Computer Starts On Its Own After Complete Shutdown
Nov 16, 2015
I recently upgraded from windows 8 to windows 10. but ever since I have a problem. I shut the computer down (start bar, power and shut down) and at some point a few hours later the computer starts up again on its own but I haven't changed anything so can only pin point it to the upgrade.
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Dec 1, 2015
Just Yesterday upgraded from 8.1 to 10 with out any problems. But, Unless fast start up is disabled, windows will start by itself a few minutes later after I shutdown. Did not have this problem before with 8.1.
Always had fast startup selected, matter of fact, never had to worry about it, had no problems when shutting down, it stayed off until I turned it on. Now since upgraded to 10, the only solution so far to stop the computer from starting up by itself after shutdown, is to disable fast start.
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Dec 6, 2015
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Nov 22, 2015
It turned on from a complete shut down.
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Dec 26, 2015
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I have updated antivirus/antimalware programs that I run frequently/automatically.
What can be going on, and is there a way to avoid this restoring to start when I turn my computer on?
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Dec 6, 2015
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Dec 10, 2015
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Aug 11, 2015
I have installed W10 twice using the update feature. Everything work fine except when I want to shutdown or put the machine to sleep by clicking on those options, the machine makes noise like the HD is working. It then just shuts down and reboots again. The only way I can shut it off is by using the button on the computer.
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Sep 17, 2015
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Aug 16, 2015
Windows 10 kept wanting to restart after it has been shutdown. The computer would have its power indicator turned off for maybe 2 seconds, then you hear the fan whirling and the BIOS screen appears followed by the usual boot process.
I don't know how this would work, but my problem was solved by turning off in my BIOS setup 'Legacy USB Support'. Now if I shutdown Windows 10, it would really shut itself down. No problem so far after maybe 10 or so instances.
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Jan 31, 2016
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Oct 31, 2015
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Nov 16, 2015
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Aug 21, 2015
I am running windows 10, and have just upgraded from an Nvidia geforce gtx evga 670 2GB, to a Nvidia geforce gtx evga 980ti hybrid. But now my computer wont shut-down properly, what happens is I click shut-down and windows 10 shut-downs (black screen), but then my fans on the computer are still running. I can restart the computer fine it just won't shut-down properly, also nothing is showing up in event viewer for kernel-power.
My system specs:
Case: Thermaltake level 10GT
Motherboard: Asus sabertooth z77
PSU: Cosair 1200
GPU: Nvidia geforce gtx evga 980ti hybrid
CPU: Intel core i7 3770k ivy bridge
Sound card: Xonar D2X asus
SSD: 120GB corsair neutron ss
Hard-drive: 1TB
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Jan 7, 2016
I installed W10. This problem appears to be random and happens a couple of time a month. It is really annoying. What happens is, the WiFi appears to stop working. It can't find any available networks and won't reconnect no matter what I do. I have even tried closing/restarting explorer but that does nothing.
If I try to shut-down or restart my computer, it just hangs on the shut-down/restart screen. I have to hold down the power button to get my computer to shut-down. The weird thing is, after a restart, it works fine ...for a few weeks. It just seems very strange.
I use a WiFi dongle. I have a couple of them so I tried each one - they all eventually give me the same result . I have a HP if that works.
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Sep 26, 2015
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I've tried tweaking all the power options in various ways, I've tried disabling/enabling hibernation/fast start and I've searched for an answer but I do not have one.
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Aug 28, 2015
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Sep 3, 2015
I recently noticed that whenever i hibernated my laptop, after a few hours when i would go to open it, my battery would be completely depleted even though i had it on full charge when i hibernated it...
A few days later i found out, or what i thought was happening, that the laptop wasn't hibernating..Some times it would, sometimes it wouldn't..
Today i found out that the laptop does hibernate, but randomly it boots itself up after a random number of minutes..
First it boots up to the windows logo, then fades to a black screen, then powers off, and then in 5 seconds, it starts again, this time completing the boot and getting me back to how i left the laptop when i hibernated..
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Jan 15, 2016
My PC is a home build with ASUS mother board, XENON CPU and 16 GB of RAM; it has run flawlessly for two years on Win 7 Pro; I changed to the "free" Win 10 dwnld and everything ran smoothly for past 3 months. Started up today and "no screen" with the typical bios info and nothing but darkness. I'm not sure if this is a virus security problem since my past experiences all had screen feed back with bios access prior to Windows starting. Assuming some villain attacked my PC at its heart by somehow messing up the bios set up, I tried restoring any lost or corrupted files using a flash drive with the ASUS ROM file on the MB disc as well as a latest downld. Still no relief. If not a security matter or a Win 10 fault, perhaps the mother board failed at some innocuous point which allows the board to function with all fans running and using power. I thought the NVidia adapter card could be at fault and installed a tested spare with no change in lack of video for the bios. Still have to test the power circuits and will let you know of any success.
View 10 Replies
Jan 22, 2016
Why are Windows 10 bootups and program starts so slow?
I upgraded to Windows 10 shortly after it became available for download. As this computer came with Windows 8.1 installed, I wanted to get rid of it ASAP, I would have put Windows 7 on it but I didn't want to purchase a 64 bit version of Windows 7 when the upgrade to Windows 10 would be free.
All in all, Windows 10 isn't all that much different from Windows 7. With a little effort, I have it set up to run just like Windows 7 was on it. The main problem with Windows 10 is that it boots REALLY SLOW, and it is also really slow at starting programs. As far as the start up programs that run in the background not counting my virus, and spyware programs, there are about 10 programs. Try as I might, I just can't figure out how to get rid of them. There are two that are brand name specific which I'd LOVE to get rid of, or stop from starting, and the rest seem to be just background programs that Windows 10 just seems to HAVE to have run. Other than those things, I think that Windows 10 is a lot better than Windows 8.1 ever was.
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Feb 2, 2016
Yesterday i got a second screen that is smaller than my main screen. I was playing csgo and hearing music at the same time and it was smooth. Today I got home and started to play csgo without music and csgo has like minor freezes like every 2-3 seconds it will freeze for a split second.
My PC specs are:
core i5 4430 @ 3.00 Ghz
8 gigs of ram
gainward geforce gtx 650
I am running csgo only on the main screen and not on both. The lags occur also on youtube.
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Feb 10, 2016
I followed Brink's tutorial here: Shut Down Computer in Windows 10 And I saw that there are 2 ways to fully shutdown Windows through cmd: /s and /p. What is the difference between these 2, if both of them are said to perform a full shutdown?
View 3 Replies
Feb 10, 2016
I installed an extra HDD, but after that every time I boot up I have this black screen with blinking cursor line for ages before Windows start. I actually counted how many times it blinks .....178 times.
I checked in the bios settings to see if it is set to start with the correct HDD, and it is.
View 9 Replies