbnails Of User / Pictures Folder

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If you start up the Windows Photos app, it opens with a screen displaying all the photos in your user/pictures folder in thumbnail form which I find highly annoying. I want it to start with a blank screen. Is there a way to do this? I thought I might get it to clear up by pointing the folder it monitors to an empty folder and removing the user/pictures folder from settings but the thumbnails are still there...

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Multiple Documents And Pictures Folders Appearing

Jan 6, 2016

Whenever I open file explorer multiple copies of the documents and pictures folders appear in the side bar. When I click on them they are all exactly the same. It starts off with one then a second appears then a third. Thirteen is the most I have seen so far.

What is causing this or how I get it to stop? (Picture attached) 

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Unable To Move Location Of My Documents Or My Pictures Folders

Nov 15, 2015

So currently when I go into "This PC" I have 6 icons at the top : Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures & Videos.

As I'm running my OS off a 120gb SSD I typically store my documents/photos/videos etc on another drive, in this case my D drive. If I right click > Properties on these folders there is a tab titled Location, which normally lets me change where the folder points to. However on both the Documents and Pictures folders I see the following issue when trying to change away from the default "Onedrive" location :

Note : This is the error I get when I try to move the folder location ANYWHERE, not just to the D drive.

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Unable To Create Or Save Files In Documents And Pictures Folders

Jul 29, 2015

As with many I have upgraded to Windows 10 today and it is going well except for the fact I am unable to save any files or create new ones in the Documents and Pictures folders or any sub-folders within these folders. For instance, I tried to save an image created in paint and attempted to save it in the Pictures folder, it gave me the error message seen in this picture below:

Note, I am the only user on the system, and also the admin account so I do not know why it says this. Clicking Yes on the box does nothing and the same thing still occurs afterward. In addition, bringing up the right click menu and going to new only allows me to create a new folder, and the windows admin shield icon appears next to it. Deleting files also prompts me to ask for admin permission but in that case I can simply click the continue button and it goes through.

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Can't Watch Films And Play Game At Same Time

Aug 31, 2015

I run dual monitors and When I was rocking windows 8.1 I could game and watch movies at the same time with with no problems.

Now I have upgraded to 10, every time I try and watch something the picture lags but the not the sound when I'm on a game. But if I select the tab running the film it runs fine even with the game running in the background. But as soon a select the game it go's back to being crap and stutters/lags.

This happens while using VLC, windows media player and streaming online with things like YouTube, Netflix and everything you could think of for streaming films.

I've done many scans to check for a virus and nothing came up.

Probably not the cause but the game I play is called warframe.

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Networking :: Changes User Rights On Folders?

Sep 27, 2015

I am running a multiboot W7-pro and W10-pro with several harddisks build in the computer to discover that after W10 used a disk W7 wants to check it to find no errors. Beside that I am not allowed to delete some folders I created in W7 after using them in W10 and they are set to free for use for everybody.

W7 now askes me to get permission from that everybody. I think they mean the W10-everybody. Understand that security is important nowadays but this is becoming a disaster! Also discovered that running the backupapplication Cobian (that always did a perfect job in W7) now is not allowd to acces lots of files in W7 anymore after W10 did ?????something??????.

Another example: I have two SATA backup 1 Tb Disks I switch every few weeks. W10 refused to see the new one after the first switch. Had to go deep into settings to carefully trying to open its content again as W10 told me zero bytes were used. In the end the 900 Gb data was there again but I have forgotten all the steps needed to fix it.

My best guess is that beside Microsoft is messing around with accounts and rights to get full control of your computer. They do not want you to be in control yourself anymore and you have to (must) only use W10 in the future. I am starting to feel a big fool that upgraded to W10 as I am loosing control over my PC's and home-network day by day!!!!

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User Folders Link In Start Menu

Jan 17, 2016

I was in my users folders & deleted them (Download, Favorites, Videos etc...)Then, i realized that my start menu which has option to "ON" to make them appear, got issue with link missing.I recreated all the forders by default with windows tools (regedit & i have all references created in reg %USERPROFILE%* & in my user folder)

So... i've tried a last attempt by, creating a new user, & create Start Menu Places & pushing the links etc but even with that, nothing done (looks like it's more for people getting grey menu on/off)HOW to retrieve the missing link from elements in start menu for :
- Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos.

All the others links are working :
- Homegroup, Network, Personal Folder, File Explorer, Settings, Power, All apps.

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Unrecognized Folders Under User - How To Safely Delete

Aug 31, 2015

My account is 'Lenovo' all the others i never use, they're all empty.

I noticed the folders 'default.migrated' and 'UpdatusUser', i've never seen them before how do i remove them?

I'd also like to remove public and the hidden 'default' folder if it's possible?

Is it normal for it to say 'windows 8' when i have 10 installed?

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Able To Hide Default User Folders In Windows Explorer?

Sep 14, 2015

I would like to hide desktop, documents, downloads, music, pictures, and videos folder under this PC in windows explorer.

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User Folders On Separate Drive Take Forever To Load

Jul 9, 2015

I'm trying to access my user folder on a different hard drive, but it takes forever to load and then afterwards does nothing. I think I've already set all the permissions and stuff but it still isn't working.

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Apps :: What Is The Path To The Store

Dec 2, 2015

I am customizing the tile icons for my start menu using TileCreator. I would like to set a custom tile for the windows store however I cannot figure out what the path to the windows store is in order to do so. Google has failed me in this pursuit.

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Networking :: Cannot Connect To Network Path On NAS

Feb 10, 2016

I have a Windows 10 Pro 64bit box as my NAS

Storage Spaces, ReFS, 2 drives mirrored
HDD sleep on idle
Hibernate/Sleep disabled

My problem is when I typically save or open a file with the Windows file dialog on any Windows 10 machine, and I try to go to that machine through the network path //MyNAS/MyFiles, it initially gives me a cannot connect or find error.Is this due to the dialog not waking up the drives on the NAS? Something is obviously asleep here, and I usually end up opening Total Commander or Windows Explorer to "wake up" the connection and then everything works. I don't mind waiting, but I'd like the dialogs to hold tight until it connects, not give me not found or cannot connect.

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Can't Play Music CD - The Specified Path Does Not Exist?

Dec 9, 2015

Can't play a music CD! When I put a CD in my drive I get a message: The Specified Path Does Not Exist"?????

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How To Display Full File Path In Explorer

Feb 10, 2016

There is a tutoral on this issue, but it doesn't solve the central problem, which is, where is the folder? I mean, which drive is it on?

The image shown in the tutoral gives the file path as beginning with "This PC". But WHERE on this PC?

My PC has several drives, and with Windows Explorer being increasingly dumbed down to support people who don't maintain logically arranged folder systems, life is becoming harder for the rest of us. I want to transfer individual files on Gladinet to Amazon AWS, where for cost reasons I store and share our company's 100 GB of data. But I can't transfer them if I don't know what drive they're on.

View 9 Replies

Networking :: Spontaneous 0x80070035 The Network Path Was Not Found

Sep 30, 2015

I have two computers, both run Windows 10, One runs Pro and the other Home (odd considering both were free upgraded from 7 Pro, but that is a currently unanswered for 2 month question for Microsoft to resolve...). Onto business, my main PC (Triton hereon out) spontaneously throws the 0x80070035 (network path not found) error. The other PC (Prometheus) is always on, its always connected. To add insult to injury, there is nearly always an open VNC connection (Prometheus runs headless, no monitor, hence VNC), so I know the computer is connected at all times and it is at least visible in one way as the VNC connection never drops. This problem has been going on since I got the free 10 upgrade. Both previously used Windows 7 Pro and had no connection problems with each other.

So here is what I have tried so far.
- Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
- Restart both PCs
- Exit homegroups and make a new one
- Uninstall VirtualBox incase it was trying to use its (VirtualBox) imaginary network on both machines (both are now running it again though after it didn't work)
- Disabling / exiting VNC Viewer/Server on both servers before connecting

The only odd thing I have noticed is my router/modem in one has six IPv6 addresses for Prometheus, whilst Triton only has two. Both have one IPv4 assigned, see this image for info. If it matters, I connect to Prometheus via VNC by name 'Prometheus' instead of its local IP. Incase Windows does it a different way? remember this is spontaneous, sometimes (i'd say about 30% of the time) it connects and I can view and copy/edit Prometheous' files no questions asked, the other times it will throw this error but after a few tries it will let me in.

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Lost Files - Path Not Found Error Message

Dec 17, 2015

Just had computer upgraded to windows 10. When I try to acces the old shortcuts, I get path not found error message 

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Can't Enter Regedit After Trying To Change Default Installation Path

Mar 31, 2016

I just bought a new laptop with an SSD and a 1TB harddrive - I wanted to change the default installation path from the SSD, to the harddrive and found this link to do it: [URL] .....

So I followed the instructions from the thread:
"Open regedit (Start > Run > "regedit"). Then find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion". Now look in the right pane. Change "ProgramFilesDir", "ProgramFilesPath", "ProgramW6432Dir" and "ProgramFilesDir (x86)". If your secondary drive letter is D:, then change them to "D:Program Files", "D:Program Files", "D:Program Files" and "D:Program Files (x86)", in that order that I just mentioned."

But now i can't install or uninstall programs, I can't open regedit to revert the changes, and the backup I made (also by following the thread) doesn't work! I can't even open up Task Manager... When i try using "run" and typing in "regedit", an error pops up saying: "Windows cannot find C:WINDOWS

egedit.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I cannot use "run" as an administrator either. How can i reverse what i did?

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Cannot Start Windows Search Service - Error 3 Cannot Find Path

Nov 15, 2015

Earlier today I tried to rebuild the windows search index, only to find out that I currently have no locations indexed. I also cannot modify to add any new locations. Windows search troubleshooter shows the following results:

I went to services and tried to start the windows search service, only to be given an error message about the path specified not existing. This doesn't make any sense because I can literally see the windows search executable:

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Networking :: Error Code 0x80070035 - Network Path Was Not Found

Dec 20, 2015

I am unable to access one of three computers on my local network via File Explorer. I can access the other two and I can access a network local external drive.

The error is : error code 0x80070035 the network path was not found

This expands into: one or more network protocols are missing on this computer windows sockets registry entries required for network connectivity are missing...

The post from SimBy in Network Protocols says to disable netbios over TCP/IP. I don't know how to do that.

Windows 10 on HP Envy

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Admin User Or Any User Folder Not Available In Computer Files?

Aug 29, 2015

While try to write a path for addons such as a game, there is no user available in the folder?

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Create Shortcut Target Path Points To Wrong Program Files Folder

Oct 9, 2015

When I create a shortcut to file in Program Files, the target path for that shortcut will be to Program Files (x86), even though the start in path will be correct. Furthermore, even though the target path is incorrect and no icon is displayed for the shortcut, the shortcut still works.Shortcuts to items placed in the Program Files folder by an installer do not have this problem. It is only for files that are manually placed in the Programs Files folder by me the user, i.e. copy and pasted there.

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Cannot Share HDD To Network

Oct 23, 2015

I have a Windows 7 ultimate pc and I 2 tb hdd I'm trying to share with the network. I have it share by right clicking it and going to properties, sharing, advanced sharing and sharing it that way.

I also set the permissions to everyone with full access and owner to everyone full access. But when I go to my windows 10 pc I can see it so I click on it and go to it but when I try and paste files into it I get an error saying you need permission.

Why I would get this when everyone should have access.

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