When Turn On Laptop And Sign In Screen Keeps Turning On And Off Repeatedly

Aug 13, 2015

I recently downloaded windows 10 onto my ACER laptop, however when I turn my laptop on and sign in, my screen keeps turning on and off over and over again, I've tried turning it off and restarting it. I'm not sure what's going on.

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Laptop (DELL L502X) Screen Backlight Doesn't Turn Off

Dec 19, 2015

I recently updated my DELL L502X to Windows 10 from Windows 7. All drivers have been installed and Device Manager shows no problem. However I'm seeing a weird issue. I'm using an external monitor (ASUS) through HDMI. I'm setting the display to show on external monitor only. In Windows 7, everything works fine. After the Windows boot logo disappears, laptop screen turns off and external monitor turns on. In Windows 10, however, there is an issue.

After boot logo disappears, external monitor turns on, and laptop screen turns off - but not completely. There is no content anymore but the back light is still on. If I switch the display mode to Duplicate or Extend (just to turn on the laptop screen) and switch back to Second Monitor Only, the laptop screen can turn off completely.

Both monitors are shown as Generic PnP Monitors in Device Manager. I don't know if this is a driver problem or something related to my laptop. The bottom line is in Windows 7 there is no such a problem.

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Laptop Screen Won't Turn Back On Without Closing Lid (Asus Ux501vw)

Mar 23, 2016

I got a Asus ux501vw laptop a couple of months ago and have been having an issue with the screen not be able to turn back on after it turns off.

I'm running Windows 10 x64. The issues happens in any resolution (it's a 4k screen but usually I run 1080p for better software compatability).

This happens when it goes into power saving mode or I use fn7. I can't get the screen back on unless I close the laptop lid and sign back in again. When it happens I can sometimes change the brightness and I can hear notification noises which suggest the laptop is running fine without the screen being on.

Steps I have tried with no result:
- rolling back gpu driver to version thathat came with laptop
- updating bios and chipset (recommended by asus)
- resetting the power management settings

Some weird findings:
- in safety mode there is no issue (though when the screen shuts off I can see the backlight is on full which is different to normal boot)
- If there is a second monitor plugged in the issue goes away (in either extend or duplicate)
- if there is no second monitor plugged in and I hit f7 the screen won't turn back on. As soon as I plug in the second monitor the screen comes back on.

What could be causing this? Is there some monitoring program I should use to find out what is happening when the screen is supposed to be back on but it's not?

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Cannot Login To Acer Laptop - Repeatedly Asking For Username / Password

Apr 8, 2016

I cant login to my acer laptop running on windows 10 os..it keeps asking for user name and password...what can i do?

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Drivers/Hardware :: Laptop Fan Not Always Turning On

Aug 20, 2015

I am having an issue on my Inspiron 15 where my cooling fan doesnt always start up. For example, ill start up the laptop, and start web browsing or playing a game, and the fan will never turn on. I have had it overheat and shut off a few times. But if i restart the laptop manually (start>power>restart), it will spin up automatically as it should. But then after a few more restarts, i will have a session where the fan will never turn on. Right now my only solution, besides a restart, is to use the program Speedfan, and ramp the fans to 100%. My other Inspiron 15, running a Broadwell i7 and Windows 10, has no issues at all.

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Laptop Turning Itself Off - Power Settings On Never

Jan 7, 2016

I am running Win 10 on a laptop. I have changed all the power settings to "NEVER" for everything. The laptop is on AC (not battery). No power outages.

But when I come back after being away from the laptop for an hour or so. It is in sleep mode (I think) - I have to turn the button on and it comes on (to the way it was when I left but loses the connect to 2 of my USB ports. SO I have to restart the computer to be able to do anything.

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Unknown File Opening Upon Turning On Laptop?

Feb 10, 2016

A file called backup.txt is trying to open every time I turn on my laptop. It never opens because there's no default application for the file, so Windows usually asks me which app I want to open it with. I chose notepad because it was a txt file, but nothing happened.

View 5 Replies

Networking :: WiFi Adapter Keeps Turning Off Randomly On Laptop

Aug 2, 2015

So yesterday my wi-fi started to turn off randomly for no reason, its not my internet connection becouse it works on other devices. Also i already tried ticking off power saving option on my network adapter, it worked for a while i thought, but after i restarted my laptop even though its still ticked off, its still turning off randomly.. (Also i noticed it turns off when i plug or unplug my mouse?)

Other problems i have:

1. Cant set opera as my default browser it asks me if i want to set it as default every time i open it and i always click yes..

2. Cant turn my touchpad off even though when i use fn+f9 it says its turned off..

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How To Reset A Password - Cannot Sign In To Laptop After Upgrade

Nov 19, 2015

Laptop has been upgraded to windows 10 and now can't get in! how to reset the password?

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USB 3.0 Ports Shows No Sign Of Connection Like Blinking LED After Upgrading Laptop

Aug 20, 2015

I had recently clean installed Windows 10 on my laptop. Before doing that, all my drivers were working well except for WiFi - a problem since build 10158. Currently I am on build 10240.

When I plug usb sticks into the USB 3.0 ports on my laptop, they don't connect. It's not like the 'not recognised' problem. It simply shows no sign of connection like blinking its LED or any response from the OS. On the other hand, when I connect my Lumia phone in the same ports, it warns me of Slow Charging.

And when I plug it into the 2.0 port, it gets connected. Why is this happening? All of my device drivers are up to date. I believe its not a hardware issue because my laptop has two such ports and both of them have the same problem.

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Screen Turning Off During Games?

Aug 10, 2015

I am having a really annoying problem when playing games. After about 10 minutes my screen will turn black and the light on my monitor goes orange as if it's not connected. When I installed Windows 10 I had the exact problem, but this was because it was defaulting to my on board graphics not my Graphics card and I fixed this.

System Information
Time of this report: 8/10/2015, 14:06:55
Machine name: LONO-PC
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10240) (10240.th1.150729-1800)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M.


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Dell Laptop Will Not Turn On (at First)

Dec 6, 2015

I went to Dell and saw that my laptop is compatible with Windows 10. It's a Dell Inspiron 3737. I thought I fixed my issue when I disabled "fast startup" in power settings. It occurs to me that some of my problems were fixed (excessive battery draining).

If I shut the lid and leave it, the next day the laptop won't turn on. I have to hold the power button down until I see the power LED flash and then I can press the button again to turn on the laptop.

View 9 Replies

Tablet Going To Sleep Instead Of Turning Off Screen

Aug 2, 2015

I use a Lenovo Miix tablet as a "kiosk". The tablet hangs on a wall, and never goes to sleep - but it turns off the screen after 1 minute inactivity. Touching the screen should light it up immediately.

All this worked wonderfully with Windows 8.1. After the move to Win10, touching the black screen does not light it up. It seems that Win10 puts the tablet to sleep, although the power options are clearly set to "Sleep: NEVER".

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Screen Saver Not Working After Turning On Computer?

Aug 4, 2015

I've set up screen saver to show my pictures. It works fine during the day. If I turn off my computer at night and turn it on in the morning the screen saver does not work.

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Just Get Permanent Black Screen After Turning On Computer

Jan 1, 2016

When I turn on the computer windows won't start. It starts to load then I just get a permanent black screen, which doesn't change until I boot the system, then it happens again. 

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Screen Turning Black After Unhooking Headphones?

Aug 9, 2015

Ok here's whats happening I have a emachine el1360G originally windows 7 but recently upgraded to windows 10 pro.I had no previous problems with my headphones. There the kind you just plug in there nothing special. There the 5.00 ones from walmart. So like I said nothing special.Sometimes when I unplug the headphones the screen will flicker black a few times.

For example tonight I was watching a few videos with my headphones on from youtube. The headphones worked fine and no flashing screen. But then the cord came unplugged and then I went to my music folder without noticing the headphones were unplugged. And the screen flickered black twice. And then when I went into the artists folder it flashed twice again. Then I looked at the cord and plugged it back in and clicked on a .mp3 file to open and there was no more flashing.

So it only happens when the headphones come unhooked but if I turn the computer on without plugging in the headphones and then do the same thing with opening the folders and files there's no flashing screen.I was told once it maybe because I don't have updated display drivers but I checked tonight and I do. So now I'm stumped.

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Cannot Turn Laptop Off Except By Holding Down Power Button

Nov 23, 2015

Can get start screen with girl jogging. However often the Windows 10 icon at bottom left hand corner does not respond. If I click on Explorer icon get message "Explorer.EXE element not found". Cannot turn my laptop off except by holding down power button which causes other problems.

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Windows Laptop Always Turn Sideways When Turned On

Aug 22, 2015

My windows labtop is always turn sideways when i turn it on. I can change it when the computer is started up. How I can change it that i can get the right screen instead of the sideways screen?

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Black Screen When Turning On Computer Or Running Games

Feb 29, 2016

I bought my Razer Blade around November last year, and I automatically upgraded it to Windows 10. Since then, I've encountered the occasional glitch wherein I would run a game (usually either Heroes VI, but it does this with other games as well) and I would end up with a blank black screen. The keyboard is lit, and sometimes, not always, there is no audio playing. Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't work and I have to spend 5-15 minutes hard restarting my computer because when it restarts, it puts me back in the same state.

This went on maybe 2-3 times per week, until today where it happened to me again, but it took me around an hour to get it started up again. At first, I figured that it might have been my fault, and proceeded to download all the new drivers and uninstall, then reinstall all programs such as Nvidia, Intel and C++, but the problem persisted, throughout each mandatory restart. (Yes, I have seen the black screen on start up error, and it's not related to mine. I see no mouse. One thing to note is that my keyboard lights up when I turn the computer on, blacks out for a second, then lights back up again during the times that it does NOT display the Razer symbol upon opening.)

I'll attach my dxdiag.

I got it to work finally. What I did was go to Geforce control panel, went to 3d settings then manually routed everything to use the Nvidia, instead of using the generic setting. It fixed itself after doing that.

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Installation :: Laptop Won't Turn Off Or Restart Properly Since Upgrade

May 17, 2015

I recently started trying out Windows 10. It's buggy and frustrating, but it's still in preview mode, so... That's expected.

Nothing was working when I installed build 10074 off disc, so I installed build 9926 off a disc (I got the iso from MSDNAA, I'm a programming student) then upgraded via settings to 10074.

During the upgrade, my laptop started resetting, normal. But halfway through, the resets stopped working.

The screen switches off, the cd drive switches off and the hdd activity light switches off, but the power stays on, and the fan keeps running. It also doesn't switch off on shutdown either.

I finally have a working version of Windows 10, minus Cortana and Spartan (I'm in Aus), but now my laptop won't shut down.

Could it be drivers? Is it OS interference? Is there a way to fix it without uninstalling and re installing Win 10? I really cbf going through all that again...

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Networking :: WiFi Does Not Connect Automatically When Turn On Laptop?

Nov 25, 2015

After updating from windows 7 to 10 I faced a problem, my laptop's wifi does not auto connect when i turn it on, instead i have to reset my wifi adapter to connect to my wifi, this was not an issue on windows 7. My drivers are all up to date i even tried to reinstall them but still no result. It feels annoying to reset my adapter all the time when i turn on my laptop

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Dell 15-3521 Laptop Automatically Turn On Whenever Shutdown

Jul 31, 2015

I have Dell 15-3521 and it was working perfectly with no issues like this, now as the new update of Windows 10 is automatically installed, now after upgrading to Windows 10 whenever i shutdown my laptop it automatically turns itself ON. It is happening after upgrading to Windows 10. Whenever i shut it down it turn it self on after some time. Their is no task in Task Management which could turn it ON.

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Stuck At Sign-in Screen

Nov 30, 2015

I've had a problem where Windows was booting up fine sometimes, but other times it couldn't find the desktop settings, and I couldn't open any files (even though I could browse the hard drive) and there was no Start menu.

I've been trying various things to fix this, one of which was to set up a new user account. I followed instructions to open Powershell and I typed "net user TestUser password /add". It said it was successful.

Now I cannot even get into Windows. At the sign-in screen there are no users available at all (I just have the nice picture of blue window). I have tried shift-Restart to get to the troubleshooting options, but this doesn't work, it just restarts the PC and I get back to the same sign-in screen.

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Power Options On Sign In Screen

Sep 1, 2015

With Windows 8,1 I was able to sign out of my account and then put the PC to sleep (or shutdown, restart or hibernate) by selecting the option in the sign-in screen. But there is no power icon or any power options on the Windows 10 sign-in screen. I can only put the PC into sleep mode while signed in.

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Get A Blank Screen After Sign In Page?

Mar 16, 2016

During boot-up, I get a blank screen (shows cursor arrow which responds to touch pad movements), after the sign in page, which I can't I can't escape from except by forcing shut down and restart. The reboot can then take as long as five minutes to complete. I have considered using the restore route, but am warned that there is a long list of apps etc which will need re-installing, and this looks arduous.

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Accounts :: Photo To Use For Sign In Screen

Dec 26, 2015

When I click on the Browse button to find a photo to use for my sign on page, nothing happens.

I've attached a screen shot of the Settings page I am referring to. Browse Button does not work.

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