Machine Erases Latest Typing (Last Several Letters)
Jan 6, 2016
I upgraded to Win10 last month, use Firefox browser and gmail. Often when typing something, the computer will erase the last several letters, usually no more than 7 letters.....nothing obscene that may be recognized and erased. How to keep from erasing?
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Dec 28, 2015
don't know why i can't do it with Windows 10, typing the first few letters of a file name and having it automatically highlighted!
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Dec 26, 2015
Windows 10
Start - Settings - Ease of Access - Keyboard
Everything here is off. If i turn on the On-Screen Keyboard no keys are Highlighted (indicating they are depressed/stuck). When I use the hard keyboard and sometimes even the onscreen keyboard its as if either Ctrl, Alt Win or something are pressed down as it just types shortcuts.
-H- typed into chrome browser address bar via onscreen keyboard types as normal
-H- typed into chrome browser address bar via hard keyboard brings up -Chrome://history- But now also on the onscreen keyboard Ctrl is Highlighted.
I click on the onscreen keyboard to deactivate the now highlighted Ctrl button and try again. Now things are different, as now both the onscreen keyboard and the hard keyboard both bring up –Chrome://history- when -H- is typed ( Shift is not depressed )
This seems to randomly cycle one min onscreen keyboard works fine, next the keyboard works fine or they either work or none of the work rendering the computer useless.
In -Device Manger – Keyboards- The keyboard driver is dated 2006 so tried to update the driver but says I have the best driver software for my device is already installed. Noticed there are 2 entries for the HID Keyboard Device both are the same driver version. Maybe I should delete/uninstall one? Both (under event tab) , dated 310715 Device migrated, Device configured(keyboard.inf) and Device started (kbdhid). It was prob around this date I first started having probs.
Pressing Ctrl on hard keyboard highlights Ctrl on onscreen keyboard only whilst being pressed. Let go of the hard key, the soft key turns off.
Sometimes the 9 gets stuck and does 99999999999999999999999999999 but saying that I just restarted the machine and pressed the key -d- and it acted like a stuck 9 as in 999999999999999999999 not dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
I've NOT tried the following:
System restore (seems harsh)
Rolling back the keyboard driver (not sure how on win 10 )
Deleting the keyboard from System (not sure how on win 10 )
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Jul 4, 2015
Right, so I've got a laptop that I'm currently trying to install windows 10 tp onto. It's the exact same model as the one I'm running on (it's my brothers, and I'm trying to fix it for him), but I've hit a snag.
The insider program website says that you can burn the .iso to a dvd and install it like that, but I've done that, and the laptop just stalls at a windows logo screen.
There's no operating system currently installed -- all 900 someodd GB are free and, using a windows 8 install disk to access a command prompt, DISKPART says the partition is healthy. I've cleaned and formatted it several times now to no avail.
View 9 Replies
Sep 10, 2015
Date: 10th September 2015. Machine working fine under windows 10 for over a month. Checked to see what Microsoft updates after doing a Microsoft Defender full scan and everything ok. It seemed from settings->check for updates that there were a number of updates that required the machine to download and restart. Decided to update immediately and did the same on a dell laptop and Linx 10 tablet all running windows 10. All machines did update and restarted fine, except my main laptop - Toshiba Satellite S55t-A5334 did not recover after the update and is now continuously in "Restarting" loop. Tried powering up and down and trying to force it to reset into some sort of safe mode. how I can get it into state that will allow me to go back to the last known working state as I'm fairly sure this is an update that is not compatible with the hardware.
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Sep 27, 2015
I have noticed this issue for a few days now. The issue occurs in the same PC.I have my old Windows 8.1 system in an SSd drive, so I booted and took screenshots, reg settings and an entire backup, which I took in a folder on my backup drive. I then shut down my pc and changed startup hard drives (I have a tray system with interchangeable drives).I booted using my newly created Windows 10 system and browsed the folder where I took my backups, .reg settings and .docx documents containing my notes for system configuration. The files were not there! I first browsed the location for my reg files (Windows was still booting at that time) and saw the folder where the Entire backup was saved. After a while, I tried to go inside the folder and the system informed me that the folder was not there! All my files in that folder were gone!
Other older files were still there (backups and other items saved by the Windows 8.1 system).I have no virus on both systems, no files available in the recycle bin (only SIDs that I can't access at all and Recycle bin size that *could* contain the backup files, almost 54 GB).My question, is there any security feature, glitch or something else deleting my files?I am very sure that the files were automatically erased by my Windows 10 system upon access or booting, some kind of security feature maybe.
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Aug 1, 2015
So when you click All apps, you get an alphabetical list. If you have more than two programs installed, scrolling through it becomes cumbersome.A friend from the Insider program mentioned clicking on the title letters in the list, which wasn't at all obvious, and that produces a list of all the title letters, and enables you to jump to the letter of interest... if you know it [1]. But it takes three clicks to get to the list... Start / All Apps / A (or whatever).
Is there any way to reduce the number of clicks to get to that title letters index?Or am I better off to install Classic Start Menu, once it is working for Windows 10?
View 4 Replies
Oct 18, 2015
So, I got a new DELL XPS 13 last night and on my other computer, I used to do alt+164 to get the "n" but on this computer it does not work. I also tried Ctrl +~+n and that did not work either.
Is there a setting I have to activate? I already have the "Spanish Keyboard" installed but I don't think that makes a difference...I'd just like to know the list of keyboard commands
View 1 Replies
Jan 24, 2016
I can capitalize every letter/symbol except for letters "t" and "m." In order for me to capitalize them, I have to use the caps lock function.
I can't even use the on-screen keyboard to capitalize said letters, it simply doesn't go through.
This might or might not be a hardware issue as I've used two different mostly new keyboards and the function works fine on a different PC.
View 7 Replies
Feb 23, 2016
I have a new computer. I want to clone the system to a new SSD. Can I change the drive letter of the SSD to C: after cloning?
My new computer (an ASUS) currently has Windows 8.1. I intend to upgrade to Windows 10 before I do anything more. I will move the old Windows elsewhere before cloning if that is possible.
I have the SSD installed physically but it is not formatted or anything. I intend to use the Samsung Data Migration tool to do the clone. During the clone, the SSD will of course not have the drive letter "C". After the cloning, it must have the drive letter "C", correct? I know we can assign drive letters in Disk Management. I am familiar with partitions and I know that the boot drive/partition is marked as "Active".
Can I re-assign drive letters in Disk Management and delay the change until the next boot? This is just a guess, but it makes sense that the feature might exist. In other words, after the clone, can I change the drive letter ("C") of the current drive to something such as "T" and the SSD drive's letter to "C" and then the change will be effective upon the next boot? The hard drive has a second partition that is empty and is the "D:". It will be confusing for others to have the SSD partition as "C:" and the first partition some other letter and the second partition as "D:" but I understand and I am the only one that will use it. That is a minor detail.
I do not intend to use the old Windows after the successful clone unless I need to remove the SSD for return to ASUS. My new computer had a bad motherboard when I received it but I hope I do not need to return it again.
I know that some people will suggest that I do a fresh install. (I see: Clean Install Windows 10 Directly without having to Upgrade First - Windows 10 Forums.). I want to avoid doing that if possible. I am not sure that I can install everything else that ASUS installs but hopefully that is possible. If however I can simply swap drive letters after the clone then that should be the simplest solution.
View 9 Replies
Aug 19, 2015
I upgraded my PC from W8.1 to W10, all went very smooth. I then worked on upgrading a laptop SSD drive to from W8.1 to W10 which I planned to then install in my wife's laptop. It was easier for me to upgrade the drive on my PC then swap the drives than take her laptop for awhile. Well...that created my problem. I had 2 drive C's on my PC.
I was able to boot quite a few times between the drives (swapping the primary drive in BIOS). But then W10 "fixed" my drives, and now I have only one C drive (the SSD laptop drive) and my original C drive is now F. My PC now only boots to the SSD C drive and I'm not able to use Disk Mgmt to swap the letters. Disconnecting the SSD drive stops the PC from booting because the original C drive is F.
How to either swap the drive letters or remove the SSD drive and somehow be able to rename the F drive to C.
View 1 Replies
Dec 17, 2015
My keyboard suddenly types whatever it wants instead of the letters I actually type. My onscreen keyboard still works.
View 2 Replies
Feb 10, 2016
I bought a new laptop with windows 10 mainly for remote desk top connection. When I connect to the server remotely the icons and letters are very tiny.
Is there any new app other than microsoft remote desktop connection?
View 9 Replies
Sep 19, 2015
I have some harddrives on a "server" computer in my home-network running win 7. From my "client" running windows 10 I am mounting these drives using
psexec server -u username -p password -d net share F=F: /GRANT:user,Full /GRANT:media,read 2>nul
net use F: serverF
Today my client crashed and I had to remove the graphics card. Since then I cannot enter my network drives anymore, the commands seem to run, but when I try accessing the drives I get a message indicating I should put a media into these drives. Also, I cannot mount them manually using "map network drive" since the drive letters are not available.
I tried removing them from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMountedDevices (they are listed there as "DosDevicesF" etc.), but once I restart, they are there (in the registry) again.
how I could fix this? Win10 somehow seems to remember that thes drives once have been there before and keeps blocking the drive letters...
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Feb 10, 2016
How do I assign a range of letters, that can be used for e.g. external flash disks, external ssd's/hdd's or memory cards?
I have this nasty issue. I have two Network Attached Drives, on server. They work fine, D and E. But I also have NAS [DS 716+] which is on NAS drive F:. Whenever I shut down my DS 716+, and I connect some external hdd/ssd/memory card, it always asigns letter F:. Which makes these devices quiet inaccessible, or hard accessible, I can't double click them to open, I need to type in manually F: etc.
Is there any way via msc or something, where I can define a range of all external hdd's/ssd's and/or memory cards?
View 8 Replies
Aug 15, 2015
My new windows 10 only sees my PC - when searching for my files in Explorer, it cannot 'see' my two external drives when I plug them in. I've looked in Device Manager and they are not showing in there either. How can I tell Win 10 to access my external drives?
I thought Win 10 would automatically spot my external drivers the moment I plugged them in? Then it would go search for and install the appropriate drivers - but it isn't doing that..
View 2 Replies
Nov 4, 2015
I tried the Windows 10 upgrade when it first came out and immediately went back to 8.1 when I couldn't get a single one of my internal SATA hard drives to mount.. I have 5 of them, and I just wasn't about to mess with that when 8.1 had no problems at all. Now I have tried it again and the same problem is happening. I want to see if I can figure it out this time. I am using the latest SATA and Chipset drivers for Win10 64 bit from Gigabyte's Website (I am using a Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H Rev. 1.1.
I am "testing" Win10 using a bootable clone of my main SSD (that still has 8.1 on it) and I upgraded it to 10 just to mess with so I can figure out this ridiculous problem.
My problem is that all of my internal SATA hard drives (with the exception of the system drive) cannot be assigned a drive letter in Disk Management. They show as healthy NTFS partitions but I get 1 of 2 different errors when I click on "Change Drive letters and Paths":
1. "Virtual Disk Manager: The System cannot find the file specified."
2 "Disk Management: The operation filed to complete because the Disk Management Console view is not up-to date. Refresh the view by using the refresh task. If the problem persists close the Disk Management console, then restart disk management or restart the computer" Hint: none of the recommended fixes in the error message change anything.
I HAVE been able to assign the partitions a letter and mount them using a third party disk manager called "MiniTool Partition Wizard". It lets me mount the partitions and it works! ..However, if I restart the computer, I am back to square one and have to manually assign each drive letter for each partition every time.
This is easily the worst experience I have ever had upgrading an OS, and one of the most mind boggling issues I have had with Windows in general. I really like Windows 10 and want to keep using it but half of my hard drives being un-mountable is a complete deal breaker right now.
View 9 Replies
Oct 27, 2015
I clean installed Win 10 RTM version on my laptop a few weeks ago. I have a basic GPT setup.
Installation went fine, however the installer created a 'Recovery' drive (D with a size of 600 MB (262 MB free) & a 'Local Disk' drive (E with a size of 451 MB (128 MB free).
I am stumped as to why it assigned letters to them. If you see the attachment of a snapshot of Partition Wizard, you will be able to see the setup.
My question, besides why the assigned letters is the where the status is listed as 'None'. Is it safe to delete these?? I am assuming that the only partitions i need to keep are the 'ESP', which is 'Active & Boot' - so it is needed to be able to boot into Windows. How about the one listed as 'Other' - the capacity is 128 MB & all 128 MB are used - do i save this one as well?
I really wanted a less cluttered setup - so when all these partitions were created, particularly 'D' & 'E', i was perplexed as to why they were created.
View 9 Replies
Jul 30, 2015
I recently upgraded Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.0. I have tried reinstalling Synaptics, removing and uninstalling Synaptics, disabling palmcheck, but it wouldn't work. It's annoying when you are playing a game that requires moving while pressing keys on your keyboard. I also have Synaptics 7.5 (19.0.10). The only way I can move my mouse while pressing any key is pressing (any key) + shift.
View 5 Replies
Dec 2, 2015
Occasionally I'll type something in the comments on a forum I frequent, look up and the damn word is typed backwards
......... and Yes, I am a silly ol' bastid so I did think maybe I'd done it myself but............ this morning I was remarking on the forum about this very issue, so typed, "for instance, just this minute I typed Yep! and........"
I looked up at my screen and saw "....... dna !peY depyt I etunim siht tsuj ,ecnatsni rof"
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Aug 9, 2015
After upgrading to windows 10 i'm facing issue with typing. cursor stops blinking and gets disappear frequently , very difficult to type even a single word .
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Feb 10, 2016
Love Windows 10 so far, has exceeded my expectations. Apart from one annoying thing: the language typing features notification. I turned off windows tips in settings a while back and the notification stopped. But now it's back! How to get rid of it once and for all?
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Aug 8, 2015
On my Windows 10 installation (Home, 64-bit), I have disabled "Show app notifications" AND "Show me tips about Windows".
However, every now and then a message pops up (from the "Action Centre" just next to the clock) stating "Language typing feature - Install typing features for your language".
I do not want to install any language features, how can I disable this?
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Dec 2, 2015
Is it possible to use sub-script and super-script when typing emails with Windows 10?
I was able to do this when using Windows 7 and typing documents but not for emails. I was expecting that with the major up-grade to from 7 to 10 it would now be possible.
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Nov 8, 2015
I updated my HP Pavilion laptop to Windows 10 last weekend. Ever since then, I've had a problem any time I'm typing. I can't seem to type for more than 5 seconds without a left click happening on its own (sometimes it's a right click, oddly), which usually either opens a menu, moves where in the document/webpage I'm typing, or stops my typing altogether.
View 5 Replies
Sep 1, 2015
On my Dell Alienware m14x it seems that I can not find a way to disable the feature that enables a delay between the time you can click or move on the touchpad to when you can press a key. Meaning, if I quickly stop typing and attempt to move my touchpad, I must wait a couple of seconds before my touchpad enables itself again. This feature was added to stop people from accidentally pressing the pad while typing.
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