Why Can't Find Folder (My Pictures) After Upgrading

Feb 8, 2016

With Windows 7 I had two photo folders-- Pictures and My Pictures. Now, with Windows 10 I can only see those in Pictures.

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After Upgrading Can't Find Documents And Pictures?

Aug 18, 2015

A suggestion was to look in windows.old folder. That has nothing in the documents and pictures folders. How can I find these files?????

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Can't Find Background Pictures

Aug 2, 2015

once i changed my background. you have five photos to choose from. i tried my own captures as background. but when i went back to personalize, i couldn't find the photos which where originally there when i upgraded to windows 10!

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Why Can't Find Pictures On Computer Since Update

Feb 10, 2016

I am trying to find my pictures on my computer and I can't. I don't know if they're in another folder or what?

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No Screenshots Folder In Pictures Folder

Jul 31, 2015

I tried to take screenshots via the WinKey+PrtSc and the Fn+WinKey+PrtSc method. As expected, the screen briefly dimmed and then reestablished normal illumination as you would expect when taking a screenshot with previous Windows OS-es. (No functionality at all apparent via Ctrl+ WinKey+ PrtSc.) When I went to locate the screenshots in C:Users*****Pictures, there was no "Screenshots" folder. I tried searching for the folder and for the screenshots to no avail (though my search skills are rather novice, so I may have missed some obvious way to locate the missing folder). Screenshots will save to the clipboard through the two operable methods above and can be pasted to Paint. I tried visually searching numerous folders and hidden folders for the screenshots, to no avail.

So, I looked in the registry and found:


The ScreenshotIndex DWORD value is "3".In Win8, from what I have found trying to understand and solve this issue, you would also find an expandable string at this location: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUserShellFolders.It required value data which pointed to the pictures folder (%USERPROFILE%PicturesScreenshots).There was no such expandable string value present in my User Shell Folders location. I never had this problem in Windows 8/8.1 and I realize things may be done very differently in Windows 10, so I didn't add the expandable string that the tutorial I was reading referenced in order to to fix this problem in Windows 8.

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How To Retrieve The Pictures And Files Lost When Upgrading

Jan 25, 2016

I lost my Picasa pictures and my document files when I switched from windows 8 to windows 10

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Cannot Find Kaspersky Since Upgrading

Aug 1, 2015

cannot find my Kaspersky since upgrading laptop also not able to access settings as before

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Default Pictures Folder Is Gone

Dec 30, 2015

For some reason, my picture folder is in "Quick Access" pinned. When I go into the properties of the Photos folder that is pinned in "Quick Access", I look at the locations tab and it says it's in my User Folder. Though it does not appear inside of the User Folder, whereas Documents, Music, Downloads, and Videos folders are. I've unchecked "Hidden Items" and it's still not there. Now, if I type in the directory manually it opens as if it's there. On the left pane in the Windows Explorer where "This PC" is at, I have two Documents. One has the regular icon, the other has a picture icon. When I click on either of them, they take me to the Documents folder.

As you can see below somewhat of my predicament. How to get my pictures folder back to normal in "This PC" and my User Folder.

I have just realized my Documents folder icon inside the User Folder has the "One Drive" icon. I am not sure as to why that is as I've disabled One Drive completely on my computer. Extremely frustrating.

I deleted the "Documents" folder that has the Pictures folder icon and it deleted my actual Documents folder as well.

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Not Saving Pictures To Folder

Nov 1, 2015

I am having trouble saving pictures to my "Pictures" folder. I right click on the picture sent to me via e-mail, Facebook, etc I click "Save Link As". I rename the picture and try to save it to my "Pictures" Folder. It says that I do not have permission to save to that folder so I have to save it to "Documents". What is going on? Why can I not save it to my "Pictures" Folder? I have saved a lot of pictures to it before. Why do I not have permission? It is my computer. How do I give myself permission to save it to my "Pictures" folder?

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Getting Photos From Dropbox To Pictures Folder

Feb 10, 2016

I am getting photos out of Dropbox (sent to me) into Windows Ex;plorer but I can't get them out of Explorer into my Pictures folder!

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Customization :: How To Get Slideshow Of All Pictures Not Just One Folder

Aug 6, 2015

I have many folders with photos and want to run a slideshow of all of them but when I choose 'Pictures' Windows 10 will not show anything. I have to pick one folder. That folder will run nicely, but I would like to include ALL folders.

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Customization :: Folder With Pictures Can't Be Used As Screensaver

Oct 26, 2015

I'll try to use a folder with pictures as screensaver - which I had in WINXP and WIN7. But I receive a message, that the folder can't be used because it's not in the right place. Where should I store this folder to work as screensaver in WIN10?

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Folder Properties And Icon Pictures?

Oct 4, 2015

Two days ago I woke up to this problem, my icon pictures are gone and I can't access properties when I right click anything. So, night before everything was fine, PC went to sleep mode, next morning i get up wake PC from sleep mode and the problem i mentioned was there. Some of the icons i used are custom and some default, so the problem is not in one of those 2 things, and since i cant access properties i figure it is some deeper issue than just icon's picture missing.

Here is the screenshot, i'll leave it like this here, too, because I am new here and not sure how attachment thing works

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Deleted Documents And Pictures Folder

Jan 13, 2016

I've deleted the 'Documents' and 'Pictures' folders which appear under 'Folders' when you click on 'This PC'

I did this because I'm trying to get into the habit of using my OneDrive not my local disk for storage.

The folder icons are still present, however they now have a little syncing icon attached to them, and I can obviously no longer access them. I get the following error message when I click on them or whenever I perform an action that opens a default folder, such as attempting to attach a document to an email.

I can navigate just fine to my OneDrive by clicking the OneDrive icon, it's just these folders under This PC which seem to be affected, though the file path on the error message confuses the heck out of me because it says it's in my OneDrive.

I'd like to ideally just change my settings so that my OneDrive is the default folder that opens for all of these kind of actions (attaching documents to emails, default location to save files etc.)

Secondarily I'd like to restore the folders under This PC (just the folders, there were no files in them) as the syncing icon bugs me a bit.

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Customization :: Folder Pictures Set Randomly Defaulting

Feb 10, 2016

Basically I've been doing some serious customisation to my media folders.. I've arranged everything where I want them from movies to TV and animated TV. I've even go as far as to put artwork on all folders.. For example in my marvel folder I've got an Marvel Cinamatic universe logo set and inside all the films have the did covers set.

I've been adding this artwork by right clicking the folders the films are inside. Going to customisation tab and selecting older pictures, which I then set a picture I've saved of the film cover..

My issue is that 2 times now I've gone through setting all this up to look nice and randomly when I restart the computer most of the artwork disappears from the folder and it goes back to the Windows default folder picture with just the media logo inside it..

Why this keeps happening and how I would stop it from forgetting the picture I've set up? It's really annoying having to set it all back up again and again for each individual folder and so time consuming!!

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File Explorer Not Directing To Right Folder - Documents / Pictures

Nov 23, 2015

I recently got a new gaming laptop and it's been working like a charm, especially since I upgraded it to 10. I am having a problem with my libraries however - this laptop essentially has 3 drives; the (C:) SSD for OS and a few games, and two other normal drives (D: E:) ... one for my games, the other for documents and such.

Due to this, whenever I am in the file explorer and need the quick access to get to say, music, it goes directly the the file on the C: drive rather than where my music folder is actually at, and how to actually change it. My save location was changed to this drive, as well as manually going into the libraries folder in %appdata% and changing the settings to my E: drive, but this hasn't changed anything. This is both under quick access (which can be changed with the pins I believe), but also the drop-down for This PC. Right-clicking these folders for properties does show the folders under C:User[Name], but no way to change.

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Moved Shared Pictures Folder To Another Drive But Didn't Name It

Feb 10, 2016

I recently upgraded to Windows 10, Put OS onto SSD along with a few other essentials and have a second hard drive for storage.The shared Pictures, Videos, Documents (etc) folders were all by default on my relatively small SSD. how to move location of the folders (right click the relevant folder, select 'Properties', then select 'Location', then 'Move', browse to where you want it to go . . .)

Here's the thing, in the process of moving my 'Pictures' folder to what is currently labelled as my F: drive, I managed to browse to F - but not actually select a folder.My 'Pictures' location is now my F: drive , oops, I'm now feeling like a bit of a donkey! but hey ho, I'll just move 'Pictures' again - to a folder this time - with a name right? - NO, that wont work - I guess because it now thinks I want to move the entire contents of my F: drive maybe?

OK - well, there's an option to 'Restore Default' (within the Location tab) - I select that and it looks promising, the original target on my C: drive shows in the window but upon pressing 'Apply' it then asks:Do you want to move all of the files from the old location to the new location?

Old location: F:
New Location: C:UsersLaptopPictures

We recommend moving all of the files so that programs needing to access the folder's content can do so.And if I press yes, I get:The folder can't be moved hereAccess is denied.Basically the same issue again - The 'Folder' in this case is my F: drive that has other shared folders within it - so I guess that's why I can't do this?So, currently I have a drive as a location for my 'Pictures' not a convenient holding folder within that drive.The method for moving all the other folders has been fine (where I actually moved them to named folders on a different drive).

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Show Thumbnail Image When Opening Folder Containing Pictures

Aug 18, 2015

When opening a folder containing pictures how do I get win 10 to show a thumb nail size image...

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Security :: Permission To Save Images To Pictures Folder?

Dec 1, 2015

When trying to save an image to my Pictures folder in Windows 10, I receive an error message that states I don't have permission to save in this location and that I should contact the administrator to obtain permission.

I'm the only user on this computer and I'm an administrator. What am I doing wrong? What settings do I need to change to allow me to save in this location? I can save files to other folders, but no the Pictures folder.

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How To Get Pictures Back From Sample Picture Folder - No Backup

Aug 21, 2015

So, I had a sample pictures folder in my pictures and I had more picture folders within the folder and then I updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10, without backing anything up. And after the update I couldn't find those pictures at all and now I'm freaking out big time. How do I get those pictures back from that sample picture folder.

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Deleting Music / Pictures And Videos Folder From C (User)

Mar 29, 2016

Is it ok to delete Music, pictures, and videos folders from C:/Users/user? I recall this not working and having to hack the registry a bit to make it work in Windows 7. How can I do it in Windows 10? I really don't need these folders as I find they just clutter up my file explorer and anyway I choose to store my media elsewhere.

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Access Denied - Moving Pictures Folder To Default Or Other Locations

Jun 8, 2015

I changed the location the of my Pictures folder from the default C:usersmynamePictures to D:onedrivepictures, Worked great until I decided to use new Google Photo on Google Drive. Using File Explorer, I moved all photos from D:one drivepictures to E:Google DriveGoogle Photos. Then went to library/Pictures/properties/location/move and selected my new folder E:Google DriveGoogle Photos, hit apply, responded no to 'do you want to move all the files' and got pop up 'Folder cant be moved here - Access Denied.

I've tried restore to original, created other test folders on drive D and E - it wont save to any other location or restore to default location - get the Access denied.

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Pictures Folder Now Named As Videos After Changing Target Locations

Feb 4, 2016

I've recently been changing the target locations of some user folder (documents, pictures, videos, music) and seem to have messed something up during the process.

My 'Pictures' folder is now called 'Videos' and I can't rename it back to Pictures again. This is because its a user folder or 'shell' folder I've read. How to change it back?

Photo : [URL] .....

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How To Stop Photos App From Displaying Thumbnails Of User / Pictures Folder

Aug 1, 2015

If you start up the Windows Photos app, it opens with a screen displaying all the photos in your user/pictures folder in thumbnail form which I find highly annoying. I want it to start with a blank screen. Is there a way to do this? I thought I might get it to clear up by pointing the folder it monitors to an empty folder and removing the user/pictures folder from settings but the thumbnails are still there...

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Delete Windows Old Folder When Upgrading

Aug 2, 2015

I ran the upgrade and now have a Windows.old folder taking up 31GBs. If you are not planning on rolling back to 8.1, you can remove this folder following these steps: Windows.old Folder - Delete in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

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Search Can't Find Files In Google Drive Folder

Sep 19, 2015

Problem:I press Start / I type the filename of any files I know exist in my Google Drive folder (c:/users/Luke/Google Drive) nothing appears.It says "Windows is still indexing some files. This might not be everything just yet."

Thing is, if I go to Indexing Options, it clearly says "Indexing complete." and there's no HDD activity (and it's had ages to rebuild the index)... and I rebuilt the index (~500,000 files).

The best workaround I've found is switching off Indexing (which reveals files in Google Drive folder, but now searching the whole computer takes forever)

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